Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

The WHO aided China in covering up the escape of a deadly pathogen engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The CDC was prevented from entering China because it would have exposed the coverup. It's all coming out now. Pelosi is signing her own death warrant as a politician.

Nope. Her constituents are already bought and paid.
What is the mission of the WHO? does anybody know?
Their mission was to alert the world that this pandemic was on the way. They chose to repeat the BS talking points given to them by China, which were lies. That's not a service I'm willing to pay for either. Thank you Trumpy.
"She is totally incompetent & controlled by the Radical Left, a weak and pathetic puppet. Come back to Washington and do your job! " - Trump just tweeted about Pelosi
Is it now illegal for the president to decide which foreign international agencies, nations or otherwise receive U.S taxpayer money? Pelosi says it is.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blasted President Trump’s decision to freeze funding for the World Health Organization, vowing Wednesday to “swiftly” challenge the action amid the coronavirus crisis.

In a statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said the halt in funding amid the global pandemic “is senseless.”

“This is another case, as I have said, of the president’s ineffective response, that ‘a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others,’” Pelosi said Wednesday.

“This decision is dangerous, illegal and will be swiftly challenged,” Pelosi said.

“We can only be successful in defeating this global pandemic through a coordinated international response with respect for science and data,” she continued. “But sadly, as he has since Day One, the president is ignoring global health experts, disregarding science and undermining the heroes fighting on the frontline, at great risk to the lives and livelihoods of Americans and people around the world.”

Pelosi’s comments come after the president announced Tuesday that the United States would immediately halt funding for the health organization, saying it had put “political correctness over lifesaving measures,” noting that the U.S. would undertake a 60-to-90 day investigation into why the “China-centric” WHO had caused “so much death” by “severely mismanaging and covering up” the coronavirus spread.

“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the organization had said.

Pelosi vows to challenge Trump's 'dangerous, illegal' move to freeze WHO funding

WHO is like the DNC, just another arm of the CCP
In a desperate attempt to deflect blame, Trump is violating the same spending laws that brought about his impeachment

he should be impeached again, my friends, this time for good!
some things need repeating and repeating until heard
And acted upon
trump lovers, you are standing on the edge of a cliff~~~~~/

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