CDZ Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Washington Post: Investigation finds Israeli-designed spyware was used to hack journalists and activists around the world - CNN

Local : 2021-07-19(Monday) 01:25:00
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Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists' - BBC News

Local : 2021-07-19(Monday) 01:29:17
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i can tell you all from personal experience that this 'spyware' is more than it claims to be.
it can be used to control every feature of your entire phone or desktop computer or laptop or tablet device.

governments (and NOT just western goverments!) do this to control criminals and truly-bothersome dissidents.
and i at least, support that.

please also note this : Israel is far from the only nation producing spyware. i know that for sure.


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to the intel agencies and police forces of this world : your next move would be : get well-grounded legal permission to use spyware/rootkits. use the need to protect the public from criminals.
and in my opinion, 'using a journalist cover to rile up the people against a government (agency)' should be made a criminal offense, by the way.
set up some rules (per country, per jurisdiction of a service). publish summaries of those rules as they evolve. this was just advice.
bottom-line, from *my* perspective?

government and police forces need to be kept 'in check', by the citizens, activists, journalists, and media industries.

journalists and activists have to be kept 'in check' via spyware, so that they can be controlled when they get out of line, without getting killed by governments like Saudi Arabia did with mr Kashoggi (sorry if i mis-spelled his name, his death taught me a lot of good lessons).
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Washington post investigation heh?

"The Guardian, and a group of allied leftists in media, has been granted access to a leaked massive batch of 50,000 phone numbers that the Pegasus software was operating in. [Likely some Bradley Manning type leftist in the Israeli government leaked the information (my guess)] As a result, the media are going through the phone numbers to determine: (1) who was targeted; and (2) by whom? Many journalists are on the list [READ FULL ARTICLE].

As you read the article keep something in mind. The leftists doing the investigation, ie. “The Pegasus Project”, are quick to point out foreign governments they oppose who purchased the Pegasus software (Poland, Hungary, Mexico etc). The spin from the Guardian is that brutal governments are using the Pegasus spyware to monitor, track and even target for assassination enemies and journalists; as well as just monitor their domestic political opposition.

What the Pegasus group is claiming might actually be correct and true; however, I find myself shrugging at the incredulity they attempt to drum-up while simultaneously ignoring the fact the United States Government, via the NSA, has been doing this for years and it doesn’t seem like anyone cares.

President Trump was under almost every kind of intelligence surveillance including exploitation of the NSA database for years, even during his term in office. The Guardian didn’t care and all the leftists on the Pegasus Project didn’t flinch an inch….

The U.S, U.K, Australia, New Zealand and Canada do it all the time. However, as soon as Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Morocco, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), start doing it…. well, hell, the leftist media light their hair on fire.

Hypocrisy much?

Oh, wait, that’s right…. ‘Ideology much’."
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Not a lot being reported by western cable news entertainment programming, predictably. They sure do talk a lot about the Asians and the Russians, though.

Heh heh. How dude.

It's a rather big deal, though.

I've mentioned Pegasus just briefly in passing here on the board in years past.

See post #5 here, for instance.

Also. Something nobody ever talks about is the Pen Register.
i'm being monitored and harassed via government spyware.
i don't like it at all, nor what they do with that spyware to me, a good citizen.

i thought you all should know that i seriously suspect there to be huge arrogance and bullying/playfulness problems among intel and/or police staff using these spyware packages.
update :

well, it's now proven beyond all doubt that i'm being messed with by some government agency (probably US or Dutch).

i am an opensource web-developer with the websites web apps framework, web apps framework and url link shortener
the sources for my are at GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way.

i offer you the screenshot included with this post as evidence..
it shows that my computer is failing to execute the code that i feed it.
instead, some unknown code is run instead.
this unkown code is inserted by a 'rootkit' (called advanced government spyware these days).

my bottom line advice to anyone reading this, is :
if governments should be allowed to use spyware against journalists and activists (on i do most of my geo-political commenting, and i also send some of that by email to EU and US and Russian and Chinese and Indonesian, etc addresses),
then government internal-affairs departments should keep an eye on those using the spyware.

and there should be a mechanism to report abuse of spyware by government agencies / police departments.

bye for now, i'll keep you all updated in this thread.

i will also post this thread to facebook now. i have about 730+ friends there.


