Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

The should make the legislators go on record as being for or against treason.

That way the supporters of treason can have their lives destroyed as they well should be
Well all the Dems would have to say they support treason then....
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

Actually it's a pretty smart move by Pelosi. Trump wouldn't dare try to set his Proud Boys on the Inauguration or in any other way try to pull any of the "counterprogramming" rabble rousing he was threatening to disrupt Biden's Inauguration. That's for starters. Because all of those plans have been underway for a while.

Next, instead of spending the day disrupting the Inauguration, and attempting to further divide and inflame, Trump is going to have to defend himself from the very real probability that he will be legally barred from seeking public office ever again, and since he can't legally run a charity either, well what's a conman to do?

Richard Nixon was allowed to walk away from his crimes precisely because he accepted the notion that he was caught and nobody was falling for his bullshit any longer, and if he didn't go away quietly - for the good of the nation, he would be going to jail. No question.

It is long past the time that this very bald and plain fact of life and his current circumstances be made crystal clear to Donald Trump. After his last impeachment didn't result in his removal from office, it emboldened Trump to become much, much worse. This needs to be done, to silence Trump, and end "trumpism", because Trump won't let it go otherwise.
Impeachment is only an accusation. He was found not guilty by the Senate. I doubt the Democrats have the time to impeach him again. They have 9 days.

scumbag trump should be impeached everyday, freaking traitor, worth less than a whore's fart...

Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.

Trump already lost.. He's been a loser his whole life and after every loss he seeks revenge.

Donald Trump:

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
You have to show strength,

Go climb under the bed with Citygayer, Buttercup.

Mob hysteria is not strength... and Trump is NOT a strong person.. He's as insecure as they come.
The Senate is in a pro forma session and would require unanimous consent to reconvene which is highly unlikely. They would not get the articles until it didn’t matter anymore making it purely a symbolic act by the House.

The democrats want to flex their muscles, much the way Lenin did when he slaughtered the family of the Tsar.

This is the opening salvo in a reign of terror by the democrats.
It was just yesterday that the similarities between the democrat communists and the Russian communist revolution became glaringly apparent. If Trump is impeached and cannot run but one of sons could would the commiecrsts assassinate the entire family? More and more the answer is yes.

Democrat communists, are being led by Nancy Pelosi to a stone wall. She intends impeachment hearings AFTER Chicom Biden is inaugurated. This means a stop to the entire Biden agenda while the articles are being debated. They have no plan going forward because the Chinese haven't given them one yet.
Trump encouraged protests--not riots.
We know what Trump incited his goons to do.

The mob's deadly insurrection cannot now be re-edited into a candlelight procession in which they intoned a moving rendition of "We Shall Overcome."

You have to understand that the goodthinker trumpfisti cherry pick the one time 18:30 min into the speech that the word peaceful was uttered as a throwaway line. Never mind the fact that he went on for anyther 55 minutes, gining the crowd up for bloodlust

Untitled drawing - 2021-01-11T022310.673.png
Practice your religion and don't try to impose it on others.


A Maoist talking about "imposing ideas on others..."

Comrade, if a church teaches that homosexuality is a sin per their Bible, should all of the congregants be arrested and sent to forced labor camps, or only the pastor?

If a child comes home after a day at the indoctrination center declaring they are a ze as their party mentor trained them, and then the parent teaches them the biological fact that among mammals there are two genders, male and female, and that there are significant physiological differences between the genders; once the child is removed, should the party send the parent to reeducation, or just to the forced labor camps?

If a church teaches homosexuality is a sin, then it's adherents will probably eschew homosexual behaviour, but that doesn't give them the right to discriminate against homosexuals, or to refuse them service, unless they similarly refuse to serve other sinners, such as those entering into a second marriage, after divorcing their spouse, or those lie, steal, or covet, or blaspheme the Lord.

The Bible they claim to believe in also says to "Judge not lest you be judged", and to obey the laws of the land. If Christian chose to apply their beliefs "unevenly" - to follow some teachings and not others, especially beliefs that allow them to discriminate against some sinners and not others, all of these things put the lie to the notion that religion has anything to do with their discrimination against homosexuals.

The biological fact is that there are not just two genders. Gender is determined by chromosomes and there are more than two ways for those chromosomes to line up. That is why homosexuality has existed in every culture, on every continent, in every millenium, and all across the realm of biological species. It's not learned behaviour, and it sure as hell isn't a "choice".

It is not progressive who deny biology, but rather conservatives,
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.

Trump already lost.. He's been a loser his whole life and after every loss he seeks revenge.

Donald Trump:

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
You have to show strength,

Go climb under the bed with Citygayer, Buttercup.

Mob hysteria is not strength... and Trump is NOT a strong person.. He's as insecure as they come.
Then why does he have you hiding under your bed clutching your Binky?
If a church teaches homosexuality is a sin, then it's adherents will probably eschew homosexual behaviour, but that doesn't give them the right to discriminate against homosexuals, or to refuse them service, unless they similarly refuse to serve other sinners, such as those entering into a second marriage, after divorcing their spouse, or those lie, steal, or covet, or blaspheme the Lord.

