Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.

Trial by combat. We're coming to take our country back. Hang Pence.. From Trump's kids and Lin Wood or Giuliani... Trump never said anything to stop that. ..Then you have his tweets the past 8 weeks. Trump wanted his followers to stop the Electoral College vote.

LOL...I am now at the point of laughing and just how indoctrinated the left has become. It is to the point of pure insanity. It is sad for our country, but I no longer care. Somewhere deep inside Russia they are laughing maniacally as their long-term plan of bringing the US down from within by infiltrating us and inserting their propaganda into our schools and media has finally come to fruition. You poor indoctrinated nuts don’t even know what happened to you, but it has a been long time in the making. It is like trying to tell a N. Korean that their dear leader really isn’t a God. Hopeless.
Seems to have been working for Democrats for quite some time. They riot, loot, burn and steal to get what they want. It is their MO at this point. We have all come to expect some type of violence when a Democrat doesn’t get what they want or they feel slighted in some way. The only difference is that suburban, white collar Democratic lemmings defend the behavior and the MSM gives them a pass largely due to PC and fear.

Here's the thing. We had demonstrations all summer, and the people who demonstrated didn't get the reforms they asked for. Heck, they couldn't even get charges against the thug cop who shot Jacob Blake in the back.

So, black people protesting being murdered by the police - Bad.

White people storming the capitol because they are butthurt they lost an election- Good.

You guys go with that.
If your reasons for not holding Trump accountable for his crimes is either:

1) It will only make his supporters more angry and lead to more violence.


2) It looks bad and will result in the GOP moving to impeach any Dem POTUS once they regain control of the House.

Then, you are doing it wrong.

And if the Senate does not convict this time and people die in the process was the political gain truly worth it?

I am betting you will say yes until it is someone you love and care for get killed by one of these nut jobs!
Trump skated on openly plotting with foreign government to throw an election, he got a pass, so he just decided, "What else can I get away with?"

Holy crap. You still believe in the Russia conspiracy hoax? Can you possibly be in less-informed and/or indoctrinated?

Russia got what they wanted from Trump all along.. They got chaos in the US, undermining democracy and the election process and attacks on a government building.

Yes, Russia did get what they wanted, but it isn’t what you think it is. All our enemies are thrilled with a far-left government in the US. It helps them and accelerates our downfall. Defeating us from within has been their plan for many decades via educational indoctrination. It has clearly worked as bashing the US has not become a cool thing to do in both the classroom and politics. Remove any sense of patriotism from the people and this is what you get. You lemmings have fallen for it, but I can’t say I blame you. It is human nature to go with the flow(follow the crowd, fit in) and to follow what you have been taught your entire lives, no matter how off-base it may be. We have reached the point where Democratic politicians don’t even have to shy away from the world Socialism. Just a couple of decades ago, that would be political suicide in the US, but not now. The indoctrination is just about complete.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.

Trial by combat. We're coming to take our country back. Hang Pence.. From Trump's kids and Lin Wood or Giuliani... Trump never said anything to stop that. ..Then you have his tweets the past 8 weeks. Trump wanted his followers to stop the Electoral College vote.

LOL...I am now at the point of laughing and just how indoctrinated the left has become. It is to the point of pure insanity. It is sad for our country, but I no longer care.

Somewhere deep inside Russia they are laughing maniacally as their long-term plan of bringing the US down from within by infiltrating us and inserting their propaganda into our schools and media has finally come to fruition.

You poor indoctrinated nuts don’t even know what happened to you, but it has a been long time in the making. It is like trying to tell a N. Korean that their dear leader really isn’t a God. Hopeless.

Don't YOU know right from wrong? Of course the Russians are laughing. This is why they wanted Trump in office.

Have you seen the pictures on TV.. Trump's fringe people beating a cop with a US flag????
Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.

No, but telling them to march on Congress and support the people trying to stop the certification was.

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
If your reasons for not holding Trump accountable for his crimes is either:

1) It will only make his supporters more angry and lead to more violence.


