Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns

And there it is. Like i said previously, the left always takes the arguments to the extreme. "Well, we should be able to own nukes and shoulder fires rockets.."

Honestly, there is no way to know what the founders would have thought about these types of weapons, as they could have never foresaw nuclear weapons. What they could see is hand held firearms. When they wrote the 2A, they said "arms". They could have said specifically "muskets", but it is possible they were forward looking enough to realize that guns would evolve over time.

So now you want to limit our constitution to your ability to read the founding father's minds? Do you use a crystal ball for that? I prefer to just go by what is written, because I don't have your amazing ability to read the minds of a bunch of dead guys.

That's what we have a United States Supreme Court for.

I agree. Any writings, other than the constitution, are immaterial.
Then the gun debate is unwinnable, because without context, it's just one person's interpretation vs anothers.

That's the Supreme Court's job.
No, you cant, in one sentence say that the words of the constitution are the end all be all, and that the actual words of the framers mean nothing, then say that the supreme court can define the meaning.

If you accept what the supreme court says, why wouldn't you look at the intent of the actual framers, the people who were alive back then and actually wrote the document?

The problem with using the SC over the framers is, for one, they should use the intent of the framers to define the 2nd, but, partisanship being what it is, the ideology of the members of the SC will guide their interpretation.
No, not true. We are being invaded by foreigners and Congress refuses to act. Drugs are killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. Americans are being tortured and murdered. Some are getting killed in DUI's. Our agents apprehend hundreds of thousands of foreigner a year illegally crossing our border. Our Border Patrol stressed the need for these walls. That's different than saying Americans killing each other with guns is a national emergency.

If this doesn't justify a national emergency, what does?

And oh yes, thanks to Democrats, there are more on the way.

We have fewer crossing the border since 1971. We are at a 48 year low.

Okay, do you have a point or something with that comment?

Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?
Clearly, these illegal Mexicans mean a lot more to her than do US citizens. What's your interest in them, Nancy? You're looking more and more like a TRAITOR to the American people.

Her (and the Democrats) interest is making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. That's their goal. The Democrat party is now the anti-white party, and they make no bones about it.

Paranoid much?

Nope, just a realist. I'm not a puppet like you on the left that believe everything they say.

* Why do they make illegals comfortable in Democrat areas, even to the point of issuing them drivers licenses?
* Why would they want illegals to vote in local elections?
* Why did they stop Kate's Law (a common sense law) that would have imprisoned felons who returned after deportation?
* Why would they fight so hard to keep their Sanctuary cities, and even started Sanctuary states after Trump got elected?
* Why did DumBama sue Arizona for creating their own immigration standards?

One answer for all of those questions. Figure it out.
I wonder if it has less to do with color and more to do with skewing the census so they can get more representatives.
Okay, do you have a point or something with that comment?

Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

Yes because at some point the law of diminishing returns comes into play.

Most rational educated people agree the borders should be made more secure. Those same people recognize 14th century technology (a wall) is unlikely to be successful in the 21st century. But even with improved technology some inventive and determined people will still get through.

Guess what those people are the kind of people who built this country. The American Spirit lives most strongly in them. It’s the American ethos (or used to be) to say F the government I’m doing what’s ethically needed. Even if I break laws. It’s why the second amendment exists. If they make it through and manage to avoid detection for 10 years, make them citizens. They have earned it in the true American sense.

So that's the message we want to send to the rest of the world, come here, break our laws, and if you get away with it long enough, we'll make you a citizen?

That has pretty much been our mode of operation for the past 200 years.
Boston Tea Party.... breaking laws
Runaway slaves..... breaking laws
Oklahoma Sooners..... breaking laws
Interracial marriage.... breaking laws
Feet Wet..... breaking laws

We have long been the home of people that say F You to the government and brave long odds to make a better life for ourselves.

I see no reason to stop now. That doesn’t mean we make it easy but it also doesn’t mean we spend every nickle to stop the last 10,000.

That is a reasonable and educated response. Sadly reasonable and educated left the Republican Party years ago.
Would you be so supportive if we imposed and additional 10% tax on the income of all registered Democrats, with the intent of, if you are so supportive of open borders, you can pay extra to cover the cost of all illegal immigration so Republican voters dont have to pay?
Clearly, these illegal Mexicans mean a lot more to her than do US citizens. What's your interest in them, Nancy? You're looking more and more like a TRAITOR to the American people.