The Bible they claim to believe in also says to "Judge not lest you be judged", and to obey the laws of the land. If Christian chose to apply their beliefs "unevenly" - to follow some teachings and not others, especially beliefs that allow them to discriminate against some sinners and not others, all of these things put the lie to the notion that religion has anything to do with their discrimination against homosexuals.

Nobody really follows the Bible to the letter of the law. If we all did, there would only be one religion. However since people believe some things in the Bible and others not, that's why we have different religions.

Even people who believe in the new testament would never invite a homeless man into their home to live, nor would they give them their last dollar.
Trump encouraged protests--not riots.
We know what Trump incited his goons to do.

The mob's deadly insurrection cannot now be re-edited into a candlelight procession in which they intoned a moving rendition of "We Shall Overcome."

You have to understand that the goodthinker trumpfisti cherry pick the one time 18:30 min into the speech that the word peaceful was uttered as a throwaway line. Never mind the fact that he went on for anyther 55 minutes, gining the crowd up for bloodlust

View attachment 441268

How is this ginning up the crowd for blood lust?
Trump encouraged protests--not riots.
We know what Trump incited his goons to do.

The mob's deadly insurrection cannot now be re-edited into a candlelight procession in which they intoned a moving rendition of "We Shall Overcome."

Trump didn't incite them to do anything but protest. Leftist lies are so easy to prove.
It is long past the time that this very bald and plain fact of life and his current circumstances be made crystal clear to Donald Trump. After his last impeachment didn't result in his removal from office, it emboldened Trump to become much, much worse. This needs to be done, to silence Trump, and end "trumpism", because Trump won't let it go otherwise.

Yep, that's what all Nazis believe.
Trump encouraged protests--not riots.
We know what Trump incited his goons to do.

The mob's deadly insurrection cannot now be re-edited into a candlelight procession in which they intoned a moving rendition of "We Shall Overcome."

Trump didn't incite them to do anything but protest. Leftist lies are so easy to prove.

When the Dem Senate minority leader and soon to be majority leader equates the protest with Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor that tells you all you need to know about the dishonest lowlife scum Democrats.
Practice your religion and don't try to impose it on others.


A Maoist talking about "imposing ideas on others..."

Comrade, if a church teaches that homosexuality is a sin per their Bible, should all of the congregants be arrested and sent to forced labor camps, or only the pastor?

If a child comes home after a day at the indoctrination center declaring they are a ze as their party mentor trained them, and then the parent teaches them the biological fact that among mammals there are two genders, male and female, and that there are significant physiological differences between the genders; once the child is removed, should the party send the parent to reeducation, or just to the forced labor camps?

If a church teaches homosexuality is a sin, then it's adherents will probably eschew homosexual behaviour, but that doesn't give them the right to discriminate against homosexuals, or to refuse them service, unless they similarly refuse to serve other sinners, such as those entering into a second marriage, after divorcing their spouse, or those lie, steal, or covet, or blaspheme the Lord.

The Bible they claim to believe in also says to "Judge not lest you be judged", and to obey the laws of the land. If Christian chose to apply their beliefs "unevenly" - to follow some teachings and not others, especially beliefs that allow them to discriminate against some sinners and not others, all of these things put the lie to the notion that religion has anything to do with their discrimination against homosexuals.

The biological fact is that there are not just two genders. Gender is determined by chromosomes and there are more than two ways for those chromosomes to line up. That is why homosexuality has existed in every culture, on every continent, in every millenium, and all across the realm of biological species. It's not learned behaviour, and it sure as hell isn't a "choice".

It is not progressive who deny biology, but rather conservatives,

Good post.. I wonder if the creator also made homosexuals.. People should practice their religion and leave other people alone.. They can't take civil rights away from people who are different. America isn't a theocracy.

And, this whole thing about Sodom and Gomorrah is so ignorant.. The cities of the plain were destroyed long before Abraham or Lot and the morality tale is about affluent cities mistreating strangers and travelers.
Okay Democrats what is your top priority, Covid vaccination, lock downs, economic devastation or your temper tantrum over the Trump protest please tell us what congress should be focusing on.
Trump encouraged protests--not riots.
We know what Trump incited his goons to do.

The mob's deadly insurrection cannot now be re-edited into a candlelight procession in which they intoned a moving rendition of "We Shall Overcome."

You have to understand that the goodthinker trumpfisti cherry pick the one time 18:30 min into the speech that the word peaceful was uttered as a throwaway line. Never mind the fact that he went on for anyther 55 minutes, gining the crowd up for bloodlust

View attachment 441268
That is it? No wonder nobody in the MSM is playing Trump's speech. There is no call to violence, if there was it would a non stop loop on every channel.
Okay Democrats what is your top priority, Covid vaccination, lock downs, economic devastation or your temper tantrum over the Trump protest please tell us what congress should be focusing on.
Biden tweeted that his focus is helping, black, hispanic, asian and women owned businesses. White need not apply, except if you have a vagina.
Okay Democrats what is your top priority, Covid vaccination, lock downs, economic devastation or your temper tantrum over the Trump protest please tell us what congress should be focusing on.

The only tantrums are four years of Trump's tweet rages, name calling and alienating not only our allies but our intelligence agencies, scientists and medical experts.. Grow up.
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