Pelosi Throws Tantrum Because President Successfully Acts When House DNC Refuses To

Oh bullshit. You loons were calling everyone racist for no reason.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/—-/ Wrong again Cupcake:
Consider this 2015 statement from Bernie Sanders: “What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy … I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country.”

Or this 2006 line from Barack Obama, in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”: “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.”

Or this comment last year from Hillary Clinton: “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration.” It earned her immediate condemnation from progressives and a scathing story in The Times. Opinion | The Democrats Are Confused on Immigration
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/—-/ Wrong again Cupcake:
Consider this 2015 statement from Bernie Sanders: “What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy … I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country.”

Or this 2006 line from Barack Obama, in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”: “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.”

Or this comment last year from Hillary Clinton: “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration.” It earned her immediate condemnation from progressives and a scathing story in The Times. Opinion | The Democrats Are Confused on Immigration

Did you even read what you posted?

Bertnie said that he did nlt believe in an open-border policy.

Obma said he felt resentment upon seeing the Mexican flags.

Clinton said that Europe needs to act on the flow of these refugees.

So why post these?
Mighty mouth backtracks
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is now saying he may contact the FBI if a foreign power presented him with negative information about a political opponent.

Trump, in an interview Friday with "Fox & Friends," appeared to walk back his comments from earlier in the week.

The president still said he would "of course" look at the information in order to determine whether or not it was "incorrect."
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/—-/ Wrong again Cupcake:
Consider this 2015 statement from Bernie Sanders: “What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy … I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country.”

Or this 2006 line from Barack Obama, in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”: “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.”

Or this comment last year from Hillary Clinton: “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration.” It earned her immediate condemnation from progressives and a scathing story in The Times. Opinion | The Democrats Are Confused on Immigration

Did you even read what you posted?

Bertnie said that he did nlt believe in an open-border policy.

Obma said he felt resentment upon seeing the Mexican flags.

Clinton said that Europe needs to act on the flow of these refugees.

So why post these?
/——/ Just pointing out the flip flopping of liberals. Danielpalos posted: “the right wing has nothing but bigotry” Looks like Libs have the same bigotry.
Last edited:
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/—-/ Wrong again Cupcake:
Consider this 2015 statement from Bernie Sanders: “What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy … I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country.”

Or this 2006 line from Barack Obama, in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”: “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.”

Or this comment last year from Hillary Clinton: “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration.” It earned her immediate condemnation from progressives and a scathing story in The Times. Opinion | The Democrats Are Confused on Immigration

Did you even read what you posted?

Bertnie said that he did nlt believe in an open-border policy.

Obma said he felt resentment upon seeing the Mexican flags.

Clinton said that Europe needs to act on the flow of these refugees.

So why post these?
/——/ Just pointing out the flip flopping of liberals. Jknowgood posted: “the right wing has nothing but bigotry” Looks like Libs have the same bigotry.
I didn't post the rightwing has nothing but bigotry.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.
The US Constitution DOES call for the defense of the United States, of our national sovereignty, of our borders. It also calls for the protection of US Citizens. These are some of the existing responsibilities our government is charged with carrying out; however, many Democrats have not only decided to shirk that responsibility (ignoring those duties) but have also chosen to actively violate them.

There ARE existing immigration laws that Democrats / Democrat politicians, through their actions / refusal to act, have rejected and have refused to enforce.

Democrats sided with Mexican Drug Cartels, Human / Sex traffickers, violent MS13 gangs, pedophiles, rapists, and murderers / cop killers over American citizens in order to shut the US government down to ensure the borders remained open, to ensure the illegal immigration invasion continued so they could reap the political benefit (votes) by rewarding them all with 'Amnesty' in the future, believing it would cement their power and ability to control the government.

Democrats have and continue o violate federal laws by operating Sanctuary Cities to give these criminals a safe haven from our laws. Democrats Judges and law enforcement officials continue to aid and abet violent / criminal illegals escape justice and / or deportation. Obama instructed his DOJ NOT to detain / arrest / indict / convict / jail any illegal for ANY crime LESS THAN A FELONY. (That is creating and giving a NON-Constitutional Right to Illegals ONLY - no American is / was treated the same way.)

A liberal Judge was arrested not long ago for helping an illegal in her courtroom to escape ICE agents waiting to deport him. In another case, a Liberal judge helped an illegal escape...only to have him kill an American citizen several days later. (Personally - IMO, in such a case, if the illegal ends up murdering / raping / committing a crime against an American citizen after having been helped to escape, once caught and convicted for that crime, any criminal punishment given to the illegal criminal should be SHARED by the individual who helped them escape justice the 1st time and allowed them to go on and commit this crime.)
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/—-/ Wrong again Cupcake:
Consider this 2015 statement from Bernie Sanders: “What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy … I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country.”

