Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

I've never even used that phrase. You're lying again.

Fuck your insatiable obsession with putting people in bags. And as I told you before I'm not at all interested in what part of my content you choose to cherrypick. That's entirely your doing.

No cherry picking here pal. Quote me a post of yours where you ever stood behind Trump or a conservative issue. And don't say you can't because Trump has been a disaster for this country. Every metric would show you wrong. Low fuel prices, stock market breaking new records several times, new high in median household income, lowest unemployment rate for women and minorities since records were kept, less government dependents, not only one, but several vaccines produced in record time, and all along you were bashing Trump and the Republicans.


Don't bother me with any more of your childish shit. You're going on Ignore. :fu:
Pragmatically speaking...impeachment is a useless move by the House and will have real world consequences.

God, I hope so. I hope that Congress is sufficiently capable of self-preservation to realize that Trump can't be someone else's problem anymore.

The next guy?

Link us up to someone inciting a mob to "storm Congress and kill them all"?

Were you asleep last Wednesday?

Never mind, don't answer that.

The Democrats are not dumb. They just don't operate in the real world. While it's correct and proper to impeach the President...they shouldn't do it. Just like a landlord shouldn't evict a person the moment they don't pay the rent. They are correct and proper to do it by the letter of the law but in the real world, there are many more things to consider. Biden is taking office to a nation where 40 Million think it's cool (at least they are not saying they don't think it's cool) to invade the halls of Congress while in session to stop a duly elected president from being installed. Pelosi's actions will harden whatever % of the 40M who actually believe it was okay. Democrats live in a world where every thing is just as important as everything else. It isn't. It isn't important to impeach Trump. Censure his actions and move on. Let the nation move on.

You know what, guy. No. What we've seen seen is that when you let presidents get away with wrongdoing, the next guy tries to get away with something worse.

It started when Ford Pardoned Nixon so the country could "move on". Nixon faced no consequences for his actions. Then you had Reagan with Iran Contra, Clinton with Zippergate, Bush getting us into a war on a lie, and now this nonsense. Trump skated on openly plotting with foreign government to throw an election, he got a pass, so he just decided, "What else can I get away with?"

So what if 40 million of Trump supporters (probably less) think that this is okay. THAT'S why you punish Trump and every fucking moron who took a selfy defecating in the Capitol. To show it's NOT okay.
Pragmatically speaking...impeachment is a useless move by the House and will have real world consequences.

God, I hope so. I hope that Congress is sufficiently capable of self-preservation to realize that Trump can't be someone else's problem anymore.

The next guy?

Link us up to someone inciting a mob to "storm Congress and kill them all"?

Were you asleep last Wednesday?

Never mind, don't answer that.

The Democrats are not dumb. They just don't operate in the real world. While it's correct and proper to impeach the President...they shouldn't do it. Just like a landlord shouldn't evict a person the moment they don't pay the rent. They are correct and proper to do it by the letter of the law but in the real world, there are many more things to consider. Biden is taking office to a nation where 40 Million think it's cool (at least they are not saying they don't think it's cool) to invade the halls of Congress while in session to stop a duly elected president from being installed. Pelosi's actions will harden whatever % of the 40M who actually believe it was okay. Democrats live in a world where every thing is just as important as everything else. It isn't. It isn't important to impeach Trump. Censure his actions and move on. Let the nation move on.

You know what, guy. No. What we've seen seen is that when you let presidents get away with wrongdoing, the next guy tries to get away with something worse.

It started when Ford Pardoned Nixon so the country could "move on". Nixon faced no consequences for his actions. Then you had Reagan with Iran Contra, Clinton with Zippergate, Bush getting us into a war on a lie, and now this nonsense. Trump skated on openly plotting with foreign government to throw an election, he got a pass, so he just decided, "What else can I get away with?"

So what if 40 million of Trump supporters (probably less) think that this is okay. THAT'S why you punish Trump and every fucking moron who took a selfy defecating in the Capitol. To show it's NOT okay.

And clearly, there wasn't a President before Nixon who had any major scandals....right?

Should Obama be impeached because he spied on reporters?

" In 2013 the Obama administration obtained the records of 20 Associated Press office phone lines and reporters’ home and cell phones, seizing them without notice, as part of an investigation into the disclosure of information about a foiled al-Qaida terrorist plot."

And, as we saw with Mueller, the phone lines and reporters home and cell phones--the data gleemed from them--could be used to persecute on any number of items related or or not related to Al-Queda.


Hey, I agree it's impeachable. But I think the next President and the one after that and the one after that and the one after that will cross the line. Impeaching the blob will not stop it from happening. Also, in our hyper partisan atmosphere, anytime the House is controlled by one party and the Oval is controlled by will have an impeachment. I think we're there.
And clearly, there wasn't a President before Nixon who had any major scandals....right?

Should Obama be impeached because he spied on reporters?

Um, no, since our security laws give him that authority if there's a legitimate national security issue, which there was. Nor is there any direct evidence he ordered it.

As for pre-Nixon scandals, most of those did not involve the President's personal conduct.
Hey, I agree it's impeachable. But I think the next President and the one after that and the one after that and the one after that will cross the line. Impeaching the blob will not stop it from happening. Also, in our hyper partisan atmosphere, anytime the House is controlled by one party and the Oval is controlled by will have an impeachment. I think we're there.

Uh, probably not.

Let's review. Nixon got resigned before getting impeached because even Republicans thought his actions were over the line.

People talked about impeaching Reagan for Iran Contra, except the Iran part wasn't actually illegal, the Contra Part was done without his knowledge, and at the end of the day, people gave him a pass because he was trying to save American lives. Still, Bush-41 pardoning all the bit players set a terrible precedent...

