Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’

Have you seen that botox bitch's face? Talk about cover-ups!
She turned 79 years old 2 months ago.
What's funny is democrats have been accusing republicans of being nothing but a bunch of old wealthy white people for years, while their leadership is old and white and wealthy. Total hypocrites.

yes, I remember when Obama was WHITE & OLD, and when he owned a bunch of businesses that went bankrupt too. :21:
Obama was raised by old white people. You just can't win, can you. You're dealing with a superior intellect. My advice would be to take a nap.

Obama was black, young, and he wasn't born with a silver spoon stuck up his ass like Bush & Trump

you are too stupid to know better & you are dishonest like your hero Fuhrer Trump
sure he was, in Kenya.
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”
This worked so damn well for the Democrats, they're running it by a 5th time.

President Trump left that little hoot n holler Pelosi/Schumer fracas because he knew what they had in mind--more bullshit that can't be proved in less than two years and $40 million more stolen from taxpayers on a deal Pelosi and Schumer pretend is true, but is in fact, just another of the hundreds of lies they have passed off on the American people. And here is a foreigner Get-Trump specialist trying to make me and you believe this pure, certified, and well adulterated tripe.

I know it's a hail Mary attempt to spend the next year with Democrat fluffers nobody ever heard of before lying their damn butts off for the one and only purpose of maintaining treasonous foreign-allegiance Congresscritters who have fallen from grace for saying the stupidest and some treasonous things America is not guilty of, and certainly not President Trump.

They hate him with a hot, misstepping hatred that is a lame attempt to keep the onus off their fleeting hope that Crooked Hillary used to be, now all they have is their own damn lies they encouraged people to do after I am sure Hillary passed off her illegal knowledge of FBI Files on Democrat enemies.

Caddo kid, you said you are not an American. Get the hell off our lines. This is a private matter, and we're going to solve it all by ourselves without het-up crap from abroad.
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”
This worked so damn well for the Democrats, they're running it by a 5th time.

President Trump left that little hoot n holler Pelosi/Schumer fracas because he knew what they had in mind--more bullshit that can't be proved in less than two years and $40 million more stolen from taxpayers on a deal Pelosi and Schumer pretend is true, but is in fact, just another of the hundreds of lies they have passed off on the American people. And here is a foreigner Get-Trump specialist trying to make me and you believe this pure, certified, and well adulterated tripe.

I know it's a hail Mary attempt to spend the next year with Democrat fluffers nobody ever heard of before lying their damn butts off for the one and only purpose of maintaining treasonous foreign-allegiance Congresscritters who have fallen from grace for saying the stupidest and some treasonous things America is not guilty of, and certainly not President Trump.

They hate him with a hot, misstepping hatred that is a lame attempt to keep the onus off their fleeting hope that Crooked Hillary used to be, now all they have is their own damn lies they encouraged people to do after I am sure Hillary passed off her illegal knowledge of FBI Files on Democrat enemies.

Caddo kid, you said you are not an American. Get the hell off our lines. This is a private matter, and we're going to solve it all by ourselves without het-up crap from abroad.

and you heard that where? in your dreams?

You must be on crack, meth, mushrooms, cocaine, and LSD.

What? Oh, you say your excuse is you are a Republican? LOFL ..........
No collusion. No obstruction. What's left? Oh yes a cover up. What's being covered up? Why collusion of course.
They're projecting their own crimes onto Trump and his staff.

I hope we have evidence on Schumer's insistence on lying, putting Criminally Insane Hillary in the Senate all by himself (I saw him pushing her into the limelight, literally, on television back when she was getting to announce her run for the Senate). He was damn grinning from ear to ear. I don't think New York City is grinning along with him any more. I think if you fool New York City once or twice, shame on you, do it again, it's shame on themselves. Few of them are guilty of what Hillary does on a minute-by-minute basis. She does absolutely nothing else with her time but review, review, review her damn illegal files and every typo ever made in the Trump camp, in order to decimate him with every character assassination known to this world. Not only that, but Schumer is outdoing himself with being a sweet-looking guy on the outside but a criminally sleuthful dagger wielder on the inside. :cranky:

Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”
This worked so damn well for the Democrats, they're running it by a 5th time.

President Trump left that little hoot n holler Pelosi/Schumer fracas because he knew what they had in mind--more bullshit that can't be proved in less than two years and $40 million more stolen from taxpayers on a deal Pelosi and Schumer pretend is true, but is in fact, just another of the hundreds of lies they have passed off on the American people. And here is a foreigner Get-Trump specialist trying to make me and you believe this pure, certified, and well adulterated tripe.

