Pelosi Throws Tantrum Because President Successfully Acts When House DNC Refuses To

So, you are still pushing that bullshit. No one was called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. You were called racist when you used slurs. You know,. like you have in the past.
Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.

I think minorities are quicker in getting ID cards than Honkies are. Minorities often get stopped by "the man" and are asked for their ID a lot more frequently. They are more likely to stay prepared
Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.

I think minorities are quicker in getting ID cards than Honkies are. Minorities often get stopped by "the man" and are asked for their ID a lot more frequently. They are more likely to stay prepared
Most liberals don't think that way.
So, you are still pushing that bullshit. No one was called a racist for disagreeing with Obama. You were called racist when you used slurs. You know,. like you have in the past.
Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.

Apparently you are because you're the one espousing this notion. Liberals have said the conservatives are deliberately putting up obstacles to poor people getting registered and voting, and using voter ID laws to further that discrimination. Like the one that said the name on your birth certificate had to be the same as the one on your driver's license. My maiden name is on my birth certificate, and my married name on the driver's license. That's true of most women my age and older, and many younger women.

Then there's those "exact match states" where the name on the voter registration application must exact match the name on the state's records. Apparently state workers make a LOT more data entry errors on names of voters' names in Democratic areas. 70% of discrepancies in exact match are for poor and/or minority voters.

The judge in one court challenge said that the Republican voter ID laws targeted poor and minority voters with laser-like focus.

Democrats are in favour of voter ID, and ensuring that only eligible voters can cast ballots, but unlike Republicans, who are trying to use voter ID laws to supress votes for Democrats, Democrats want to make it as easy as possible for all American citizens to vote.

Every popular vote since 2000 has been won by the Democratic Party. Democrats aren't the ones who need to suppress votes to win elections.
Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.

Apparently you are because you're the one espousing this notion. Liberals have said the conservatives are deliberately putting up obstacles to poor people getting registered and voting, and using voter ID laws to further that discrimination. Like the one that said the name on your birth certificate had to be the same as the one on your driver's license. My maiden name is on my birth certificate, and my married name on the driver's license. That's true of most women my age and older, and many younger women.

Then there's those "exact match states" where the name on the voter registration application must exact match the name on the state's records. Apparently state workers make a LOT more data entry errors on names of voters' names in Democratic areas. 70% of discrepancies in exact match are for poor and/or minority voters.

The judge in one court challenge said that the Republican voter ID laws targeted poor and minority voters with laser-like focus.

Democrats are in favour of voter ID, and ensuring that only eligible voters can cast ballots, but unlike Republicans, who are trying to use voter ID laws to supress votes for Democrats, Democrats want to make it as easy as possible for all American citizens to vote.

Every popular vote since 2000 has been won by the Democratic Party. Democrats aren't the ones who need to suppress votes to win elections.

Not true, W won the 2004 popular vote totals.

But is not important, because here in America, you have win across the country. Not just the big cities, the electoral vote is what counts
Chairman Nadler has asked TWICE for Nervous Senile Pelosi to open impeachment hearings. she has refused.

both Don Jr and Guiliani say there's nothing wrong if Russia meddles in 2020. that's beyond belief!
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?
What kind of sap believes a woman
who has made politics her life and career...

From working on Watergate impeachment proceedings
to being married to a man who was the Attorney General
Governor and served as president for 2 terms

A woman who was a senator,
sought the nomination to be on the ballot for president
and as Secretary of State, she didn’t know ANYTHING ABOUT
security headers indicating classified information

What sap believes, that neither Hillary nor her TOP brass knew
the difference between deleting emails and wiping a computer clean
after she responded “Like, with a cloth or something?”, when asked
if she wiped her personal server before handing it over to investigators

What sap believes she was just extremely careless
handling classified information due to ignorance on her part
AND should be the president
When was she charged ,when indicted?? Are republicans such ah oafs they couldn't lay a finger on her? And now look at what the scums draining of the swamp brought, indictments jail time ??
She wasn’t...
According to the head of the FBI
even with the evidence, prosecutors wouldn’t be interested
They didn't want to commit suicide.
The terms were agreed upon months ago?