2) It looks bad and will result in the GOP moving to impeach any Dem POTUS once they regain control of the House.

Then, you are doing it wrong.

And if the Senate does not convict this time and people die in the process was the political gain truly worth it?

I am betting you will say yes until it is someone you love and care for get killed by one of these nut jobs!

You seem to be suggesting that we give in to terrorism. You wouldn't be suggesting that, would you?
Trump skated on openly plotting with foreign government to throw an election, he got a pass, so he just decided, "What else can I get away with?"

Holy crap. You still believe in the Russia conspiracy hoax? Can you possibly be in less-informed and/or indoctrinated?

Russia got what they wanted from Trump all along.. They got chaos in the US, undermining democracy and the election process and attacks on a government building.

Yes, Russia did get what they wanted, but it isn’t what you think it is. All our enemies are thrilled with a far-left government in the US. It helps them and accelerates our downfall. Defeating us from within has been their plan for many decades via educational indoctrination. It has clearly worked as bashing the US has not become a cool thing to do in both the classroom and politics. Remove any sense of patriotism from the people and this is what you get. You lemmings have fallen for it, but I can’t say I blame you. It is human nature to go with the flow(follow the crowd, fit in) and to follow what you have been taught your entire lives, no matter how off-base it may be. We have reached the point where Democratic politicians don’t even have to shy away from the world Socialism. Just a couple of decades ago, that would be political suicide in the US, but not now. The indoctrination is just about complete.

You think Trump is a patriot? Heaven help us. Socialism is NOT a threat to us.. You are using such lies to justify your obscene loyalty to a criminal president. Trump put Pence's life in danger and didn't even try to quell the violence on Wednesday.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.
He tried to have the Vice President killed. Impeach his ass. Can’t go unpunished even if it’s a ridiculous timeline.
Pence is literally staying away now. Who knows what would happen if he entered the White House.

I wonder had Pence seen Trump the moment after the riots if he would have bitch slapped Trump?
He tried to have the Vice President killed. Impeach his ass. Can’t go unpunished even if it’s a ridiculous timeline.

I respect your point of view.

I just think there are more important considerations. Just my 2 cents.
It’s not going to help us “heal”. I agree, which will make negotiations going forward harder.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.

No, you guys would lose!
With ONE week left in his presidency ?

Even though the democrat led coup has succeeded Pelosi and others like her want to make double extra certain Trump is down for the count. With luck she will soon die of natural causes and go straight to Hell.

I gotta laugh at those dumb shits. The Reps have already said there will be no impeachment. What a pack of imbeciles the Dems are.
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.

Trump already lost.. He's been a loser his whole life and after every loss he seeks revenge.

Donald Trump:

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”
Neither did Bush's...yet you cite it.

If you're going to say that Obama didn't order it...fine...but he is responsible. Trump never said "lets go attack the capitol"....but it was clear what he meant.

If we get impeachment happy (which we are), something like that--what Obama did--will be an impeachable offense if there is a Republican House and and Democratic Party President.... or vice versa. We may alreayd be there.

Well, let's be honest, impeachment is a political act. In some cases it is justified.

When the president incites a riot and members of Congress are in danger, um, yeah, that's a pretty good reason to go there.

Again, I don't expect Congress to be capable of common decency, but they should be capable of self-preservation.

The Storming of the Capitol is something you'd see in a third world country like Chile or the Philippines. It's not something that should happen here.

Can you provide a specific quote from Trump re-riot that incited the riot? Trump saying that we should not stand for a stolen election is not inciting the storming of Capitol Hill.
"Let's have trial by combat."

LMAO! If this happens, unfortunately, Trump will win lol.

Trump already lost.. He's been a loser his whole life and after every loss he seeks revenge.

Donald Trump:

“Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It’s like a boxer. And we want to be so nice. We want to be so respectful of everybody, including bad people. And we’re going to have to fight much harder. …

“We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them, because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

Trump is America Benito Mussolini!

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