Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’

Pelosi is claiming the Dems own investigation - Mueller - was incompetent. This has to be the self-own of the century.
Pelosi is playing cat and mouse politics with the Americans and the US Constitution. The Democrat Congress shoved Mueller to the front with marching orders. She thinks he's incompetent because the facts revealed Donald Trump had no collusion and no obstruction. The facts she and Schumer provided will also show no obstruction and no collusion. They rejected this information formerly as a safety valve just in case President Trump was found innocent. It will take another election of Democrats ranting lies left and right about President Trump in a vain attempt to besmirch his name and make their followers "feel good."

It's another straw man to destroy an innocent man who was proven innocent by the House committee, the Senate Committee, The Mueller Report, and Attorney General Barr's final findings of all those Innocent of Conclusion Paper Trails. He too found no evidence of collusion, no obstruction. President Trump has been telling us all along he was innocent.

This little conspiracy is just another stab in the dark since the Democrats will lose if they don't make a lot of noise before the next election which is close at hand now.

I think this nonsense should be postponed until after the election and a gag order put on the Democrat liars about any more garbage that was thrown aside based on less merit than the lie charges using verifiable information that was chosen over easily disproven information.

This proves Pelosi and Schumer care more about their own fiefdoms of power than making a deal on infrastructure that benefits the people.
Pelosi is claiming the Dems own investigation - Mueller - was incompetent. This has to be the self-own of the century.
Pelosi is playing cat and mouse politics with the Americans and the US Constitution. The Democrat Congress shoved Mueller to the front with marching orders. She thinks he's incompetent because the facts revealed Donald Trump had no collusion and no obstruction. The facts she and Schumer provided will also show no obstruction and no collusion. They rejected this information formerly as a safety valve just in case President Trump was found innocent. It will take another election of Democrats ranting lies left and right about President Trump in a vain attempt to besmirch his name and make their followers "feel good."

It's another straw man to destroy an innocent man who was proven innocent by the House committee, the Senate Committee, The Mueller Report, and Attorney General Barr's final findings of all those Innocent of Conclusion Paper Trails. He too found no evidence of collusion, no obstruction. President Trump has been telling us all along he was innocent.

This little conspiracy is just another stab in the dark since the Democrats will lose if they don't make a lot of noise before the next election which is close at hand now.

I think this nonsense should be postponed until after the election and a gag order put on the Democrat liars about any more garbage that was thrown aside based on less merit than the lie charges using verifiable information that was chosen over easily disproven information.

This proves Pelosi and Schumer care more about their own fiefdoms of power than making a deal on infrastructure that benefits the people.
All they care about is ending Trump.
Should there be term limits for Congress? I'd say so.


All they care about is ending Trump.

Minutes before she has the privilege of meeting with the President of the United States to discuss a bi-partisan infrastructure bill to benefit the people...she accuses the President of the United States of committing a crime? I can't decide is that being a douchebag or an asshole?
All they care about is ending Trump.
Minutes before she has the privilege of meeting with the President of the United States to discuss a bi-partisan infrastructure bill to benefit the people...she accuses the President of the United States of committing a crime? I can't decide is that being a douchebag or an asshole?
Come on!!! It was just a joke. :biggrin:
All they care about is ending Trump.

Minutes before she has the privilege of meeting with the President of the United States to discuss a bi-partisan infrastructure bill to benefit the people...she accuses the President of the United States of committing a crime? I can't decide is that being a douchebag or an asshole?
Traitor, being a traitor.
Pelosi is claiming the Dems own investigation - Mueller - was incompetent. This has to be the self-own of the century.
Whatever gets you off. In the mean time, we have documentary evidence of Trump trying to cover up this investigation, compliments of Mueller's own typed testimony. Trump, of course, as always is lying. And the Trump Toads can't protect him from the lies; ttps://
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”

Can't wait for a few weeks. I am going to ASK YOU PERSONALLY, who/whom, was covering up what, lol!
We already know. You don't have to wait weeks. Mueller already informed us of that, and pelosi confirmed it.

The obstruction and cover ups are over.
Pelosi is claiming the Dems own investigation - Mueller - was incompetent. This has to be the self-own of the century.
Pelosi is playing cat and mouse politics with the Americans and the US Constitution. The Democrat Congress shoved Mueller to the front with marching orders. She thinks he's incompetent because the facts revealed Donald Trump had no collusion and no obstruction. The facts she and Schumer provided will also show no obstruction and no collusion. They rejected this information formerly as a safety valve just in case President Trump was found innocent. It will take another election of Democrats ranting lies left and right about President Trump in a vain attempt to besmirch his name and make their followers "feel good."

It's another straw man to destroy an innocent man who was proven innocent by the House committee, the Senate Committee, The Mueller Report, and Attorney General Barr's final findings of all those Innocent of Conclusion Paper Trails. He too found no evidence of collusion, no obstruction. President Trump has been telling us all along he was innocent.

This little conspiracy is just another stab in the dark since the Democrats will lose if they don't make a lot of noise before the next election which is close at hand now.

I think this nonsense should be postponed until after the election and a gag order put on the Democrat liars about any more garbage that was thrown aside based on less merit than the lie charges using verifiable information that was chosen over easily disproven information.

This proves Pelosi and Schumer care more about their own fiefdoms of power than making a deal on infrastructure that benefits the people.
All they care about is ending Trump.
Yeah. Wait till their commie pals in Russia give 'em the bird for all that pussy-footin' they did.
Seems ol Nancy should be lookin at her own party: the FISA nonsense and witch hunt they started, along with Benghazi, wiped hard drives, destroyed phones, tarmac meetings, etc.
Seems ol Nancy should be lookin at her own party: the FISA nonsense and witch hunt they started, along with Benghazi, wiped hard drives, destroyed phones, tarmac meetings, etc.

And Fast and furious and on and on and on. Its hilarious they even dare accuse anyone of coverups.
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”

Can't wait for a few weeks. I am going to ASK YOU PERSONALLY, who/whom, was covering up what, lol!
That information is already available, imawhosure. you can go to Judicial Watch dot com, to get an idea of the conspiracy players in the Democrat Character Assassination of President Trump that resulted in more Demmie congresscritters. Unfortunately, they brought in two newbies who want to tender another 9/11 when they've done their jobs in Congress, although they may like the United States, their puppetmasters in the Middle East will call their shots for them and they WILL SUBMIT. So, I advise you to do a do-it-yourself project instead of leaning on everybody else.
It is still a free country so Pelosi can say what she likes. Speeches have consequences though, and calling cover up on the president assures a rough road to getting infrastructure or anything else done. She should have waited-unless that was the price for holding back impeachment.
Wait a minute, so, are you saying that a proven cover up is something the American people are to be penalized for? So who is Trump working for? And why are you cheering to cut your own foot off?
Seems ol Nancy should be lookin at her own party: the FISA nonsense and witch hunt they started, along with Benghazi, wiped hard drives, destroyed phones, tarmac meetings, etc.

And Fast and furious and on and on and on. Its hilarious they even dare accuse anyone of coverups.
There never was a Fast and Furious. It was a fake scandal that found nothing. Get up to speed.
Seems ol Nancy should be lookin at her own party: the FISA nonsense and witch hunt they started, along with Benghazi, wiped hard drives, destroyed phones, tarmac meetings, etc.
They already did and nothing was found. No facts, no evidence! Next!
If I had that senile old hag speaking for my (insert any group here), I'd need two paper sacks on my head, in case the first one fell off.
You're a loser with no counter arguments to the cover up charge.
Benghazi and fast and furious were cover ups...Trump telling the dems to pound sand is not a cover up....

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