Pelosi Throws Tantrum Because President Successfully Acts When House DNC Refuses To




Have you been drinking ? We can get bundreds of witnesses to testify against scump
What’s the holdup?
OBSTRUCTION Your moron won't let subpoenas go through
The FBI announced on July 5, 2016,
that it was recommending to the U.S. Department of Justice
that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton.

FBI Director James Comey said in a statement,
"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes
regarding the handling of classified information,
our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor
would bring such a case.

3 weeks after the House Select Committee subpoenaed Hillary
seeking emails regarding their investigation,
those emails were wiped clean, like, with a cloth, from the hard drive

Destroying evidence SPECIFICALLY sought in a subpoena
NO criminal charges DESPITE EVIDENCE of crimes committed

Pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes
You’ve been staring at shit for way too long!
What trump has done is worse than what got Nixon kicked out of the WH. That you still support the scum figures. ,,You asses keep bringing up Hillary and Obama Your AH's couldn't lay a hand on them
What Obama and his minions did to Trump would put what Nixon Done to shame.
Have you been drinking ? We can get bundreds of witnesses to testify against scump
What’s the holdup?
OBSTRUCTION Your moron won't let subpoenas go through
The FBI announced on July 5, 2016,
that it was recommending to the U.S. Department of Justice
that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton.

FBI Director James Comey said in a statement,
"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes
regarding the handling of classified information,
our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor
would bring such a case.

3 weeks after the House Select Committee subpoenaed Hillary
seeking emails regarding their investigation,
those emails were wiped clean, like, with a cloth, from the hard drive

Destroying evidence SPECIFICALLY sought in a subpoena
NO criminal charges DESPITE EVIDENCE of crimes committed

Pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes
You’ve been staring at shit for way too long!
What trump has done is worse than what got Nixon kicked out of the WH. That you still support the scum figures. ,,You asses keep bringing up Hillary and Obama Your AH's couldn't lay a hand on them
What Obama and his minions did to Trump would put what Nixon Done to shame.
What did they do to the pervert ? Didn't buy his trumpy doll?
Have you been drinking ? We can get bundreds of witnesses to testify against scump
What’s the holdup?
OBSTRUCTION Your moron won't let subpoenas go through
The FBI announced on July 5, 2016,
that it was recommending to the U.S. Department of Justice
that no criminal charges be filed against Clinton.

FBI Director James Comey said in a statement,
"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes
regarding the handling of classified information,
our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor
would bring such a case.

3 weeks after the House Select Committee subpoenaed Hillary
seeking emails regarding their investigation,
those emails were wiped clean, like, with a cloth, from the hard drive

Destroying evidence SPECIFICALLY sought in a subpoena
NO criminal charges DESPITE EVIDENCE of crimes committed

Pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes
You’ve been staring at shit for way too long!
What trump has done is worse than what got Nixon kicked out of the WH. That you still support the scum figures. ,,You asses keep bringing up Hillary and Obama Your AH's couldn't lay a hand on them
What Obama and his minions did to Trump would put what Nixon Done to shame.

Trump did it to himself through his lies and stupid decisions.
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?
Jesus....your shit is so old news.
The Dems set up Trump Jr.....made sure that Russian was allowed to stay in the country.....sent her to meet with him under false pretenses.....and then tried to us a 15 min meeting to establish collusion.
Question: Since when has it been illegal for a political campaign to conduct opposition research?
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?

How is meeting with Russians like Steele did on behalf of Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign "fine and dandy" but Trump Jr meeting with a a Russian that was allowed in by Obama somehow equals "The ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election'?
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?

How is meeting with Russians like Steele did on behalf of Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign "fine and dandy" but Trump Jr meeting with a a Russian that was allowed in by Obama somehow equals "The ROOSKIES and Trump conspired to steal the election'?
Yeah what a moron he has done things in21/2 yrs that our ELECTED congress hasn't been able to do in Decades. He must have been a really good father! Why? Because I'm sure his children learned very early there were consequences for bad behavior and failure to act appropriately. It only took Mexico About 12 seconds to put their diplomats on a plane to Washington when he announced his plan to impose tariffs, and they get a second chance to be Allies instead of enemies, good for Mexico good for America. Continuing to flex American Economic muscle is much easier and safer for the American people and the Immigrants the Dems wanted to Exploit for Political purposes. It's amazing what a strong president can accomplish when The opposition Party balks at doing anything.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Obama got about everything he wanted. While the democrats go against Trump even when it will benefit us.

Hardly. No tax reform, no immigration reform, no Supreme Court nomination for Merrick Garland, no education reform, few lower court appointment to the point where cases were dragging on for year because there were no judges to hear them, no infrastructure spending of any kind. They wouldn't even approve an aid package for the children of Flint Michigan in the water crisis.

Republicans even voted against aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy because Chris Christy worked with Obama on the relief bill.
Maybe he should've tried to get those things. Republicans were scared to be called a racist from you loons if they didn't cave in for him. Quit trying to rewrite history.
Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it

I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
Obama did nothing for 8 yrs except screw the people (Blacks) he said he was going to raise out of poverty. Obama care raised the cost of insurance to the point nobody could afford it. Why? Dems need victims to make themselves relevant!


I remember 20 January 2009, the date that B. Hussein O was immaculated into office.

The black people of Ohio- and around the country- all thought their ship had come in. They had won the lottery, and Obama was going to share the bounty out of his stash and they would be on Easy Fucking Street.

