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Pelosi Tries, But Cheney Beats Her

They have control over their nation. Did you miss the elections.
and are you suggesting that their elections somehow have eliminated the centuries long hatred of sunni for shiite? what do the elections have to do with your totally unfounded assertion that Al Qaeda will come in and terrorize an otherwise democracy loving peaceful people?
I think that even today, the "foreign fighters" make up a miniscule portion of the combatants. The carnage in Iraq is overwhelmingly because sunnis and shiites are killing one another.... al qaeda is a bit player, but the administration needs to keep the illusion that they are the driving force behind the insurgency so that they can always make the 9/11 connection and tap into the american wellspring of fear and revenge.

Through previous threads, you and I have found that we basically agree on this, but posts like the above is still a spot of contention for me. I watch the news and what not, and for whatever reason I guess I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. I'm not seeing the administration banging an incessant drum to the chant "Iraq = 9/11", or some such.

It isn't difficult to see that there was very little or no link between the events of 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. I think the point could be easily sold that making the decision to invade Iraq in the grand scheme of our true enemy was not the best chpice. The problem is the salesmen as far as I'm concerned. Moore, Mahr, Pelosi, Murtha can make all the sense in the world on that point, but their politcal/rhetorical emotion towards anything Bush always gets in their way and overshadows everything to the point that their shpeals alway come down to more about "we just gotta get Bush", then any logic or illogic in invading Iraq.
Through previous threads, you and I have found that we basically agree on this, but posts like the above is still a spot of contention for me. I watch the news and what not, and for whatever reason I guess I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. I'm not seeing the administration banging an incessant drum to the chant "Iraq = 9/11", or some such.

It isn't difficult to see that there was very little or no link between the events of 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq. I think the point could be easily sold that making the decision to invade Iraq in the grand scheme of our true enemy was not the best chpice. The problem is the salesmen as far as I'm concerned. Moore, Mahr, Pelosi, Murtha can make all the sense in the world on that point, but their politcal/rhetorical emotion towards anything Bush always gets in their way and overshadows everything to the point that their shpeals alway come down to more about "we just gotta get Bush", then any logic or illogic in invading Iraq.

if you agree with me that Al Qaeda is NOT the driving force behind anything happening in Iraq and they are, at best a marginal player.... then why does Cheney say that Pelosi and Murtha's plans would "validate the Al Qaeda strategy"??? I will TELL you why...because the words "Al Qaeda" automatically conjure up planes flying into the world trade center. It is how the administration keeps the flock in line....in order to hold on to their crumbling margin of support, the adminstration needs to continue to tap into whatever is left of the tappable wellspring of anger, fear and revenge that still resonates and reverberates when America remembers what happened to us on that day.

But much to their chagrin, more and more Americans are waking up to the realization that Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11. Invading Iraq has not made us one iota safer from another 9/11.. and the Iraq war has only served to make us fewer, poorer, less safe and more despised by more people than before we invaded. Invading Iraq has been infinitely worse for America's security in the post 9/11 world than if we had done absolutely nothing at all....

and I certainly do not advocate that we should have done that...I think that there are a myriad of proactive effective measures we could have taken that would have made us more safe and made Al Qaeda in particular and radical islam in general less powerful and less capable of doing us harm in the future.

I am a patriot. I love my country. I served her long and well and with great pride and professionalism. I truly and honestly believe that this invasion of Iraq is the very worst foreign policy blunder any administration has ever made in the history of our nation and will have the most horrific consequences.

And I would be saying exactly that if Al Gore or John Kerry had led us into this mess...it has NOTHING to do with my party affiliation. I am a democrat on many issues...but I was 100% behind George Bush when he invaded Afghanistan. I wrote the Navy and asked to go back on active duty to help him fight that war doing anything that I could.