Her (and the Democrats) interest is making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. That's their goal. The Democrat party is now the anti-white party, and they make no bones about it.

Paranoid much?

Nope, just a realist. I'm not a puppet like you on the left that believe everything they say.

* Why do they make illegals comfortable in Democrat areas, even to the point of issuing them drivers licenses?
* Why would they want illegals to vote in local elections?
* Why did they stop Kate's Law (a common sense law) that would have imprisoned felons who returned after deportation?
* Why would they fight so hard to keep their Sanctuary cities, and even started Sanctuary states after Trump got elected?
* Why did DumBama sue Arizona for creating their own immigration standards?

One answer for all of those questions. Figure it out.
I wonder if it has less to do with color and more to do with skewing the census so they can get more representatives.

That's why they got so upset when Trump tried to force the Census to ask whether they were legal residents or not. As far as I know, they don't. They count like any real citizen in this country and of course, get counted for representation purposes.
Her (and the Democrats) interest is making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. That's their goal. The Democrat party is now the anti-white party, and they make no bones about it.

Paranoid much?

Nope, just a realist. I'm not a puppet like you on the left that believe everything they say.

* Why do they make illegals comfortable in Democrat areas, even to the point of issuing them drivers licenses?
* Why would they want illegals to vote in local elections?
* Why did they stop Kate's Law (a common sense law) that would have imprisoned felons who returned after deportation?
* Why would they fight so hard to keep their Sanctuary cities, and even started Sanctuary states after Trump got elected?
* Why did DumBama sue Arizona for creating their own immigration standards?

One answer for all of those questions. Figure it out.

Dude I’m curious if you’re a cop. From the pic you posted I’m guessing you might be. Read somewhere that white supremacist groups had actively tried to place members in local law enforcement. You appear to be exhibit A that the assertion is true.
Ray is your typical rightwing idiot and liar.

You left out racist, gun owner and possibly cop
Oh my. You're one of those "all cops are racist" crowd aren't you?

This is what is wrong with left wing media, they selectively report on things to drive the agenda, and get their listeners all riled up.

So, time for some truth. There are good police and there are bad, but the overwhelming majority are good people who put their lives on the line each day for complete strangers. They are duty bound and to say all police are racist does a great disservice to the people who put on the uniform each day to protect people, even such as yourself, who obviously have a great disdain for them.
We have fewer crossing the border since 1971. We are at a 48 year low.

Okay, do you have a point or something with that comment?

Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?
20 plus million illegals already here? How did they get here if they are illegal? Ports of entry?

The House speaker warned Republicans about the precedent Trump could set by declaring a national emergency to secure border wall funding.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday warned about the dangerous precedent President Donald Trump could set if he declares a national emergency to secure funding for his border wall.

“I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. “Because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.”

Pelosi said the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t constitute an “emergency,” as Trump has framed it, but rather a “humanitarian challenge.”

“You want to talk about a national emergency?” Pelosi said. “Let’s talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America. That’s a national emergency.”

Pelosi was referring to the Feb. 14, 2018 mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. She noted that a Democratic president could declare a national emergency on gun violence and warned Republicans to carefully consider the precedent Trump would set by using his executive power to override Congress.

“Democratic presidents can declare emergencies as well,” Pelosi said. “So the precedent that the president is setting here is something that should be met with great unease and dismay by the Republicans.”

More: Pelosi To GOP: A Democratic President Could Declare National Emergency On Guns

What goes around comes around. Go Nancy!

So you think an Executive Action can abrogate a Constitutional Right. Aren't you special :)

So tell me if an executive order can abrogate Article 1 of the Constitution why any other part of the Constitution would be exempt?

An Executive Order must be realize that, right? Can ANYONE issue an Executive Order to confiscate guns?
Yes or no.

Hell Barry had a horrific record in the SC.

Sure than I assume you would agree Trump’s using an executive order to seize the power of the purse from the legislature violating article 1 of the Constitution would also be invalid.

You want to have it both ways but precedent doesn’t work that way. A point made by more than 1 thoughtful Republican: Susan Collins, Thom Thilis, Tom Sullivan.