His stock has certainly fallen since then for sure

Back in 2009, it was hard not to feel the joy that the blacks in the Ghetto had, they thought they had really made it after all.

Even though I knew that they'd be crestfallen soon enough, it was nice to see a great attitude among the blacks, even if it was only for a few months
Can we call this another phony thread based on a lie? Multiple requests have been made for posting of a video showing an alleged Pelosi temper tantrum. Nothing posted. Never happened. No temper tantrum. Just another routine USMB member annoying fake news thread.
Can we call this another phony thread based on a lie? Multiple requests have been made for posting of a video showing an alleged Pelosi temper tantrum. Nothing posted. Never happened. No temper tantrum. Just another routine USMB member annoying fake news thread.

Its really up to Ms. Pelosi and her devotees to show she didn't have a tantrum.

Most tantrums that people have aren't on the internet. There were no video tapes of the alleged Gang Rape Parties that Justice Kavanaugh allegedly organized either, but the testimony of Christine Halsey Ford and Michael Avenatti was taken as gospel truth.
Can we call this another phony thread based on a lie? Multiple requests have been made for posting of a video showing an alleged Pelosi temper tantrum. Nothing posted. Never happened. No temper tantrum. Just another routine USMB member annoying fake news thread.

Its really up to Ms. Pelosi and her devotees to show she didn't have a tantrum.

Most tantrums that people have aren't on the internet. There were no video tapes of the alleged Gang Rape Parties that Justice Kavanaugh allegedly organized either, but the testimony of Christine Halsey Ford and Michael Avenatti was taken as gospel truth.
Do you realize how stupid your post is? In your world, and here on USMB, people can make up a lie and demand the person they are lying about prove their innocence.
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it

I'm satisfied.
So be it.....mush mouth!
Sure you are , schmucks like you and your ilk have no idea how a president should act Use Obama as your example dummy I'm just trying to help
A President should act in the best interest of the United States.

I'm certain YOU wouldn't know what that was, so why not just sit there and listen to your betters.
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?
Jesus....your shit is so old news.
The Dems set up Trump Jr.....made sure that Russian was allowed to stay in the country.....sent her to meet with him under false pretenses.....and then tried to us a 15 min meeting to establish collusion.
Question: Since when has it been illegal for a political campaign to conduct opposition research?

So it is the fault opf Democrats that Don Jr took a meeting with the Russians & then Littledick Donnie claiming he knew nothing about it.
Like the garbage republican congress did when Obama was President??
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Obama got about everything he wanted. While the democrats go against Trump even when it will benefit us.

Hardly. No tax reform, no immigration reform, no Supreme Court nomination for Merrick Garland, no education reform, few lower court appointment to the point where cases were dragging on for year because there were no judges to hear them, no infrastructure spending of any kind. They wouldn't even approve an aid package for the children of Flint Michigan in the water crisis.

Republicans even voted against aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy because Chris Christy worked with Obama on the relief bill.
Maybe he should've tried to get those things. Republicans were scared to be called a racist from you loons if they didn't cave in for him. Quit trying to rewrite history.
So, you are still pushing that bullshit. No one was called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. You were called racist when you used slurs. You know,. like you have in the past.
Obama got just about everything he wanted, so your point is?
How so?? The senate did nothing but sit on their hands
Obama got about everything he wanted. While the democrats go against Trump even when it will benefit us.

Hardly. No tax reform, no immigration reform, no Supreme Court nomination for Merrick Garland, no education reform, few lower court appointment to the point where cases were dragging on for year because there were no judges to hear them, no infrastructure spending of any kind. They wouldn't even approve an aid package for the children of Flint Michigan in the water crisis.

Republicans even voted against aid for the victims of Hurricane Sandy because Chris Christy worked with Obama on the relief bill.
Maybe he should've tried to get those things. Republicans were scared to be called a racist from you loons if they didn't cave in for him. Quit trying to rewrite history.
So, you are still pushing that bullshit. No one was called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. You were called racist when you used slurs. You know,. like you have in the past.
Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?
Jesus....your shit is so old news.
The Dems set up Trump Jr.....made sure that Russian was allowed to stay in the country.....sent her to meet with him under false pretenses.....and then tried to us a 15 min meeting to establish collusion.
Question: Since when has it been illegal for a political campaign to conduct opposition research?

So it is the fault opf Democrats that Don Jr took a meeting with the Russians & then Littledick Donnie claiming he knew nothing about it.

The meeting with the Honey Pot in Trump Tower wasn't a meeting "with the Russians" at all. The chick was presumably of Russian ethnicity but was working for US Intelligence operatives.
Can we call this another phony thread based on a lie? Multiple requests have been made for posting of a video showing an alleged Pelosi temper tantrum. Nothing posted. Never happened. No temper tantrum. Just another routine USMB member annoying fake news thread.

Its really up to Ms. Pelosi and her devotees to show she didn't have a tantrum.

Most tantrums that people have aren't on the internet. There were no video tapes of the alleged Gang Rape Parties that Justice Kavanaugh allegedly organized either, but the testimony of Christine Halsey Ford and Michael Avenatti was taken as gospel truth.
Do you realize how stupid your post is? In your world, and here on USMB, people can make up a lie and demand the person they are lying about prove their innocence.

Sure, it might be unfair for Pelosi to have to prove her innocence. But those are the rules that Liberals made up for others, so its only fair that they obey the same dictums

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