Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.
They tried. He lost.
Pence is literally staying away now. Who knows what would happen if he entered the White House
Definitely a weird dynamic right now and that’s saying something. Pence tried to walk the tightrope between lunacy and decency while constantly adding fuel to Trump’s delusional ego and it blew up on him. It was a tough spot for anyone who was dedicated to not quitting.
Pence is literally staying away now. Who knows what would happen if he entered the White House
Definitely a weird dynamic right now and that’s saying something. Pence tried to walk the tightrope between lunacy and decency while constantly adding fuel to Trump’s delusional ego and it blew up on him. It was a tough spot for anyone who was dedicated to it quitting.
Yeah, he never had a chance. There was no needle to thread.

Well, tough shit. He has supported this creature for four years, so hoping for any kind of political traction out of this is pointless.

But they need to keep him and his family safe now. That's an entirely different story.
Holy crap. You still believe in the Russia conspiracy hoax? Can you possibly be in less-informed and/or indoctrinated?

So all those Trump associates who got convicted were convicted over a "hoax"? Really?

And then Trump had to pardon them all for not breaking bad on him.

They were all either convicted of process crimes or crimes unrelated to Russian collusion. I guess you missed that part. Yes, you were duped. It was a hoax.
Yes, Russia did get what they wanted, but it isn’t what you think it is. All our enemies are thrilled with a far-left government in the US. It helps them and accelerates our downfall. Defeating us from within has been their plan for many decades via educational indoctrination.

Here's the thing. Every Republican regime has left the country worse off. The last three Republican Presidents left the country in recession with high unemployment. It seems that if foreign countries really wanted to damage America, they'd support Republicans. They always manage to fuck things up.

It has clearly worked as bashing the US has not become a cool thing to do in both the classroom and politics. Remove any sense of patriotism from the people and this is what you get.

Yes, we should all pretend everything is wonderful and we never, ever did anything bad.

Funny thing. I'm a veteran. I'm patriotic, more than most of you people. And I realize that there's a lot of problems we need to fix and a lot in our history we ought to be embarrassed about.

You lemmings have fallen for it, but I can’t say I blame you. It is human nature to go with the flow(follow the crowd, fit in) and to follow what you have been taught your entire lives, no matter how off-base it may be.

Meh, the best argument against Republican politics is every time they get in, they fuck things up. to the point where you guys aren't terribly proud of your former presidents. If a few years, you will all be denying you ever supported Trump, just like you do with Bush 2, Bush 1, Romney, McCain, Nixon, Ford. The only guy you are proud of is Reagan, and that's because you ignore the stuff he ACTUALLY DID.

Understandable, he's the only one who didn't get voted out of office, impeached or left the economy in ruins.

Trump did all three.

We have reached the point where Democratic politicians don’t even have to shy away from the world Socialism. Just a couple of decades ago, that would be political suicide in the US, but not now. The indoctrination is just about complete.

Here's the thing... Most people are fine with socialism as long as it benefits them. Again, I go back to my discussion about "White People Welfare". When republicans insist that we get rid of Social Security and Medicare and Unemployment, you old people or unemployed people or disabled people are on your own, then you can come back to me and whine about Sooooooocialism.
Socialism is NOT a threat to us..

Poor ignorant sole.

Well, if you believe socialism is a threat, you are ripe for being duped and manipulated. Hitler ramped up his mobs with the same threat.

Your party is censoring speech that doesn’t align with their ideas, wants to take guns(don’t kid yourself) and is anti-religion. That doesn’t bode well for our country and aligns quite nicely with many other not so free countries on the map.
They were all either convicted of process crimes or crimes unrelated to Russian collusion. I guess you missed that part. Yes, you were duped. It was a hoax.

You mean, "they lied about what they talked to the Russians about or their dealings with Russia."

Nope. It wasn't a hoax. If anything, I doubt we know the half of how bad it was, given that our government wouldn't admit the Russians rigged our election.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.

Trump already lost.. He's been a loser his whole life and after every loss he seeks revenge.

Donald Trump:

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

Trump is America Benito Mussolini!

Mussolini was most successful with the hard right Italian conservatives. He too encouraged his followers to attack government buildings.
Your party is censoring speech that doesn’t align with their ideas, wants to take guns(don’t kid yourself) and is anti-religion. That doesn’t bode well for our country and aligns quite nicely with many other not so free countries on the map.

