Pelosi On Difference Between Kavanaugh and Biden Allegations: ‘Joe Biden Is Joe Biden:’’s Joe Biden. We know the guy is a creep.

It’s amazing she is saying that just by the fact he is Joe Biden he is above reproach.


I warned the Dem fools Biden has a closet FULL of skeletons but do they listen. Has Biden plagiarized anyone recently? The next Biden bombshell could be Biden caught simultaneously plagiarizing sniffing and sexually assaulting.

Didnt he plagiarize Kennedy?
He plagiarized Neil Kinnock.’s Joe Biden. We know the guy is a creep.

It’s amazing she is saying that just by the fact he is Joe Biden he is above reproach.


I warned the Dem fools Biden has a closet FULL of skeletons but do they listen. Has Biden plagiarized anyone recently? The next Biden bombshell could be Biden caught simultaneously plagiarizing sniffing and sexually assaulting.

Didnt he plagiarize Kennedy?

He dropped out of his first presidential race after getting caught red handed plagiarizing and exposing himself as a FAKE and a FRAUD.
Yet, You Trumpster DOPers give the Great Orange Douche a pass on. 3 Rape reports, one by the first wife. 25 plus sexual assaults, Cheating on 3 wives, and so on. And Hillary and Joe's sex lives are an issue here? I see no Hillary/KavRapeTrains by Joe!
And right on cue the leftarded Pavlov's dog responds with "but … but Trump..." to the mere mention of Biden's dilemma.

WTF does Trump have to do with Slo-Joe's probs and what happened to all your "women must be believed" BS?

Your desperation is palpable and justified.



Good ‘ol boys are good ‘ol boys.

“Well, let me just say I respect your question and I don’t need a lecture or a speech,” Pelosi said.

“Here’s the thing. I have complete respect for whole #Metoo movement, I have four daughters and one son. And there’s a lot of excitement around the idea that women will be heard and be listened to.

“There is also due process and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden,” Pelosi said.

Translation: “Go fuck yourself. Joe is our guy. Standards don’t apply.” She is so fucking corrupt and full of shit. Further, she makes zero sense.
What do you care about Trump? For year after year people brought up the backgrounds of politicians. All we got is that if a Repub was living that way, he was a hypocrite by Prog standards. Progs never condemning the acts mind you. By a massive percentage, it is Progs who do this. And the men and women who do and vote for other ways of anything goes, this is going to come back in a nasty way someday. Trump was elected because of your agendas!
What do you care about Trump? For year after year people brought up the backgrounds of politicians. All we got is that if a Repub was living that way, he was a hypocrite by Prog standards. Progs never condemning the acts mind you. By a massive percentage, it is Progs who do this. And the men and women who do and vote for other ways of anything goes, this is going to come back in a nasty way someday. Trump was elected because of your agendas!
Seems Biden is not paying her off with NDA's.
Good ‘ol boys are good ‘ol boys.

“Well, let me just say I respect your question and I don’t need a lecture or a speech,” Pelosi said.

“Here’s the thing. I have complete respect for whole #Metoo movement, I have four daughters and one son. And there’s a lot of excitement around the idea that women will be heard and be listened to.

“There is also due process and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden,” Pelosi said.

Open Biden? LOL

Yet, You Trumpster DOPers give the Great Orange Douche a pass on.
3 Rape reports, one by the first wife. 25 plus sexual assaults, Cheating on 3 wives, and so on.
And Hillary and Joe's sex lives are an issue here? I see no Hillary/KavRapeTrains by Joe!
Not a Trump thread, Pineapplehead.
“There is also due process and the fact that Joe Biden is Joe Biden,” Pelosi said.

Wow, so Joe Biden can sexually assault women because that's just Joe being Joe? Even I can't believe Pelosi went there. What's next call the victims skanks and claim they were asking for it?
Yet, You Trumpster DOPers give the Great Orange Douche a pass on.
3 Rape reports, one by the first wife. 25 plus sexual assaults, Cheating on 3 wives, and so on.
And Hillary and Joe's sex lives are an issue here? I see no Hillary/KavRapeTrains by Joe!
Not a Trump thread, Pineapplehead.
The Great Douche is 20 times worst than Joe.
You voted DrumpF you live with your Douche.
I would think Team RNC MAGA Douche will find the evidence.
Birther much today? RNC did so well find that.
Not a Trump thread, Pimplehead.
Obama has no Sexual allegations.
Poor Joe Biden only got one.
Clinton 1 rape, and 3 or 4 alligations of assaults?
Daubya 1 rape?

The Great Douche has more than 43 Peditor assaults 3 were called rapes.
There are paper trails. for many.



I'll go with Joe and Obama in these matters.
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