Who was President then?
The same guy who struts around now thinking like a rooster, his squalks makes the sun come up in the morning
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?
No failure but most all of deal was already made And I'm sick and tired of this maniac this bully and pray he's gone in 2020 or sooner
You're sick and tired of him?

So what?
You dotards are the only ones in the world that aren't what? What do you believe your childish emotions obligate other people to do? No one's going to change their behavior to assuage your butthurt.
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?

So, you don't care that Trump threatened the tariffs & then declared victory when the agreements were already done?

You like being a dupe?
The end result was the same either way. And you got to have a great ragegasm.

Win-win, huh?
There the Democrats go accusing others of doing what they have / continue to do...

Speaker of The House (In NAME Only) Pelosi threw another tantrum and verbally attacked the President for successfully acting to do what she and fellow house Democrats refuse to do - STOP THE ON-GOING MASSIVE INVASION OF ILLEGALS ACROSS OUR SOTHERN. ORDER!

""House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Saturday hit parts of President Trump’s deal with Mexico on stopping migrant flows after he threatened to slap tariffs on the country -- saying that Trump was engaged in “threats and temper tantrums.”

“Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy,” she said."

REALLY, Nancy?! WTF would YOU know about LAW or FOREIGN POLICY?

YOU are the one who just voted to hold the US AG - the top law ENFORCER in the United States - in ' (the Congress currently being run by Rogue TDS-suffering liberal children) in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW'!

As far as 'Foreign Policy':

"Trump announced Friday that the U.S. and Mexico had reached a deal, after he had previously threatened to slap 5 percent tariffs on all incoming goods from Mexico"

In response to the President's warning Mexico that if it did not stop facilitating illegal immigration into the US through their country he would impose a tariff on Mexico to collect money which would be used to pay for the costly financial burden all of those illegals coming into the US, MEXICO MOBILIZED PART OF ITS MILITARY TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE 'UNPRECEDENTED STEPS TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION COMING FROM / THROUGH ITS SOUTHERN BORDER!

"According to a joint declaration issued by the State Department and Mexico late Friday, Mexico will take “unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.”


If Pelosi and Congress continue to refuse to act for the good and security of this nation, The President had / has to.

Pelosi hits Trump’s deal with Mexico, accuses him of ‘threats and temper tantrums’
You know none lf that's true, right?
Misinformation and made up stuff is all rhey have.
Give the repub nitwits some truth
Mexico Agreed to Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal
The terms were agreed upon months ago?

Who was President then?
So why the tariff theatrics?
I'm guessing Mexico needed a nudge.

Or maybe just to piss you, personally, off.
There the Democrats go accusing others of doing what they have / continue to do...

Speaker of The House (In NAME Only) Pelosi threw another tantrum and verbally attacked the President for successfully acting to do what she and fellow house Democrats refuse to do - STOP THE ON-GOING MASSIVE INVASION OF ILLEGALS ACROSS OUR SOTHERN. ORDER!

""House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Saturday hit parts of President Trump’s deal with Mexico on stopping migrant flows after he threatened to slap tariffs on the country -- saying that Trump was engaged in “threats and temper tantrums.”

“Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy,” she said."

REALLY, Nancy?! WTF would YOU know about LAW or FOREIGN POLICY?

YOU are the one who just voted to hold the US AG - the top law ENFORCER in the United States - in ' (the Congress currently being run by Rogue TDS-suffering liberal children) in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW'!

As far as 'Foreign Policy':

"Trump announced Friday that the U.S. and Mexico had reached a deal, after he had previously threatened to slap 5 percent tariffs on all incoming goods from Mexico"

In response to the President's warning Mexico that if it did not stop facilitating illegal immigration into the US through their country he would impose a tariff on Mexico to collect money which would be used to pay for the costly financial burden all of those illegals coming into the US, MEXICO MOBILIZED PART OF ITS MILITARY TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE 'UNPRECEDENTED STEPS TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION COMING FROM / THROUGH ITS SOUTHERN BORDER!

"According to a joint declaration issued by the State Department and Mexico late Friday, Mexico will take “unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.”


If Pelosi and Congress continue to refuse to act for the good and security of this nation, The President had / has to.

Pelosi hits Trump’s deal with Mexico, accuses him of ‘threats and temper tantrums’
You know none lf that's true, right?
Misinformation and made up stuff is all rhey have.
Give the repub nitwits some truth
Mexico Agreed to Border Actions Months Before Trump Announced Tariff Deal
The terms were agreed upon months ago?

