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Pelosi Tries, But Cheney Beats Her

Dems DO want the US to lose in Iraq. All one has to do is to listen to what they say


What Do Americans Think the Democrats Really Want in Iraq?
Thursday, January 18, 2007

By Brit Hume

Dems Hope for Failure?

The latest FOX News Opinion Dynamics poll indicates almost half of those surveyed believe Democrats want the president's plan for Iraq to fail.

48 percent said they believe Democrats are hoping for failure and a U.S. troop withdrawal in defeat. 32 percent said they believe Democrats want the president's plan to work.

The president's favorable rating was 38 percent in the latest poll — down five percent from October. But that was higher than the number for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who came in at 33 percent.


no...I do NOT want the US to "lose" in Iraq.... I want the US to get out of Iraq and let the Iraqis settle their differences without having our soldiers act as convenient targets for both sides to vent their anger upon.

I want America to WIN the war against Islamic extremism - which is the war we SHOULD have been fighting all along instead of suffering 26K dead and wounded Americans and flushing a trillion dollars down the toilet and have less than nothing to show for it.
no...I do NOT want the US to "lose" in Iraq.... I want the US to get out of Iraq and let the Iraqis settle their differences without having our soldiers act as convenient targets for both sides to vent their anger upon.

I want America to WIN the war against Islamic extremism - which is the war we SHOULD have been fighting all along instead of suffering 26K dead and wounded Americans and flushing a trillion dollars down the toilet and have less than nothing to show for it.

The poll shows exactly what elected Defeatocrats are trying to do

Of course, one should talk to the troops

Of the broadcast network evening newscast stories Tuesday night on the House debate over the non-binding resolution that “disapproves of the decision of President George W. Bush...to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq,” only ABC’s Jake Tapper included the views of soldiers in Iraq. Tapper's report on World News featured soundbites from two Army Sergeants in Ramadi, and both condemned the resolution. First Sergeant Louis Barnum declared: “It makes me sick. I was born and raised a Democrat, but when I see that it just kind of makes me sad.” Sergeant Brian Orzechoski went even further: “I don't want to bad-mouth the President at all. I mean, to me it's treason.”

The poll shows exactly what elected Defeatocrats are trying to do

Of course, one should talk to the troops

Of the broadcast network evening newscast stories Tuesday night on the House debate over the non-binding resolution that “disapproves of the decision of President George W. Bush...to deploy more than 20,000 additional United States combat troops to Iraq,” only ABC’s Jake Tapper included the views of soldiers in Iraq. Tapper's report on World News featured soundbites from two Army Sergeants in Ramadi, and both condemned the resolution. First Sergeant Louis Barnum declared: “It makes me sick. I was born and raised a Democrat, but when I see that it just kind of makes me sad.” Sergeant Brian Orzechoski went even further: “I don't want to bad-mouth the President at all. I mean, to me it's treason.”


I told you what I wanted to do...in my OWN words.

Why can't you do the same? Why must you use cut and paste continually as a crutch to avoid articulating your own thoughts?
I told you what I wanted to do...in my OWN words.

Why can't you do the same? Why must you use cut and paste continually as a crutch to avoid articulating your own thoughts?

The kast thing the Defeatocrats want to hear or read is what the troops have to say

Unless they are bashing Pres Bush, then they are are on page one

Of course Dems are to busy bashing, insulting, and sliming them to listen to what they have to say
The kast thing the Defeatocrats want to hear or read is what the troops have to say

Unless they are bashing Pres Bush, then they are are on page one

Of course Dems are to busy bashing, insulting, and sliming them to listen to what they have to say

I am in regular email contact with a number of service members deployed to Iraq. I read what they have to say all the time. Quit talking about what you perceive my PARTY says or thinks and start debating what I say. Try that.
To libs they actually believe the following:

1) Those who have helped us (elected officials, police, military, translators, ect) will not be killed

Ideologues, in the end, betray even those who aided them in their "struggle". History is replete with examples.

2) the terrorists will not have an entire country as a base of operations

Don't be silly. The Taliban and Al Qaeda are in the process of securing bases of operation in Afghanistan AND Pakistan. And it will be from there that the next attacks will be planned and launched. Iraq has been, among other things, a distraction from the real threats against the US and the world.

3) The terrorists will not have the wealth from oil sales to finance their world wide attacks

Actually, with the Saudis contributing hugely to Sunni radicals and Iranians contributing to Shi'ia radicals, they will have access to the wealth resulting from oil sales...Just not directly.

4) The terrorists will not see the pull out as a sign of weakness which would drive them to come after us again on US soil

What, like they don't already have 'Google' and 'Map Quest'? Iraq is simply their training ground, and given their druthers, Iraqis would rather they be gone from Iraqi soil.

The Dems see the loss in Iraq as a loss for Pres Bush and not the US. They only want to humble the President and try to take over the role as Commander in Chief.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was a loss for the US and the world. All anyone, aside from the right wing nuts and the neo-cons, wants is a President who listens to reason, not the voices in his head.

