Pelosi: Ignoring Fast And Furious will lead to more jobs

this picture should tell you about Pelosi and what the Democrat party has become...

yet some still praise this women...

“It’s just the irresponsibility of the Republicans,” Pelosi said. “We want jobs. Why are they spending this time doing this (Fast And Furious)?”

Read more: Pelosi rips Holder contempt charges: 'I could have arrested Karl Rove on any given day' | The Daily Caller

Pelosi rips Holder contempt charges: 'I could have arrested Karl Rove on any given day' | The Daily Caller

what's it like being one of the stupidest and most dishonest posters on the board?

You really shouldn't insult yourself that way. You want to know something about yourself that bad you should go sit in the outhouse.

She's right but we all know why it is happening right now. Too bad Holder was so cooperative, it wasted everybody's time. He should tell them to shove it.

:lol: he was so cooperative he did tell them to shove by not bringing any documents forward they wanted! :lol: cooperative? *dies laughing*

The only thing he brought was an eight page letter begging the POTUS for help to get him out of trouble.
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Dewhurst's campaign did not respond to our requests for information supporting his campaign's claim that ballistics information confirmed Terry's killing by a Fast and Furious weapon.

We reviewed news reports, congressional reports and public testimony, which indicated that two Fast and Furious guns were recovered from the scene of Terry's shooting. However, we found no federal ballistics information confirming that the bullet that killed Terry was fired from one of the guns.

By all accounts, Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene of a U.S. agent's death. Dewhurst's campaign was emphatic, though, that ballistics tests confirmed that the weapons killed the agent. We found no information indicating that's so. Dewhurst's statement rates False.

More: PolitiFact Texas | Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Well, since they were merely found on the scene and it can't be proven they were used, nevermind then.

No wrong-doing.
Nothing to see here, folks.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Pelosi: Investigating Death of Agent “Scheme” of GOP to Suppress Votes

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Democrats went on the offensive Thursday over the contempt proceedings against Attorney General Eric Holder, with the White House calling the campaign a “fishing expedition” and Nancy Pelosi accusing Republicans of targeting Holder because of his department’s crackdown on state voter ID laws.

Pelosi: Investigating Death of Agent “Scheme” of GOP to Suppress Votes – Patriot Update

"the republicans stole my green pant suit."
All the CONs in a row, like sheeple. Gun walking was fine, fast & furious is criminal. HARDLY.

I'm sure dead Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's family feels differently than you do.
Dems are so desperate now. The last time I saw them this desperate was during the Clinton impeachment proceedings.

I would say just wait for Mitt to get in office and we'll see those documents. But who knows. Maybe their next Richard Clarke will shred them.
Pelosi: Investigating Death of Agent “Scheme” of GOP to Suppress Votes

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Democrats went on the offensive Thursday over the contempt proceedings against Attorney General Eric Holder, with the White House calling the campaign a “fishing expedition” and Nancy Pelosi accusing Republicans of targeting Holder because of his department’s crackdown on state voter ID laws.

Pelosi: Investigating Death of Agent “Scheme” of GOP to Suppress Votes – Patriot Update

"the republicans stole my green pant suit."

Pelosi: Investigating Death of Agent “Scheme” of GOP to Suppress Votes

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Democrats went on the offensive Thursday over the contempt proceedings against Attorney General Eric Holder, with the White House calling the campaign a “fishing expedition” and Nancy Pelosi accusing Republicans of targeting Holder because of his department’s crackdown on state voter ID laws.

Pelosi: Investigating Death of Agent “Scheme” of GOP to Suppress Votes – Patriot Update

"the republicans stole my green pant suit."


No shit! I could have gone all day without seeing that...:eek:
this picture should tell you about Pelosi and what the Democrat party has become...

yet some still praise this women...


[ame=]GAVEL TO PELOSI - YouTube[/ame]

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