Pelosi: If We Win in November We'll Raise Everyone's Taxes

The left are so out of touch in their bubble world they actually think this is a vote getter.

Pelosi: Democrats Will Repeal the GOP Tax Law When We Retake the House

The beauty of it all is that lib assholes like Pelosi are why we need tax relief in the first place, being the most overtaxed nation in the world to fund a massively over-bloated and corrupt federal system, and the idiot liberals will keep voting her back into office despite that, afraid that if they don't, it could end the federal programs she has helped make them dependent on.

exactly the left needs the poor

that is why they continue to make more of them
The real question is “who is still dumb enough to listen to her”...

So if the DNC nets 24 House seats, 23 are currently predicted as toss ups, we have a even House, sounds like they need some prayers...

The Senate is no we’re close to becoming a DNC majority, again the LMSM is sucking hind tit...

The Liberal Losing Machine is in need of something disastrous to occur and yet all Mueller has produced are some lies from the Capital of Lies?
The house will go D unless one or more blue states go into bond default prior to the election @ 60% probability of that happening and helping the Rs. The Senate cannot go to 60 without a major miracle 25 out of 33 seats up are D and even if there are theoretically enough R retirements to get to 11 victories the probability of 60 D senators is extremely remote. So the Rs retaining the senate filibuster is 99% certain. When the default wave hits this year or the first half of the next year Sessions will be overjoyed to appoint special counsels for each and every state that goes under. and a lot of D congress critters will be rolled over on by the State and local Ds who want lighter sentences. So, retaining the house is the problem for the Ds.
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I'm thinkin the liberal propaganda media and their toady democratic party are in for some crushing epiphanies leading up to the next election and then there's the fact they have zero positive legislative accomplishments, merely failure and whiny negativity..

The left are so out of touch in their bubble world they actually think this is a vote getter.

Pelosi: Democrats Will Repeal the GOP Tax Law When We Retake the House

You'd prefer to raise the debt?
I prefer to do what every smart American does - match spending to income.

Hilarious how that concept is alien to you leftists.

It's why you lost over a thousand seats.

I bet Pelosi knows they aren't going to win in November and is just rallying you fringe Moonbats.
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:
Pelosi: "We need to pass it to find out what's in it"

She has the audacity to complain about more review time?
And you're stupid enough to parrot her?
yep, and she was talking about the reconciliation bill....the house bill had been read and passed, the senate bill had been read, and passed, and the merger of the two bills had not been read as a combined bill....

YET, the Republicans did even WORSE!!!! :eek: Their ORIGINAL bills that they voted on and passed in the separate houses of congress, WAS NOT READ by the congress critters or senators.....when they were forced to vote on them :eek:
Yeah, someone read Obamacare in a few hours.
People will be dying to vote for democrats so that they can confiscate the earnings of Americans.

This is what some actually believe...
McConnell admitted today in a press conference, that the Senate Republicans are going to get hit with a Category 3, 4 or 5 in the midterm election by the blue wave coming....all three of those hurricane categories....are deadly hurricanes!

So, if McConnell is right about their own inside polling etc.... then Dems could get to 60! :eek:

So early to be so intoxicated... :alcoholic:

It doesn't matter, it's around the clock condition.
McConnell admitted today in a press conference, that the Senate Republicans are going to get hit with a Category 3, 4 or 5 in the midterm election by the blue wave coming....all three of those hurricane categories....are deadly hurricanes!

So, if McConnell is right about their own inside polling etc.... then Dems could get to 60! :eek:

So early to be so intoxicated... :alcoholic:
tell that to Mitch McConnell, he said it! ;)

He only care about staying majority leader.

With his record and newfound China connections, that will hardly happen.
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:

Just like the dems did with ocare. Weren't interested in working with the R's. Pelosi lies once again.
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:

Just like the dems did with ocare. Weren't interested in working with the R's. Pelosi lies once again.

Were you meaning to imply that there are times when Pelosi isn't lying if for no other reason than to stay in practice?
from your link which negates your contention....

“One of our complaints about what they did with the tax bill is they did it in the dark of night with the speed of light,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi then declared that Democrats will win back the House in 2018, and after they do, they will work with Republicans to create a new tax bill.

“We’ll sit down at the table and say … what would be a tax bill that creates growth, that creates good paying jobs as it reduces the deficit?” Pelosi said. “It’s not about chipping at this piece or that piece, it’s about a comprehensive look at what our tax policy should be for the future.”

I have no problem with that, at all... it's what the Republicans should have done in the first place!!! Instead of behind closed doors, with no one reading it..... and to think, you used to make fun of Nancy.....and on your first opportunity, you, the republicans, did even worse!!! :eek:

Just like the dems did with ocare. Weren't interested in working with the R's. Pelosi lies once again.
The republican senators had over 160 amendments approved and added to the health care bill....and both the house and Senate bills were online for the public to review for MONTHS before it was passed......

so no, you are wrong....there is no comparison between the healthcare bill and the tax bill and how it was handled.... the republicans were much more secretive, and gave virtually no time for them to review it and amend it as was the case for the health care bill.
People will be dying to vote for democrats so that they can confiscate the earnings of Americans.

This is what some actually believe...
People are going to vote Democrat to stop Trump. We have already seen it happening in Trump country, Alabama, Pennsylvania, and Missouri. If Trump follows through on his trade war with China, falling exports of soybeans and pork are going to make it hard sailing for republicans in the Midwest and plain states.

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