Who was President then?
Then why all the play-acting and threats?

I'm betting he hd nothing to do with it. Probably too busy twitting.
If that makes you feel better, sure.
So, Mexico gives Trump what he wanted, and there are no increased tariffs to hurt the working class.

Remind me -- how is this a Trump failure?
Mexico didn't give tRump what he wanted. He said "stopped or tariffs". That isn't what happened. They stayed with an existing plan and he pretended it was some kinda new deal.

He caved.

as usual.
He getting a deal he already wanted on the terms he wanted?

I'm guessing English is your maybe distant-third language.
No failure but most all of deal was already made And I'm sick and tired of this maniac this bully and pray he's gone in 2020 or sooner

So far all I see is YOU claiming so.e deal was made months ago....while whining about being tired of seeing Trump WINNING.... :p
Trump is a lying blustering cheating bully who has zero ability to speak to anyone of importance without lying There is sufficient evidence to prove multiple counts of obstruction and if only repub posters would stop playing switch they might see it too and become patriots again
Conservatives have no obligation to be patriotic to the leftist agenda. We're too busy being patriotic to America.
Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.

I think minorities are quicker in getting ID cards than Honkies are. Minorities often get stopped by "the man" and are asked for their ID a lot more frequently. They are more likely to stay prepared

Lack of ID is more of a problem for elderly, Southern, rural voters. Births were requently registered on Baptism at the church, but not through government offices, which might be miles away. I'm 70 and was born in a city and my parents didn't register my birth. That became a problem for me post 9/11, when my wallet was stolen with all of my ID in it.

In the post 9/11 climate, you can't go anywhere or do anything without ID, so yes, younger and especially younger urban voters would definitely have ID.
Trump is a lying blustering cheating bully who has zero ability to speak to anyone of importance without lying There is sufficient evidence to prove multiple counts of obstruction and if only repub posters would stop playing switch they might see it too and become patriots again
Nice attempt to DISTRACT from my request for you to provide a link / evidence to your claim that the Tariffs and result s - Mexico suddenly ordering the use of its military to crack down on the illegal immigration invasion...

Besides, we've heard that 'I Hate Trump' rant before....
Why must I do your homework ?? Were you like that in school?
You made a claim. YOU back it up.

That's what grown-ups do. Liberals on USMB, however, insist that other people prove their claims for them.

You're dismissed.
There the Democrats go accusing others of doing what they have / continue to do...

Speaker of The House (In NAME Only) Pelosi threw another tantrum and verbally attacked the President for successfully acting to do what she and fellow house Democrats refuse to do - STOP THE ON-GOING MASSIVE INVASION OF ILLEGALS ACROSS OUR SOTHERN. ORDER!

""House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., on Saturday hit parts of President Trump’s deal with Mexico on stopping migrant flows after he threatened to slap tariffs on the country -- saying that Trump was engaged in “threats and temper tantrums.”

“Threats and temper tantrums are no way to negotiate foreign policy,” she said."

REALLY, Nancy?! WTF would YOU know about LAW or FOREIGN POLICY?

YOU are the one who just voted to hold the US AG - the top law ENFORCER in the United States - in ' (the Congress currently being run by Rogue TDS-suffering liberal children) in 'Contempt of Congress' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW'!

As far as 'Foreign Policy':

"Trump announced Friday that the U.S. and Mexico had reached a deal, after he had previously threatened to slap 5 percent tariffs on all incoming goods from Mexico"

In response to the President's warning Mexico that if it did not stop facilitating illegal immigration into the US through their country he would impose a tariff on Mexico to collect money which would be used to pay for the costly financial burden all of those illegals coming into the US, MEXICO MOBILIZED PART OF ITS MILITARY TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE 'UNPRECEDENTED STEPS TO STOP ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION COMING FROM / THROUGH ITS SOUTHERN BORDER!

"According to a joint declaration issued by the State Department and Mexico late Friday, Mexico will take “unprecedented steps to increase enforcement to curb irregular migration, to include the deployment of its National Guard throughout Mexico, giving priority to its southern border.”


If Pelosi and Congress continue to refuse to act for the good and security of this nation, The President had / has to.