I know it's a hail Mary attempt to spend the next year with Democrat fluffers nobody ever heard of before lying their damn butts off for the one and only purpose of maintaining treasonous foreign-allegiance Congresscritters who have fallen from grace for saying the stupidest and some treasonous things America is not guilty of, and certainly not President Trump.

They hate him with a hot, misstepping hatred that is a lame attempt to keep the onus off their fleeting hope that Crooked Hillary used to be, now all they have is their own damn lies they encouraged people to do after I am sure Hillary passed off her illegal knowledge of FBI Files on Democrat enemies.

Caddo kid, you said you are not an American. Get the hell off our lines. This is a private matter, and we're going to solve it all by ourselves without het-up crap from abroad.

and you heard that where? in your dreams?

You must be on crack, meth, mushrooms, cocaine, and LSD.

What? Oh, you say your excuse is you are a Republican? LOFL ..........
I've never had an illegal drug in my life. You are a liar and a cad. Go home, rat.
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”
This worked so damn well for the Democrats, they're running it by a 5th time.

President Trump left that little hoot n holler Pelosi/Schumer fracas because he knew what they had in mind--more bullshit that can't be proved in less than two years and $40 million more stolen from taxpayers on a deal Pelosi and Schumer pretend is true, but is in fact, just another of the hundreds of lies they have passed off on the American people. And here is a foreigner Get-Trump specialist trying to make me and you believe this pure, certified, and well adulterated tripe.

I know it's a hail Mary attempt to spend the next year with Democrat fluffers nobody ever heard of before lying their damn butts off for the one and only purpose of maintaining treasonous foreign-allegiance Congresscritters who have fallen from grace for saying the stupidest and some treasonous things America is not guilty of, and certainly not President Trump.

They hate him with a hot, misstepping hatred that is a lame attempt to keep the onus off their fleeting hope that Crooked Hillary used to be, now all they have is their own damn lies they encouraged people to do after I am sure Hillary passed off her illegal knowledge of FBI Files on Democrat enemies.

Caddo kid, you said you are not an American. Get the hell off our lines. This is a private matter, and we're going to solve it all by ourselves without het-up crap from abroad.

and you heard that where? in your dreams?

You must be on crack, meth, mushrooms, cocaine, and LSD.

What? Oh, you say your excuse is you are a Republican? LOFL ..........
I've never had an illegal drug in my life. You are a liar and a cad. Go home, rat.

hey bitch you made the below accusation so, back it the fuck up.

"Caddo kid, you said you are not an American. Get the hell off our lines. This is a private matter, and we're going to solve it all by ourselves without het-up crap from abroad."

Those are your words ****.

for your info, I was born on US soil so, if you don't like it; too fucking bad.

Go ahead, make more dumb ass accusations so, you can stay looking as dumb as U R.
The facts have been presented by Mueller the man who headed the investigation the Democrats so desperately wanted the only question left now is will those who didn’t get the outcome they wanted ever come to terms with it.
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”
This worked so damn well for the Democrats, they're running it by a 5th time.

President Trump left that little hoot n holler Pelosi/Schumer fracas because he knew what they had in mind--more bullshit that can't be proved in less than two years and $40 million more stolen from taxpayers on a deal Pelosi and Schumer pretend is true, but is in fact, just another of the hundreds of lies they have passed off on the American people. And here is a foreigner Get-Trump specialist trying to make me and you believe this pure, certified, and well adulterated tripe.

I know it's a hail Mary attempt to spend the next year with Democrat fluffers nobody ever heard of before lying their damn butts off for the one and only purpose of maintaining treasonous foreign-allegiance Congresscritters who have fallen from grace for saying the stupidest and some treasonous things America is not guilty of, and certainly not President Trump.

They hate him with a hot, misstepping hatred that is a lame attempt to keep the onus off their fleeting hope that Crooked Hillary used to be, now all they have is their own damn lies they encouraged people to do after I am sure Hillary passed off her illegal knowledge of FBI Files on Democrat enemies.

Caddo kid, you said you are not an American. Get the hell off our lines. This is a private matter, and we're going to solve it all by ourselves without het-up crap from abroad.

and you heard that where? in your dreams?

You must be on crack, meth, mushrooms, cocaine, and LSD.

