Pelosi--when all else FAILS blame it on Bush--now CIA lied to her!

Actually the dems are going after her too, along with the liberal media.

She shouldn't even have to explain herself over something that happened under The Chimp's watch. Only righties could try and bend it around to make a leftie take the blame for their fuck surprises there...

yea sure she was tricked into lying about her knowledge...

i didn't know....

i knew they might use it....

i knew the were doing it but i didn't say anything...

i was mislead....

yea it is bush fault she is a liar....

once a liar always a can't believe anything she has ever said or will ever say....

Not only that, but she is now saying the CIA lied to her also.

Grump....the dems were going after the repubs on this matter. You can't just pick and choose who your going after. If heads were to roll, let's get all the heads rolling, if this is the dems plan. She was involved Grump, don't be that much of a partisan on our politics to not see this.
I love it...the righties are trying to get some shit to stick to somebody who wasn't in charge at the time. Typical righties not taking responsibility for their own fuck ups...

Actually the dems are going after her too, along with the liberal media.

She shouldn't even have to explain herself over something that happened under The Chimp's watch. Only righties could try and bend it around to make a leftie take the blame for their fuck surprises there...

Hate to burst your intellectual capabilities--but being a senior member on the intelligence committee as Nancy Pelosi was--she most certainly does have everything to do with the enhanced interrogation technics. Along with several other democrats during that period of 2002--2003. 40 meetings that she attended regarding the enhanced interrogation technics--says that she knew it all.

Nancy Pelosi can't call for the prosecution of Condi Rice--while she sits back & claims she is innocent. And that is exactly what she has been doing. Nancy Pelosi is complicit under the law.

YOU CAN BLAME YOURSELF FOR THIS: Because it is you & others like you--in your neverending hate of President Bush & Dick Cheney--that Barack Obama made a futile--reckless attempt to please people like you. You have in end done a lot of damage to this administration & democrats in general.
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I love it...the righties are trying to get some shit to stick to somebody who wasn't in charge at the time. Typical righties not taking responsibility for their own fuck ups...

Actually the dems are going after her too, along with the liberal media.

She shouldn't even have to explain herself over something that happened under The Chimp's watch. Only righties could try and bend it around to make a leftie take the blame for their fuck surprises there...

hey donkey face.. you know don't ya that the democrats were there too donchya?
I love it...the righties are trying to get some shit to stick to somebody who wasn't in charge at the time. Typical righties not taking responsibility for their own fuck ups...

Actually the dems are going after her too, along with the liberal media.

She shouldn't even have to explain herself over something that happened under The Chimp's watch. Only righties could try and bend it around to make a leftie take the blame for their fuck surprises there...
if your gonna fry Bush over this you gotta fry HER to because she was TOLD

Porter Goss was in the exact same breifing she was and he says she WAS told
I love it...the righties are trying to get some shit to stick to somebody who wasn't in charge at the time. Typical righties not taking responsibility for their own fuck ups...

Actually the dems are going after her too, along with the liberal media.

She shouldn't even have to explain herself over something that happened under The Chimp's watch. Only righties could try and bend it around to make a leftie take the blame for their fuck surprises there...

ABSOLUTE bullshit. SHE made a claim she knew nothing of it and was AGAINST it. When the reality is she was fully briefed, voted for it numerous times and SUPPORTED it right along with the "righties" you hate.

SHE tried to use it against them and got caught in her own little trap. Only dumb asses like you would claim now she is an innocent bystander. Fucking partisan idiot.
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Things not rosey for Nan in the land of Oz these days?

That's a shame.
Senate testimony sheds light on alleged torture

Interesting article that covers the testimony delivered today. There is a huge conflict right now between the federal agencies (FBI versus CIA).

Good read, especially this part:

Yet amid the political brawl, testimony Wednesday from a former FBI interrogator, Ali Soufan, and a Bush State Department deputy, Philip Zelikow, revealed a sobering portrait of fear-struck officials resorting to simulated drowning - or waterboarding - extreme sleep deprivation, prolonged confinement in small spaces, humiliation and other interrogation methods without examining their history, their efficacy or their larger consequences in the battle against extremism.

