Pelosi on Trump: "I'm counting down the hours 'til he's gone...I plan to pull him out of there by his hair, his little hands and his feet"

No. But I look forward to her skinny raggedly wrinkled ass with her smeared lipstick from ice cream to be dragged out.
She will be behind joe clapping for his state of the union speeches all four of them. Or 8
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

With comments like that, it sounds like the mentally ill old America-hating c*nt is fantasizing about aborting a baby given that she's a baby-killer. I'd love to see her try that on Trump and then he throws her right out through a window.

The old c*nt is seriously deranged. She prances around thinking she's 21, in spite of the fact she looks like she's 100 years old - even with all that botox. When Pelosi does America a great service by kicking the bucket, we are celebrating with caviar and champagne.
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trump will be on TV everyday driving miss Nancy nuts....hey did you see how she thinks we should all be happy with a lousy $600?....LMAO suckers!!!!!

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?
Your link has nothing to do with Pelosi threatening Trump

No, but it did have the phrase in there. And I think it would be fitting. We all need to have a Circus with Popcorn and Candy when they drag the Clown Barker out of the building. I would pay to watch that.

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?
Your link has nothing to do with Pelosi threatening Trump

No, but it did have the phrase in there. And I think it would be fitting. We all need to have a Circus with Popcorn and Candy when they drag the Clown Barker out of the building. I would pay to watch that.
Nancy Pelosi would kick Trumps ass

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

With comments like that, it sounds like the mentally ill old America-hating c*nt is fantasizing about aborting a baby given that she's a baby-killer. I'd love to see her try that on Trump and then he throws her right out through a window.

The old c*nt is seriously deranged. She prances around thinking she's 21, in spite of the fact she looks like she's 100 years old - even with all that botox. When Pelosi does America a great service by kicking the bucket, we are celebrating with caviar and champagne.
And yet, come 01-21-21, she will be Speaker of the House, and trump will be a private citizen.

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

She could not even stand up without help after she had kneeled in the Capitol, let alone drag anyone else (male or female) by the feet. She's the one who should be removed and replaced by Representative Clyburn.

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