Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

Impeachment is only an accusation. He was found not guilty by the Senate. I doubt the Democrats have the time to impeach him again. They have 9 days.

It doesn't really matter to them. They are sending a message to the rest of the country that you cannot <snip>

Lemme help you with that.

.... run around inciting riots sending your useful idiots to storm the fucking Capitol complete with nooses to hang your own Vice President, or there WILL be consequences.

There, doesn't that work well? We're like Lennon and McCartney.
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

I am. Its like charging the guy who shoots someone dead in the street for both the murder and for littering because the person he shot fell to the ground. He's leaving office in 8 days. Censure could probably get the Senate to go along with that. It's historic. And history would view it with indulgence since there is less than two weeks before the blob oozes out of office.
You don't think the Senate would remove him? Or vote him from taking office again? Why do you think so?


You're not going to get 17 Republicans to line up against the blob on this...especially after he leaves office. Had this happened in January of last year; perhaps.
Don't kid yourself. Billions of dollars of corporation lobbyism is floating around.
They want Trump gone for 2024 and will pay whatever it takes. They are not after President Trump. They are after you. Trump is just in the way.
What does that even mean?

Did it sound better in Cyrillic?
Don't kid yourself. Billions of dollars of corporation lobbyism is floating around.
They want Trump gone for 2024 and will pay whatever it takes. They are not after President Trump. They are after you. Trump is just in the way.
Agent C will run and troll somewhere else for awhile since she's outnumbered.

Or she'll send agent Lushy
What does that even mean?

Did it sound better in Cyrillic?
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

I am. Its like charging the guy who shoots someone dead in the street for both the murder and for littering because the person he shot fell to the ground. He's leaving office in 8 days. Censure could probably get the Senate to go along with that. It's historic. And history would view it with indulgence since there is less than two weeks before the blob oozes out of office.
You don't think the Senate would remove him? Or vote him from taking office again? Why do you think so?


You're not going to get 17 Republicans to line up against the blob on this...especially after he leaves office. Had this happened in January of last year; perhaps.
Don't kid yourself. Billions of dollars of corporation lobbyism is floating around.
They want Trump gone for 2024 and will pay whatever it takes. They are not after President Trump. They are after you. Trump is just in the way.
What does that even mean?

Did it sound better in Cyrillic?
Who are you talking to?
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

I am. Its like charging the guy who shoots someone dead in the street for both the murder and for littering because the person he shot fell to the ground. He's leaving office in 8 days. Censure could probably get the Senate to go along with that. It's historic. And history would view it with indulgence since there is less than two weeks before the blob oozes out of office.
You don't think the Senate would remove him? Or vote him from taking office again? Why do you think so?


You're not going to get 17 Republicans to line up against the blob on this...especially after he leaves office. Had this happened in January of last year; perhaps.
Don't kid yourself. Billions of dollars of corporation lobbyism is floating around.
They want Trump gone for 2024 and will pay whatever it takes. They are not after President Trump. They are after you. Trump is just in the way.
124 messages in one day. From the stats (and after reading your post), you don't seem to put much thought into what you write.

The Democrats are not dumb. They just don't operate in the real world. While it's correct and proper to impeach the President...they shouldn't do it. Just like a landlord shouldn't evict a person the moment they don't pay the rent. They are correct and proper to do it by the letter of the law but in the real world, there are many more things to consider. Biden is taking office to a nation where 40 Million think it's cool (at least they are not saying they don't think it's cool) to invade the halls of Congress while in session to stop a duly elected president from being installed. Pelosi's actions will harden whatever % of the 40M who actually believe it was okay. Democrats live in a world where every thing is just as important as everything else. It isn't. It isn't important to impeach Trump. Censure his actions and move on. Let the nation move on.
More over-reach from the Dems.
Like banning the Walkaway movement and not banning the President of Iran.
Impeach him. Make him a martyr to his followers. You fucking idiots have won but acting like you lost.
You have no idea how many people have been redpilled over this weekend.
The Walkaway Campaign has been removed from Facebook, but they still have numerous websites. There is one for each state. They now have more than 506,000 members. There is also a boycott of Twitter that has been active for over a year and they have a website, too.
Twitter's stock dropped 14% in the last quarter. I think we should do the same to Facebook.
Maybe you’re right, no impeachment, instead go straight to a capital case for treason.
Lemme help you with that.

.... run around inciting riots sending your useful idiots to storm the fucking Capitol complete with nooses to hang your own Vice President, or there WILL be consequences.

There, doesn't that work well? We're like Lennon and McCartney.

President Trump encouraged protests--not riots. Quit listening to the people pulling your strings. Would you like me to post how many commies encouraged protests during the Floyd thing? Commie Harris even posted a a GofundMe account on Twitter for her followers to donate money to bailout the anarchists so they can go out to riot even more. Of course, Twitter never pulled her post. Go figure. :rolleyes:
Lemme help you with that.