Soufan, testifying behind a screen to shield his identity, painted a picture of incompetence by outside contractors hastily flown in from Washington using "amateurish, Hollywood-style interrogation methods." He also accused Bush administration officials of making false claims about their success.

Soufan said his own interrogations of captured al Qaeda suspect Abu Zubaydah, using proven methods of psychological manipulation, had within one hour yielded the identity of the Sept. 11 mastermind, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Until then, he said, "we had no idea of KSM's role in 9/11 or his importance in the al Qaeda leadership structure."

Within a few more hours of questioning, Soufan said, he and other interrogators elicited information about alleged "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla.

Inexperienced contractors
But Soufan said he was pulled off the interrogation within a few days, to be replaced by contractors with no expertise in al Qaeda. They soon introduced nudity and sleep deprivation, loud noise and temperature manipulation and confinement in a small box. Zubaydah stopped talking, Soufan said. As the methods progressed, Soufan testified, FBI Director Robert Mueller pulled his agents off the case, saying, "We don't do that (torture)."

Soufan said the harsh techniques ignore knowledge of the detainee, his mind-set, culture and vulnerabilities, trying to force submission rather than elicit cooperation.

Aside from legal and diplomatic complications, he said, torture poses practical problems. Terrorists are trained to resist it. That is why, he said, "the contractors had to keep getting authorization to use harsher and harsher methods until they reached waterboarding and there was nothing they could do but use that technique again and again." Abu Zubaydah was subject to waterboarding 83 times, and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed 183 times.
Y'all do know that by attacking Pelosi for being complicit you are in a way conceding wrong doing, right?

I mean, if she goes down then the guys who actually ordered the torture will go down harder.
Y'all do know that by attacking Pelosi for being complicit you are in a way conceding wrong doing, right?

I mean, if she goes down then the guys who actually ordered the torture will go down harder.
no, because i'm not doing that
i'm condemning her for LYING about it

see, i still dont believe torture was ever done using the approved interogations
Y'all do know that by attacking Pelosi for being complicit you are in a way conceding wrong doing, right?

I mean, if she goes down then the guys who actually ordered the torture will go down harder.
no, because i'm not doing that
i'm condemning her for LYING about it

see, i still dont believe torture was ever done using the approved interogations

Did you read the snippit from the article in my above post?
WaPo has a less biased article this morning. Taking on the CIA doesn't work too well, ask her nemesis, GW. Probably no agency caused him more trouble with leaks and such. The Abu Ghraib were most likely leaked by it.

To the point of whether or not waterboarding as used in 2002-03 was torture? That is debatable, but it cannot be argued that if it was, then she could just worry about getting Democrats elected. If is was not, then she shouldn't be calling for investigations...

Speaker's Comments Raise Detainee Debate to New Level
By Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, May 15, 2009

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's extraordinary accusation that the Bush administration lied to Congress about the use of harsh interrogation techniques dramatically raised the stakes in the growing debate over the Bush administration's anti-terrorism policies even as it raised some questions about the speaker's credibility.

Pelosi's performance in the Capitol was either a calculated escalation of a long-running feud with the Bush administration or a reckless act by a politician whose word had been called into question. Perhaps it was both.

For the first time, Pelosi (D-Calif.) acknowledged that in 2003 she was informed by an aide that the CIA had told others in Congress that officials had used waterboarding during interrogations. But she insisted, contrary to CIA accounts, that she was not told about waterboarding during a September 2002 briefing by agency officials. Asked whether she was accusing the CIA of lying, she replied, "Yes, misleading the Congress of the United States."

Washington now is engaged in a battle royal of finger-pointing, second-guessing and self-defense, all over techniques President Obama banned in the first days of his administration. Both sides in this debate believe they have something to prove -- and gain -- by keeping the fight alive.

Both sides have champions and villains. Pelosi has become a lightning rod for criticism from conservatives, and a hero to the left, much as former vice president Richard B. Cheney has become a target of the left and the darling of many on the right.

