Pelosi: If We Win in November We'll Raise Everyone's Taxes

Nancy and Hillary should be on the GOP payroll, they are the best and brightest in their party and that is the problem.
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:
"they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said"
The same Nancy who said we'll find out what's in the Affordable Care Act after we pass it.
The bottom line is that there's no way in hell a politician can ever really know the reams of legislation they vote on.
How many times do I have to post what Nancy said and what she was saying it about before a single one of you lets it sink in to your heads??? HUH?

1-the House passes their Bill
2-the Senate passes their Bill

if the two bills do not match precisely, then they go in to a reconciliation committee, with members from both the House and the Senate, where they have to merge, the two bills together....

And both the Senate, and the House, have to vote again, on the merged bills from the house and senate.

This is what Nancy rushed them on, to pass it without reading the Merger bill.

It was not the House bill on the ACA, that had already passed, it was the combined bill.

It still was wrong, to not have given the time to read the merger bill.... but not nearly as detrimental to our democracy as it would have been to force a vote on Legislation that had never been read by members of the House.
1-the House passes their Bill
2-the Senate passes their Bill

if the two bills do not match precisely, then they go in to a reconciliation committee, with members from both the House and the Senate, where they have to merge, the two bills together....

And both the Senate, and the House, have to vote again, on the merged bills from the house and senate.

This is what Nancy rushed them on, to pass it without reading the Merger bill.

It was not the House bill on the ACA, that had already passed, it was the combined bill.

It still was wrong, to not have given the time to read the merger bill.... but not nearly as detrimental to our democracy as it would have been to force a vote on Legislation that had never been read by members of the House.
What are you babbling about?
1-the House passes their Bill
2-the Senate passes their Bill

if the two bills do not match precisely, then they go in to a reconciliation committee, with members from both the House and the Senate, where they have to merge, the two bills together....

And both the Senate, and the House, have to vote again, on the merged bills from the house and senate.

This is what Nancy rushed them on, to pass it without reading the Merger bill.

It was not the House bill on the ACA, that had already passed, it was the combined bill.

It still was wrong, to not have given the time to read the merger bill.... but not nearly as detrimental to our democracy as it would have been to force a vote on Legislation that had never been read by members of the House.
What are you babbling about?
Just trying to explain how congress and passing bills works, and the difference between the House ACA bill vs the reconciliation merger bill between the Senate and the House.....

I realize it is way over most posters heads.... :rolleyes:
The left are so out of touch in their bubble world they actually think this is a vote getter.

Pelosi: Democrats Will Repeal the GOP Tax Law When We Retake the House

Their platform...

--we will impeach Trump even though it was hilary taking bribes from Russia

--we are going to ban and confiscate all semi automatic weapons.

--we are going to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

--We are going to allow illegal immigrants who are violent rapists and killers to stay in our sactuary cities.

--we are going to raise your taxes.

Yeah......a winning platform...
Oh I can't wait to pay more in a go right along with my overpriced Obama care non coverage that I can't afford to use....thank you madam Pelosi for telling the truth for a change...
People will be dying to vote for democrats so that they can confiscate the earnings of Americans.

This is what some actually believe...
People are going to vote Democrat to stop Trump. We have already seen it happening in Trump country, Alabama, Pennsylvania, and Missouri. If Trump follows through on his trade war with China, falling exports of soybeans and pork are going to make it hard sailing for republicans in the Midwest and plain states.

True at the moment and if the election were held today you would be exactly right. But Chapter 3 bankruptcy requires a special dispensation from congress and though not required it will come with a special counsel to investigate the corruption that led to:

The existing tax exempt yields of IL that is a full percentage point higher than the taxable rate on the ten year Treasury.

CA is not only experiencing an active non-violent secessionist movement in the south and east it is also seeing an increase of poverty that is leading to an IL level of tax base.

As you probably know, the bankruptcy law forbids states from declaring bankruptcy. Even if the law were changed, there would certain be the question of whether the contracts clause in the constitution would make it illegal.

However, would we really want states to have the ability to declare bankruptcy. To do so would increase the cost of borrowing for all states. The primary purpose of bankruptcy is to allow a fresh start, but is that really possible for a state. Unlike a businesses or individuals declaring bankruptcy, voters in a state would most like rebel against the dissolution of assets to pay creditors and other belt tightening measures.

A good guide as what would happen in states that got in deep financial trouble is Puerto Rico. As the government became unable to meet bond payments, interest rates on munis would go through the roof, 10%, 15%, or 20%. Very soon the state would not be able borrow, public services would be curtained, taxes would go up and the federal government would do a huge bailout.
It was illegal for PR as well but a special bill was passed to allow them an exemption. It didn't do them a whole lot of good and I agree with you on all points but a Pelosi run house caring about illegality or unconstitutional acts. Exhibit one was Nancy and Barry attempting to mandate the states paying for Ocare.

