Pelosi Attacks Conservatives: They’re ‘Afraid’ Of ‘Diversity, Women, Minorities, LGBTQ.’

The party of senile, geriatric white zillionaires and their devoted neo-fascist tokens.

Pelosi is correct that real Conservatives ARE NOT interested in diversity… OF IDEOLOGY. We have no issue with diversity of race, sex, religion, etc… so long as the underlying ideologies that people embrace and live by are “Right over Wrong”.

I can count amongst my small group of close friends members of both sexes; almost every racial, ethnic and religious group in this country and even citizens of a couple other countries. What brings us all together… Ideology. Without that we could not deal with each other in a civil manner.
I love it when individuals attempt to channel the feelings of others ..

Diversity now means using race, sexual identity and sex as the qualification instead of actual qualifications. Just like the Biden administration has demonstrated in the Executive and Judicial Branch

LGBT and Women ... Democrats continue to embrace and advocate for the marginalization of women through the LGTB, and subject females to compete, change, shower, lose scholarships and loss of sponsorships to males. Democrats also advocate for the castration of children both through surgery, hormones and blockers. Democrats defy science and demand all Americans accept the identity of others as a reality.

A growing subset of minorities are now being rebranded as "undocumented immigrants" or "migrants," and the Biden administration is doing little to stop the growing number crossing the border, and the ancillary activities of sex trafficking, drug smuggling and the cartel. Democrats in so-called sanctuary cities continue to spend millions each month to house and feed illegal aliens, and continue to place them in or near communities that don't want them.

So Pelosi .. stop throwing those rocks from your glass house...
I have studied and questioned Trump supporters since 2015. Trying to make sense of what makes them tick. I am well aware of what they believe in...and they are not true conservatives.

I guess it is a good thing that we conservatives have someone like you to tell us what we believe, since it seems that according to you, what we think about our own beliefs is incorrect.

I guess it is a good thing that we conservatives have someone like you to tell us what we believe, since it seems that according to you, what we think about our own beliefs is incorrect.

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You really don’t know what you believe. You think Trump is a conservative. He ran up the debt by $8T. You think the same ballot that had MTG on it was rigged. But you haven’t called her election illegitimate. You cut-to-fit your character, your stances, your morality. Put another way…you’re worthless

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