He lost me at Tora Bora...he lost me when he began giving speeches where he said "9/11 blah blah blah Al Qaeda blah blah blah Saddam blah blah blah weapons of mass destruction blah blah blah gassed his own people blah blah blah 9/11 blah blah blah Al Qaeda blah blah blah Saddam blah blah blah weapons of mass destruction blah blah blah gassed his own people blah blah blah" over and over again and NEVER mentioned Osama bin Laden...from late August '02 until the use of force resolution and the invasion. He lost me when he expressed absolute certainty about Saddam's stockpiles...he lost me when he talked of mushroom clouds over american cities.... he lost me when it became clear to me that he was MISLEADING us by playing on our fears and our anger. I AM a patriot and I firmly believe that George Bush has led us to the precipice overlooking Hell itself.
if you agree with me that Al Qaeda is NOT the driving force behind anything happening in Iraq and they are, at best a marginal player.... then why does Cheney say that Pelosi and Murtha's plans would "validate the Al Qaeda strategy"??? I will TELL you why...because the words "Al Qaeda" automatically conjure up planes flying into the world trade center. It is how the administration keeps the flock in line....in order to hold on to their crumbling margin of support, the adminstration needs to continue to tap into whatever is left of the tappable wellspring of anger, fear and revenge that still resonates and reverberates when America remembers what happened to us on that day..

Perhaps the group he labeled was incorrect, but it is still a reasonable, and obvious point. Group A is fighting Group B over control of X. Group A broadcasts that we are gonna stay here till Y date at which point we're leaving regardless of whether we've gained control of X or not. Assume for a second, maineman, that you are Group B and the above is true of Group A. What is your most obvious course of action? The answer should be pretty obvious. I think that's really all Cheney is saying.
Perhaps the group he labeled was incorrect, but it is still a reasonable, and obvious point. Group A is fighting Group B over control of X. Group A broadcasts that we are gonna stay here till Y date at which point we're leaving regardless of whether we've gained control of X or not. Assume for a second, maineman, that you are Group B and the above is true of Group A. What is your most obvious course of action? The answer should be pretty obvious. I think that's really all Cheney is saying.

bullshit....he didn't "incorrectly label" anyone. He specifically used Al Qaeda for its evocative powers. that is my point.

this thing in Iraq is a civil war.... sunnis and shiites have been at each other for a millenium.... For centuries, the ruthless Ottomans kept them in check.... then a series of british installed tyrannical leaders kept them in check...then Saddam kept them in check.... then we fucked up and got rid of Saddam...now radical islamists are present in Iraq where before they were afraid to show their face, now sunnis and shiites are slaughtering each other and will continue to do so until they have a bellyful of carnage and can stomach no more.... we are hated by both sides.... and are targets for both sides...AND TO WHAT END? Do you honestly think we will be able to stop sunnis and shiites from wanting to kill one another? Don't you understand that the fable of a multicultural jeffersonian democracy springing up on the banks of the Euphrates is just that - a fucking FABLE? Sunnis and shiites will NEVER get together for a giant group hug and sing Kumbaya together no matter how long we stay, how many trillions of dollars we flush away that we could SO much better use to actually make us safer and islamic extremism less threatening... no matter how many thousand more Americans die.
bullshit....he didn't "incorrectly label" anyone. He specifically used Al Qaeda for its evocative powers. that is my point.

Again with the emotion. It isn't very conducive to a constructive debate. Statements like that are incredibly revealing when it comes to person's agenda. It shows quite clearly that despite what you say and seem to know about the situation what you're really interested in is just blameing someone.

this thing in Iraq is a civil war.... sunnis and shiites have been at each other for a millenium.... For centuries, the ruthless Ottomans kept them in check.... then a series of british installed tyrannical leaders kept them in check...then Saddam kept them in check.... then we fucked up and got rid of Saddam...now radical islamists are present in Iraq where before they were afraid to show their face, now sunnis and shiites are slaughtering each other and will continue to do so until they have a bellyful of carnage and can stomach no more.... we are hated by both sides.... and are targets for both sides...AND TO WHAT END? Do you honestly think we will be able to stop sunnis and shiites from wanting to kill one another? Don't you understand that the fable of a multicultural jeffersonian democracy springing up on the banks of the Euphrates is just that - a fucking FABLE? Sunnis and shiites will NEVER get together for a giant group hug and sing Kumbaya together no matter how long we stay, how many trillions of dollars we flush away that we could SO much better use to actually make us safer and islamic extremism less threatening... no matter how many thousand more Americans die.

My point was to make a basic illustration. That is what will happen if we leave, but that may not be a bad thing.
Again with the emotion. It isn't very conducive to a constructive debate. Statements like that are incredibly revealing when it comes to person's agenda. It shows quite clearly that despite what you say and seem to know about the situation what you're really interested in is just blameing someone.

