Pelosi: "Democrats will proceed to find the Truth"

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.

We need Nancy's communication with the Capitol police

How did she prepare for the event?

What did she tell the Capitol police and when?

The truth is Nan was fully aware and chose not to request more security and enforcement. The truth is she is not competent to protect the Hill.
She should have realized how dangerous Trump is

So why defend her? What value does she add now that Trump is gone? Can she be trusted to lead Democrats?

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.

We need Nancy's communication with the Capitol police

How did she prepare for the event?

What did she tell the Capitol police and when?

The truth is Nan was fully aware and chose not to request more security and enforcement. The truth is she is not competent to protect the Hill.
She should have realized how dangerous Trump is

So why defend her? What value does she add now that Trump is gone? Can she be trusted to lead Democrats?

Nancy Pelosi is the most effective Speaker of the House of her generation
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
You sure do get angry when no one kisses your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.
I come here to play and to have fun pointing out just how stupid the Tiny Minded "conservative" really is.
You never fail to entertain.
Uh huh.

And you STILL fuck up the multiquote function. Dumbass.
Well cumstain, You can't fuck up what you don't do.
Try it sometime. don't post and see how less stupid you look.
You're attempt to become USMB "muiltiquote" dictator is as stupid as the rest of your ideas.
Kid, you fucked up. Don't get mad at me about it.

Or go ahead. It just makes your impotent flailing that much more amusing. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell me something shitbrain...

As a "conservative" I'm sure you can make up an answer...

How do you "fuck up" something you never do?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give your tiny mind a challenge for which it is unprepared.

How about
Just how stupid are you?
That one should be easier.
Gotta love how Republicans can hold 10 Congressional hearings on Benghazi but won’t support one for the TRUMP Riot
When did Pelosi ever hold a hearing in Obama's crimes?

Trump called the shots for four years

Where were his indictments?
The deep state thwarted every move he made.
Whine, piss & moan, whine, piss & moan. Rinse, repeat. Seeing the neurotic Trumptards lose their minds over Trump getting his ass beat is priceless.

Do windmills cause cancer?

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.

We need Nancy's communication with the Capitol police

How did she prepare for the event?

What did she tell the Capitol police and when?

The truth is Nan was fully aware and chose not to request more security and enforcement. The truth is she is not competent to protect the Hill.
She should have realized how dangerous Trump is

So why defend her? What value does she add now that Trump is gone? Can she be trusted to lead Democrats?

Nancy Pelosi is the most effective Speaker of the House of her generation

says you and who? How and why is she effective?
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
You sure do get angry when no one kisses your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.
I come here to play and to have fun pointing out just how stupid the Tiny Minded "conservative" really is.
You never fail to entertain.
Uh huh.

And you STILL fuck up the multiquote function. Dumbass.
Well cumstain, You can't fuck up what you don't do.
Try it sometime. don't post and see how less stupid you look.
You're attempt to become USMB "muiltiquote" dictator is as stupid as the rest of your ideas.
Kid, you fucked up. Don't get mad at me about it.

Or go ahead. It just makes your impotent flailing that much more amusing. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell me something shitbrain...

As a "conservative" I'm sure you can make up an answer...

How do you "fuck up" something you never do?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give your tiny mind a challenge for which it is unprepared.

How about
Just how stupid are you?
That one should be easier.
Still blaming other people for your mistakes. Typical.

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.

We need Nancy's communication with the Capitol police

How did she prepare for the event?

What did she tell the Capitol police and when?

The truth is Nan was fully aware and chose not to request more security and enforcement. The truth is she is not competent to protect the Hill.
She should have realized how dangerous Trump is

So why defend her? What value does she add now that Trump is gone? Can she be trusted to lead Democrats?

Nancy Pelosi is the most effective Speaker of the House of her generation
Yeah you’re right, which doesn’t say anything positive about “Her Generation”.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
You sure do get angry when no one kisses your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.
I come here to play and to have fun pointing out just how stupid the Tiny Minded "conservative" really is.
You never fail to entertain.
Uh huh.

And you STILL fuck up the multiquote function. Dumbass.
Well cumstain, You can't fuck up what you don't do.
Try it sometime. don't post and see how less stupid you look.
You're attempt to become USMB "muiltiquote" dictator is as stupid as the rest of your ideas.
Kid, you fucked up. Don't get mad at me about it.

Or go ahead. It just makes your impotent flailing that much more amusing. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell me something shitbrain...

As a "conservative" I'm sure you can make up an answer...

How do you "fuck up" something you never do?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give your tiny mind a challenge for which it is unprepared.

How about
Just how stupid are you?
That one should be easier.
Still blaming other people for your mistakes. Typical.
See you're unable to respond to the question. I'll repeat for your tiny mind...


tow and three letter words are adequate given your lingual "capabilities."
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
You sure do get angry when no one kisses your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.
I come here to play and to have fun pointing out just how stupid the Tiny Minded "conservative" really is.
You never fail to entertain.
Uh huh.