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i have decided not to post this thread on fb, so as not to scare away parents, irl friends, and potential girlfriends.. :)

i'm being fairly treated.
not surprising, since i'm on the allies list of several NATO intelligence agencies.
a sometimes-bothersome ally, but still :) an ally.

currently, whomever is behind this, is crippling my ability to write new code,
turning my entire day(s) into 1 big boredom situation.

i'd like that to stop, please.
or you force me to take this up a notch.
you have 5 hours to comply, people.

i never reveal all of my "battle-plans" (this seems like an office-battle to me) in advance of making such a move.
but i do reveal some of it.

for instance, i've got a laptop with webcam, on which i make brief video statements, and of course whomever is doing this to me, can download those video-comments.

but make no mistake : i can keep my mouth and mind shut completely at nearly all times, and make impressive moves straight out of that silence. :)
update (next day) :

well, at the moment i can't seem to get any real work actually 'done' for my websites. ;)
but that's OK.
i managed to make a full backup of all my important files onto fresh disks, and i trust, since i'm no enemy of police and intelligence forces, that this backup is a good one.
these backup disks are now kept off the electrical grid and data-wires.

i've seen several indicators (like things going fine one moment, then failing in the next moments) that the people behind this are just playfully toying with me a bit.

and while i don't know why this is happening to me, the important bit is : i respect the right to secrecy of police- and intelligence service staff.
i may well have stepped on some NATO toes during the last 2 weeks, when i got cornered on the (.pk = Pakistan) forums by the Eastern people there.
so i used a cloak/cover of understanding their viewpoints, to not run the risk of pissing them off so much with my pro-NATO posts there, that they'd come looking for me like the Saudis did with Kashoggi.

so i'm hereby officially dropping all charges i could possibly file against all police and intelligence forces that are doing this to me and my computer business.

however, i reserve the right to once again "press charges" if and when the interference becomes too much or too intense.
i can handle boredom. i can't handle data-loss... :)


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update (the next night) :

these people that are messing with me, have now completely frozen my ability to produce new code for my GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way..

my life is now near to a living hell.

so i'm once again pressing charges, directed (at least) at the internal affairs departments of the US and
all i want is for this negative attention to stop, and for the guilty to receive a reprimand comment in their employer's record.

i've done nothing wrong.
even my right to freedom of speech (as it is in both the Dutch and US constitutions/amendments),
i sprinkle with disclaimers like 'this is only advice' or 'this is just my opinion on the matter of 'xyz'.

and because i've been a telepath since my early childhood, i'm fairly sure, but not entirely sure, that the CIA or NSA is behind this negative attention thrown towards me (for over a week now, ever since i dared issue advice on the status of Taiwan, which i can't repeat here because this forum won't allow me to post links to threads on other forums).

not everyone is a telepath, but i was so severely bothered with psychic-attacks / t-attacks in the past,
that i've written a manual on the topic.
it's at https:_// , telepathy_manual - Google Drive (which points to a google drive folder, and from there just click/double-click on 'manual.html').
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update (the next night) :

these people that are messing with me, have now completely frozen my ability to produce new code for my GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way..

my life is now near to a living hell.

so i'm once again pressing charges, directed (at least) at the internal affairs departments of the US and
all i want is for this negative attention to stop, and for the guilty to receive a reprimand comment in their employer's record.

i've done nothing wrong.
even my right to freedom of speech (as it is in both the Dutch and US constitutions/amendments),
i sprinkle with disclaimers like 'this is only advice' or 'this is just my opinion on the matter of 'xyz'.

and because i've been a telepath since my early childhood, i'm fairly sure, but not entirely sure, that the CIA or NSA is behind this negative attention thrown towards me (for over a week now, ever since i dared issue advice on the status of Taiwan, which i can't repeat here because this forum won't allow me to post links to threads on other forums).

not everyone is a telepath, but i was so severely bothered with psychic-attacks / t-attacks in the past,
that i've written a manual on the topic.
it's at https:_// , telepathy_manual - Google Drive (which points to a google drive folder, and from there just click/double-click on 'manual.html').
ok, this message seems to have hit the nail on the head.
i thank the owners and moderators of this forum for the opportunity to use public shaming and talking to the superiors of those who used this spyware against me, as a means to get my sites ( web apps framework, and url link shortener) back online.

i hereby drop all charges against these people.
i believe we're making friends with eachother at this very moment.
and i welcome that.

should these problems arise again, i'll post again in this thread (and to my rather large email-list (see my signature on this forum)).

for now, i'll just file this report to that mailing-list, and continue work on my websites platform software (GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way.)

i thank you *all*. :)
update : (next morning)

well, yesterday's shift of government staff using spyware on me seemed intimidated by me posting here on this forum, when i called for them to be reprimanded in their employer's records.

but today, i'm facing even more extremely-weird stuff happening on my computer :
- i had some files on my smartphone (music) that i wanted to transfer back to my desktop computer, but that failed (while i did have the right permissions and diskspace).
but the pictures i took of my walk outside just now, photographically very nice pictures, those transferred at high speed.
in previous months, i often had problems transferring files over my wifi, and i never knew why that was. now i do.
i'm being harassed by a whole group of people, 24/7, with government "powers", who work in *shifts*. quite likely in multiple buildings and agencies / organisations.