I laid out my case as to why this administration conflated Iraq and Al Qaeda and 9/11. Why would you think that rationale no longer is valid? Do you honestly think that Cheny MISSPOKE and did not really MEAN to say Al Qaeda????? If that IS the case, why hasn't he issued a retraction?

"Al Qaeda" evokes raw emotion in Americans.... and for a dwindling number of us, that raw emotion causes us to want to press on in Iraq and keep KILLING those bastards that attacked us.

My point was to make a basic illustration. That is what will happen if we leave, but that may not be a bad thing.

and my point is that it IS happening...and the only thing Americans are doing is adding to the body count by being targets for both sides. And this war IS leading us to the edge of the precipice that overhangs Hell. I really and truly believe that.
I laid out my case as to why this administration conflated Iraq and Al Qaeda and 9/11. Why would you think that rationale no longer is valid? Do you honestly think that Cheny MISSPOKE and did not really MEAN to say Al Qaeda????? If that IS the case, why hasn't he issued a retraction?

Are you then trying to say there is no such thing as a self proclaimed leader of Al Queda in Iraq?


My recollection is that the primary reason given for invading Iraq was Saddam being and imminent threat and had WMDs (validity of that can be debated later). Now think about this for a second. You are probably aware by now that I am a conservative. You also keep talking about this group of people that the administration is basically fooling with this proclaimed 9/11-Iraq link. The only group of people you can conceivably be talking about are those on the right because you have stated those on the left aren't buying it. By extension you know at least one person now (me) who doesn't think what you claim people in my group must be thinking. Am I just some sort of anomoly to you? Or is it possible you're just exaggerating?

[and my point is that it IS happening...and the only thing Americans are doing is adding to the body count by being targets for both sides. And this war IS leading us to the edge of the precipice that overhangs Hell. I really and truly believe that.

Oh stop being so dramatic. You honestly believe this is the most epic battle in the history of the world? This is nothing. This doesn't even scratch the surface of some of the ideological conflicts in history. It is nothing compared to the Civil War or the American Revolution or WWII or The Crusades or all the way back to the Roman Empire.
I think Pelosi is too quick to defend the patriotism that no one has mentioned.

The fact is her plan will help Al Qaida. Everyone who has have a brain realizes it. One doesnt have to mention her patriotism to point out the stupidity of her actions.

Implicit in any criticism of those opposed to the failed policies of the Bush Administration in Iraq is the assumption that the opponents of the Bush administration are "unpatriotic". This assumption was given full voice by John Ashcroft in testimony before Congress. Since then, it has been the subtext of any criticism of those opposed to Administration policies on a broader range of policies than just the war in Iraq.

Your assumption that any plan that fails to condone or seeks to curtail certain policies of this Administration are cut from the same cloth, and just as baseless.
Implicit in any criticism of those opposed to the failed policies of the Bush Administration in Iraq is the assumption that the opponents of the Bush administration are "unpatriotic". This assumption was given full voice by John Ashcroft in testimony before Congress. Since then, it has been the subtext of any criticism of those opposed to Administration policies on a broader range of policies than just the war in Iraq.

Your assumption that any plan that fails to condone or seeks to curtail certain policies of this Administration are cut from the same cloth, and just as baseless.

It is amazing to me that I hear the above charge layed upon people far more then I see it actually happening.
Are you then trying to say there is no such thing as a self proclaimed leader of Al Queda in Iraq?

no.... I am trying to say that Al Qaeda is relatively irrelevant in what IS happening in Iraq...and Cheny KNEW that...but nonetheless, he keeps pushing the connection...he keeps pushing the AQ button when it is not really "relevant"...only "evocative"

My recollection is that the primary reason given for invading Iraq was Saddam being and imminent threat and had WMDs (validity of that can be debated later). Now think about this for a second. You are probably aware by now that I am a conservative. You also keep talking about this group of people that the administration is basically fooling with this proclaimed 9/11-Iraq link. The only group of people you can conceivably be talking about are those on the right because you have stated those on the left aren't buying it. By extension you know at least one person now (me) who doesn't think what you claim people in my group must be thinking. Am I just some sort of anomoly to you? Or is it possible you're just exaggerating?

