Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

What gets me is that a country much smaller than the United kicking our butts with a fraction of spending on this situation.................They do the tests in 25% of the time of our labs............and don't have the MASSIVE funding our orgs have here from DADDY GOV'T.

Shows how ineffective our gov't can be.
Asians in general and the Japanese and S. Koreans in particular have a high civic awareness and discipline and don't have to contend with the kind of political showboating and demagoguery foisted upon us here, especially by our democrats whom I swear if Yellowstone erupted tomorrow, rather than trying to evacuate the region would be before the cameras holding up the buses as people died trying to find blame with the other party spinning their deaths as Trump's fault for not having 15,000 buses at the park all fueled up, engines running, in case the volcano blew.
They took the virus seriously

They did not have a President claiming it is nothing but the flu or telling people to go to work if they only felt “a little sick”
You are misinformed

trump took the commie virus seriously
When? 5 days ago?
Have you noticed that Fox News is no longer mocking the virus?
Fox never did mock the virus
What gets me is that a country much smaller than the United kicking our butts with a fraction of spending on this situation.................They do the tests in 25% of the time of our labs............and don't have the MASSIVE funding our orgs have here from DADDY GOV'T.

Shows how ineffective our gov't can be.
Asians in general and the Japanese and S. Koreans in particular have a high civic awareness and discipline and don't have to contend with the kind of political showboating and demagoguery foisted upon us here, especially by our democrats whom I swear if Yellowstone erupted tomorrow, rather than trying to evacuate the region would be before the cameras holding up the buses as people died trying to find blame with the other party spinning their deaths as Trump's fault for not having 15,000 buses at the park all fueled up, engines running, in case the volcano blew.
They took the virus seriously

They did not have a President claiming it is nothing but the flu or telling people to go to work if they only felt “a little sick”
You are misinformed

trump took the commie virus seriously

I think a good idea would be for Trump and the US to lead the way that when this is all over, that nations of the world take China to court and seek reparations for the cost of whatever it took them to fight Covid in their own countries.

Time to hold China's feet to the fire, pull all manufacturing out of there and bring it home, and bring those bastards to their knees.
Thats great

But my ambition is to reduce chinas trade surplus to zero
As is mine.
Not fake news morons

Republicans oppose Pelosi's coronavirus legislation, flagging 'major' problems

And furthermore... as expected liberal news agencies are saying "Republicans are delaying coronavirus relief without mentioning the fact Pelosi and camp injected abortion funding as well as tax related items...all are unrelated to virus relief

So, according to your link, it is the Trump admin that wants to add verbiage about abortion into the bill, and not the Dems.

Among the White House concerns are increasing spending on Medicaid, which provides health care for low-income families, without structural reforms, and not including language to ban federal funds for abortion, the official said.
So, nothing about abortoin. Thanks for clearing that up!


I assume you have the mental capacity to actually THINK for yourself, not just parrot talking points and engage in knee-jerk denial (although you know what they say about assuming, and nothing you have demonstrated so far supports that assumption)...

The Coronavirus is not a 'WOMEN'S health issue - it effects EVERY living, breathing person / American citizen (and others in this country). So in a bill that is intended to address the needs of EVERY American citizen's health concerns: prevention (wash hands, limit contact, etc...), diagnosis (testing, advice, etc...), treatment (medical advice, medical treatment, medication, etc...), and the economic impact on all Americans....

SO WTF is Pelosi and the Democrats doing sliding a bill to specifically financially support 'womens' programs', especially based on the long past record of every time a Democrat wants to 'financially support women's programs' a large amount of tax dollars ends up finding its way into the hands of 'Planned Parenthood'?

You want to play 'stupid', feign short-term memory loss, and/or deny this then go for it...but you are fooling no one but yourself.

As supposed 'good stewards of our tax dollars' several GOP politicians have called out the Democrats for adding this funding using broad language that intentionally contains vague language, allowing tax dollars to flow to organizations for reasons having ZERO to do with the Coronavirus. GOOD ON THEM for demanding the authors of these add-ons to include SPECIFIC reasons for the funding and how it will be used to combat CORONAVIRUS.

I hope Democrats do the same thing with any amendment authored by the GOP (actually I wish 'party' would stay out of it, and all politicians would approach each amendment thinking 'how is this going to address the main topic of the Legislation, how will it benefit the American people (and not 'me' or 'party') - how can we get the most non-partisan 'bang for the buck' ....

