Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

He's tried to overturn the election with lies, accusations, threats and going to Federal judges .. even the Supreme Court. He taunted his fringe people into storming the Capitol believing they could stop the Electoral College and overturn the election. Now five people are dead and those worthless, cowardly Republicans are still making excuses and enabling him.

Oh my Allah? He expected to be heard in courts? Courts aren't for enemies of the party.

Can't allow that - people might start thinking this is a nation of laws or something.

democrats must ask themselves in all things, What would Stalin do?

He had NO evidence.. Courts don't operate on the whims of dumb game show hosts.
He's stupid, incompetent and immoral. I don't expect saints.. I do expect basic decency.

Who? Xi's man Biden?


You fucking commie traitors say that Wednesday was the fault of Trump, but your Brown Shirts attacked the Capitol in July, and not only did you vermin praise them for it, you scum attacked Trump and the Capital police for stopping the traitor fucks from burning down St. Johns.

I've condemned the rioters of last Wednesday, but watching you fucking traitor scum I'm starting to think they are right - you're worse than the fucking Nazis - we stop you or you'll slaughter millions.
Sorry Bub, I am a capitalist thru and thru.. You're just ignorant as hell.


:lmao: :lol: :rofl:


We know exactly what you traitors are. We've seen your 10 month long Kristalnacht as you've waged violent civil war against America.

You are the enemy of this nation, the enemy of liberty, the enemy of life.
He had NO evidence.. Courts don't operate on the whims of dumb game show hosts.

You said it was treason to take it to court.

To oppose your party, to question your Reich in any way is "treason," and we know how tyranny treats treason.

I've said for a decade that the democrat are just the Khmer Rouge in America - and now we see it in action.

We fight you, we defeat you, or hundreds of millions will be slaughtered by you. That is undeniable at this point.
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

lol! You are the idiot .Nancy is forcing the gop to block this so they will look like bigger fools . Trump is able to run again and further split the GOP votes .

check mate .

Small potatoes. The election is 22 months away...nobody will remember this vote. Biden is trying to mend (what he can of) the nation and Nancy is sabotaging him before he even takes office.

Just answer this question:

Is Trump going to be removed? No. Then what is the point? Political considerations are, at best, a push.
With ONE week left in his presidency ?

Yes, absolutely.

If an attempted Coup isn't Impeachable, what is?

Congress might not be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation. If Trump gets away with this, what's to stop the next guy from inciting a mob to storm Congress and kill them all?
The attempted coup started 4 years ago.
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

I am. Its like charging the guy who shoots someone dead in the street for both the murder and for littering because the person he shot fell to the ground. He's leaving office in 8 days. Censure could probably get the Senate to go along with that. It's historic. And history would view it with indulgence since there is less than two weeks before the blob oozes out of office.
it is not wise, there is not enough time, though the Senate did get a supreme court justice from day appointed to day voted on and approved, in 8 total days, which is unheard of.....

Part of this is it has to be put on the congressional record, that this is not acceptable, so future presidents don't try it.... but isn't a censure available to do that?

And surely, there could be a criminal investigation and possible charges, as there would be for any other human being on this earth that possibly incited a riot at the capitol....

but maybe her concern is that he will try to pardon himself for his possibly seditious acts? And he won't be able to do that, if he is impeached for them, and convicted in the senate because a president can not pardon someone if they were impeached for the crime????

i truly don't know?

but my gut says, it's just not worth it..... even though more than half of Americans believe Trump did something really really really awful and believe no one should be above the law... those congress critters and staff and capitol police and secret service agents and VP Mike Pence who were terrorized and all of the family members who were terrorized with fear for their relatives stuck in there, deserve some justice!
It's to keep him from running again. Yes, having some kind of response on the Congressional record is a factor, but it's mostly to stop his aspirations to run again. Which he has clearly shown us is his plan.
I am. Its like charging the guy who shoots someone dead in the street for both the murder and for littering because the person he shot fell to the ground. He's leaving office in 8 days. Censure could probably get the Senate to go along with that. It's historic. And history would view it with indulgence since there is less than two weeks before the blob oozes out of office.

I disagree.

If Trump is allowed to get away with this, what's to keep the next guy from inciting a mob to storm Congress.

A Censure really isn't good enough.
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

I am. Its like charging the guy who shoots someone dead in the street for both the murder and for littering because the person he shot fell to the ground. He's leaving office in 8 days. Censure could probably get the Senate to go along with that. It's historic. And history would view it with indulgence since there is less than two weeks before the blob oozes out of office.
Pelosi's an unhinged impulsive twit, just like when she tore up the SOTU speech.
At 2:50 in the General says Special Forces entered the Capital Building along with Antifa and grabbed Pelosi's laptop, so the corrupt, incompetent, traitorous POS Pelosi is freaking out.

Apparently Rod Rosenstein had DEA agents hire 2 MS13 gang members to do the hit on Rich, supposed to be a mugging, it went bad and Rich was killed. The MS13 gang members fucked up so they were killed by government agents, allegedly.

Troll alert!!
Another dumb move by Pelosi.

I thought you were for law and order.

I am. Its like charging the guy who shoots someone dead in the street for both the murder and for littering because the person he shot fell to the ground. He's leaving office in 8 days. Censure could probably get the Senate to go along with that. It's historic. And history would view it with indulgence since there is less than two weeks before the blob oozes out of office.
You don't think the Senate would remove him? Or vote him from taking office again? Why do you think so?

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