No...you are an example of the people that he used to fool, but doesn't fool any longer. Your wisdom and vision is to be applauded. And I sincerely mean that. A majority of people in America now believe as you and I do, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and that it is a mistake.... but Team Bush seems, for whatever reason, hellbent on this war...and the only way they can rally what little support they have left in America is by playing to the anger and fear

Oh stop being so dramatic. You honestly believe this is the most epic battle in the history of the world? This is nothing. This doesn't even scratch the surface of some of the ideological conflicts in history. It is nothing compared to the Civil War or the American Revolution or WWII or The Crusades or all the way back to the Roman Empire.

no...I disagree... none of those wars had the possibility of fanatics getting their hands on nuclear weapons. If this battle were being fought a hundred years ago, it would be small potatoes.... but with the destructive power of nuclear weapons proliferating around the globe, with the demise of the soviet union and the subsequent loss of control of their nuclear arsenal, this war has the potential to be the grand daddy of them all. There is a great fictional book by Collins and Lapierre entitled the Fifth Horseman....I recommend it. Basically, arabs bring a satchel nuke into NYC in a cargo ship and place it in a warehouse and demand that America lean on Israel to return all the occupied territories or they will detonate it. The book is nearly 30 years old...but NYC is no safer from that sort of event today than it was then. If AQ gets a nuke... and there are plenty of them out there to be had...and they bring it into NYC, it will kill MILLIONS of Americans in an instant. When I think of how much defensive capability we could have engineered into our ports of entry and our air traffic systems with the money that we have literally flushed down the toilet in Iraq, it makes me nauseous. I am not being dramatic in the least. Bush has ignited what may very well turn into the firestorm that consumes this planet
No...you are an example of the people that he used to fool, but doesn't fool any longer. Your wisdom and vision is to be applauded. And I sincerely mean that. A majority of people in America now believe as you and I do, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and that it is a mistake.... but Team Bush seems, for whatever reason, hellbent on this war...and the only way they can rally what little support they have left in America is by playing to the anger and fear

Couple clarifications need to be made here: 1)At no point was i "fooled" by this argument. 2) I wasn't fooled because the above was not given as the major reason for this invasion. Again the major reasons that we were given was that Saddam was an imminent threat because he "had" WMDs and had violated several U.N. resolutions. That was the selling point given to the American people, not that Saddam had played an integral roll in 9/11, though it is true it was suggested. The only big question in hinesight is why, just a hair over a year since 9/11 , did we decide this was our most pressing issue? Another theory I have is that the reason we were given is truly what the administration believed. It certainly added up. Saddam had violated numerous U.N. resolutions which would logically lead anyone to wonder what he was hiding. Was there also intelligence that indicated Saddam wasn't really that much of a threat? Probably. But I think that's one if those decisions you would rather take action on and be wrong, than be right and not have taken any.

no...I disagree... none of those wars had the possibility of fanatics getting their hands on nuclear weapons. If this battle were being fought a hundred years ago, it would be small potatoes.... but with the destructive power of nuclear weapons proliferating around the globe, with the demise of the soviet union and the subsequent loss of control of their nuclear arsenal, this war has the potential to be the grand daddy of them all. There is a great fictional book by Collins and Lapierre entitled the Fifth Horseman....I recommend it. Basically, arabs bring a satchel nuke into NYC in a cargo ship and place it in a warehouse and demand that America lean on Israel to return all the occupied territories or they will detonate it. The book is nearly 30 years old...but NYC is no safer from that sort of event today than it was then. If AQ gets a nuke... and there are plenty of them out there to be had...and they bring it into NYC, it will kill MILLIONS of Americans in an instant. When I think of how much defensive capability we could have engineered into our ports of entry and our air traffic systems with the money that we have literally flushed down the toilet in Iraq, it makes me nauseous. I am not being dramatic in the least. Bush has ignited what may very well turn into the firestorm that consumes this planet