By retreating from Iraq, the terrorists will be emboldened, and they will follow the us and fight us here on US soil.

Again, they don't have 'Google' and 'Map Quest'?

Will the Dems take responsibility, or will they blame Pres Bush?

Aside from the fact that the responsibility for the quagmire in Iraq, the resurgence of the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, the agitation for war with Iran, the increase in terrorist violence around the world, the crippling of the US military, the decline in US preparedness for disaster...man-made or natural, and so much more can be laid squarely at the door-step of George W. Bush and his administration.

But don't let little things like facts stand against your delusions.
I am in regular email contact with a number of service members deployed to Iraq. I read what they have to say all the time. Quit talking about what you perceive my PARTY says or thinks and start debating what I say. Try that.

He is either incapable of giving voice to his thoughts or simply doesn't truly know just what those thoughts are. Honest introspection and examination of what one finds as a result, don't seem to be a strong point of the 'true believers' and die-hard supporters of the administration and the fringe elements of the GOP.
They have control over their nation. Did you miss the elections. If we pull out now the terrorist will begin oppressing the people with violence. We will see the killing fields again. How many times does this have to occur before you people understand the consequences of not beating evil is widespread death and destruction?

you didn't answer my question. Why would a country of 28 million Iraqis allow themselves to be oppressed by outsiders? Do the Al Qaeda terrorists have superpowers? Iraqis are killing Iraqis right now because they have wanted to kill one another to varying degrees for a millenium... and they have wanted to kill one another since Britain took its prize from the Ottomans and split one chunk of it up and called it Iraq,,, and they have REALLY wanted to kill each other since Saddam kept them all under his thumb and wouldn't allow them to rampantly kill each other, and now, that we removed Saddam, they are finally getting their chance. This has little to nothing to do withAl Qaeda and terrorists oppressing the indiginous population....it has to do with one segment of the population being hellbent on killing another segment of the population and vice versa.

and are you suggesting that their elections somehow have eliminated the centuries long hatred of sunni for shiite? what do the elections have to do with your totally unfounded assertion that Al Qaeda will come in and terrorize an otherwise democracy loving peaceful people?

any chance you're ever gonna revisit this avatar?
any chance you're ever gonna revisit this avatar?

Well said. A few sham elections will do, and have done, nothing to reign in ethnic, religious and tribal hatreds that have spanned millenia. We need look no farther than death of Tito and the balkanization of Yugoslavia in its aftermath for evidence of this. The chaos that resulted is still settling out.
Well said. A few sham elections will do, and have done, nothing to reign in ethnic, religious and tribal hatreds that have spanned millenia. We need look no farther than death of Tito and the balkanization of Yugoslavia in its aftermath for evidence of this. The chaos that resulted is still settling out.

When reading the crap of BP and MM, one shoudl have the Twilight Zone theme playing in the background
When reading the crap of BP and MM, one shoudl have the Twilight Zone theme playing in the background

excuse me...is this your idea of an intellectual contribution to the discussion?

I try very hard to discuss the issues and not merely attack people for ne real purpose. DO you think that you might, at least, TRY to do the same?
excuse me...is this your idea of an intellectual contribution to the discussion?

I try very hard to discuss the issues and not merely attack people for ne real purpose. DO you think that you might, at least, TRY to do the same?

Saying you do not attack people during a debate, is like saying Bill Clinton is living a life of celibacy
I have - you do

all of your posts are variations on a simplistic theme: libs or democrats are all wrong and all all traitors and hate our troops and love terrorists.... it really isn't "debate"...it is more like schoolyard taunts. I would love to see what you have other than that, and other than the cut and pasted words of others to argue your points. I really do hope to see more from you in the future. Give me a heads up, if you would, when you decide to start.
all of your posts are variations on a simplistic theme: libs or democrats are all wrong and all all traitors and hate our troops and love terrorists.... it really isn't "debate"...it is more like schoolyard taunts. I would love to see what you have other than that, and other than the cut and pasted words of others to argue your points. I really do hope to see more from you in the future. Give me a heads up, if you would, when you decide to start.

You are the one with the taunts and shcoolyard insults MM

You are unable to debate since you ignore the many facts I have posted and you change the topic on a dime, as well as play the victim card when you have nothing to counter the facts
not quite ready yet, I see...

that's OK...just give me a heads up when you are going to start debating issues and not merely taunting and cutting and pasting.

I'll be waiting.
not quite ready yet, I see...

that's OK...just give me a heads up when you are going to start debating issues and not merely taunting and cutting and pasting.

I'll be waiting.

Keep changing the subject and I am so sory if I post facts that piss you off

Being a lib, pissing you off is not a hard thing to do. Libs wake up in the morning pissed off
Keep changing the subject and I am so sory if I post facts that piss you off

Being a lib, pissing you off is not a hard thing to do. Libs wake up in the morning pissed off

I am waiting for you to argue a point of any substance with your own words.

Please be sure to give me a heads up when that is forthcoming. I can hardly wait.

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