Pelosi Open to Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials

Your IGNORANT support of terrorists and terrorism are the reason we are in danger and will not solve any problems, people like you simply won't grasp we are in a war for our lives. You should just convert to Islam now cause dumb fucks like you are going to aid and abet the attempts by Islam to take over the West.

You know, I don't support terrorists. I've already stated this way too many times to count.

Stop beating that dead horse Sarge, trying to compare me to Hitler won't win you the argument automatically.

But once again, you never asked me if I were president what I'd do with things concerning the Patriot Act, FISA, etc. All you do is ASSUME, it's what you're best at.
You know, I don't support terrorists. I've already stated this way too many times to count.

Stop beating that dead horse Sarge, trying to compare me to Hitler won't win you the argument automatically.

But once again, you never asked me if I were president what I'd do with things concerning the Patriot Act, FISA, etc. All you do is ASSUME, it's what you're best at.

Go ahead moron post the quote where I compared you to Hitler. I called you an unwitting agent of Satan once cause you are.
that is completely untrue
OK, I would like you and others to point out anywhere in the NIE or any intelligence document that points out any of these assertions. I'll give 5 for starters:
"Senior members of Iraqi intelligence and al-Qaeda have met at least eight times since the early 1990s. Iraq has sent bomb-making and document forgery experts to work with al-Qaeda" and "Iraq has also provided al-Qaeda with chemical and biological weapons training." Bush 2/16/2003
Evidence from intelligence sources, secret communications, and statements by people now in custody reveal that Saddam Hussein aids and protects terrorists, including members of al Qaeda. George W. Bush, President
State of the Union Speech 1/28/2003
He is a man who would likely -- he is a man who would likely team up with al Qaeda. He could provide the arsenal for one of these shadowy terrorist networks. He would love to use somebody else to attack us, and not leave fingerprints behind. George W. Bush, President
Remarks by the President at Illinois Welcome
in terms of its [Iraq's] support for terrorism, we have established that Iraq has permitted Al-Qaeda to operate within its territory. As the President said recently, "The regime has long-standing and continuing ties to terrorist organizations. And there are Al-Qaeda terrorists inside Iraq." The President has made his position on Iraq eminently clear, and in the coming weeks and months we shall see what we shall see.
John Bolton, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control
Speech to the Hudson Institute 11/1/2002
We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases. George W. Bush, President
Cincinnati, Ohio Speech
As you can see this area centers around the "Saddam had ties to Al Qaeda" statements. You will not find any document supporting any of these assertions.
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OK, I would like you and others to point out anywhere in the NIE or any intelligence document that points out any of these assertions. I'll give 5 for starters:

As you can see this area centers around the "Saddam had ties to Al Qaeda" statements. You will not find any document supporting any of these assertions.
yes, they are all true
but clearly you are a partisan fucking moron so why bother
OK, I would like you and others to point out anywhere in the NIE or any intelligence document that points out any of these assertions. I'll give 5 for starters:

As you can see this area centers around the "Saddam had ties to Al Qaeda" statements. You will not find any document supporting any of these assertions.

The simple fact everyone keeps overlooking is that Bush violated no laws. And like it or not, his holding a different ideology and interpretation of the law that you does NOT make him wrong.

This IS a witchhunt. Why some on the left INSIST on digging and digging until they come up with a clear cut case of jaywalking, at the cost of millions, is NOT normal thinking. And THAT is all this amounts to.

The precedent it will set, should it happen is the next time the Republicans are in power, and it ALWAYS rolls back around -- the people will get tired of the Dems again just as they have the GOP, just as they did the Dems before that, the mosty recent Democrat President will be crucified.

I know ... Let's put on a spectacle for the world to watch. :rolleyes:
Go watch "The Siege", good movie.

The wall of separation has always existed between government agencies. Hell, the CIA and FBI never wanted to be in contact with one another or share any information.

That's called arrogance and power trips on their part.

If it makes you sleep better at night, feel free to blame the Clinton Administration for every misstep and mistake that Bush made. I blame them both for not taking the necessary action. I blame Reagan and Bush 41 for training, supplying, and basically creating Al-Qaeda who also got help in being created by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

I blame Reagan and Bush 41 for giving weapons to Saddam to go kill Iranians which he ended up using to not only kill his own people but invade Kuwait with in 1990. I blame them also for giving weapons to Iran to go Iraqis which ended up with Saddam hating us.

There is enough blame to go around for all of them, they all have fucked up enough to get us where we are now.

Actually 'the wall' as explained was erected during Clinton's administration, Bush administration continued with it, until after 9/11.