I see a bit of a flaw in that argument in this. What if we hadn't invaded Iraq? What if we had found, before we invaded, that Iraq simply wasn't a big enough threat to have to deal with right now? That doesn't change the fact that 9/11 happened and thus doesn't change that we were attacked by Al Queada first and before Iraq was ever in the cards. What it seems your saying is that somehow going into Iraq somehow stirred up a hornets nest. yet you also say the Al Queda aspect of it was small potatoes. Well, if that's true then Al Queda's animosity toward would not be any different right now than if we hadn't invaded Iraq. Without Iraq we would still be in this conflict with terrorists. Being in Iraq hasn't expanded Al Queda's ability to gather these, well, WMDs, that you claim make this the threat of all threats. That would be the case whether or not we had invaded Iraq wouldn't it?
Couple clarifications need to be made here: 1)At no point was i "fooled" by this argument. 2) I wasn't fooled because the above was not given as the major reason for this invasion. Again the major reasons that we were given was that Saddam was an imminent threat because he "had" WMDs and had violated several U.N. resolutions. That was the selling point given to the American people, not that Saddam had played an integral roll in 9/11, though it is true it was suggested. The only big question in hinesight is why, just a hair over a year since 9/11 , did we decide this was our most pressing issue? Another theory I have is that the reason we were given is truly what the administration believed. It certainly added up. Saddam had violated numerous U.N. resolutions which would logically lead anyone to wonder what he was hiding. Was there also intelligence that indicated Saddam wasn't really that much of a threat? Probably. But I think that's one if those decisions you would rather take action on and be wrong, than be right and not have taken any.

Chimpy and Co made a regular habit of conflating Saddam Hussein's Iraq with Al Qaeda in the run up to the invasion of Iraq as evidenced by the following.

<blockquote>You can't distinguish between al-Qaida and Saddam. - George W. Bush, 9/25/02

<blockquote>There was a relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda. - RIchard Cheney, 9/14/03</blockquote>

<blockquote>"There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al Qaeda ties." - George W. Bush, 9/17/03</blockquote>

It was the finding of the 9/11 Commission that there were no substantive links between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

As for taking action, especially that of invading another nation, on questionable intelligence, that is never really a valid option. It was simply bad policy made for reasons that had nothing to do with Iraq's threat to America and everything to do with geopolitics and control of the region.

I see a bit of a flaw in that argument in this. What if we hadn't invaded Iraq? What if we had found, before we invaded, that Iraq simply wasn't a big enough threat to have to deal with right now? That doesn't change the fact that 9/11 happened and thus doesn't change that we were attacked by Al Queada first and before Iraq was ever in the cards. What it seems your saying is that somehow going into Iraq somehow stirred up a hornets nest. yet you also say the Al Queda aspect of it was small potatoes. Well, if that's true then Al Queda's animosity toward would not be any different right now than if we hadn't invaded Iraq. Without Iraq we would still be in this conflict with terrorists. Being in Iraq hasn't expanded Al Queda's ability to gather these, well, WMDs, that you claim make this the threat of all threats. That would be the case whether or not we had invaded Iraq wouldn't it?

Oh goody! I do so love playing "What if...".

Had we not begun diverting forces from Afghanistan in preparation for invading Iraq, rather than letting OBL escape from Torah Borah he could have been capture or killed along with most of his lieutenants. The Taliban could have been eliminated as a threat.

Instead, we now have both the Taliban and Al Qaeda making a resurgence in Iraq, both parties having forces that wintered over in Afghanistan rather than retreating to Pakistan as has been their wont in the past. There is strong intel indicating that a spring offensive by these parties is in the offing and our forces are spread too thinly in Afghanistan to be effective in checking such an offensive.

We might still be in conflict with terrorist entities, but their ability to act would be attenuated, and we would still have the good will of our partners and allies in rooting out these terrorist cells and uprooting the causes of terrorism. Instead, the credibility of US intel on anything is constantly called into question, this Administration has no credibility left on any issues, and the Administration calls for action on Iran are cause for little more than suspicion and doubt, even by our staunchest allies. And given that this Administration has produced little in the way of substantive, credible intel regarding Iran, that is how it should be.

But more to the point, since the invasion and occupation of Iraq, terrorist activity has increased, not decreased. Even when taking Iraq out of the equation, it is clear that this administration's "Global War on Terror" has been a dramatic failure.