And you STILL fuck up the multiquote function. Dumbass.
Well cumstain, You can't fuck up what you don't do.
Try it sometime. don't post and see how less stupid you look.
You're attempt to become USMB "muiltiquote" dictator is as stupid as the rest of your ideas.
Kid, you fucked up. Don't get mad at me about it.

Or go ahead. It just makes your impotent flailing that much more amusing. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell me something shitbrain...

As a "conservative" I'm sure you can make up an answer...

How do you "fuck up" something you never do?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give your tiny mind a challenge for which it is unprepared.

How about
Just how stupid are you?
That one should be easier.
Still blaming other people for your mistakes. Typical.
See you're unable to respond to the question. I'll repeat for your tiny mind...


tow and three letter words are adequate given your lingual "capabilities."
What's a tow letter word?
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
You sure do get angry when no one kisses your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.
I come here to play and to have fun pointing out just how stupid the Tiny Minded "conservative" really is.
You never fail to entertain.
Uh huh.

And you STILL fuck up the multiquote function. Dumbass.
Well cumstain, You can't fuck up what you don't do.
Try it sometime. don't post and see how less stupid you look.
You're attempt to become USMB "muiltiquote" dictator is as stupid as the rest of your ideas.
Kid, you fucked up. Don't get mad at me about it.

Or go ahead. It just makes your impotent flailing that much more amusing. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell me something shitbrain...

As a "conservative" I'm sure you can make up an answer...

How do you "fuck up" something you never do?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give your tiny mind a challenge for which it is unprepared.

How about
Just how stupid are you?
That one should be easier.
Still blaming other people for your mistakes. Typical.
See you're unable to respond to the question. I'll repeat for your tiny mind...


tow and three letter words are adequate given your lingual "capabilities."
What's a tow letter word?
Ohhhh. The moron found spellcheck.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
You sure do get angry when no one kisses your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.
I come here to play and to have fun pointing out just how stupid the Tiny Minded "conservative" really is.
You never fail to entertain.
Uh huh.

And you STILL fuck up the multiquote function. Dumbass.
Well cumstain, You can't fuck up what you don't do.
Try it sometime. don't post and see how less stupid you look.
You're attempt to become USMB "muiltiquote" dictator is as stupid as the rest of your ideas.
Kid, you fucked up. Don't get mad at me about it.

Or go ahead. It just makes your impotent flailing that much more amusing. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell me something shitbrain...

As a "conservative" I'm sure you can make up an answer...

How do you "fuck up" something you never do?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give your tiny mind a challenge for which it is unprepared.

How about
Just how stupid are you?
That one should be easier.
Still blaming other people for your mistakes. Typical.
See you're unable to respond to the question. I'll repeat for your tiny mind...


tow and three letter words are adequate given your lingual "capabilities."
What's a tow letter word?
Ohhhh. The moron found spellcheck.
You have it, too. Only since you spelled "tow" correctly, it didn't correct you. Some things you have to do yourself. Message me if you need someone to proofread for you.
How is their search proceeding?
Will they recognize what it is should they find it?

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
Oh NO!! Say it isn't true. Democrats are going to form a committee to investigate Republicans? Maybe their first inquiry will be WHY NO ONE WHO WAS INVOLVED IN THE "INSURRECTION" got CHARGED WITH INSURRECTION.
This not about the truth and it never has been. It’s about partisan politics and always has been both sides would bring out there talking points to feed the extremes of there party and the truth would never factor into it.
Yeah, but the game has gotten a LOT nastier because the Dems actually want to imprison one group while allowing others to go free. That will NOT go over well.
By following Trump's marching orders -- Trump was never known for his political acumen -- Senate Republicans made a colossal mistake. From the standpoint of their best interests, as a consequence of their catastrophic error not only did they trade in a bipartisan investigation for an investigation on Pelosi's terms, but they caused the issue to drag out deep into an election year -- something they dearly wanted to prevent.

Pelosi hasn't even decided which of four options she intends to use. The bipartisan commission the Republicans killed in the Senate had an end date -- the end of the year. There are no such constraints on Pelosi.

Republicans are trying to avoid any mention of Trump, who incited the insurrection, and the Republican lawmakers who agreed the election was stolen and played a role in the insurrection.

This is what happens to a party that is led by Donald Trump.

What do forum Republicans think about all this? We will never know. They remain totally silent on the issue. Embarrassment and a lack of intellectual credentials may be contributing factors to the phenomenon of silence.
By following Trump's marching orders -- Trump was never known for his political acumen -- Senate Republicans made a colossal mistake. From the standpoint of their best interests, as a consequence of their catastrophic error not only did they trade in a bipartisan investigation for an investigation on Pelosi's terms, but they caused the issue to drag out deep into an election year -- something they dearly wanted to prevent.

Pelosi hasn't even decided which of four options she intends to use. The bipartisan commission the Republicans killed in the Senate had an end date -- the end of the year. There are no such constraints on Pelosi.

Republicans are trying to avoid any mention of Trump, who incited the insurrection, and the Republican lawmakers who agreed the election was stolen and played a role in the insurrection.

This is what happens to a party that is led by Donald Trump.