For someone claiming 'non-partisan' and faulting those who paint 'all' with too broad a brush, you're pretty good at doing just that:

...If it makes you sleep better at night, feel free to blame the Clinton Administration for every misstep and mistake that Bush made....
I was blaming both too. You will not find much 'Clinton bashing' by me in reasonable discussions.
basically, you still believe the stupidity that we funded Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, we didnt
you also claim we provided weapons to Saddam, we didnt

you continue to spout the complete bullshit the liberal morons have spouted for years and were wrong about it

CRG -- Who Is Osama Bin Laden?

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Who is Osama Bin Laden?

Reagan's critics | National Interest, The | Find Articles at BNET

National Security Decision Directive 166

Who do you think taught Osama the training that Al-Qaeda uses today?

Norm Dixon: How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons

On August 18, 2002, the New York Times carried a front-page story headlined, "Officers say U.S. aided Iraq despite the use of gas". Quoting anonymous US "senior military officers", the NYT "revealed" that in the 1980s, the administration of US President Ronald Reagan covertly provided "critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war". The story made a brief splash in the international media, then died.

Even William Safire, the right-wing, war-mongering NYT columnist, on December 7, 1992, felt compelled to write that, "Iraqgate is uniquely horrendous: a scandal about the systematic abuse of power by misguided leaders of three democratic nations [the US, Britain and Italy] to secretly finance the arms buildup of a dictator".

Howard Teicher, who monitored Middle East policy at the US National Security Council during the Reagan administration, told the February 23, 1992, LA Times: "There was a conscious effort to encourage third countries to ship US arms or acquiesce in shipments after the fact. It was a policy of nods and winks."

According to Mark Phythian's 1997 book Arming Iraq: How the US and Britain Secretly Built Saddam's War Machine (Northeastern University Press), in 1983 Reagan asked Italy's Prime Minister Guilo Andreotti to channel arms to Iraq.

On that same day, the UPI wire service reported from the UN: "Mustard gas laced with a nerve agent has been used on Iranian soldiers ... a team of UN experts has concluded ... Meanwhile, in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, US presidential envoy Donald Rumsfeld held talks with foreign minister Tariq Aziz."

The day before, Iran had accused Iraq of poisoning 600 of its soldiers with mustard gas and Tabun nerve gas.

There is no doubt that the US government knew Iraq was using chemical weapons. On March 5, 1984, the State Department had stated that "available evidence indicates that Iraq has used lethal chemical weapons". The March 30, 1984, NYT reported that US intelligence officials has "what they believe to be incontrovertible evidence that Iraq has used nerve gas in its war with Iran and has almost finished extensive sites for mass producing the lethal chemical warfare agent".

Iraq's 1982 removal from Washington's official list of states that support terrorism meant that the Hussein regime was now eligible for US economic and military aid, and was able to purchase advanced US technology that could also be used for military purposes.

Conventional military sales resumed in December 1982. In 1983, the Reagan administration approved the sale of 60 Hughes helicopters to Iraq in 1983 "for civilian use". However, as Phythian pointed out, these aircraft could be "weaponised" within hours of delivery. Then US Secretary of State George Schultz and commerce secretary George Baldridge also lobbied for the delivery of Bell helicopters equipped for "crop spraying". It is believed that US-supplied choppers were used in the 1988 chemical attack on the Kurdish village of Halabja, which killed 5000 people.

By the end of 1983, US$402 million in agriculture department loan guarantees for Iraq were approved. In 1984, this increased to $503 million and reached $1.1 billion in 1988. Between 1983 and 1990, CCC loan guarantees freed up more than $5 billion. Some $2 billion in bad loans, plus interest, ended up having to be covered by US taxpayers.

According to William Blum, writing in the August 1998 issue of the Progressive, Sam Gejdenson, chairperson of a Congressional subcommittee investigating US exports to Iraq, disclosed that from 1985 until 1990 "the US government approved 771 licenses [only 39 were rejected] for the export to Iraq of $1.5 billion worth of biological agents and high-tech equipment with military application ...

"The US spent virtually an entire decade making sure that Saddam Hussein had almost whatever he wanted... US export control policy was directed by US foreign policy as formulated by the State Department, and it was US foreign policy to assist the regime of Saddam Hussein."

From July 18 to August 1, 1990, Bush senior's administration approved $4.8 million in advanced technology sales to Iraq. The end-users included Saad 16 and the Iraqi ministry of industry and military industrialisation. On August 1, $695,000 worth of advanced data transmission devices were approved.