<blockquote> - The rate of terrorism fatalities for the 59 month period following 11 September 2001 is 250 percent that of the 44.5 month period preceding and including the 9/11 attacks. This figure has been adjusted to account for the different length of the two periods and it implies an increase in average monthly fatalities of 150 percent. (Only in January 1998 did the database begin to include both national and international terrorism incidents.)
- The rate of terrorist incidents for the post-9/11 period is 268 percent that of the period prior to and including 11 September 2001. This implies a 167 percent increase in what might be called the average monthly rate of incidents.
- A fair portion of the increased activity is related to the war in Iraq -- but not all. Removing Iraq from the picture shows an increase in the average monthly rate of terrorism fatalities of more than 10 percent for the post-9/11 period. The increase in the rate of incidents not counting Iraq is 75 percent. - <a href=http://www.comw.org/pda/0609bm38.html>War & consequences: Global terrorism has increased since 9/11 attacks </a></blockquote>
To libs they actually believe the following:

1) Those who have helped us (elected officials, police, military, translators, ect) will not be killed

2) the terrorists will not have an entire country as a base of operations

3) The terrorists will not have the wealth from oil sales to finance their world wide attacks

4) The terrorists will not see the pull out as a sign of weakness which would drive them to come after us again on US soil

The Dems see the loss in Iraq as a loss for Pres Bush and not the US. They only want to humble the President and try to take over the role as Commander in Chief.

By retreating from Iraq, the terrorists will be emboldened, and they will follow the us and fight us here on US soil.

Will the Dems take responsibility, or will they blame Pres Bush?

<blockquote> - The rate of terrorism fatalities for the 59 month period following 11 September 2001 is 250 percent that of the 44.5 month period preceding and including the 9/11 attacks. This figure has been adjusted to account for the different length of the two periods and it implies an increase in average monthly fatalities of 150 percent. (Only in January 1998 did the database begin to include both national and international terrorism incidents.)
- The rate of terrorist incidents for the post-9/11 period is 268 percent that of the period prior to and including 11 September 2001. This implies a 167 percent increase in what might be called the average monthly rate of incidents.
- A fair portion of the increased activity is related to the war in Iraq -- but not all. Removing Iraq from the picture shows an increase in the average monthly rate of terrorism fatalities of more than 10 percent for the post-9/11 period. The increase in the rate of incidents not counting Iraq is 75 percent. - <a href=http://www.comw.org/pda/0609bm38.html>War & consequences: Global terrorism has increased since 9/11 attacks </a></blockquote>
Terrorism has been on the increase since the 1970's, nothing new there. Your assumption that Iraq is the cause of it is unlikely. It seems more reasonable to assume that while there may have been a more rapid increase of smaller scale-IED's; suicide bombings; there has been a drastic increase of prevention of major scale attacks. Again though, I'd hesitate to assume that the cause is involvement militarily in Iraq or Afghanistan, more likely a more realistic response from countries where the attacks were planned.
Couple clarifications need to be made here: 1)At no point was i "fooled" by this argument. 2) I wasn't fooled because the above was not given as the major reason for this invasion. Again the major reasons that we were given was that Saddam was an imminent threat because he "had" WMDs and had violated several U.N. resolutions. That was the selling point given to the American people, not that Saddam had played an integral roll in 9/11, though it is true it was suggested. The only big question in hinesight is why, just a hair over a year since 9/11 , did we decide this was our most pressing issue? Another theory I have is that the reason we were given is truly what the administration believed. It certainly added up. Saddam had violated numerous U.N. resolutions which would logically lead anyone to wonder what he was hiding. Was there also intelligence that indicated Saddam wasn't really that much of a threat? Probably. But I think that's one if those decisions you would rather take action on and be wrong, than be right and not have taken any.

I understand that you weren't fooled. Many were. Here are three facts: 1. On 9/13/01, nearly everyone in America KNEW who had attacked us. 2. In January of 2003. over half of Americans believed that Saddam had planned and executed 9/11. 3. Just last year, 70&#37; of the troops in Iraq believed that Saddam had been responsible for 9/11. Clearly, some folks were fooled.

I see a bit of a flaw in that argument in this. What if we hadn't invaded Iraq? What if we had found, before we invaded, that Iraq simply wasn't a big enough threat to have to deal with right now? That doesn't change the fact that 9/11 happened and thus doesn't change that we were attacked by Al Queada first and before Iraq was ever in the cards. What it seems your saying is that somehow going into Iraq somehow stirred up a hornets nest. yet you also say the Al Queda aspect of it was small potatoes. Well, if that's true then Al Queda's animosity toward would not be any different right now than if we hadn't invaded Iraq. Without Iraq we would still be in this conflict with terrorists. Being in Iraq hasn't expanded Al Queda's ability to gather these, well, WMDs, that you claim make this the threat of all threats. That would be the case whether or not we had invaded Iraq wouldn't it?