But I have already stated that Sessions will love himself special counsels to investigate who profited from running otherwise solvent states into the ground. This will be another meltdown for blue states. And like the meltdown the contrast will be amazing between red and blue states/counties virtually all FL counties that had a severe melt down were blue as blue could be. There was also no meltdown in TX. And you know that any bailout for affected states will require an end to sanctuary status in order to avoid a veto
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:
pelosi work with the repubs> this like "gotta pass it to read it"???

ironic as fuck she bitches in how it was passed. i agree it was stupid and not working together, but she's the last moistened bint to be bitching about that.
Only because YOU and your beloved right wing, do not know the Truth if it hit you smack in the head.

The House ACA bill was read and worked on by both Repubs and Democrats in the respective committees, the Senate bill for the ACA was read and worked on in committee by both Repubs and Dems. There were 190 Republican amendments that were approved and passed by the ACA bill writers in their respective committees.

The Bill that Nancy made that comment about, was the reconciliation bill that merged the House bill that passed on the ACA which was read, and the Senate bill for the ACA which was read and passed in the what she was talking about was the combine bill.

The Senate bill had already passed and was public, we were all running to it and pulling out parts of it and bitching like crazy on this very site about the Senate's bill, and the House bill that had passed was also made public and online for all to see and that too we were pulling segments out of it and arguing over it, here on USMB.

the merged of the two separate bills had not been out there long enough for both sides to read before having to vote on it, but it was not like the merged bill could have any new stuff that was not in either one of the House or Senate bill...

Also, it took over a year of hearings and committee meetings before it was brought to the floor for a vote in the House or Senate.

This Tax bill had nothing of the sort.
now it may well be me, but i doubt the ENTIRE RIGHT WING of people think the way i do. these idiotic generalizations are just another way of idiotic divide among us.


and we go off giggling at getting our shots in at the other side screaming I TOLD THAT FOO!!!!"?

now - to address a SINGULAR POINT with you and not some phantom left base i'm NOT talking to, what you are now saying in a nutshell is that after merging the bills, the left wouldn't put anything in there there that would need to be reviewed. is that your stance?

that the left would never utilize such a tactic?

let's just clear that point up before YOU AND I continue this conversation, leaving the straw parties out of it for now.
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:
pelosi work with the repubs> this like "gotta pass it to read it"???

ironic as fuck she bitches in how it was passed. i agree it was stupid and not working together, but she's the last moistened bint to be bitching about that.
Only because YOU and your beloved right wing, do not know the Truth if it hit you smack in the head.

The House ACA bill was read and worked on by both Repubs and Democrats in the respective committees, the Senate bill for the ACA was read and worked on in committee by both Repubs and Dems. There were 190 Republican amendments that were approved and passed by the ACA bill writers in their respective committees.

The Bill that Nancy made that comment about, was the reconciliation bill that merged the House bill that passed on the ACA which was read, and the Senate bill for the ACA which was read and passed in the what she was talking about was the combine bill.

The Senate bill had already passed and was public, we were all running to it and pulling out parts of it and bitching like crazy on this very site about the Senate's bill, and the House bill that had passed was also made public and online for all to see and that too we were pulling segments out of it and arguing over it, here on USMB.

the merged of the two separate bills had not been out there long enough for both sides to read before having to vote on it, but it was not like the merged bill could have any new stuff that was not in either one of the House or Senate bill...

Also, it took over a year of hearings and committee meetings before it was brought to the floor for a vote in the House or Senate.

This Tax bill had nothing of the sort.

Fortunately the law is imploding and dying. No thanks to the pathetic spineless R's.
they have been a huge disappointment so far. like what he's doing or not, trump is the only one forcing things to get done. everyone else is doing the DC Hodown and just swinging their partners round and round blaming "the other side" for why we're still doing nothing.

fucking sucks.
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:

Just like the dems did with ocare. Weren't interested in working with the R's. Pelosi lies once again.
The republican senators had over 160 amendments approved and added to the health care bill....and both the house and Senate bills were online for the public to review for MONTHS before it was passed......

so no, you are wrong....there is no comparison between the healthcare bill and the tax bill and how it was handled.... the republicans were much more secretive, and gave virtually no time for them to review it and amend it as was the case for the health care bill.

Oh yes there is. O forced that travesty down our throats and the D's offered no compromise. Pelosi even said they must pass it so we can all find out whats in it.
the House bill had already passed, the Senate bill had already passed, both had been posted online....

the reconciliation bill, where they combined the house and the senate bill together, had not been read....before she asked them to vote on it.....
ergo - we must trust "the other side" not to be sneaky but WHICH side was saying "don't read it"?
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:
Coming from Pelosi after what they did is laughable.

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