"Only on August 2, 1990, did the agriculture department officially suspend the [CCC loan] guarantees to Iraq--the same day that Hussein's tanks and troops swept into Kuwait", noted Frantz and Waas.

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Actually 'the wall' as explained was erected during Clinton's administration, Bush administration continued with it, until after 9/11.

For someone claiming 'non-partisan' and faulting those who paint 'all' with too broad a brush, you're pretty good at doing just that:

I was blaming both too. You will not find much 'Clinton bashing' by me in reasonable discussions.

How exactly am I painting with an all too broad of a brush?
How exactly am I painting with an all too broad of a brush?

To imply that what I originally posted was indicative of a 'Clinton obsession.' Not true, as I've said I'm not into bashing. Honestly I probably have more negative posts regarding Bush than Clinton, as Clinton was out of office 4 years before I joined this board.
To imply that what I originally posted was indicative of a 'Clinton obsession.' Not true, as I've said I'm not into bashing. Honestly I probably have more negative posts regarding Bush than Clinton, as Clinton was out of office 4 years before I joined this board.
bobby tries to claim he isnt partisan because he isnt registered to any party
clearly he has no clue what he is talking about
To imply that what I originally posted was indicative of a 'Clinton obsession.' Not true, as I've said I'm not into bashing. Honestly I probably have more negative posts regarding Bush than Clinton, as Clinton was out of office 4 years before I joined this board.

Well it's good to see one Republican not blaming their life's problems in 2009 on Clinton. :tongue:

Of course, don't refute it anyway.

Because your word is gold, whatever you call PARTISAN BULLSHIT must be wrong. :cuckoo:

I guess all those republicans are traitors and believers in the Liberal lie! Oh I know, they must be RINOS! Right Dive?

Gee, I guess the same guy who wrote the Saddam article must be some Liberal loving partisan hack right?


Norm Dixon, How the Liberals sheltered Nazis

Wrong again.
Of course, don't refute it anyway.

Because your word is gold, whatever you call PARTISAN BULLSHIT must be wrong. :cuckoo:

I guess all those republicans are traitors and believers in the Liberal lie! Oh I know, they must be RINOS! Right Dive?

Gee, I guess the same guy who wrote the Saddam article must be some Liberal loving partisan hack right?


Norm Dixon, How the Liberals sheltered Nazis

Wrong again.
i dont give a fuck WHO he is
its still partisan bullshit
you clearly dont know what the fuck you are talking about
i dont give a fuck WHO he is
its still partisan bullshit
you clearly dont know what the fuck you are talking about

It's clear when presented with facts, evidence, dates/names, and $ amounts that you refuse to see reason.

You will continue to deny even if God himself came down from the heavens and smacked you senseless.

Instead of whining Partisan bullshit and that I have no idea what I'm talking about why don't you actually refute the points made?

But hey, that might actually take some research, reading posts, double checking, and actual thinking. I realize now that might be too much for you to handle Dive.
It's clear when presented with facts, evidence, dates/names, and $ amounts that you refuse to see reason.

You will continue to deny even if God himself came down from the heavens and smacked you senseless.

Instead of whining Partisan bullshit and that I have no idea what I'm talking about why don't you actually refute the points made?

But hey, that might actually take some research, reading posts, double checking, and actual thinking. I realize now that might be too much for you to handle Dive.
because, punk, i've done so so fucking many times i'm tired of having to do so over and over and over again
It's clear when presented with facts, evidence, dates/names, and $ amounts that you refuse to see reason.

You will continue to deny even if God himself came down from the heavens and smacked you senseless.

Instead of whining Partisan bullshit and that I have no idea what I'm talking about why don't you actually refute the points made?

But hey, that might actually take some research, reading posts, double checking, and actual thinking. I realize now that might be too much for you to handle Dive.

I know ... let's tie a stone around him and throw him in the lake. If floats, he's a witch ...errr....guilty.:eusa_whistle:
because, punk, i've done so so fucking many times i'm tired of having to do so over and over and over again

If that wasn't whining, then do tell me what is.

Besides, if you're tired of doing so then here's a tip, stop responding to my posts.

How about that bright idea?

That way you save yourself from what seems to be a future heart attack.
Clinton being chased after for lying about a blowjob: Wasteful

Remember boys and girls, Clinton may of fucked an intern but Bush fucked the entire country.

Clinton lied to a Grand jury....period. Perjury is a crime and it really does not matter what the lie is about. That was his crime.
As it stands, no one has been able to prove Bush did anything wrong that would have resulted in impeachment. If they had, he would have been impeached as Clinton was.

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