- my source codes are once again filtered at the operating system level into a state where it's pointless for me to try to write new features for my websites.
this truly turns my day into a very frustrating series of moments.

- i'm trying to escape extreme poverty with my website developments, but currently NATO and/or other governments are preventing that.

- these people think that because they work in shifts, that they can mess with me without repercussions.
however, this is far from the truth. they'll all find out in the first half of next week, because this time i will not retract my request for reprimands (light to heavy) to be included in the official employer records for these individuals.

this is all i feel comfortable revealing at this time.

i have no doubt that i'll be safe. i live in Amsterdam.NL, and i've trained military-grade kung-fu for over 35 years of my life.
my home has been entered by undercover amsterdam police (there was left over tobacco on my keyboard as i got home, something i would have never done myself), but i trust them to not poison my food or drinks, etc, etc, etc.

i will email this post now to my mailinglist (see my signature on this forum).
and just wait for this shit-storm to pass by. ;)

oh, one more thing :

what is freedom of speech in the internet birthing age?

well, freedom of speech includes the right to start foundations that work to get people to petition the government to make changes in their policies.
it also includes the right for politicians to give speeches to get votes.
and it includes biased views being aired on mass media outlets.

but citizens have been, and should continue to be, allowed to comment on government policies.
and i do so very politely, and nearly always with disclaimers like "but that's just *my* opinion on this XYZ matter".

constitutions have been written decades or centuries ago.

technology changes, therefore sometimes the government has to NOT harass people with that tech, when they exercise a constitutional right like freedom of speech.

i am NOT a danger to my country, to any other country, or to any alliance of nations like NATO.
i try to protect life. nothing more.

and as you know by now, i also have a thriving career as a websites software developer.

see my news headlines on for instance, it's a RSS newsreader that gathers and displays the latest headlines + summaries from over 380+ RSS lists, updated every 5 minutes, holding up to two weeks worth of data.

bye for now, folks.

(emailing one more copy with this latest clarification right now)
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i had the "audacity" to propose a peaceful take over plan to China for getting Taiwan back, a week ago. the Taiwanese rejected that plan with a public statement by one of their ex-admirals (this is all searchable on google with the keywords 'peacegen taiwan china'), and next, i get more and more weird stuff happening on my machines at home. due to the fact that the telepathy (see my https_:// telepathy_manual - Google Drive) coming into my home and head was always in assertive US-English, i played along with that government interference as much as possible, even filing reports about it on CDZ - Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists' and waiting patiently to see what the Americans would do next. but over the past few days i received treatment by them that was no better than a slave's treatment by it's masters, and they disabled my ability to produce new features for my GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way. entirely, by messing with my development machine which they infiltrated with rootkit/spyware for desktop computers but even more powerful than the now famous "pegasus" software (which appears to be limited to smartphones, and used around the world by governments to spy on journalists and activists). so here's my response, world. by request of God Himself, whom i'm also in telepathic contact with regularly, i will *postpone* the writing of 2 telepathy manuals which i initially intended to get published by a publisher, one for the site of Paladin Press, to serve the martial arts community (which i have been a member of since the age of 6, see my, and one for the general public. i had also planned to start work on the index and chapter summary paragraphs for a book titled 'multi-polarity should be a human right', but in short : i have delayed the actual writing of these books (all of my computers except my laptop are now disconnected from the electrical grid, and all harddisk i will bring with me inside sturdy plastic wrapping in my backpack), at the request of the Earth-wide telepathic community (God has the power to create a quick index of many opinions, of course). so what will i be doing with my time? i will keep the harddisks disconnected from my computers, my nicer-dot-app website will stay offline for weeks or months, because i'm now completely unwilling to post on political forums, as a sign of resistance against this severe government meddling in my affairs. and the Chinese and Russians will be pleased with this, because i will no longer interfere with their plans against Taiwan on behalf of the more assertive governments in NATO (mostly the US and UK by my *estimation*). see China threatens to nuke Japan if they attempt to stop China from taking Taiwan for more information. my parents and other loved ones are fortunately very understanding of my situation, and even impressed with my responses, in a giggling kind of way. although my parents might get a little worried, and since they read my facebook page from time to time, i will leave this here as a full record of what's happening in my life, so that they, and other real-life friends of mine, can know in advance and in a very honest way how they want to approach me. if that includes 'keeping my distance', then i completely understand that and accept that. we can re-connect later, when this shit-storm has passed through and past my life. that's all for now, people. i will log into facebook and maybe the forums to read the headlines, since i can no longer use my own news app at the moment, at least not until i adapt my sourcecodes for nicerapp to run on my windows laptop (my servers are all linux). and as i boot up my desktop computer (*without* wifi, and with the network wire *disconnected), i found out that the webmail feature that i had spent over a month on to perfect, has been STOLEN by these people, and my own copies of it DELETED. the guilty will pay for this to the fullest extent of the law if they don't return these files to me intact soon.
i think it's also important that i be honest about where i posted this information to.
i cross-posted this into the Eastern and Muslim world at Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'

