Pelosi Can't Answer Simple Question

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Who made the decision to put that clown on any committee?

Now it’s two fake crimes that cannot be found in US code alleged to have occurred by a Secret Witness with 3rd hand information that no one can seem to find to ask him about it.

A person has to be a total braindead imbecile to not be able to see that not one single crime is listed in the articles of impeachment
Democrats are hella stupid. This guy is on the judiciary committee and believes moving people to Guam could flip the island over.

The average Democrat and the rest of the globalist toolbag Democrats on that committee are no smarter.

He can’t even shave. Notice his neck was bandaged during the impeachment?

Probably burned himself with that hot crack pipe.
Pelosi Stumbles Trying to Explain Why "Bribery" Missing From Impeachment Articles
In an presser this morning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stumbled trying to explain why "bribery" was missing from the House's Impeachment Articles.

ME: First it was Russia - what happened to Russia? - then bribery - whoops, gone now - and now they are impeaching over non-crimes. Democrats are filthy lowlife liars

So she says they are impeaching Trump on a pattern. If they have to try that hard that they need an attorney to define a High crime or mis demeanor, they have nothing but wishing. This will die in the Senate, and I hope it is long and dragged out to expose these liars.
One thing that was exposed for me was The Fact Pelosi is a Pathological Liar.

Pelosi Stumbles Trying to Explain Why "Bribery" Missing From Impeachment Articles
In an presser this morning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stumbled trying to explain why "bribery" was missing from the House's Impeachment Articles.

ME: First it was Russia - what happened to Russia? - then bribery - whoops, gone now - and now they are impeaching over non-crimes. Democrats are filthy lowlife liars

So she says they are impeaching Trump on a pattern. If they have to try that hard that they need an attorney to define a High crime or mis demeanor, they have nothing but wishing. This will die in the Senate, and I hope it is long and dragged out to expose these liars.
Now it’s two fake crimes that cannot be found in US code alleged to have occurred by a Secret Witness with 3rd hand information that no one can seem to find to ask him about it.

A person has to be a total braindead imbecile to not be able to see that not one single crime is listed in the articles of impeachment
Democrats are hella stupid. This guy is on the judiciary committee and believes moving people to Guam could flip the island over.

The average Democrat and the rest of the globalist toolbag Democrats on that committee are no smarter.

You might have missed it yesterday, but that same idiot Hank Johnson was babbling about how Trump has such a big chair, compared to Zelensky, how he stands so much taller, and how Trump probably has Zelensky's daughter in the basement, wrapped up in duct tape. The other members were doing everything they could to keep from laughing at him.

I shit you not. This is comedy gold right here. :21:

Johnson is literally retarded
Now it’s two fake crimes that cannot be found in US code alleged to have occurred by a Secret Witness with 3rd hand information that no one can seem to find to ask him about it.

A person has to be a total braindead imbecile to not be able to see that not one single crime is listed in the articles of impeachment
Democrats are hella stupid. This guy is on the judiciary committee and believes moving people to Guam could flip the island over.

The average Democrat and the rest of the globalist toolbag Democrats on that committee are no smarter.

You might have missed it yesterday, but that same idiot Hank Johnson was babbling about how Trump has such a big chair, compared to Zelensky, how he stands so much taller, and how Trump probably has Zelensky's daughter in the basement, wrapped up in duct tape. The other members were doing everything they could to keep from laughing at him.

I shit you not. This is comedy gold right here. :21:

Johnson is literally retarded

He is definitely on some meds.

Democrats have told me he was making an analogy and I'm to dumb to get it. If you watch this and believe that, you might be brainwashed...
Now it’s two fake crimes that cannot be found in US code alleged to have occurred by a Secret Witness with 3rd hand information that no one can seem to find to ask him about it.

A person has to be a total braindead imbecile to not be able to see that not one single crime is listed in the articles of impeachment
Democrats are hella stupid. This guy is on the judiciary committee and believes moving people to Guam could flip the island over.

The average Democrat and the rest of the globalist toolbag Democrats on that committee are no smarter.
What's worse?

He's been reelected every election since then.
Now it’s two fake crimes that cannot be found in US code alleged to have occurred by a Secret Witness with 3rd hand information that no one can seem to find to ask him about it.

A person has to be a total braindead imbecile to not be able to see that not one single crime is listed in the articles of impeachment
Democrats are hella stupid. This guy is on the judiciary committee and believes moving people to Guam could flip the island over.

The average Democrat and the rest of the globalist toolbag Democrats on that committee are no smarter.
What's worse?

He's been reelected every election since then.

If he was a Republican they MSM would use him to paint us all as retarded fools on dope... like Johnson is.
Pelosi Stumbles Trying to Explain Why "Bribery" Missing From Impeachment Articles
In an presser this morning House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stumbled trying to explain why "bribery" was missing from the House's Impeachment Articles.

ME: First it was Russia - what happened to Russia? - then bribery - whoops, gone now - and now they are impeaching over non-crimes. Democrats are filthy lowlife liars

We Asked The 31 House Democrats From Trump Districts How They Would Vote On Impeachment — Not One Was Fully Committed
We Asked The 31 House Democrats From Trump Districts How They Would Vote On Impeachment — Not One Was Fully Committed

Democrats in the House of Representatives are poised to impeach President Donald Trump but not all members are on board, as there are 31 lawmakers in question.

The Daily Caller contacted the offices of all 31 House Democrats from districts where President Trump won in 2016 to ask them if they would vote to impeach President Trump, as many have not publicly stated where they stand on impeachment. Each office was contacted at least three times and all offices were given ample time to respond.
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