The person missing the yes or no question is you not me....
Actually, it's not really a violation of article 1 section 7. That section merely says that all bills to raise revenue must originate in the house. It doesnt explicitly say that only the house is able to direct and spend money, but only it can raise revenue.

Saying the house is the only body to actually spend money would be an unbalance to the coequal government, as the house could simply hold the other two branches hostage in order to get what they want.

The appropriations bill simply says the house is responsible for raising revenue for departments, programs etc. It doesnt say it controls how the money is spent.

Since the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces, using money already delegated to the military is not illegal.
Clearly, these illegal Mexicans mean a lot more to her than do US citizens. What's your interest in them, Nancy? You're looking more and more like a TRAITOR to the American people.

Her (and the Democrats) interest is making whites a minority in this country as soon as possible. That's their goal. The Democrat party is now the anti-white party, and they make no bones about it.

Paranoid much?

Nope, just a realist. I'm not a puppet like you on the left that believe everything they say.

* Why do they make illegals comfortable in Democrat areas, even to the point of issuing them drivers licenses?
* Why would they want illegals to vote in local elections?
* Why did they stop Kate's Law (a common sense law) that would have imprisoned felons who returned after deportation?
* Why would they fight so hard to keep their Sanctuary cities, and even started Sanctuary states after Trump got elected?
* Why did DumBama sue Arizona for creating their own immigration standards?

One answer for all of those questions. Figure it out.
I wonder if it has less to do with color and more to do with skewing the census so they can get more representatives.

That's why they got so upset when Trump tried to force the Census to ask whether they were legal residents or not. As far as I know, they don't. They count like any real citizen in this country and of course, get counted for representation purposes.
Correct. I just wonder if that's not the actual goal, above even increasing vote count.

Trying to manipulate the vote brings a lot of scrutiny, and is more easily discovered, but padding the census to increase representation could almost go unnoticed.
Paranoid much?

Nope, just a realist. I'm not a puppet like you on the left that believe everything they say.

* Why do they make illegals comfortable in Democrat areas, even to the point of issuing them drivers licenses?
* Why would they want illegals to vote in local elections?
* Why did they stop Kate's Law (a common sense law) that would have imprisoned felons who returned after deportation?
* Why would they fight so hard to keep their Sanctuary cities, and even started Sanctuary states after Trump got elected?
* Why did DumBama sue Arizona for creating their own immigration standards?

One answer for all of those questions. Figure it out.

Dude I’m curious if you’re a cop. From the pic you posted I’m guessing you might be. Read somewhere that white supremacist groups had actively tried to place members in local law enforcement. You appear to be exhibit A that the assertion is true.
Ray is your typical rightwing idiot and liar.

You left out racist, gun owner and possibly cop
Oh my. You're one of those "all cops are racist" crowd aren't you?

This is what is wrong with left wing media, they selectively report on things to drive the agenda, and get their listeners all riled up.

So, time for some truth. There are good police and there are bad, but the overwhelming majority are good people who put their lives on the line each day for complete strangers. They are duty bound and to say all police are racist does a great disservice to the people who put on the uniform each day to protect people, even such as yourself, who obviously have a great disdain for them.
Fake news kings and queens are leftists.

Same motives different day daily

Coventry kids just an example of how they fake real news
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Okay, do you have a point or something with that comment?

Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?
20 plus million illegals already here? How did they get here if they are illegal? Ports of entry?
Huh? Cant tell if you are replying to the other guy or disagreeing with me...[emoji16]
Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?
20 plus million illegals already here? How did they get here if they are illegal? Ports of entry?
Huh? Cant tell if you are replying to the other guy or disagreeing with me...[emoji16]
Adding on to your stats
We have fewer crossing the border since 1971. We are at a 48 year low.

Okay, do you have a point or something with that comment?

Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?

U'm saying the number of crossings has steadily declined for decades, and we are currently at the lowest point since the early 70s. Also, the majority immediately turn themselves in to apply for sanctuary.
Paranoid much?

Nope, just a realist. I'm not a puppet like you on the left that believe everything they say.