What do forum Republicans think about all this? We will never know. They remain totally silent on the issue. Embarrassment and a lack of intellectual credentials may be contributing factors to the phenomenon of silence.
Man, you leftists sure do like to smell your own farts.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
There is talk of Biden appointing a Blue Ribbon Panel to investigate the Jan 6 Insurrection

High visibility and GOPs worst nightmare
Great idea. He could appoint members from both parties, and force a bipartisan investigation.
No you can't.
Why not? Both sides would control how the investigation was run.
Remember, kids, Democrat "bipartisanship" is "shut the fuck up and do what we tell you".
A strong second to your winning ignorant post but falls short.
Try again.
I'm sure your Tiny Brain can do worse than this.
The Democrats have already determined what the "truth" is and are using this as a political weapon. No investigation is needed as blame has already been assigned.

Who does this broad think she is fooling?
If that is so why did the GOP vote against the Commission? It would have given them a fair voice in finding the truth but they said no?

They're really gonna regret that decision.
Pelosi's gonna Benghazi their asses!

Its a Leftist run commission. Congress is controlled by Chuck and Nancy.

No reason to cooperate with a farce.

If the Democrats want to waste money on this, I guess nothing can be done about it.

But keeping your distance and ignoring this Fake Commission is a sound strategy.
GOP got all it asked for and still couldn't muster the courage to face their own criminality.

Now they'll get to face it Benghazi style.

This will likely cost the GOP 30-40 house members and a couple of Senate members as the actual factual truth will render their presence unacceptable to even the GOP mob.
It's funny seeing a leftist admit Benghazi was a ploy to get Americans murdered by radicals.

Y'know...exactly what you want now.
You win the Tiny Brained "conservative" ignorant post of the day.
Hey, dumbass, you said it. Don't get angry at me.
You sure do get angry when no one kisses your ass in the manner to which you believe you're entitled.
I come here to play and to have fun pointing out just how stupid the Tiny Minded "conservative" really is.
You never fail to entertain.
Uh huh.

And you STILL fuck up the multiquote function. Dumbass.
Well cumstain, You can't fuck up what you don't do.
Try it sometime. don't post and see how less stupid you look.
You're attempt to become USMB "muiltiquote" dictator is as stupid as the rest of your ideas.
Kid, you fucked up. Don't get mad at me about it.

Or go ahead. It just makes your impotent flailing that much more amusing. :auiqs.jpg:
Tell me something shitbrain...

As a "conservative" I'm sure you can make up an answer...

How do you "fuck up" something you never do?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give your tiny mind a challenge for which it is unprepared.

How about
Just how stupid are you?
That one should be easier.
Still blaming other people for your mistakes. Typical.
See you're unable to respond to the question. I'll repeat for your tiny mind...


tow and three letter words are adequate given your lingual "capabilities."
What's a tow letter word?
Ohhhh. The moron found spellcheck.
You have it, too. Only since you spelled "tow" correctly, it didn't correct you. Some things you have to do yourself. Message me if you need someone to proofread for you.
When I need three letter words checked you'll be the first I think of.

The House can appointment a select committee. The repubs can't stop it. The Truth is not what the repubs want to hear.
hahaa they aren’t interested in the truth

we have had hearings, we know what happened. So we know this is nothing but a political stunt to divert from their failed, horrible policies

Yes, it was a protest that got out of hand. The most heavily armed(with guns) citizens of a country don’t prepare to overthrow the most powerful nation in the world (insurrection) with zip ties and tasers. Only idiot, moronic, indoctrinated folks believe such nonsense.
Their intention was to stop the election from being certified. They didn't think they needed guns to do that.

The primary definition of insurrrection:

1. an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.

If what the capitol protestors actions meet this definition, which I don’t deny if that is the definition we are going to use, why was this term no used for the numerous ”protests” around the US including the one that took over an entire city block and police station? Just curious?
So you really want to compare a riot in some town with an attack on congress in an attempt to invalidate our election? Really?
yeah the democrats dont give a damn about ordinary americans who were b urned or looted out of business only the washington elite matter to the dem/commies
By following Trump's marching orders -- Trump was never known for his political acumen -- Senate Republicans made a colossal mistake. From the standpoint of their best interests, as a consequence of their catastrophic error not only did they trade in a bipartisan investigation for an investigation on Pelosi's terms, but they caused the issue to drag out deep into an election year -- something they dearly wanted to prevent.

Pelosi hasn't even decided which of four options she intends to use. The bipartisan commission the Republicans killed in the Senate had an end date -- the end of the year. There are no such constraints on Pelosi.

Republicans are trying to avoid any mention of Trump, who incited the insurrection, and the Republican lawmakers who agreed the election was stolen and played a role in the insurrection.

This is what happens to a party that is led by Donald Trump.

What do forum Republicans think about all this? We will never know. They remain totally silent on the issue. Embarrassment and a lack of intellectual credentials may be contributing factors to the phenomenon of silence.
Sorry, turd, but the whole point of the so-called commission was to drag out deep into an election year.

Who do you think you're fooling?

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