Nobody is censoring speech.
Please, the Democrats gave up on common sense gun control years ago when Adam Lanza slaughtered all those kids and Congress said it was fine.
As for being anti-religion... frankly, you should be glad we are. If you religious nuts were left to your own devices, you'd be murdering each other over whether or not Jesus is made of Wafers.
Socialism is NOT a threat to us..

Poor ignorant sole.

Well, if you believe socialism is a threat, you are ripe for being duped and manipulated. Hitler ramped up his mobs with the same threat.

Your party is censoring speech that doesn’t align with their ideas, wants to take guns(don’t kid yourself) and is anti-religion. That doesn’t bode well for our country and aligns quite nicely with many other not so free countries on the map.

Nobody is censoring free speech. If you can't abide by the terms of service, you get booted. That's capitalism. Twitter is not owned by the government. You want socialism and you're too stupid to even know what it is.
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Trump poured the gas on the fire he started. Stop trying to blame democrats for the fascism of trump and his cult.
Yes, we should all pretend everything is wonderful and we never, ever did anything bad.

LOL...the problem is, that is all we hear from you anti-American lemmings.

Funny thing. I'm a veteran. I'm patriotic, more than most of you people. And I realize that there's a lot of problems we need to fix and a lot in our history we ought to be embarrassed about.

No you aren’t patriotic. You want to “fundamentally change America” as you savior Obama promised. That means change from its core as in, keep no resembleance of. That is NOT patriotic.

Meh, the best argument against Republican politics is every time they get in, they fuck things up. to the point where you guys aren't terribly proud of your former presidents. If a few years, you will all be denying you ever supported Trump, just like you do with Bush 2, Bush 1, Romney, McCain, Nixon, Ford. The only guy you are proud of is Reagan, and that's because you ignore the stuff he ACTUALLY DID.

Understandable, he's the only one who didn't get voted out of office, impeached or left the economy in ruins.

Trump did all three.

No China virus and our country would be tops in teh world economy and by a lot. It was pre-Covid and would have continued its upward projectory. Now, that will not happen. Lefty loon will bring is DOWN to the rest of the world by supporting and funding ridiculous policies like the Paris Accord and the Green New Deal. They do NOT want the US to be exceptional. That is against their ideals and what they were taught. Obama even spoke out against the concept of American exceptionalism. Astounding , but true.

Here's the thing... Most people are fine with socialism as long as it benefits them. Again, I go back to my discussion about "White People Welfare". When republicans insist that we get rid of Social Security and Medicare and Unemployment, you old people or unemployed people or disabled people are on your own, then you can come back to me and whine about Sooooooocialism.

Right, because nobody else gets SS. LOL. You are too ignorant to have a reasonable discussion.
Socialism is NOT a threat to us..

Poor ignorant sole.

Well, if you believe socialism is a threat, you are ripe for being duped and manipulated. Hitler ramped up his mobs with the same threat.

Your party is censoring speech that doesn’t align with their ideas, wants to take guns(don’t kid yourself) and is anti-religion. That doesn’t bode well for our country and aligns quite nicely with many other not so free countries on the map.

Nobody is censoring free speech. If you can't abide by the terms of service, you get booted. That's capitalism. Twitter is not owned by the government. You want socialism and you're too stupid to even know what it is.

You don’t think the MSM and have political ties? Yes they are very much directed by the government and politicians. Just wait and see how obvious it will become once Biden takes office. You are being fooled. The government is censoring via these outlets. Lemmings will fall for anything.
Your party is censoring speech that doesn’t align with their ideas, wants to take guns(don’t kid yourself) and is anti-religion. That doesn’t bode well for our country and aligns quite nicely with many other not so free countries on the map.

Nobody is censoring speech.
Please, the Democrats gave up on common sense gun control years ago when Adam Lanza slaughtered all those kids and Congress said it was fine.
As for being anti-religion... frankly, you should be glad we are. If you religious nuts were left to your own devices, you'd be murdering each other over whether or not Jesus is made of Wafers.

Poor indoctrinated fool. You were NEVER a Republican. You don’t believe in one tenant of their platform.

