Pelosi: Historic Peace Deals Achieved By Trump Are Just ‘Distractions’ From Virus


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Anyone thinking people need to be barraged even more by news about the Chinese virus, seek professional psychiatric healthcare immediately.

Democrats are pissed we don’t have a President drone striking civilians anymore.

Wolf Blitzer: "How much credit do you give the president for these peace agreements?"

: "Good for him for having a distraction on a day when the numbers of people who are affected and the numbers of people who are dying from this virus only increases."

Anyone thinking people need to be barraged even more by news about the Chinese virus, seek professional psychiatric healthcare immediately.

Democrats are pissed we don’t have a President drone striking civilians anymore.

Wolf Blitzer: "How much credit do you give the president for these peace agreements?"

: "Good for him for having a distraction on a day when the numbers of people who are affected and the numbers of people who are dying from this virus only increases."

Poor Nancy, I can't think of anyone in the world right now doing more for peace! She can't call him a war-monger, she's lost that handle for the election. She can't call him the impeached president, that would only highlight her failures, she can't call him the Russian president, that got laughed out of court, so all she has left is the Virus president, the same virus she made light of, just violated her own rules on to get a hairdo while other salons go belly up, and imagine that, people are dying in a pandemic!

Good thing Trump's background is in real estate and not microbiology or she'd be claiming he created the bug.
Pelosi should think this over.

She is playing these politics almost as badly as Pence.
Nan needs to put her mask on, goddamnit. Didn’t she learn her lesson? Will these Democrats ever hold themselves to the same standards they want to set for everyone else?
Anyone thinking people need to be barraged even more by news about the Chinese virus, seek professional psychiatric healthcare immediately.

Democrats are pissed we don’t have a President drone striking civilians anymore.

Wolf Blitzer: "How much credit do you give the president for these peace agreements?"

: "Good for him for having a distraction on a day when the numbers of people who are affected and the numbers of people who are dying from this virus only increases."

and what has this douchebag accomplished? btw, i see the dog groomer couldnt help this "bitch" still ugly as sin. wasnt ITS distraction taking place in the dog salon?
Pelosi and Dems want WAR...because funding for that is their leverage to demand PORK spending. There I just described the Washington swamp for you.
Pelosi and Dems want WAR...because funding for that is their leverage to demand PORK spending. There I just described the Washington swamp for you.
Obama started 2 wars and bombed civilians. That’s why the Left love him and the Nobel Leftards gave him a Peace award.
The only thing the Dim's have going for them is the Wuhan virus. One has to wonder how the Wuhan virus would have been reported in mainstream media if Hillary was President. One fact remains, there would not have been a vibrant economy to worry about.
Pelosi and Dems want WAR...because funding for that is their leverage to demand PORK spending. There I just described the Washington swamp for you.
Obama started 2 wars and bombed civilians. That’s why the Left love him and the Nobel Leftards gave him a Peace award.
That is not what happened but repeat it please.
Of course bombing and invading nations is not war when Obamamessiah does it!
The only thing the Dim's have going for them is the Wuhan virus. One has to wonder how the Wuhan virus would have been reported in mainstream media if Hillary was President. One fact remains, there would not have been a vibrant economy to worry about.
The Trump virus is slowing down a bit, but this next wet and cool season may end up in a terrible surge.

Trump was so slow off the mark on this issue.
Anyone thinking people need to be barraged even more by news about the Chinese virus, seek professional psychiatric healthcare immediately.

Democrats are pissed we don’t have a President drone striking civilians anymore.

Wolf Blitzer: "How much credit do you give the president for these peace agreements?"

: "Good for him for having a distraction on a day when the numbers of people who are affected and the numbers of people who are dying from this virus only increases."

peace agreements? lol

they weren't at war what the fuck?

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