Pelosi hits Trump’s deal with Mexico, accuses him of ‘threats and temper tantrums’
She has never thrown a tantrum Sergei. Stop lying.

The only one throwing tantrums is your Russian shill Donald
Make Mexico our 51'st state.
Build a border on Mexico's southern border. 50 miles is all it needs.
Invade the State of Mexico with FBI agents and shut them down.
Making Mexico a state would bring down the property value of all the others.

Doing so would also be like making the beggar you see on the street once a week one of your family members, meaning you have to put up with his begging for money constantly....

How about just annexing Baja California and making it part of regular California.

It would shorten the border that we would need to protect, make places like Tijuana part of America.
I suggest we annex California itself. They seem to have forgotten they're part of the United States.
Throw the moron trump in jail Pelosi was right

Your posts are becoming more and more inane, my friend.

Throw him in jail for what, specifically?

List the USC he violated.
If trump wanted to throw hillary in jail and helped his audience shout it out ,,why not put him in jail for all his collusion that Mueller wrote about? Meanwhile if you're satisfied with the blustering lying bully ,,so be it
Don't you mean the collusion that's in your imagination?
What kind of a sap believes Jr was at Trump Towers speaking to Russians about adoption?? With the orange schmucks knowledge?
Jesus....your shit is so old news.
The Dems set up Trump Jr.....made sure that Russian was allowed to stay in the country.....sent her to meet with him under false pretenses.....and then tried to us a 15 min meeting to establish collusion.
Question: Since when has it been illegal for a political campaign to conduct opposition research?

There, libs...I covered that for you.
Can we call this another phony thread based on a lie? Multiple requests have been made for posting of a video showing an alleged Pelosi temper tantrum. Nothing posted. Never happened. No temper tantrum. Just another routine USMB member annoying fake news thread.

Its really up to Ms. Pelosi and her devotees to show she didn't have a tantrum.

Most tantrums that people have aren't on the internet. There were no video tapes of the alleged Gang Rape Parties that Justice Kavanaugh allegedly organized either, but the testimony of Christine Halsey Ford and Michael Avenatti was taken as gospel truth.
Do you realize how stupid your post is? In your world, and here on USMB, people can make up a lie and demand the person they are lying about prove their innocence.
The last two days, Crepitus and edward have both made claims, refused to provide corroboration, then insisted other people prove their claims for them.

Have you criticized them for it?
Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.

Apparently you are because you're the one espousing this notion. Liberals have said the conservatives are deliberately putting up obstacles to poor people getting registered and voting, and using voter ID laws to further that discrimination. Like the one that said the name on your birth certificate had to be the same as the one on your driver's license. My maiden name is on my birth certificate, and my married name on the driver's license. That's true of most women my age and older, and many younger women.

Then there's those "exact match states" where the name on the voter registration application must exact match the name on the state's records. Apparently state workers make a LOT more data entry errors on names of voters' names in Democratic areas. 70% of discrepancies in exact match are for poor and/or minority voters.

The judge in one court challenge said that the Republican voter ID laws targeted poor and minority voters with laser-like focus.

Democrats are in favour of voter ID, and ensuring that only eligible voters can cast ballots, but unlike Republicans, who are trying to use voter ID laws to supress votes for Democrats, Democrats want to make it as easy as possible for all American citizens to vote.

Every popular vote since 2000 has been won by the Democratic Party. Democrats aren't the ones who need to suppress votes to win elections.
Okay, you have an ID, what's your problem? If you have a valid pictured ID, then you good. I love it here in South Carolina, I can go to my polling place with my license. I don't have to get my voter card out of the safe anymore.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.

I think minorities are quicker in getting ID cards than Honkies are. Minorities often get stopped by "the man" and are asked for their ID a lot more frequently. They are more likely to stay prepared

Lack of ID is more of a problem for elderly, Southern, rural voters. Births were requently registered on Baptism at the church, but not through government offices, which might be miles away. I'm 70 and was born in a city and my parents didn't register my birth. That became a problem for me post 9/11, when my wallet was stolen with all of my ID in it.

In the post 9/11 climate, you can't go anywhere or do anything without ID, so yes, younger and especially younger urban voters would definitely have ID.
I see, you want dead people voting.

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