The reason the government doesn’t want religion is because they want control. They want to be your God. They must have you put all your faith into them. It works on lemmings around the globe.
Socialism is NOT a threat to us..

Poor ignorant sole.

Well, if you believe socialism is a threat, you are ripe for being duped and manipulated. Hitler ramped up his mobs with the same threat.

Your party is censoring speech that doesn’t align with their ideas, wants to take guns(don’t kid yourself) and is anti-religion. That doesn’t bode well for our country and aligns quite nicely with many other not so free countries on the map.

Nobody is censoring free speech. If you can't abide by the terms of service, you get booted. That's capitalism. Twitter is not owned by the government. You want socialism and you're too stupid to even know what it is.

You don’t think the MSM and have political ties? Yes they are very much directed by the government and politicians. Just wait and see how obvious it will become once Biden takes office. You are being fooled. The government is censoring via these outlets. Lemmings will fall for anything.

I think people in media have diverse political beliefs just as we do.. Their job is to set their politics aside and report the facts to the best of their ability.

No one is censoring your freedom of speech. .. and nobody owes you a platform for your beliefs.
Your party is censoring speech that doesn’t align with their ideas, wants to take guns(don’t kid yourself) and is anti-religion. That doesn’t bode well for our country and aligns quite nicely with many other not so free countries on the map.

Nobody is censoring speech.
Please, the Democrats gave up on common sense gun control years ago when Adam Lanza slaughtered all those kids and Congress said it was fine.
As for being anti-religion... frankly, you should be glad we are. If you religious nuts were left to your own devices, you'd be murdering each other over whether or not Jesus is made of Wafers.

Poor indoctrinated fool. You were NEVER a Republican. You don’t believe in one tenant of their platform.

The reason the government doesn’t want religion is because they want control. They want to be your God. They must have you put all your faith into them. It works on lemmings around the globe.

Practice your religion and don't try to impose it on others.
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Yes, we should all pretend everything is wonderful and we never, ever did anything bad.

LOL...the problem is, that is all we hear from you anti-American lemmings.

Funny thing. I'm a veteran. I'm patriotic, more than most of you people. And I realize that there's a lot of problems we need to fix and a lot in our history we ought to be embarrassed about.

No you aren’t patriotic. You want to “fundamentally change America” as you savior Obama promised. That means change from its core as in, keep no resembleance of. That is NOT patriotic.

Meh, the best argument against Republican politics is every time they get in, they fuck things up. to the point where you guys aren't terribly proud of your former presidents. If a few years, you will all be denying you ever supported Trump, just like you do with Bush 2, Bush 1, Romney, McCain, Nixon, Ford. The only guy you are proud of is Reagan, and that's because you ignore the stuff he ACTUALLY DID.

Understandable, he's the only one who didn't get voted out of office, impeached or left the economy in ruins.

Trump did all three.

No China virus and our country would be tops in teh world economy and by a lot. It was pre-Covid and would have continued its upward projectory. Now, that will not happen. Lefty loon will bring is DOWN to the rest of the world by supporting and funding ridiculous policies like the Paris Accord and the Green New Deal. They do NOT want the US to be exceptional. That is against their ideals and what they were taught. Obama even spoke out against the concept of American exceptionalism. Astounding , but true.

Here's the thing... Most people are fine with socialism as long as it benefits them. Again, I go back to my discussion about "White People Welfare". When republicans insist that we get rid of Social Security and Medicare and Unemployment, you old people or unemployed people or disabled people are on your own, then you can come back to me and whine about Sooooooocialism.

Right, because nobody else gets SS. LOL. You are too ignorant to have a reasonable discussion.

What is American Exceptionalism? Teaching Political ...
Aug 24, 2020 · What is American exceptionalism? American exceptionalism is the political ideology that not only is the U.S. bigger and better than other countries but that it is the exception to the rule.
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Yes, absolutely.

If an attempted Coup isn't Impeachable, what is?

Ah the hate sites and their demagoguery.

The attempted coup was a year ago. Nancy Pigshit wasn't impeached and Adam Schitt wasn't executed for treason,

So fuck off.

Congress might not be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation. If Trump gets away with this, what's to stop the next guy from inciting a mob to storm Congress and kill them all?

The way Harris incited a mob to storm the Whitehouse in July.

You fucking traitors are such hypocritical frauds.

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