Pelosi refuses to release her tax returns as Democrats try to illegally gain Trump's

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
Just like with trumps her tax records are no one else’s business....
The hell they aren't. If anyone in the highest office has committed tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, or any financial crimes, they have no business serving any government office. "period!"
No one needs to know
What is this obssession everyone has with seeing people's tax returns? Releasing your tax returns is not a requierment for running for President and I for one have no interest in seeing Trumps returns or those of any Democrat who decides to run for President as long as the IRS sees their returns and doesn't accuse them of any crimes I'm good not seeing them.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

[SIZE=6 said:
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff:] Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’[/SIZE]

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.[/B]

Is she the Potus? NOPE she is not. Trump said he would show his taxes, but yet he hasn't. Now if all of congress wants to reveal their taxes , make it a law and they won't. There is no law that Potus's need too, but all do and have.

Good for the goose is good for the gander. The height of hypocrisy is demanding another do something you refuse to do yourself. Kinda like YOU. Anyone of integrity would show theirs first as an argument to pressure Trump to show his, But wait! He DID show his taxes, 2008 a few years ago when some news network stole them unwillingly and revealed them at random, and Trump MORE than paid his fair share with nothing scurrilous. So again, SCREW YOU, SHOW ME the video where Trump said he'd reveal his taxes other than when the IRS was done auditing him.

By the way, has the IRS ever found anything improper auditing his taxes? No! So, SCREW YOU, if all of Congress had to show theirs (is there a special law pertaining only to POTUS? No! So, SCREW YOU!), they would have a fit because then we would find all the crimes the Democrats are guilty of! Watch them FIGHT IT if it is ever suggested by a republican! The ONLY reason why you want Trump's taxes is hoping you'll find something to twist around against him in your lies to fight him in 2020 because the other 160 things you've gone after him for have all been much ado about NOTHING. So, SCREW YOU.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
Just like with trumps her tax records are no one else’s business....
The hell they aren't. If anyone in the highest office has committed tax evasion, fraud, money laundering, or any financial crimes, they have no business serving any government office. "period!"
No one needs to know
Then you're just a total idiot. Anyone who doesn't care what their elected officials are about, are just Sheep to a corrupted system.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
False comparison fallacy and a lie.

Pelosi isn’t president.

Democrats seeking Trump’s taxes is perfectly legal.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
How does someone get to make $100 million on a Congressional salary?
What is this obssession everyone has with seeing people's tax returns? Releasing your tax returns is not a requierment for running for President and I for one have no interest in seeing Trumps returns or those of any Democrat who decides to run for President as long as the IRS sees their returns and doesn't accuse them of any crimes I'm good not seeing them.
Stealing money from your own charity, stealing money from his own inauguration, stealing money from students while opening up an illegal university, multiple bankruptcies, paying off porn stars, violating the Emoluments clause, and most likely money laundering, you bet your sweat ass I want to see his tax returns.
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
How does someone get to make $100 million on a Congressional salary?
What does someone do with a $107 million dollar inauguration?
How many members of Congress have released their tax returns?

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.
/——/ Didn’t Piglosi say last week that she was equal to the president?
What is this obssession everyone has with seeing people's tax returns? Releasing your tax returns is not a requierment for running for President and I for one have no interest in seeing Trumps returns or those of any Democrat who decides to run for President as long as the IRS sees their returns and doesn't accuse them of any crimes I'm good not seeing them.
Stealing money from your own charity, stealing money from his own inauguration, stealing money from students while opening up an illegal university, multiple bankruptcies, paying off porn stars, violating the Emoluments clause, and most likely money laundering, you bet your sweat ass I want to see his tax returns.
Putting aside the majority of your partisan bullshit taking points response Trump has not been accused of any crime by any law enforcement agency nor any financial crimes by the IRS who have seen his tax returns and are far more qualified in that area than you are anyone else on this board. Your response
Most of the lifetime elected class would go to prison if they released their real honest tax returns.....
What is this obssession everyone has with seeing people's tax returns? Releasing your tax returns is not a requierment for running for President and I for one have no interest in seeing Trumps returns or those of any Democrat who decides to run for President as long as the IRS sees their returns and doesn't accuse them of any crimes I'm good not seeing them.
Stealing money from your own charity, stealing money from his own inauguration, stealing money from students while opening up an illegal university, multiple bankruptcies, paying off porn stars, violating the Emoluments clause, and most likely money laundering, you bet your sweat ass I want to see his tax returns.
Putting aside the majority of your partisan bullshit taking points response Trump has not been accused of any crime by any law enforcement agency nor any financial crimes by the IRS who have seen his tax returns and are far more qualified in that area than you are anyone else on this board. Your response
View attachment 247441
What's Trump hiding? That's my response.

Trump has been accused in the SDNY of financial crimes by paying off porn stars by directing Cohen to make those payments in a presidential election. And he lied about it on Air Force One. There exists a court filing in the SDNY about that very crime that he has been implicated with. Next!
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

[SIZE=6 said:
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff:] Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’[/SIZE]

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.[/B]

Is she the Potus? NOPE she is not. Trump said he would show his taxes, but yet he hasn't. Now if all of congress wants to reveal their taxes , make it a law and they won't. There is no law that Potus's need too, but all do and have.
Not any more
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff: Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’

[SIZE=6 said:
Pelosi’s Chief of Staff:] Speaker Will Release Tax Returns ‘If and When She Runs for President’[/SIZE]

Pelosi is currently 3rd in line and could be POTUS if Democrats could find a way to have Trump and Pence either removed via coup or assassinated.

I look forward to hear how Democrats "Yeah... But" this one.[/B]

Is she the Potus? NOPE she is not. Trump said he would show his taxes, but yet he hasn't. Now if all of congress wants to reveal their taxes , make it a law and they won't. There is no law that Potus's need too, but all do and have.
Not any more
At least not the one's who are involved in financial crimes like Trump.
What's she hiding?
Is she running for president? That would be all she is hiding at this time that I would know about, because I haven't heard her say anything about running.
You think Speakers are unimportant to Government?

It's no more necessary for Trump to release his taxes than Pelosi.
She's not president. It has not been a tradition for speakers of the House to do so in the past. For presidents it has.If she runs for president she will.

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