* Why do they make illegals comfortable in Democrat areas, even to the point of issuing them drivers licenses?
* Why would they want illegals to vote in local elections?
* Why did they stop Kate's Law (a common sense law) that would have imprisoned felons who returned after deportation?
* Why would they fight so hard to keep their Sanctuary cities, and even started Sanctuary states after Trump got elected?
* Why did DumBama sue Arizona for creating their own immigration standards?

One answer for all of those questions. Figure it out.

Dude I’m curious if you’re a cop. From the pic you posted I’m guessing you might be. Read somewhere that white supremacist groups had actively tried to place members in local law enforcement. You appear to be exhibit A that the assertion is true.
Ray is your typical rightwing idiot and liar.

You left out racist, gun owner and possibly cop
Oh my. You're one of those "all cops are racist" crowd aren't you?

This is what is wrong with left wing media, they selectively report on things to drive the agenda, and get their listeners all riled up.

So, time for some truth. There are good police and there are bad, but the overwhelming majority are good people who put their lives on the line each day for complete strangers. They are duty bound and to say all police are racist does a great disservice to the people who put on the uniform each day to protect people, even such as yourself, who obviously have a great disdain for them.

Seems like the good cops would eventually police their own, instead of closing ranks and protecting the bad ones, especially since the bad ones make them all look bad.
Okay, do you have a point or something with that comment?

Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?

U'm saying the number of crossings has steadily declined for decades, and we are currently at the lowest point since the early 70s. Also, the majority immediately turn themselves in to apply for sanctuary.
20 plus million sucking on our tit. Any new illegals aren’t needed time to turn off the valve
Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?

U'm saying the number of crossings has steadily declined for decades, and we are currently at the lowest point since the early 70s. Also, the majority immediately turn themselves in to apply for sanctuary.
20 plus million sucking on our tit. Any new illegals aren’t needed time to turn off the valve

There is no emergency.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?

U'm saying the number of crossings has steadily declined for decades, and we are currently at the lowest point since the early 70s. Also, the majority immediately turn themselves in to apply for sanctuary.
20 plus million sucking on our tit. Any new illegals aren’t needed time to turn off the valve

There is no emergency.
So you know more than border patrol and homeland security? Naw. Try again. 20 million plus illegals in our country on our tit. Emergency
You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?

U'm saying the number of crossings has steadily declined for decades, and we are currently at the lowest point since the early 70s. Also, the majority immediately turn themselves in to apply for sanctuary.
20 plus million sucking on our tit. Any new illegals aren’t needed time to turn off the valve

There is no emergency.
So you know more than border patrol and homeland security? Naw. Try again. 20 million plus illegals in our country on our tit. Emergency

I know the sheriffs say there is no emergency. I know the numbers say there is no emergency. I know Trump himself said he didn't need to claim an emergency.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?

U'm saying the number of crossings has steadily declined for decades, and we are currently at the lowest point since the early 70s. Also, the majority immediately turn themselves in to apply for sanctuary.
20 plus million sucking on our tit. Any new illegals aren’t needed time to turn off the valve

There is no emergency.
So you know more than border patrol and homeland security? Naw. Try again. 20 million plus illegals in our country on our tit. Emergency

I know the sheriffs say there is no emergency. I know the numbers say there is no emergency. I know Trump himself said he didn't need to claim an emergency.
Name one . What about the 20 plus million?
Okay, do you have a point or something with that comment?

Just pointing out your stupid invasion claim is bullshit.
How many does it take before we should take notice? We have between 1100 and 1800 crossings each day. Because it's down from previous years, does that mean it's ok to stop trying to secure the border?

Are you suggesting that there is a certain point that illegal crossings is acceptable?

Just for curiosity sake, why is it that you personally are not supportive of securing the border? I have come to the conclusion that, most on the left actually don't care about the illegal border issue one way or the other, but because of their ideology, they feel the simply have to be att odds with the other side, and I'm sure a lot of repubs do it too. So, im curious, what is your reasoning for wanting to keep the borders fairly porous?

You are so quick to make sweeping statements. You should consider reality instead of just repeating right wing straw man crap.
So, you are saying that there is not about 1800 attempted crossings per day?

U'm saying the number of crossings has steadily declined for decades, and we are currently at the lowest point since the early 70s. Also, the majority immediately turn themselves in to apply for sanctuary.

Yep, and then they wait for their court date and ignore it when it finally comes, thus making them an illegal.

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