Pelosi on Trump: "I'm counting down the hours 'til he's gone...I plan to pull him out of there by his hair, his little hands and his feet"

It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
1. Told us what he knew about the pandemic in February. He didn’t so people needlessly died.

2. He should have encouraged social distancing and wearing masks. Instead he compared wearing a mask to carrying a purse and he held rallies.

Its more what he shouldn’t have done. Like for example suggest people injest bleach. Or when he had corona himself he shouldn’t have made the secret service fpguys protecting him drive him around so he could campaign.

1. What did he know in February he didn't tell us? All he knew were the lies told by China and repeated by the WHO.

2. He followed the CDC recommendations.

The rallies infected no significant numbers of people. You get COVID from your spouse, partner, roommate, etc. You get from people living with you!
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Travel from just China? What about Canada, Mexico, Russia and Europe?

He did you incredible ignorant dumbass!
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Travel from just China? What about Canada, Mexico, Russia and Europe?
Partisans. Ugh!

China is where it supposedly started. Remember?

The lying bitch who said she would not allow the House Impeachment to go forward if there was not any hard, undeniable evidence of crimes....only to be the become the political equivalent of the Captain of the wrecked oil tanker in Alaska, the Exon Valdez. In the end Pelosi gets credit for the 1st confessed political partisan Impeachment attempt based on zero crime / evidence / witnesses in US history.

This is the treasonous bitch who declared she learned D-Swalwell had been compromised by a ChiCom spy and helped facilitate CCP espionage on the US AFTER she appointed him to the House Intel Committee...where he remains because she has refused to take Swalwell off the committee.

This is the unprofessional, immature bitch who planned and engaged in amateurish political theatrics by tearing up a copy of Trump's speech

This is the same hypocritical bitch who declared $1200 per American in need of C-19 relief was just 'CRUMBS'; yet, now she is bragging about how $600 in her massive deficit-dollar 'Porkulous' bill is going to save struggling Americans.

That boney bitch couldn't last 3 seconds with...feeble dementia-suffering Diane Feinstein.
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Did you read about the republican club in New York where they weren’t wearing masks and they were in a conga line? That’s on trump. Starts at the top. So when trump mocked masks and held rallies, it sent a message to his followers who are responsible for the super spreading of this virus.

Look at Australia. They have good leaders and they have the pandemic under control.
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
You guys? You have me confused with someone else.

The lockdowns don’t work and are illegal. That’s been proven.
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
You guys? You have me confused with someone else.

The lockdowns don’t work and are illegal. That’s been proven.
Then provide a link proving that. If ever made a statement like that I would have provided details. You would blow it off as liberal lies but at least I give some evidence
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
You guys? You have me confused with someone else.

The lockdowns don’t work and are illegal. That’s been proven.
Then provide a link proving that. If ever made a statement like that I would have provided details. You would blow it off as liberal lies but at least I give some evidence
You’re right. Here you go.
Lockdowns don't work | AEI
Coronavirus lockdowns don't work: Dr. Marc Siegel
3 Studies That Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19 | Jon Miltimore

Regarding the illegality. It’s clear the government has no authority to enact lockdowns, if we believe the constitution is the law of the land.
Pelosi is a nasty blithering idiot like most Dems in congress. She's just butthurt that president Trump called her what she is, a 3rd rate politician.
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
You guys? You have me confused with someone else.

The lockdowns don’t work and are illegal. That’s been proven.
Then provide a link proving that. If ever made a statement like that I would have provided details. You would blow it off as liberal lies but at least I give some evidence
You’re right. Here you go.
Lockdowns don't work | AEI
Coronavirus lockdowns don't work: Dr. Marc Siegel
3 Studies That Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19 | Jon Miltimore

Regarding the illegality. It’s clear the government has no authority to enact lockdowns, if we believe the constitution is the law of the land.
As I suspected. Libertarian sources. Libertarians wouldn’t have done a god damn thing they simply would let the market decide how many die.

Certainly the scientific community disagrees with your sources And facts
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
You guys? You have me confused with someone else.