Clinton was impeached for Lewinsky, because unlike all his other scandals (and he had a lot of them) this one involved his personal conduct. He couldn't throw someone else under the bus after the stained dress showed up. But Congress failed to hold him accountable because it was petty. Then he pardoned everyone involved in his other scandals... and terrible precedent.

Bush didn't get impeached for Iraq because the Democrats were dumb enough to write him a blank check.

Then Trump. Didn't get impeached for obstructing justice in the Mueller Probe because Congress didn't want to go there. Trump could lie that the whole Russia thing was a hoax. Then he got caught trying to shake down the Ukraine, impeachment failed, and he went around claiming that was a hoax. If Congress doesn't impeach him for what he was caught on tape openly doing, in six months, he'll claim that ANTIFA stormed the Capitol and some of these dumbasses will believe it.
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

She is and my opinion Candy is thinking it is pointless and will lead to bloodshed and possible Civil War...

At times you have to weigh if the action of Impeachment is truly worth it and I for one would Impeach and Convict as long as I know not another ounce of blood will drop from innocent people which are the ones who will be harmed by these nutters that support Trump!
And clearly, there wasn't a President before Nixon who had any major scandals....right?

Should Obama be impeached because he spied on reporters?

Um, no, since our security laws give him that authority if there's a legitimate national security issue, which there was. Nor is there any direct evidence he ordered it.

As for pre-Nixon scandals, most of those did not involve the President's personal conduct.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

She is and my opinion Candy is thinking it is pointless and will lead to bloodshed and possible Civil War...

At times you have to weigh if the action of Impeachment is truly worth it and I for one would Impeach and Convict as long as I know not another ounce of blood will drop from innocent people which are the ones who will be harmed by these nutters that support Trump!
Won't be a civil war. But it is pointless. There are much bigger issues and a censure gets you to the same spot if there is no hope of removal from office...which there not.
Hey, I agree it's impeachable. But I think the next President and the one after that and the one after that and the one after that will cross the line. Impeaching the blob will not stop it from happening. Also, in our hyper partisan atmosphere, anytime the House is controlled by one party and the Oval is controlled by will have an impeachment. I think we're there.

Uh, probably not.

Let's review. Nixon got resigned before getting impeached because even Republicans thought his actions were over the line.

People talked about impeaching Reagan for Iran Contra, except the Iran part wasn't actually illegal, the Contra Part was done without his knowledge, and at the end of the day, people gave him a pass because he was trying to save American lives. Still, Bush-41 pardoning all the bit players set a terrible precedent...

Clinton was impeached for Lewinsky, because unlike all his other scandals (and he had a lot of them) this one involved his personal conduct. He couldn't throw someone else under the bus after the stained dress showed up. But Congress failed to hold him accountable because it was petty. Then he pardoned everyone involved in his other scandals... and terrible precedent.

Bush didn't get impeached for Iraq because the Democrats were dumb enough to write him a blank check.

Then Trump. Didn't get impeached for obstructing justice in the Mueller Probe because Congress didn't want to go there. Trump could lie that the whole Russia thing was a hoax. Then he got caught trying to shake down the Ukraine, impeachment failed, and he went around claiming that was a hoax. If Congress doesn't impeach him for what he was caught on tape openly doing, in six months, he'll claim that ANTIFA stormed the Capitol and some of these dumbasses will believe it.
Repubs would never impeach Nixon today because they know what Progs are. Why? Because Progs will never impeach their own President for anything.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.
If your reasons for not holding Trump accountable for his crimes is either:

1) It will only make his supporters more angry and lead to more violence.


2) It looks bad and will result in the GOP moving to impeach any Dem POTUS once they regain control of the House.

Then, you are doing it wrong.
Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.
Yeah, right. Like tossing a cigarette lighter into a blast furnace.
We should NOT act in fear of these violent thugs.


Seems to have been working for Democrats for quite some time. They riot, loot, burn and steal to get what they want. It is their MO at this point. We have all come to expect some type of violence when a Democrat doesn’t get what they want or they feel slighted in some way. The only difference is that suburban, white collar Democratic lemmings defend the behavior and the MSM gives them a pass largely due to PC and fear.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Looks like they have arrested 100 people who stormed the Capitol on Wednesday.

Citi Bank and Chase have come out against the President.

Mussolini gave impassioned speeches encouraging his followers to attack government buildings.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
If your reasons for not holding Trump accountable for his crimes is either:

1) It will only make his supporters more angry and lead to more violence.


2) It looks bad and will result in the GOP moving to impeach any Dem POTUS once they regain control of the House.

Then, you are doing it wrong.

At this point in time 60% of Americans want Trump to resign. Many Republicans believe in justice under the law before reconciliation.

As for revenge... Trump's need for revenge the past 40 years is a facet of his mental illness and his repeated failures.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.

Trial by combat. We're coming to take our country back. Hang Pence.. From Trump's kids and Lin Wood or Giuliani... Trump never said anything to stop that. ..Then you have his tweets the past 8 weeks. Trump wanted his followers to stop the Electoral College vote.
Trump skated on openly plotting with foreign government to throw an election, he got a pass, so he just decided, "What else can I get away with?"

Holy crap. You still believe in the Russia conspiracy hoax? Can you possibly be in less-informed and/or indoctrinated?
Trump skated on openly plotting with foreign government to throw an election, he got a pass, so he just decided, "What else can I get away with?"

Holy crap. You still believe in the Russia conspiracy hoax? Can you possibly be in less-informed and/or indoctrinated?

Russia got what they wanted from Trump all along.. They got chaos in the US, undermining democracy and the election process and attacks on a government building.

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