Pelosi: If We Win in November We'll Raise Everyone's Taxes

Pelosi should speak more and more. People need the lunatic rringe talk. Do more damage to these clowns in the election.
It was illegal for PR as well but a special bill was passed to allow them an exemption. It didn't do them a whole lot of good and I agree with you on all points but a Pelosi run house caring about illegality or unconstitutional acts. Exhibit one was Nancy and Barry attempting to mandate the states paying for Ocare.

But I have already stated that Sessions will love himself special counsels to investigate who profited from running otherwise solvent states into the ground. This will be another meltdown for blue states. And like the meltdown the contrast will be amazing between red and blue states/counties virtually all FL counties that had a severe melt down were blue as blue could be. There was also no meltdown in TX. And you know that any bailout for affected states will require an end to sanctuary status in order to avoid a veto
You absolutely correct that red states are more financial stable that blue states but the basic reason have little to do with political affilation.

The five most financial stable states in the country are:
1. Alaska
2. Nebraska
3. Wyoming
4. North Dakota
5. South Dakota

Notice anything these states have in common other than being red states? Population as well as population density is very low and minorities makeup a very small percent of the population. This equates to much lower demand for public services than in states with the worst financial condition such as New Jersey or Massachusetts who a have huge demand for public services. The New York City budget for law enforcement is larger than the whole state budget of Nebraska.
True, but NYC nearly went bust prior to WWI and the Boston police strike put Coolidge in the VP slot for breaking the strike. The problems of the blue wall go way back along with the corruption scandals.
Repeal of the corporate giveaway needs to be first and foremost for the Dems when we retake the congress.
Nancy Pelosi: When We Take Back The House, I PROMISE We'll Repeal Those Republican Tax Cuts


If there was ever a reason for real Americans to turn out for the mid-terms and support GOP conservatives, this is it. It's YOUR money. YOU have a right to keep it to spend it as YOU wish. Not theirs.

If previous proposals are any indication, Pelosi plans on instituting a major tax hike, particularly focused on punishing those same generous corporations. In a plan published last month, Congressional Democrats proposed a $1 trillion dollar tax hike, pushing the corporate tax rate from its current 21% to 25%, undoing tax breaks for high earners, and re-instituting a top tax bracket that could tax some Americans at a rate of nearly 40%.

No surprises @ Nancy Pelosi: When We Take Back The House, I PROMISE We'll Repeal Those Republican Tax Cuts
It was illegal for PR as well but a special bill was passed to allow them an exemption. It didn't do them a whole lot of good and I agree with you on all points but a Pelosi run house caring about illegality or unconstitutional acts. Exhibit one was Nancy and Barry attempting to mandate the states paying for Ocare.

But I have already stated that Sessions will love himself special counsels to investigate who profited from running otherwise solvent states into the ground. This will be another meltdown for blue states. And like the meltdown the contrast will be amazing between red and blue states/counties virtually all FL counties that had a severe melt down were blue as blue could be. There was also no meltdown in TX. And you know that any bailout for affected states will require an end to sanctuary status in order to avoid a veto
You absolutely correct that red states are more financial stable that blue states but the basic reason have little to do with political affilation.

The five most financial stable states in the country are:
1. Alaska
2. Nebraska
3. Wyoming
4. North Dakota
5. South Dakota

Notice anything these states have in common other than being red states? Population as well as population density is very low and minorities makeup a very small percent of the population. This equates to much lower demand for public services than in states with the worst financial condition such as New Jersey or Massachusetts who a have huge demand for public services. The New York City budget for law enforcement is larger than the whole state budget of Nebraska.
HOLY FRAC..................................

Perhaps I meant to say that. LOL

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