Pelosi says Barr lied to Congress, he committed a crime and should be punished.

Nasty Baloni and her communist party have gone too far now. She is one tiny pig in the stye and in no way equal in power or scope to the president. She is one of 450 some odd harelips in one half of one third of the government, while Trump IS one third in his own right. Who the fuck does she think she is?

Hahaha Trump and his Neo-fascists will be out in less than two years
I don't think so, BB. With the Democrats acting like inmates from Bedlam, you better hope Trump wins again.
Barr lied about the nature and substance of the Mueller Report.

Barr lied about Trump and his claim that he "fully cooperated" with the investigation.

Barr made a conclusion of No Obstruction without looking at any of the actual evidence.

Why do you all like being lied to? That's how these assholes get away with this bald-faced let them.
All bullshit.
Barr lied about the nature and substance of the Mueller Report.

Barr lied about Trump and his claim that he "fully cooperated" with the investigation.

Barr made a conclusion of No Obstruction without looking at any of the actual evidence.

Why do you all like being lied to? That's how these assholes get away with this bald-faced let them.
Barr said not one lie about the Mueller Report. Barr told the truth about Trump. Your Mad Hatter Democrat Congressmen did not accept their own
Senate Report dismissing charges against Trump, the Democrats did not accept the Senate's finding that Trump did not collude with the Russians nor obstruct their research, and the Democrats did not accept their own Mueller's words that he found no conclusion, there were no charges for obstruction of Justice (because they weren't there). Now, they're taking out their fieriest yet hate campaign on the Attorney General they approved of when they figured he would be the one to find obstruction of Justice. There was no obstruction of Justice. These hatemaker Democrats have outdone themselves in trying to disgrace every single person who assisted Trump in any way when he ran for President. They've shown symptoms of mass mental illness that results in the many false narratives they 've put out to make every thing a weapon to hurt President Donald Trump. If we saw this in terms of a different country going with this kind of warmaking by one loser party, it would be known as treason.

Ok fruitcake. Mueller himself said Barr didn't tell the whole story about his report. Barr intentionally left out Mueller's summaries so he can control the narrative.

Why are you against transparency?

Don't bother answering, we both know the answer already.
The report is out there for the world to see. WTF are you whining about?
Barr lied about the nature and substance of the Mueller Report.

Barr lied about Trump and his claim that he "fully cooperated" with the investigation.

Barr made a conclusion of No Obstruction without looking at any of the actual evidence.

Why do you all like being lied to? That's how these assholes get away with this bald-faced let them.
Barr said not one lie about the Mueller Report. Barr told the truth about Trump. Your Mad Hatter Democrat Congressmen did not accept their own
Senate Report dismissing charges against Trump, the Democrats did not accept the Senate's finding that Trump did not collude with the Russians nor obstruct their research, and the Democrats did not accept their own Mueller's words that he found no conclusion, there were no charges for obstruction of Justice (because they weren't there). Now, they're taking out their fieriest yet hate campaign on the Attorney General they approved of when they figured he would be the one to find obstruction of Justice. There was no obstruction of Justice. These hatemaker Democrats have outdone themselves in trying to disgrace every single person who assisted Trump in any way when he ran for President. They've shown symptoms of mass mental illness that results in the many false narratives they 've put out to make every thing a weapon to hurt President Donald Trump. If we saw this in terms of a different country going with this kind of warmaking by one loser party, it would be known as treason.

Ok fruitcake. Mueller himself said Barr didn't tell the whole story about his report. Barr intentionally left out Mueller's summaries so he can control the narrative.

Why are you against transparency?

Don't bother answering, we both know the answer already.
I am for obeying the law. You cannot publish information on an upcoming hearing/trial/national security/judicial decision
Isn't it odd that only Republicans lie?

But who actually believes that?

Barr will "wink" and and say "ops I forgot about that letter...." the other liars will "nod" and say "Don't let it happen again,...."
Mueller told Barr that Barr’s summary did not misrepresent the report.

Do you Dimms even know what the fuck you are crying about?

pay attention -

Pelosi’s comments were an apparent reference to Barr’s response to Crist last month during a House Appropriations Committee hearing, when the attorney general said he was not aware of any concerns that Mueller’s investigators might have expressed about his four-page summary of Mueller’s findings.