But that is not how 'pork spending' works, and it has been going on for DECADES......

Democrats never let a crisis go to waste. Crisis means Opportunity with those people. Wall Street is taking a pounding but I know it will come back FASTER under a non-Democrat.
Why are Republicans introducing abortion language into the bill at all? Federally funded abortion are already illegal, what the fuck are they doing?
So, nothing about abortoin. Thanks for clearing that up!

View attachment 312166

I assume you have the mental capacity to actually THINK for yourself, not just parrot talking points and engage in knee-jerk denial (although you know what they say about assuming, and nothing you have demonstrated so far supports that assumption)...

The Coronavirus is not a 'WOMEN'S health issue - it effects EVERY living, breathing person / American citizen (and others in this country). So in a bill that is intended to address the needs of EVERY American citizen's health concerns: prevention (wash hands, limit contact, etc...), diagnosis (testing, advice, etc...), treatment (medical advice, medical treatment, medication, etc...), and the economic impact on all Americans....

SO WTF is Pelosi and the Democrats doing sliding a bill to specifically financially support 'womens' programs', especially based on the long past record of every time a Democrat wants to 'financially support women's programs' a large amount of tax dollars ends up finding its way into the hands of 'Planned Parenthood'?

You want to play 'stupid', feign short-term memory loss, and/or deny this then go for it...but you are fooling no one but yourself.

As supposed 'good stewards of our tax dollars' several GOP politicians have called out the Democrats for adding this funding using broad language that intentionally contains vague language, allowing tax dollars to flow to organizations for reasons having ZERO to do with the Coronavirus. GOOD ON THEM for demanding the authors of these add-ons to include SPECIFIC reasons for the funding and how it will be used to combat CORONAVIRUS.

I hope Democrats do the same thing with any amendment authored by the GOP (actually I wish 'party' would stay out of it, and all politicians would approach each amendment thinking 'how is this going to address the main topic of the Legislation, how will it benefit the American people (and not 'me' or 'party') - how can we get the most non-partisan 'bang for the buck' ....

But that is not how 'pork spending' works, and it has been going on for DECADES......


From you previous post...

"The original bill also provided $1 billion in emergency grants to states to process unemployment benefits and nearly $1 billion for food programs, including help for local food banks and additional funding for programs for pregnant women, children and seniors."

pregnant women, children and seniors...3 high risk categories for the virus
Why are Republicans introducing abortion language into the bill at all? Federally funded abortion are already illegal, what the fuck are they doing?
Why is ANY provision for pregnant women in the funding at all. How many pregnant women are sick?
Why are Republicans introducing abortion language into the bill at all? Federally funded abortion are already illegal, what the fuck are they doing?
Why is ANY provision for pregnant women in the funding at all. How many pregnant women are sick?

Here is the bill: READ: House Democrats' economic stimulus bill in response to the coronavirus outbreak - CNNPolitics

Quote what part you have a problem with. And if you're drunk sober up first, I don't got the time.
Why are Republicans introducing abortion language into the bill at all? Federally funded abortion are already illegal, what the fuck are they doing?
It's not true...there looks to be a concerted effort by trump sources to lie about this corona virus relief bill that's still being worked on. Probably to deflect from how badly diaper donnie's efforts have been so far. I mean...that speech....:71:
Why are Republicans introducing abortion language into the bill at all? Federally funded abortion are already illegal, what the fuck are they doing?
It's not true...there looks to be a concerted effort by trump sources to lie about this corona virus relief bill that's still being worked on. Probably to deflect from how badly diaper donnie's efforts have been so far. I mean...that speech....:71:

They don't want to pass it at all. This is insanity.
Report: Pelosi attempted to sneak taxpayer-funded abortions into the coronavirus relief bill

The officials claimed the California Democrat attempted to lobby for "several" provisions that slowed down a bipartisan working group in her talks with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Among Pelosi's demands, according to the Daily Caller, was $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims. White House officials told the publication that if approved, this would create a precedent of health spending that circumvents a federal ban on taxpayer-sponsored abortions.

'Slush fund' for abortions
The ban, known as the Hyde Amendment, does not allow clinics or medical centers that perform abortion services to receive federal dollars.