.... run around inciting riots sending your useful idiots to storm the fucking Capitol complete with nooses to hang your own Vice President, or there WILL be consequences.

There, doesn't that work well? We're like Lennon and McCartney.

President Trump encouraged protests--not riots. Quit listening to the people pulling your strings. Would you like me to post how many commies encouraged protests during the Floyd thing? Commie Harris even posted a a GofundMe account on Twitter for her followers to donate money to bailout the anarchists so they can go out to riot even more. Of course, Twitter never pulled her post. Go figure. :rolleyes:

"The Floyd Thing"?

Was that at the United States Capitol? While Congress was in session?
I have yet to see any post on the USMB that quotes Trump inciting a riot. What did he say that incited a riot? Put up or shut up.

What I have seen though is an awful lot of inflammatory rhetoric from a lot of people on the Left, both in politics and the media. Go ahead and impeach the guy, I guess it impresses your political base at the expense of the country. But don't be expecting any unity from the right.
"The Floyd Thing"?

Was that at the United States Capitol? While Congress was in session?

Yes, the Floyd thing. You know, where businesses were vandalized, ripped off, or burned to the ground? Where many police officers sustained injuries? Where police cars were set afire with maniacs jumping up and down on them. Where it collectively cost businesses and governments over a billion dollars, and some businesses unable to reopen? Yes, that Floyd thing.

As a right-winger myself, I watched Laura, I watched Hannity, I listened to Limbaugh, I watched Tucker, I watched the Judge and Lavin tonight, heard from many Republican leaders in the federal government. Not one of them condoned what happened at the Capital. Every one said the same thing: find these lowlifes, arrest them, and punish them to the fullest extent of the law. I never heard one conservative say that this incident was the Winter of Love. Can you say that about your people?
Great idea, Biden will take over in 9 days and the Democrats want to impeach. The first impeachment cost upwards of $3 Million (some say much more). And you idiots want to flush more money down the toilet....but hey, you're getting $600. What a bunch of idiots.
"The Floyd Thing"?

Was that at the United States Capitol? While Congress was in session?

Yes, the Floyd thing. You know, where businesses were vandalized, ripped off, or burned to the ground? Where many police officers sustained injuries? Where police cars were set afire with maniacs jumping up and down on them. Where it collectively cost businesses and governments over a billion dollars, and some businesses unable to reopen? Yes, that Floyd thing.

As a right-winger myself, I watched Laura, I watched Hannity, I listened to Limbaugh, I watched Tucker, I watched the Judge and Lavin tonight, heard from many Republican leaders in the federal government. Not one of them condoned what happened at the Capital. Every one said the same thing: find these lowlifes, arrest them, and punish them to the fullest extent of the law. I never heard one conservative say that this incident was the Winter of Love. Can you say that about your people?

Oh fuck off. Back to your dichotomy fantasy again. Grow the fuck up.
Great idea, Biden will take over in 9 days and the Democrats want to impeach. The first impeachment cost upwards of $3 Million (some say much more). And you idiots want to flush more money down the toilet....but hey, you're getting $600. What a bunch of idiots.

I ain't gittin' no mothafuckin' $600.
I have yet to see any post on the USMB that quotes Trump inciting a riot. What did he say that incited a riot? Put up or shut up.

What I have seen though is an awful lot of inflammatory rhetoric from a lot of people on the Left, both in politics and the media. Go ahead and impeach the guy, I guess it impresses your political base at the expense of the country. But don't be expecting any unity from the right.
That doesn't matter, the left can lie, and the media will print it as truth.
Oh fuck off. Back to your dichotomy fantasy again. Grow the fuck up.

If anybody creates a dichotomy it's you; always claiming you are middle of the road when in any conversation I've had with you, it's leftist all the way and animosity with anything conservative or Republican, and that goes double for President Trump.

I've never even used that phrase. You're lying again.

Fuck your insatiable obsession with putting people in bags. And as I told you before I'm not at all interested in what part of my content you choose to cherrypick. That's entirely your doing.
I've never even used that phrase. You're lying again.

Fuck your insatiable obsession with putting people in bags. And as I told you before I'm not at all interested in what part of my content you choose to cherrypick. That's entirely your doing.

No cherry picking here pal. Quote me a post of yours where you ever stood behind Trump or a conservative issue. And don't say you can't because Trump has been a disaster for this country. Every metric would show you wrong. Low fuel prices, stock market breaking new records several times, new high in median household income, lowest unemployment rate for women and minorities since records were kept, less government dependents, not only one, but several vaccines produced in record time, and all along you were bashing Trump and the Republicans.

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