Some clarification: Al Qaeda attacked us. Iraq did not. Al Qaeda, as a component of the ongoing struggle in Iraq is small potatoes. The violence in Iraq is sunni vs. shiite and Al Qaeda is not directing or impacting the expansion of violence at this point in any substantive way. The war in Iraq is having an effect, however, on all of the Islamic world. It is increasing the hostility felt towards America and it is radicalizing formerly moderate arabs and muslims...that is good for Al Qaeda.

Regarding WMD's.... our being in Iraq has not expanded Al Qaeda's ability to gather them, it has significantly decreased our ability to protect ourselves FROM them. I ask you to contemplate how much more secure we could be making our ports and our air transport systems with the trillion dollars we have flushed in Iraq. The fact is, that since 9/11, we have made almost ZERO progress in making our ports more secure...and airport security remains a jok...we have made almost ZERO progress in working with the states of the former soviet union to account for and secure their nuclear weapons arsenal....we have made almost ZERO progress in forcing Israel to the table to solve the palestinian problem which also fuels the islamic extremist hatred for us... and we have continued to occupy an oil rich arab muslim nation which infuriates the entire islamic world.
To libs they actually believe the following:

1) Those who have helped us (elected officials, police, military, translators, ect) will not be killed

2) the terrorists will not have an entire country as a base of operations

3) The terrorists will not have the wealth from oil sales to finance their world wide attacks

4) The terrorists will not see the pull out as a sign of weakness which would drive them to come after us again on US soil

The Dems see the loss in Iraq as a loss for Pres Bush and not the US. They only want to humble the President and try to take over the role as Commander in Chief.

By retreating from Iraq, the terrorists will be emboldened, and they will follow the us and fight us here on US soil.

Will the Dems take responsibility, or will they blame Pres Bush?

If, by "the terrorists", you refer to Al Qaeda, you are correct in our assumptions on many of those points...and our assumptions are correct.

The battle in Iraq is not a battle between terrorists and peace loving Iraqis. The battle in Iraq is between two different religous/ethnic sects and "terrorists" are not all that involved.

Clearly, at the end of the day, when sunnis and shiites grow weary of killing one another, they will partition or federalize the territory of Iraq and figure out some way to divide the oil revenues. "Terrorists" will not control the oil industry in Iraq. Iraqis will.

Al Qaeda will attack us again on our soil whenever the hell they want to... and they can with relative impunity because we have not taken any substantive steps to secure our ports or our borders in the wake of 9/11....primarily because we have wasted a trillion dollars in Iraq.

Democrats do NOT want to see a loss in Iraq.... democrats want to return to rationality and sanity in the conduct of our nation's foreign policy. The vast majority of Americans realize that Iraq has been a foreign policy disaster and they, rightfully, hold the republicans accountable for that mess. That is why they took congress away from you in November and why they will take the white house away from you in '08.
Terrorism has been on the increase since the 1970's, nothing new there. Your assumption that Iraq is the cause of it is unlikely. It seems more reasonable to assume that while there may have been a more rapid increase of smaller scale-IED's; suicide bombings; there has been a drastic increase of prevention of major scale attacks. Again though, I'd hesitate to assume that the cause is involvement militarily in Iraq or Afghanistan, more likely a more realistic response from countries where the attacks were planned.

I would point to the period betweeh WTC 93 and 9/11 and say that that period showed a drastic increase inthe prevention of major scale attacks.... and suggest that we have done very very little to shore up the protection of our ports and borders in the wake of 9/11. AL Qaeda will attack us again and they will have little trouble doing so when it happens. We have no real defenses in place to stop them.
Dems DO want the US to lose in Iraq. All one has to do is to listen to what they say


What Do Americans Think the Democrats Really Want in Iraq?
Thursday, January 18, 2007

By Brit Hume

Dems Hope for Failure?

The latest FOX News Opinion Dynamics poll indicates almost half of those surveyed believe Democrats want the president's plan for Iraq to fail.

48 percent said they believe Democrats are hoping for failure and a U.S. troop withdrawal in defeat. 32 percent said they believe Democrats want the president's plan to work.

The president's favorable rating was 38 percent in the latest poll — down five percent from October. But that was higher than the number for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who came in at 33 percent.


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