Pelosi inadvertantly admits she was part of the Coup

Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
Even with The illegal (abused)Fisa warrant you are not allowed to spy on U.S. civilians that are not the target of the warrant (Flynn was a civilian). In this case there were people set up, so as to spy on a campaign apponent during a campaign, weaponizing the Fisa to cheat /manipulate an election.
THIS IS THE VERY THING THAT WORRIED THE PUBLIC about it's potential abuses, and that's exactly what they did.

Flynn was caught on a warrant for the Russian he was talking to, dope.

Read up. Then explain to us when and where in the 702 process Flynn was illegally targeted.

Ample Safeguards of Civil Liberties Warrant FISA Section 702’s Reauthorization By Congress
Obama met thst same Russian 22 times according to the WH logs. Are you asking for information on the meetings, transcripts, and who granted him permissions? Then the Russian is not really the concerned target, spying on then civilian Flynn in the Trump tower was which was illegal. Where is the congress asking for Kislyak to be brought back to the Country in front of congress for questioning? :)
He can tell you what Obama wanted from him and who really colluded with him. According to Dem logic there is 22 whopping smoke flareups to validate investigating the possible fire. Now Pelosi is changing the rules about what is investigation worthy thus admiting the investigation was unwarranted all along.
When asked if Barr consulted or shown the mueller report with anyone in the white house, he refused to answer

The correct answer would have been No

The ownership answer would have been Yes

The holy crap I am in trouble answer would be - refusing to respond to the question because he did the dirty deed showing that instead of being the AG for the american public, he was auditioning for keep his job

Barr later clarified his remarks, saying the White House counsel’s office was advised of his summary before it was released.

Yet he is putting a panel together and the effort may not result in a criminal investigation or the finding of a crime. He is reopening collusion

So he is investigating something that Trump said did not happen or why does the FBI investigate people

he has no "specific evidence" about abuse of power or improper surveillance. What he has, he said, are "questions about it. ... I have concerns about various aspects of it."
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
Even with The illegal (abused)Fisa warrant you are not allowed to spy on U.S. civilians that are not the target of the warrant (Flynn was a civilian). In this case there were people set up, so as to spy on a campaign apponent during a campaign, weaponizing the Fisa to cheat /manipulate an election.
THIS IS THE VERY THING THAT WORRIED THE PUBLIC about it's potential abuses, and that's exactly what they did.

Flynn was caught on a warrant for the Russian he was talking to, dope.

Read up. Then explain to us when and where in the 702 process Flynn was illegally targeted.

Ample Safeguards of Civil Liberties Warrant FISA Section 702’s Reauthorization By Congress
Obama met thst same Russian 22 times according to the WH logs. Are you asking for information on the meetings, transcripts, and who granted him permissions? Then the Russian is not really the concerned target, spying on then civilian Flynn in the Trump tower was which was illegal. Where is the congress asking for Kislyak to be brought back to the Country in front of congress for questioning? :)
He can tell you what Obama wanted from him and who really colluded with him. According to Dem logic there is 22 whopping smoke flareups to validate investigating the possible fire. Now Pelosi is changing the rules about what is investigation worthy thus admiting the investigation was unwarranted all along.
Completely clueless.
LOL, Barr has the democrats spinning. If they try and politicize the Mueller report as planned they know they can expect the backhand of TRUMP.

Trump is a master of timing and sucking people in. He made it seem like the libs had him on the ropes, and now he is coming back to settle the Trump Family accounts.

Reminds me of how he bought Monday Night Raw from Vince McMahon several years ago, and doubled him money in a week after outsmarting the wrestling mogul.

McMahon, a wrestling genius, was outsmarted in the art of the deal.

Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
Even with The illegal (abused)Fisa warrant you are not allowed to spy on U.S. civilians that are not the target of the warrant (Flynn was a civilian). In this case there were people set up, so as to spy on a campaign apponent during a campaign, weaponizing the Fisa to cheat /manipulate an election.
THIS IS THE VERY THING THAT WORRIED THE PUBLIC about it's potential abuses, and that's exactly what they did.

Everyone is connected to Obama & Clinton. From Natalia V. (Fusion GPS employee approved entrance directly by Obama) at The Trump Tower...To The Diplomat that met with Sessions...(arranged by Obama) the Diplomat that called Flynn....(CALL arranged by Obama) to the operator sent by Obama to trip up and try to entrap Papdoupolis.

From the Dossier Obama and Clinton paid for with their own money. They did it all. All of it was illegal...including what their colluding cronies did in the FBI, DOJ, FISA COURT, NSA and CIA.

They just thought they'd never get caught.
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
Keep in mind....there are new definitions floating in CEC land....A Constitutionally correct investigation is now a "coup"...any attempt by government investigative agencies to find out wrongdoing is "spying"...of course, these terms only apply when dealing with King donnie.
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
Keep in mind....there are new definitions floating in CEC land....A Constitutionally correct investigation is now a "coup"...any attempt by government investigative agencies to find out wrongdoing is "spying"...of course, these terms only apply when dealing with King donnie.
yeeaaa riiiight LMAO, The Dirty Democrats would neeever illegally use the FBI, DOJ abd IRS as political weapons. LOL
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.