The lockdowns don’t work and are illegal. That’s been proven.
Then provide a link proving that. If ever made a statement like that I would have provided details. You would blow it off as liberal lies but at least I give some evidence
You’re right. Here you go.
Lockdowns don't work | AEI
Coronavirus lockdowns don't work: Dr. Marc Siegel
3 Studies That Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19 | Jon Miltimore

Regarding the illegality. It’s clear the government has no authority to enact lockdowns, if we believe the constitution is the law of the land.
Isn’t it curious Or interesting that a person with libertarian views would believe doing nothing is the best thing to do? Sort of fits your narrative
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
You guys? You have me confused with someone else.

The lockdowns don’t work and are illegal. That’s been proven.
Then provide a link proving that. If ever made a statement like that I would have provided details. You would blow it off as liberal lies but at least I give some evidence
You’re right. Here you go.
Lockdowns don't work | AEI
Coronavirus lockdowns don't work: Dr. Marc Siegel
3 Studies That Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19 | Jon Miltimore

Regarding the illegality. It’s clear the government has no authority to enact lockdowns, if we believe the constitution is the law of the land.
Isn’t it curious Or interesting that a person with libertarian views would believe doing nothing is the best thing to do? Sort of fits your narrative
Did I say do nothing? Come on, don’t be dishonest now.
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Yes each state could do what they wanted. Democratic governors were strict and shut shit down. You guys attacked them for it. Even tried to kidnap my governor. Then the pandemic spiked in red states. And in blue states republicans got together for thanksgiving and went to trump rallies. And they don’t wear masks unless forced to.
You guys? You have me confused with someone else.

The lockdowns don’t work and are illegal. That’s been proven.
Then provide a link proving that. If ever made a statement like that I would have provided details. You would blow it off as liberal lies but at least I give some evidence
You’re right. Here you go.
Lockdowns don't work | AEI
Coronavirus lockdowns don't work: Dr. Marc Siegel
3 Studies That Show Lockdowns Are Ineffective at Slowing COVID-19 | Jon Miltimore

Regarding the illegality. It’s clear the government has no authority to enact lockdowns, if we believe the constitution is the law of the land.
As I suspected. Libertarian sources. Libertarians wouldn’t have done a god damn thing they simply would let the market decide how many die.

Certainly the scientific community disagrees with your sources And facts
No they are libertarian sources. Please don’t be dishonest.

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

Sounds like a sadistic fantasy NaN has for Trump.
I would love to see him physically escorted out as he’s screaming that he is imposing martial law and demand the five swing states all have a new election.

this is actually something trump is considering

Thank you for sharing your fantasy.
He is considering martial law and insisting five states vote again. He’s insane

Where did he say he is considering martial law?

The meeting came just days after Flynn appeared on the far-right news channel Newsmax to declare that Trump, in his role as commander-in-chief, could “take military capabilities, and he could place them in those [swing states], and basically re-run an election in each of those states.”

“These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 — 64 — times,” Flynn said. “So, I’m not calling for that, we have a Constitutional process … that has to be followed.”

According to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, Trump on Friday “asked about Flynn’s suggestion of deploying the military, those briefed said,” only for the idea to be shot down by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone.

The idea that Trump might exploit the centuries-old law and send U.S. troops into American streets, combined with the president’s vocal refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the run-up to the 2020 election, had previously induced the Defense Department to reiterate its apolitical role in American elections.

“I believe deeply in the principle of an apolitical U.S. military,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley said in September. “In the event of a dispute over some aspect of the elections, by law, U.S. courts and the U.S. Congress are required to resolve any disputes, not the U.S. military. I foresee no role for the U.S. armed forces in this process.”
You are a little light on the history there dude. The National guard is in fact part of the US military and has been used several times just during my lifetime to quell riots looting and insurrection. Also you fail to quote the President saying he was considering using, or planning to use, troops.

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

Sounds like a sadistic fantasy NaN has for Trump.
I would love to see him physically escorted out as he’s screaming that he is imposing martial law and demand the five swing states all have a new election.

this is actually something trump is considering

Thank you for sharing your fantasy.
He is considering martial law and insisting five states vote again. He’s insane

Where did he say he is considering martial law?

The meeting came just days after Flynn appeared on the far-right news channel Newsmax to declare that Trump, in his role as commander-in-chief, could “take military capabilities, and he could place them in those [swing states], and basically re-run an election in each of those states.”

“These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 — 64 — times,” Flynn said. “So, I’m not calling for that, we have a Constitutional process … that has to be followed.”