moderators of this forum, please allow, in all our forum-owners, forum-moderators, forum-account-holders and journalists' interests, for this link to stay on this forum.

if you decide differently, then please delete only these paragraphs from my post.

i'll be staying offline for most of my week from here on. but i will check (using my laptop) from time to time to see if there are new developments.

to whomever STOLE my webmail code : deliver it back to my laptop please.
i might work a bit on windows compatibility of my own sources.
typing is a big hobby of mine :p :D
(update, and summarized conclusion) :

.. 7 more comments in this fb thread ..

(next day) :
(13:05pm) :
update on the fate of my webmail features and my nicerapp strictly-white-hat commercial services business as a whole:
after careful consideration, and sadness, and anger, i have decided to go ahead with the full restoration and development completion and business deployment of my webmail features for my nicerapp websites platform afterall.

i will make sure i do not become a business threat to any of the companies i mentioned in my previous comment in this facebook thread.
i intend to stay a small(-ish) online business, running only on 1 fiber-internet (10MB/s outgoing bandwidth) and a single core-i5 machine with *efficient* handling of data.

and like all webmail services, issuing commands to it, like getting the list of emails, or opening an existing email, will be a bit slow.

and of course, i have found a backup of my webmail-1.0.0 code, on the disks i had disconnected yesterday (disks connected but internet lines not, is quite safe).
i am now in the process of spreading that backup back to my development machine, my server, and the GitHub - nicerapp/nicerapp: this is a revolutionary and constantly evolving, well-maintained repository of HTML, CSS, JS and PHP code with which you can build websites that use a tiled image, photo or youtube video as site background for information and apps that are put over that background in a semi-transparent way. download site.

my business-world enemies thought they could trick me through a 3-step plan, but they are sorely mistaken if they think i'm going to give up any of my life goals for their horribly deceitful and aggressive manipulation attempts.

anyways, the main selling point will be my private collection of 8500+ wallpaper backgrounds, and thus a far prettier webmail service than gmail or hotmail, which i assembled over the span of a few years, and which i have backed up several external hard drives (again, *without* wifi chips) which i will keep disconnected from all power lines and data wires.

other feature enhancements to my webmail service will also mean that i can compete with gmail and hotmail and similar businesses effectively.

why this change? well, among my life goals, which i've held since early youth in this case, you'll (hereby) find that like many men, i simply want to start a family of my own with a beautiful woman, and to put children of my own on this Earth, raise them into adulthood, and then support them in their own careers (financially, emotionally when necessary, and in any other way they require of me, at any time).

to do that, i need millions in the bank, so my aim is to have between 2 and 5 million euro's in the bank within the span of 6 to 10 years from now.

and as such, i can not, and will not, bow to the wims of those who are already rich.
or more specifically : to the bastards, bitches, and assholes among those.

that's all, for now.

(15:02pm) : i'm very fortunate to have been taught, and learn along the way of my life so far, very sturdy backup protocols/behavior/routines.

so while making my backups to all of the previously mentioned disks, i found a backup of only 6(!) days old for my webmail-1.2.0 version.

so i lost only 6 days worth of hard work, not 30 ⁠

and quite naturally, i have made new backups of these latest only-6-days-old backups to *all* my external hard drives and usb key drives :D

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