Or this 2006 line from Barack Obama, in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”: “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.”

Or this comment last year from Hillary Clinton: “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration.” It earned her immediate condemnation from progressives and a scathing story in The Times. Opinion | The Democrats Are Confused on Immigration

Did you even read what you posted?

Bertnie said that he did nlt believe in an open-border policy.

Obma said he felt resentment upon seeing the Mexican flags.

Clinton said that Europe needs to act on the flow of these refugees.

So why post these?
/——/ Just pointing out the flip flopping of liberals. Jknowgood posted: “the right wing has nothing but bigotry” Looks like Libs have the same bigotry.
I didn't post the rightwing has nothing but bigotry.
No?it would've been something that made sense
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/—-/ Wrong again Cupcake:
Consider this 2015 statement from Bernie Sanders: “What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy … I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country.”

Or this 2006 line from Barack Obama, in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”: “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.”

Or this comment last year from Hillary Clinton: “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration.” It earned her immediate condemnation from progressives and a scathing story in The Times. Opinion | The Democrats Are Confused on Immigration

Did you even read what you posted?

Bertnie said that he did nlt believe in an open-border policy.

Obma said he felt resentment upon seeing the Mexican flags.

Clinton said that Europe needs to act on the flow of these refugees.

So why post these?
/——/ Just pointing out the flip flopping of liberals. Jknowgood posted: “the right wing has nothing but bigotry” Looks like Libs have the same bigotry.
I didn't post the rightwing has nothing but bigotry.
/——/ Sorry, it was danielPablo’s. I fixed it. My bad
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.

I'm going to Walmart soon, to pay the sales tax.
thank you. they call them convenience stores, for a reason. even "illegals" can pay that tax.
I Guarantee that everytime I called you a racist it was because you made a racist post.

Your fucking problem is that your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't know how racist you really are.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/——/ The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year (1876) that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling. What Authority Does the U.S. Constitution Give the Federal Government Regarding Immigration? | The American View
Our Constitution is Express not implied by right wing fantasy in any way. Show us the express, immigration clause.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/——/ The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year (1876) that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling. What Authority Does the U.S. Constitution Give the Federal Government Regarding Immigration? | The American View
Our Constitution is Express not implied by right wing fantasy in any way. Show us the express, immigration clause.
/——/ It’s sandwiched between the welfare and the abortion clauses.
You know nothing about me.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.

I'm going to Walmart soon, to pay the sales tax.
thank you. they call them convenience stores, for a reason. even "illegals" can pay that tax.

I call them supermarkets.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/—-/ Wrong again Cupcake:
Consider this 2015 statement from Bernie Sanders: “What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy … I don’t believe in that. I think we have to raise wages in this country.”

Or this 2006 line from Barack Obama, in his book, “The Audacity of Hope”: “When I see Mexican flags waved at pro-immigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment.”

Or this comment last year from Hillary Clinton: “I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration.” It earned her immediate condemnation from progressives and a scathing story in The Times. Opinion | The Democrats Are Confused on Immigration

Did you even read what you posted?

Bertnie said that he did nlt believe in an open-border policy.

Obma said he felt resentment upon seeing the Mexican flags.

Clinton said that Europe needs to act on the flow of these refugees.

So why post these?
/——/ Just pointing out the flip flopping of liberals. Danielpalos posted: “the right wing has nothing but bigotry” Looks like Libs have the same bigotry.
None of those thongs were about bigotry.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.
/——/ The U.S. Supreme Court ruled the following year (1876) that immigration regulation was an exclusive Federal responsibility. Congress established the Immigration Service in 1891, which was the first time the Federal government took an active role. Congress enacted additional quota systems after World War I in the years 1921 and 1924. The laws remained largely unchanged until the passage of the “The Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.” Changes to admittance were made again in 1976 and 1978. “The Immigration Act of 1990″ added a category of admission based on diversity and increased the worldwide immigration ceiling. What Authority Does the U.S. Constitution Give the Federal Government Regarding Immigration? | The American View
Our Constitution is Express not implied by right wing fantasy in any way. Show us the express, immigration clause.
/——/ It’s sandwiched between the welfare and the abortion clauses.
our welfare clause is General, not limited by right wing bigotry.
We all know nogood , your life is an open book
I'm not the one that thinks minorities are too stupid to get an ID.
the right wing has nothing but bigotry. there is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution, all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes. there should be no illegal problem or illegal underclass.

we should be generating revenue from all foreign nationals in the US.

I'm going to Walmart soon, to pay the sales tax.
thank you. they call them convenience stores, for a reason. even "illegals" can pay that tax.

I call them supermarkets.
if you want to quibble.

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