According to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, Trump on Friday “asked about Flynn’s suggestion of deploying the military, those briefed said,” only for the idea to be shot down by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone.

The idea that Trump might exploit the centuries-old law and send U.S. troops into American streets, combined with the president’s vocal refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the run-up to the 2020 election, had previously induced the Defense Department to reiterate its apolitical role in American elections.

“I believe deeply in the principle of an apolitical U.S. military,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley said in September. “In the event of a dispute over some aspect of the elections, by law, U.S. courts and the U.S. Congress are required to resolve any disputes, not the U.S. military. I foresee no role for the U.S. armed forces in this process.”
You are a little light on the history there dude. The National guard is in fact part of the US military and has been used several times just during my lifetime to quell riots looting and insurrection. Also you fail to quote the President saying he was considering using, or planning to use, troops.
Please, Trump's troop rhetoric needs no quoting at this point. And governors call out the Guard
It is because she offers no policies that help the people (other than the ultra wealthy, her donors). She does offer hateful words for Trump, and that’s enough for many D voters.
The rich got richer on trumps watch and the middle class got crumbs. He handled the pandemic badly and cost 300,000 deaths. He prolonged the pandemic. Opened business too soon, didn’t wear masks or social distance. Hell he continued to have rallies and they all got corona.
Your first sentence is correct. He apparently follow the same plan utilized by Ears. The pandemic death count is bogus but if you believe it you’re ignorant, and blaming Trump for virus deaths is also ignorant. Trump opened or closed no businesses. Get informed.
Trumps handling of the pandemic will go down in history as an example of how not to lead. He choked.
What specifically should he have done?
Everytime you ask this question just say to yourself, he should have told people to wear masks not tell people masks don’t work.
Okay that’s fair. However he did try to stop travel from China early on and the Ds and MSM called him a racist. He also allowed every governor to handle their state as they wished and did a lot to provide PPE. I doubt very much Biden or any D would have done better, but the MSM would have proclaimed them great.
Did you read about the republican club in New York where they weren’t wearing masks and they were in a conga line? That’s on trump. Starts at the top. So when trump mocked masks and held rallies, it sent a message to his followers who are responsible for the super spreading of this virus.

Look at Australia. They have good leaders and they have the pandemic under control.
Really? And when exactly has anyone proven masks prevent the China flu?

Is this an appropriate thing to say for the Speaker of the House?

Sounds like a sadistic fantasy NaN has for Trump.
I would love to see him physically escorted out as he’s screaming that he is imposing martial law and demand the five swing states all have a new election.

this is actually something trump is considering

Thank you for sharing your fantasy.
He is considering martial law and insisting five states vote again. He’s insane

Where did he say he is considering martial law?

The meeting came just days after Flynn appeared on the far-right news channel Newsmax to declare that Trump, in his role as commander-in-chief, could “take military capabilities, and he could place them in those [swing states], and basically re-run an election in each of those states.”

“These people out there talking about martial law like it’s something that we’ve never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 — 64 — times,” Flynn said. “So, I’m not calling for that, we have a Constitutional process … that has to be followed.”

According to New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, Trump on Friday “asked about Flynn’s suggestion of deploying the military, those briefed said,” only for the idea to be shot down by White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone.

The idea that Trump might exploit the centuries-old law and send U.S. troops into American streets, combined with the president’s vocal refusal to commit to a peaceful transfer of power in the run-up to the 2020 election, had previously induced the Defense Department to reiterate its apolitical role in American elections.

“I believe deeply in the principle of an apolitical U.S. military,” Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley said in September. “In the event of a dispute over some aspect of the elections, by law, U.S. courts and the U.S. Congress are required to resolve any disputes, not the U.S. military. I foresee no role for the U.S. armed forces in this process.”
You are a little light on the history there dude. The National guard is in fact part of the US military and has been used several times just during my lifetime to quell riots looting and insurrection. Also you fail to quote the President saying he was considering using, or planning to use, troops.
Please, Trump's troop rhetoric needs no quoting at this point. And governors call out the Guard
Certainly does. Was it Governors who sent troops to Vietnam? Don't Governors generally do what the Federal government requests given that the Federal government pays trains and equips NG troops not to mention contributes major funds to many States for many purposes?

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