What? Oh, you say your excuse is you are a Republican? LOFL ..........
Earlier exchange with you:
beautress said:
caddo kid said:
beautress said:
caddo kid said:
beautress said:
caddo kid said:
well, my take on the 'end of the Mueller investigation' is that 12 of the subsequent ongoing investigations have been handed off to other investigative entities.
(1) the investigations are all redacted so, this most likely means all 12 investigations involve Trump, people closely associated with Trump, and/or Trump finances.
These investigations will eventually sink Trump, most likely after he is NO longer POTUS.
You Democrats are determined to ruin America so you can thump your hairless chests. :rolleyes:

FIRST off, I am NOT a democrat. Got that bitch?

Mueller handed OFF 12 other non Russia related investigations to other entities.

That will ALL end up being a HUGE issue for Trump.

Now get over it.
You're not a Democrat? Okay, so you hate America, and you're bent on shooting America in the foot. Got it.

I have NEVER registered for nay political affiliation; and you?
You're the most negative partisan here, caddo. Got that.

So, just because i never registered as a DemoREpub,Sg=hit. I'm negative?


My answer to your post:

Well, pardon my confusion, but when you said you were disinterested in (and I quote) "DemoREpub,Sg=hit." I took it to mean you were a foreigner. My bad. Now, you just go right on back to your silly chest thumping. And you can stay if you can control your temper this time. But we both know you can't because you're such a hot head when it comes to hating President Trump and wishing bad things on him. :tongue:
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”
Have you seen that botox bitch's face? Talk about cover-ups!
She turned 79 years old 2 months ago.
Nancy Pelosi would be believable in spite of her speech degradation characteristic of a person who has stage 3 dementia. The Democrats need to ease her responsibilities to help her through this stage in her life. Unless there's a miracle cure out there for dementia, it's not going to get better. She's also lost control in her home city where troublesome vagrants are leaving defecation everywhere. They had warning posters up online, but they've all but disappeared with Ms. Pelosi's declining usage of language.
The button pusher sure had his button pushed.

He sure likes to dish out accusations of his own but, he whines like a bitch.
Don the Con lost today. Showed himself...again... to be a fool and buffoon, a petulant crybaby, an immature doofus.
Nope, the liberals proved once again they don't care about the people of the United States. You have your investigation in which nothing was found. Do the work of the people instead of running around yelling impeachment. You do realize your actions are gonna guarantee of Trump victory next year?
You have your investigation in which nothing was found.

If nothing were actually found then they should have no problem talking about what was not found to Congress. That might prove embarrassing for the Democrats.
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”
The only cover up I see is the white in her hair and the crows feet under the concealer.
The button pusher sure had his button pushed.

He sure likes to dish out accusations of his own but, he whines like a bitch.
Poor Boo leading a dog's life has such dicey answers to why President Trump wisely left what Pelosi/Schumer the 4-footed rumor, had in their witch hunter's brew pot to damage him with for the next 2 years it would take to prove his innocence of wrongdoing.

They'll not ever get another chance, they have made him smart. But they better worry. The Donald has come to despise liars, cheaters, conspirators, and thieves. They've broken with honesty long ago. And America is onto them. Their little allegations of him getting a parking ticket a month after he got his drivers license when he was a carrot-top lad I sooooooooooo silly, but they have to sate the insatiable appetite of their base who may be starting to ask questions at this point.
The button pusher sure had his button pushed.

He sure likes to dish out accusations of his own but, he whines like a bitch.
Poor Boo leading a dog's life has such dicey answers to why President Trump wisely left what Pelosi/Schumer the 4-footed rumor, had in their witch hunter's brew pot to damage him with for the next 2 years it would take to prove his innocence of wrongdoing.

They'll not ever get another chance, they have made him smart. But they better worry. The Donald has come to despise liars, cheaters, conspirators, and thieves. They've broken with honesty long ago. And America is onto them. Their little allegations of him getting a parking ticket a month after he got his drivers license when he was a carrot-top lad I sooooooooooo silly, but they have to sate the insatiable appetite of their base who may be starting to ask questions at this point.

Trump is the most prolific liar to ever reside within The White House; he loves liars
Pelosi accuses Trump of a ‘coverup’ as tensions mount

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump of being “engaged in a coverup” amid a tense standoff between White House and the Democratic-controlled House over access to sensitive documents and testimony from key advisers.

“We do believe it is important to follow the facts. We believe no one is above the law, including the president of the United States,” Pelosi told reporters in a brief statement after a meeting with other Democrats. “We believe the president is engaged in a coverup. A coverup.”

Typical dumbass liberal drama, cover up of what?
Felony Obstruction of Justice. Violations of Oath.

Go for it

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