Barr’s response appeared to contradict the revelation earlier this week that Mueller himself wrote to the attorney general saying he was worried that Barr’s summary “threatens to undermine ... public confidence” in the Russia probe. Mueller also said Barr’s memo “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of the investigation.

all liars lie at the end of the day ....

all liars lie at the end of the day ....[/QUOTE] yes you do.
This is a political witch hunt by the Democrats to cover up their spying and election interference in 2016. It's a waste of money. It's time for the milquetoast pussy Republicans to flip the table.
Mueller is a republican, who was assigned by republicans. Its all republicans.

He's also a decorated Marine who slogged it out with the Grunts in Vietnam.
Thats fucking rich, Nancy. You withered old lying sack of dog poo.

Speaker Pelosi accuses Attorney General William Barr of committing a crime: 'He lied to Congress'

Nancy, did you demand the same of Clapper when he said the NSA was not spying on Americans?

Why not?
Oh? Barr said...

“No, I don’t. I think I think, I suspect that they probably wanted more put out, but in my view I was not interested in putting out summaries.”

... in response to the question...

“Reports have emerged recently, general, that members of the special counsel’s team are frustrated at some level with the limited information included in your March 24 letter. ... Do you know what they are referencing with that?”

... now we know Mueller sent Barr a letter expressing frustration over Barr refusing to release the summaries from Mueller's report.

It appears Barr may have actually lied to Congress, as Pelosi claims.

The DOJ says that Barr did not lie.
You need to hear the complete response and factor in what Barr knows about Mueller's opinions. The dems are playing on thin ice with this issue. They already look like morons.

Pelosi says Barr 'lied to Congress' and committed a crime, as DOJ blasts 'reckless' comments
So true.
Nasty Baloni and her communist party have gone too far now. She is one tiny pig in the stye and in no way equal in power or scope to the president. She is one of 450 some odd harelips in one half of one third of the government, while Trump IS one third in his own right. Who the fuck does she think she is?

Hahaha Trump and his Neo-fascists will be out in less than two years
I don't think so, BB. With the Democrats acting like inmates from Bedlam, you better hope Trump wins again.

Well like 2008, it is the Democrats to loose. I think they know the threat and will stay unified.
Mueller said that Barr’s 4 page summary was factually correct, but didn’t capture the tone of Mueller’s 19page summary.

Now you cvnts have all 455 pages, so shut the fuck up.
This is a political witch hunt by the Democrats to cover up their spying and election interference in 2016. It's a waste of money. It's time for the milquetoast pussy Republicans to flip the table.
Mueller is a republican, who was assigned by republicans. Its all republicans.

He's also a decorated Marine who slogged it out with the Grunts in Vietnam.
Are we supposed to care about that?
Nasty Baloni and her communist party have gone too far now. She is one tiny pig in the stye and in no way equal in power or scope to the president. She is one of 450 some odd harelips in one half of one third of the government, while Trump IS one third in his own right. Who the fuck does she think she is?

Hahaha Trump and his Neo-fascists will be out in less than two years
I don't think so, BB. With the Democrats acting like inmates from Bedlam, you better hope Trump wins again.

Well like 2008, it is the Democrats to loose. I think they know the threat and will stay unified.
ORANGE MAN BAD is not a political strategy.
This is a political witch hunt by the Democrats to cover up their spying and election interference in 2016. It's a waste of money. It's time for the milquetoast pussy Republicans to flip the table.
Mueller is a republican, who was assigned by republicans. Its all republicans.

Yet it’s the Democrats bringing all the heat. The Republicans simply worked process.... something Democrats can take or leave.
This is a political witch hunt by the Democrats to cover up their spying and election interference in 2016. It's a waste of money. It's time for the milquetoast pussy Republicans to flip the table.
Mueller is a republican, who was assigned by republicans. Its all republicans.

He's also a decorated Marine who slogged it out with the Grunts in Vietnam.

What does that have to do with this? Why? Because Trump did not? Trump got deferments? Bill Clinton set the precedent on that one.

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