Pelosi Open to Prosecution of Bush Administration Officials

If that wasn't whining, then do tell me what is.

Besides, if you're tired of doing so then here's a tip, stop responding to my posts.

How about that bright idea?

That way you save yourself from what seems to be a future heart attack.
you greatly over estimate your effect
typical for arrogant young punks
I know ... let's tie a stone around him and throw him in the lake. If floats, he's a witch ...errr....guilty.:eusa_whistle:

Hell no, I'm too lazy to do something like that.

Besides, I don't have a stone big enough lying around. Though I do have a lake somewhat nearby. :eusa_whistle:

Though how about we all pitch in for some downers for Dive? You in for like $20 Gunny? While we're at it, we should get some for Sarge. :eusa_angel:
Well it's good to see one Republican not blaming their life's problems in 2009 on Clinton. :tongue:

Who the hell blames their life problems on Clinton? Ive never seen anyone blame their life problems on Clinton. I've seen lots of people use Clinton to point out the absolute hypocrisy of the left these past 8 years. But blame their life problems on him?

Hasnt happened.
Clinton lied to a Grand jury....period. Perjury is a crime and it really does not matter what the lie is about. That was his crime.
As it stands, no one has been able to prove Bush did anything wrong that would have resulted in impeachment. If they had, he would have been impeached as Clinton was.

These people seem to disagree:

Why Impeach Bush and Cheney

Whether their claims are valid or not, unsure as I haven't taken a good look at it.

Whether he did any impeachable offenses or not though, Bush fucked this country up big time.

Kucinich I always found a little kooky: Impeach Bush

But I must say, he has some interesting articles in there.
Who the hell blames their life problems on Clinton? Ive never seen anyone blame their life problems on Clinton. I've seen lots of people use Clinton to point out the absolute hypocrisy of the left these past 8 years. But blame their life problems on him?

Hasnt happened.

I've had conversations with several people who seem to think that everyone wrong in this country and therefore all their problems go back to Clinton. I can't imagine if Clinton was never president what they would of done. Probably go back to blaming Carter for everything, damn peanut farmer. :lol:
If they want to waste time and money, they should go for it.

The country remains heavily devided, no sense in not finishing it off.
Fuck it, prosecute them so fucking fag liberals can start whining about something else please.......
Robert, here's the problem. As we know now, Bush and Cheney broke no laws. If you want to see this country waste millions of dollars to find out if they did, you're an idiot. That's millions of dollars better spent on something more productive. What good could come of finding them guilty of some off-the-wall crime that, let's face it, will amount to nothing? From one accountant to another, do a cost-benefit analysis. The cost is too great, and the benefits too few. In the end, no one really gives a shit. We just want him out of office and out of our lives. But I'd rather see him take that megacunt Pelosi with him.
The simple fact everyone keeps overlooking is that Bush violated no laws. And like it or not, his holding a different ideology and interpretation of the law that you does NOT make him wrong.

This IS a witchhunt. ....blah blah blah

:clap2: Another excellent rebuttal to my post. The research alone must have taken you hours. I just can't compete with such sheer brilliance and water-tight defense.

Anyone else?
:clap2: Another excellent rebuttal to my post. The research alone must have taken you hours. I just can't compete with such sheer brilliance and water-tight defense.

Anyone else?

Ok, you dumb shit, lets get real. Bush was INVESTIGATED by both the House and the Senate , once by Republican controlled Congress and once by a Democratic Controlled Congress. And the finds? Both times the Congress agreed Bush broke no laws, told no lies and did nothing wrong.

But now retards like you want a new Congress to do over what you politically disagree with. Not only redo it but move it to a criminal case when TWICE already it has been found with out merit.

If you persist in this I do not want to hear one whine, one peep from you rejects when the Republicans regain power and do the same to your darlings.
Fuck it, prosecute them so fucking fag liberals can start whining about something else please.......

Kittenfodder, or whatever your name is. I stand by this tongue and cheek statement until liberals start blaming their miserable lives on something else besides George Bush. So guess where you can stick your petty little negative rep?.......:eusa_whistle:
Ok, you dumb shit, lets get real. Bush was INVESTIGATED by both the House and the Senate , once by Republican controlled Congress and once by a Democratic Controlled Congress. And the finds? Both times the Congress agreed Bush broke no laws, told no lies and did nothing wrong.

But now retards like you want a new Congress to do over what you politically disagree with. Not only redo it but move it to a criminal case when TWICE already it has been found with out merit.

If you persist in this I do not want to hear one whine, one peep from you rejects when the Republicans regain power and do the same to your darlings.
I never said anything about wanting Bush being investigated by the House or Senate. I want Bush tried in a Court of Law. And Because of your colourful language I will not respond to you again either.
I never said anything about wanting Bush being investigated by the House or Senate. I want Bush tried in a Court of Law. And Because of your colourful language I will not respond to you again either.
what you are not getting is, there is NOTHING to charge him with in a court of law, or congress would already have done so
to keep pushing for it is MORONIC

btw asshole, you are a fucking waste of skin, you are ignorant beyond belief
OK, I would like you and others to point out anywhere in the NIE or any intelligence document that points out any of these assertions. I'll give 5 for starters:

As you can see this area centers around the "Saddam had ties to Al Qaeda" statements. You will not find any document supporting any of these assertions.

Why don't you start out with Page 66 of the "9/11 Commission Report" (page 83 of the PDF)....This explains the evidence dealing with Bin Ladin and Saddam contacts in 1998 or so.....

Try to not get confused with what was believed before 9/11 and what was un-covered after and during the Commission testimony....after all, thats the important element to this....what was thought to be the truth by intell, foreign and domestic...

I won't counter your crap line by line or word for word as its too time consuming, but you can educate yourself if you have the open mind to do so....
I never said anything about wanting Bush being investigated by the House or Senate. I want Bush tried in a Court of Law. And Because of your colourful language I will not respond to you again either.

Jesus christ you're a fucking moron, try him in a court of law for what ? :eusa_whistle:
OK, I would like you and others to point out anywhere in the NIE or any intelligence document that points out any of these assertions. I'll give 5 for starters:

As you can see this area centers around the "Saddam had ties to Al Qaeda" statements. You will not find any document supporting any of these assertions.

How about Page 128....(9/11 Commission Report)

Talks about Clinton's indictment of Bin Ladin that originally included the accusation that al Qaeda had reached "an understanding with the gov. of Iraq", etc....

goes on to talk about the scumbag Richard Clark's speculation to Berger that a large Iraqi presence at the chemical facilities in Kartoum was "probably a direct result of the Iraq/al Qaida agreement."....Clarke continued on that VX precursor traces found near al Shifa were the "exact formula used by Iraq"...

This stuff was later dropped from the superseding indictment filed in Nov. 1998 but this information clearly shows what our super smart spy Clarke believed about al Qeada and Saddam conections....beliefs he later denied to save his own ass and reputation and throw Bush under the bus at the same time....
a typical hypocrit Democratic act.....
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