Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’

Love how Trump responds to an investigation of obstruction

By obstructing
You idiots really should be doing something constructive for the people, but please, keep going on this crap because it assures your defeat next year.

If they had a hard time with the last election just wait till Trump kicks their asses with the coming landslide. It's gonna do them in. They've bet the farm and it's gonna be all over for them now. They are too far down the drain to be saved now and they've done it all to themselves. It's time to get them ALL out of office because they've shown themselves to be unworthy.

Trump won't have a 2nd term
He probably won’t
He really hasn’t had a first term when you think about it
To bad. He had a lot of good ideas
He ran on racism. Was that a good idea for you?
There is no Democrat politician that doesn't know what has gone on in both HRC and Trump/ Russian investigation. It has nothing to do with HRCs loss. They were happy with trying to run Trump out of office but now impeachment is desperate to overshadow Barr. It's not going anywhere in the Senate. Pelosi doesn't want it with elections in near future. The Dems have painted themselves in a corner. They are going to pay for it in 2020.
I think the Democrats should have been focusing on other issues instead of focusing on whether Trump should be impeached.
They really have nothing to show for themselves. But pure stupidity.
Evidence of obstruction, cover ups, collusion, corruption,campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charitable foundation violations, inaugural violations, and those aren't taking in the unethical and immoral legacy of Trump. And that's "stupidity?" Yea right!
Should there be term limits for Congress? I'd say so.


Skye, that is not the problem. The problem is at the polls. They're easy to cheat, and that's what the Democrats are best at, while we assume for all these years they're playing fair. I overheard a bunch of them talking about the ways they cheat at the polls, and while they're playing like what they say is a joke when they say "be sure to vote and vote often," is definitely a marching order to their minions who learned it in University as a tactic, along with false scenarios which we saw one of at the Kavanaugh hearings using Christine Blasey-Ford, their best and most knowledgable actress pulling off a great lie to inflame their partly-unknowing voter base. If their voter base had any inkling of their true goal: communism (it takes a village) they would know our Constitution as the founders formed it is endangered of extinction in less than 40 years. Keep praying and hoping that God will help us stop them. They've already kicked God out of the government with malice aforethought. :eusa_angel:
There is no Democrat politician that doesn't know what has gone on in both HRC and Trump/ Russian investigation. It has nothing to do with HRCs loss. They were happy with trying to run Trump out of office but now impeachment is desperate to overshadow Barr. It's not going anywhere in the Senate. Pelosi doesn't want it with elections in near future. The Dems have painted themselves in a corner. They are going to pay for it in 2020.
And when it goes no where in the Senate, the world will be watching and taking note that the Senate will go down in history as the most corrupt governmental body in the history of the US.
Evidence of obstruction, cover ups, collusion, corruption,campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charitable foundation violations, inaugural violations, and those aren't taking in the unethical and immoral legacy of Trump. And that's "stupidity?" Yea right!


The Mueller Report stated "No Collusion". And he wasn't exonerated.

So, yes...pure stupidity! They should have been focusing on other things like Infrastructure and other issues that the American people voted them to do.
Evidence of obstruction, cover ups, collusion, corruption,campaign finance violations, Emoluments violations, charitable foundation violations, inaugural violations, and those aren't taking in the unethical and immoral legacy of Trump. And that's "stupidity?" Yea right!


The Mueller Report stated "No Collusion". And he wasn't exonerated.

So, yes...pure stupidity! They should have been focusing on other things like Infrastructure and other issues that the American people voted them to do.
That's a lie. There is nothing in the Mueller report that says there was no collusion. Stop lying.
apparently the part of Nancys Brain that is programmed to remind her of what Hillary got away with is permamenty damaged
Seems ol Nancy should be lookin at her own party: the FISA nonsense and witch hunt they started, along with Benghazi, wiped hard drives, destroyed phones, tarmac meetings, etc.

And Fast and furious and on and on and on. Its hilarious they even dare accuse anyone of coverups.
There never was a Fast and Furious. It was a fake scandal that found nothing. Get up to speed.

LMAO riiiight Obama exercised executive privilege to block a Congressional request for 1,400 related documents to a scandal you claim is fake. Here's you, but but but…:aargh:
Seems ol Nancy should be lookin at her own party: the FISA nonsense and witch hunt they started, along with Benghazi, wiped hard drives, destroyed phones, tarmac meetings, etc.

And Fast and furious and on and on and on. Its hilarious they even dare accuse anyone of coverups.
There never was a Fast and Furious. It was a fake scandal that found nothing. Get up to speed.

LMAO riiiight Obama exercised executive privilege to block a Congressional request for 1,400 related documents to a scandal you claim is fake. Here's you, but but but…:aargh:
Were the Republicans successful in prosecuting? No, because they're losers.
That's a lie. There is nothing in the Mueller report that says there was no collusion. Stop lying.

Anything that doesn't go your way is a lie - according to you.
Boo hoo! Lol

“While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
The report doesn't mention anything about "going my way". It just mentions nothing about "no collusion" ,which is your lie, not mine. So boo hoo on that.
Love how Trump responds to an investigation of obstruction

By obstructing
You idiots really should be doing something constructive for the people, but please, keep going on this crap because it assures your defeat next year.

If they had a hard time with the last election just wait till Trump kicks their asses with the coming landslide. It's gonna do them in. They've bet the farm and it's gonna be all over for them now. They are too far down the drain to be saved now and they've done it all to themselves. It's time to get them ALL out of office because they've shown themselves to be unworthy.

Trump won't have a 2nd term
He probably won’t
He really hasn’t had a first term when you think about it
To bad. He had a lot of good ideas
He ran on racism. Was that a good idea for you?
You shouldn’t be allowed to post b/c you beat the hell out of your wife
The report doesn't mention anything about "going my way". It just mentions nothing about "no collusion" ,which is your lie, not mine. So boo hoo on that.

With all this nonsense by the Democrats...this gives Trump even a greater chance he will be re-elected. :D

See you in November 2020...
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”

What a dumb old whore this woman is. What a dumb slut. All washed up. It will be awesome to see her democrat colleagues turn on her after their huge failure in 2020.
Hate? That's all you got? Boss, you're another loser who has nothing to debate.

Lol. Your just posed cause your a dumb whore to. One that sees them selves as being pissed on by trump. Can’t wait to see ya after 2020.

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