What tactics and how were they used against Trump?
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.

What tactics and how were they used against Trump?
you should know by now to not do this. i'd nailgun my nutsack to a fallen tree being hauled on an 18 wheeler through the ukraine in the dead of winter while singing "i am woman hear me roar" passing out smores to anyone i could before i'd engage in any real form of communication with you.
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.

What tactics and how were they used against Trump?
you should know by now to not do this. i'd nailgun my nutsack to a fallen tree being hauled on an 18 wheeler through the ukraine in the dead of winter while singing "i am woman hear me roar" passing out smores to anyone i could before i'd engage in any real form of communication with you.

Of course you would, loser.
You drop statements out there like they're facts but cannot elaborate beyond that.

What tactics are you suggesting and how were they used against Trump?

A simple question.
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.

What tactics and how were they used against Trump?
you should know by now to not do this. i'd nailgun my nutsack to a fallen tree being hauled on an 18 wheeler through the ukraine in the dead of winter while singing "i am woman hear me roar" passing out smores to anyone i could before i'd engage in any real form of communication with you.

Of course you would, loser.
You drop statements out there like they're facts but cannot elaborate beyond that.

What tactics are you suggesting and how were they used against Trump?

A simple question.
mostly cause "simple" is all you are capable of.


now fuck off.
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.

What tactics and how were they used against Trump?
you should know by now to not do this. i'd nailgun my nutsack to a fallen tree being hauled on an 18 wheeler through the ukraine in the dead of winter while singing "i am woman hear me roar" passing out smores to anyone i could before i'd engage in any real form of communication with you.

Of course you would, loser.
You drop statements out there like they're facts but cannot elaborate beyond that.

What tactics are you suggesting and how were they used against Trump?

A simple question.
mostly cause "simple" is all you are capable of.


now fuck off.

So nothing?

I knew it, loser.
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
View attachment 255185
what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.

Do you ask yourself if members of Obama's or Hillary's campaign were caught having dozens upon dozens of secret meetings with, say, Iran and we found out that at the same time those meetings were occurring that the Iranian government was interfering in our election system, would you and Fox defend them the way you and Fox defend Trump?
Today when doing her best
Katharine Hepburn Tremor imitation, speaker Pelosi dared to rant and rave & question Barr's impartial & non partisan position as AG.
However, in doing so she inadvertantly exposed a standard that she and her collegues most violated and were violating in obstructing Barr from doing his job "FOR THE UNITED STATES" IN THE U.S. BEST INTEREST BEYOND ANY PARTY.
SHE ranted that Barr must do the job for the US as AG of the US not AG of Donald Trump, however if she mirrored that sentiment back she must admit that she and her collegues are to do the job for the US not their Party, and thus are the congress of the U.S. not the congress of Anti Trump and anti U.S. interests. Adam Schiff was heading the investigative committee for the US not the Resistance, he was far from non partisan unbiased as required and never recused himself for leaks and media slip ups.
Furthermore today they lied by saying there was no evidence of spying, when Obama and his official have admitted it under oath. According to U.S. law that spying was illegal when it spied on civilians and there was evidence of foul play in obtaining warrants and evidence of abuses of power warranting investigations.
What the Dems are doing is obstruction of justice especially in trying to oust Barr like they tried with Trump and everyone who helped him embarass them. If Pelosi had nothing to hide she would not care, and would not get so nervous to make such a blatant display of guilt while performing more evidence for prosecuters.
And Hey Pelosi, you also wacked yourself with your other boomerang thrown at the working conditions of immigrants in their native nations.
1) You are insulting those countries and those people, which does not help in diplomacy.
2)You have some nerve talking about working conditions when your slave farm labor at your vineyard is deplorable.
This is a picture of what your farm labor car pool would look something like. *L*
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what's the definition of ''spying''? Is spying legal, like FISA warrants for surveillance, approved by a FISA court judge?

Or is so called ''spying'' something illegal, done outside of the framing of the law?
dunno. ask obama's FBI - they can do them both and make you believe its all ok.

i keep asking if these tactics were used against obama would you still defend them and you never answer. or worse, give me a CNN link.

Do you ask yourself if members of Obama's or Hillary's campaign were caught having dozens upon dozens of secret meetings with, say, Iran and we found out that at the same time those meetings were occurring that the Iranian government was interfering in our election system, would you and Fox defend them the way you and Fox defend Trump?

So, is that a "no", iceberg? You don't ask yourself those questions? Because I do ask myself if I would react differently to the kind of actions of Trump or his campaign if it were Democrats doing the things Trump and his campaign did. I hope I never have to find out, but I also hope I will react better than Republicans have.

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