"A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented," a White House told the Daily Caller. "Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms."

Text - H.R.6201 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Families First Coronavirus Response Act
How does the funding for reimbursing laboratories for the lab tests for corona virus pay for abortions???

Not fake news morons

Republicans oppose Pelosi's coronavirus legislation, flagging 'major' problems

And furthermore... as expected liberal news agencies are saying "Republicans are delaying coronavirus relief without mentioning the fact Pelosi and camp injected abortion funding as well as tax related items...all are unrelated to virus relief

So, according to your link, it is the Trump admin that wants to add verbiage about abortion into the bill, and not the Dems.

Among the White House concerns are increasing spending on Medicaid, which provides health care for low-income families, without structural reforms, and not including language to ban federal funds for abortion, the official said.

You don't read too good do you.
The Dems created a "Families First" funding which included broad funds for basically any medical care for low income, rather than related to corona virus. Which included it could be used to fund abortions. The Reoublicans want to include a line that states the funds cannot be used for abortions. It's pretty simple. If the Dems want to claim that is bull - then why are they fighting about including that line??
Report: Pelosi attempted to sneak taxpayer-funded abortions into the coronavirus relief bill

The officials claimed the California Democrat attempted to lobby for "several" provisions that slowed down a bipartisan working group in her talks with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Among Pelosi's demands, according to the Daily Caller, was $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims. White House officials told the publication that if approved, this would create a precedent of health spending that circumvents a federal ban on taxpayer-sponsored abortions.

'Slush fund' for abortions
The ban, known as the Hyde Amendment, does not allow clinics or medical centers that perform abortion services to receive federal dollars.

"A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented," a White House told the Daily Caller. "Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms."

Text - H.R.6201 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Families First Coronavirus Response Act
How does the funding for reimbursing laboratories for the lab tests for corona virus pay for abortions???

well it was, she pulled the bill back. oops, caught.
Why are Republicans introducing abortion language into the bill at all? Federally funded abortion are already illegal, what the fuck are they doing?
It's not true...there looks to be a concerted effort by trump sources to lie about this corona virus relief bill that's still being worked on. Probably to deflect from how badly diaper donnie's efforts have been so far. I mean...that speech....:71:

They don't want to pass it at all. This is insanity.
Anything they can do to distract from anyone fixing this other than diaper donnie when we can all see he's mucking it up bigly.
Why are Republicans introducing abortion language into the bill at all? Federally funded abortion are already illegal, what the fuck are they doing?
It's not true...there looks to be a concerted effort by trump sources to lie about this corona virus relief bill that's still being worked on. Probably to deflect from how badly diaper donnie's efforts have been so far. I mean...that speech....:71:

They don't want to pass it at all. This is insanity.
Anything they can do to distract from anyone fixing this other than diaper donnie when we can all see he's mucking it up bigly.

The imbeciles are standing next to Trump. On 5th Ave. and we all know how that story goes.
Report: Pelosi attempted to sneak taxpayer-funded abortions into the coronavirus relief bill

The officials claimed the California Democrat attempted to lobby for "several" provisions that slowed down a bipartisan working group in her talks with U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Among Pelosi's demands, according to the Daily Caller, was $1 billion to reimburse laboratory claims. White House officials told the publication that if approved, this would create a precedent of health spending that circumvents a federal ban on taxpayer-sponsored abortions.

'Slush fund' for abortions
The ban, known as the Hyde Amendment, does not allow clinics or medical centers that perform abortion services to receive federal dollars.

"A new mandatory funding stream that does not have Hyde protections would be unprecedented," a White House told the Daily Caller. "Under the guise of protecting people, Speaker Pelosi is working to make sure taxpayer dollars are spent covering abortion — which is not only backwards, but goes against historical norms."

Text - H.R.6201 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Families First Coronavirus Response Act
How does the funding for reimbursing laboratories for the lab tests for corona virus pay for abortions???

well it was, she pulled the bill back. oops, caught.
No, it was NOT for abortions and YOU and Republican congress critters LIE LIE LIE LIE AND LIE.

It was all made up partisan and divisive bull crap, pulled out of nowhere.... there was NEVER intentions to pay for abortions, which IS NOT A LAB TEST.

Why are you right wingers so easily wanked....?

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