Pelosi Tests Positive!

Now we’ll finally get proof as to if there’s a God, or not…
I'm trying not to laugh...

would Jesus laugh?

probably not... but you know... not saying I always think like Jesus or anything but

I tend to think her ilk is hopeless... (only God's opinion matters, however.... only His)
I'm not saying Pelosi doesn't have covid, but seems kind of convenient given different context.
Post #19, After a hugging and hand shaking kissy face meeting between Skelator Pelosi and
Joe Depends turns out both of these epic diseased liars came down with the covid despite being"incapable"
of getting the corona virus from each other well vaxed grouchie Faucci ass kissers and
what delightful karma if the two of these government payroll parasites passed the virus around
between all of them.

Make it so,Jesus...make it so!
Despite doing everything they weren't supposed to do what Nan and Joe did and would get lesser citizens fired or thrown into covid jail, the paid propagandists all insist the dynamic duo of ignoring medical
protocols did nothing wrong, the highly paid liars insisted, without any factual backing at all.

:rolleyes: We believe you guys.
Beside every single day, when have you ever lied to us?
Last edited:
Love how the Right show themselves in all their glory in these threads.
Saw on the news tonight the White House is in a panic because Pelousy kissed both Obama and Biden. She's turning into a super spreader, trying to infect the President in hopes she'll soon be in his seat after she gives Kamalatoe a big wet kiss.
good, but means nothing. 1 million dead with all this...unvaxxed are 71X more likely to die...
Means a lot really.

I'm "unvaxxed", 71 years old, and now have an immune system better resistant than had I been vaxed, or were to get jabed. Got the "covid" nearly a year ago.

I'd like to see your documentation proving that "71x more likely to die" claim.
You are aware that over 3/4 of those dying had eventual terminal co-morbidities.
Post #19, After a hugging and hand shaking kissy face meeting between Skelator Pelosi and
Joe Depends turns out both of these epic diseased liars came down with the covid despite being"incapable"
of getting the corona virus from each other well vaxed grouchie Faucci ass kissers and
what delightful karma if the two of these government payroll parasites passed the virus around
between all of them.

Make it so,Jesus...make it so!
Despite doing everything they weren't supposed to do what Nan and Joe did and would get lesser citThe stutterer says it once and that's the basis for all your crap....Hilarious. Try News

Means a lot really.

I'm "unvaxxed", 71 years old, and now have an immune system better resistant than had I been vaxed, or were to get jabed. Got the "covid" nearly a year ago.

I'd like to see your documentation proving that "71x more likely to die" claim.
You are aware that over 3/4 of those dying had eventual terminal co-morbidities.
Your immunity runs out sooner than you think change the channel Super. Google it I can't copy at the moment new laptop I don't get it. It is all over the place 71 times was January now it is up to 97 times less likely to die with vaccine.
Means a lot really.

I'm "unvaxxed", 71 years old, and now have an immune system better resistant than had I been vaxed, or were to get jabed. Got the "covid" nearly a year ago.

I'd like to see your documentation proving that "71x more likely to die" claim.
You are aware that over 3/4 of those dying had eventual terminal co-morbidities.
the unvaccinated are 71 times as likely to die - Search

fuque it

CDC Study: Natural Immunity Provides Significantly More Protection Against COVID Than Vaccination Only​

January 20, 2022 at 7:27am
A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released on Wednesday shows that those who have recovered from COVID-19 have more protection against infection than those who have only been vaccinated.

Researchers reviewed data from California and New York from May to November, when the delta variant was dominant in the U.S.

The study looked at four groups of people: unvaccinated with no prior COVID-19 infection, vaccinated with no prior infection, unvaccinated who recovered from COVID-19, and vaccinated who recovered.

By the first week of October, COVID-19 rates among the vaccinated with no previous infection were 6.2 times lower in California and 4.5 times lower in New York than among the unvaccinated with no previous infection.

However, among the unvaccinated with a previous infection, the COVID-19 rate was 29 times lower in California and 14.7 times lower in New York.

The individuals most protected against infection were those who had previously had COVID-19 and were also vaccinated. Their infection rate was 32.5 times lower in California and 19.8 times lower in New York.

“These results demonstrate that vaccination protects against COVID-19 and related hospitalization, and that surviving a previous infection protects against a reinfection and related hospitalization,” the CDC determined.

The agency noted that natural immunity proved more efficacious as the delta variant became predominant and vaccine-induced immunity for many began to wane.

The CDC is finally recognizing ‘natural immunity’ — legislators should follow suit 02/03/22 9:01 AM ET​

The authors explain that before the emergence of the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, recent vaccination was more protective against new infection than natural immunity (in California during June, for example, 20.9-fold vs 8.2-fold). However, after delta became prevalent, natural immunity was more protective against infection than vaccination (in California during September, 8.3-fold vs 35.0-fold).

During the delta wave of COVID-19, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection among those with “enhanced” immunity due to both vaccination and prior infection, was 32.5-fold lower in California and 19.8-fold lower in New York, whereas rates among those vaccinated alone (without prior COVID-19) were only 6.2-fold lower in California and 4.5-fold lower in New York. The rates among those with natural immunity were 29.0-fold lower in California and 14.7-fold lower in New York. The authors note that hospitalization rates followed a similar pattern.

The report finally acknowledges what many have suspected for a long time — that surviving COVID-19 provides excellent natural immunity not only repeat infection but also to hospitalization and death for the delta variant of COVID-19.

The pattern of improved protection after natural infection makes sense. It always has. That’s how immunity against infections works. That is why vaccines work. The COVID-19 vaccines were developed to mimic a natural infection based on the original virus that was identified in 2019, what biologists call the “wildtype” strain of SARS-CoV-2. The vaccines, especially the commonest mRNA-based ones, use the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the protein that acts as a key to enter cells and cause infection. By blocking that entry with vaccine-induced antibodies, infection is prevented.

In contrast, during a natural infection, the human body is exposed to all parts of the virus, including the spike protein. When the immune system responds to enable recovery from the infection, it is broader and more diverse, with a greater ability to defend against any future SARS-CoV-2 virus variants. Therefore, while mutations naturally form in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein through the process of viral evolution, the targeted vaccine-based approach to attack the spike protein, while still effective, is not as robust as the armamentarium created from surviving a true infection, and most effective in combination with vaccination.
And ...

How long does protective immunity against COVID-19 last after infection or vaccination? Two immunologists explain

Published: February 25, 2022 8.45am EST

Immunity from vaccination versus infection​

One recent study from the U.K. Health Security Agency showed that protection against infection from two doses of vaccine may last for up to six months. Similarly, another study showed that the mRNA vaccines were highly protective at two months, but that their effectiveness decreased by seven months – in part due to the emergence of the delta variant. In both studies, the vaccines were found to be better at preventing hospitalization and death than in preventing infection over time.

There are contradictory reports on whether the protective immunity triggered following an active infection is better than that induced by the current vaccines. This may have resulted from the emergence of different variants of the virus during the study.

However, the broad consensus is that COVID-19 infection can give rise to protection comparable to that from the vaccines, as shown in a recent study that has not yet been peer-reviewed.

I was not saying I was laughing at Pelosi getting covid

I was laughing at poster comment on that... I believe what I laughed at was

"Now we will know if there is a God"

I don't laugh when people get diseases...

but the dims... didn't they, when theyfound out Trump had it... hope he died?

oh well... let's not lower ourselves to their level....


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