The speaker's charges about the CIA's alleged deception and her shifting accounts of what she knew and when she knew it are likely to add to calls for some kind of independent body to investigate this supercharged issue, though Obama and many members of Congress would like to avoid a wholesale unearthing of the past at a time when their plates are full with pressing concerns....
Sorry - I don't buy Pelosi's story. The CIA does not mis-inform Congress.
heh...they most certainly do.

Everyone is jumping all over Nancy, but Bob Graham also claims he wasn't told about waterboarding and in fact the dates the CIA claims he was briefed he wasn't.
Bob Graham just appeared on WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show. In addition to repeating earlier reports that he was never briefed on waterboarding, Graham revealed that the first time he asked the CIA when he was briefed on torture, it claimed it had briefed him on two dates when no briefing took place.
I didn't get Graham's exact quotes (and the quotes below are rough approximations), but when asked to respond to Philip Zelikow's assertion that members of Congress from both parties had been briefed on this program, Graham said that when he asked the CIA when he had been briefed on the program, the CIA gave him the dates of four briefings, two in April 2002 and two in September 2002, when they claimed they had briefed him about the program. But after Graham consulted his own records, he pointed out that on two of those dates, he had not attended any briefing. After Graham pointed this out to the CIA, they conceded their own dates were incorrect.
Emptywheel » Senator Bob Graham: The CIA Made Up Two Briefing Sessions
Y'all do know that by attacking Pelosi for being complicit you are in a way conceding wrong doing, right?

I mean, if she goes down then the guys who actually ordered the torture will go down harder.

No, it does not mean that at all. It means we are accusing Pelosi of out right LYING on an issue in hopes of burning political opponents. On an issue she was informed off more than once.

We are accusing her of trying to drum up charges against opponents on matters she was DIRECTLY involved in. The point being SHE claims it was illegal and it was wrong, when SHE knew all about it, approved it and did nothing to stop it.

IF she is right about it being Illegal SHE goes down along with other High Ranking Democrats.
Sorry - I don't buy Pelosi's story. The CIA does not mis-inform Congress.
heh...they most certainly do.

Everyone is jumping all over Nancy, but Bob Graham also claims he wasn't told about waterboarding and in fact the dates the CIA claims he was briefed he wasn't.
Bob Graham just appeared on WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show. In addition to repeating earlier reports that he was never briefed on waterboarding, Graham revealed that the first time he asked the CIA when he was briefed on torture, it claimed it had briefed him on two dates when no briefing took place.
I didn't get Graham's exact quotes (and the quotes below are rough approximations), but when asked to respond to Philip Zelikow's assertion that members of Congress from both parties had been briefed on this program, Graham said that when he asked the CIA when he had been briefed on the program, the CIA gave him the dates of four briefings, two in April 2002 and two in September 2002, when they claimed they had briefed him about the program. But after Graham consulted his own records, he pointed out that on two of those dates, he had not attended any briefing. After Graham pointed this out to the CIA, they conceded their own dates were incorrect.
Emptywheel » Senator Bob Graham: The CIA Made Up Two Briefing Sessions

I'm listening to this crap and find it VERY hard to reconcile the defense of Pelosi with 5 years of "Bush lied ...". Seems y'all on the left were MORE than willing to believe the CIA's version of events during that time, but now the CIA is lying.:cuckoo:

Y'all COULDN'T be more obvious.
Sorry - I don't buy Pelosi's story. The CIA does not mis-inform Congress.
heh...they most certainly do.

Everyone is jumping all over Nancy, but Bob Graham also claims he wasn't told about waterboarding and in fact the dates the CIA claims he was briefed he wasn't.
Bob Graham just appeared on WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show. In addition to repeating earlier reports that he was never briefed on waterboarding, Graham revealed that the first time he asked the CIA when he was briefed on torture, it claimed it had briefed him on two dates when no briefing took place.
I didn't get Graham's exact quotes (and the quotes below are rough approximations), but when asked to respond to Philip Zelikow's assertion that members of Congress from both parties had been briefed on this program, Graham said that when he asked the CIA when he had been briefed on the program, the CIA gave him the dates of four briefings, two in April 2002 and two in September 2002, when they claimed they had briefed him about the program. But after Graham consulted his own records, he pointed out that on two of those dates, he had not attended any briefing. After Graham pointed this out to the CIA, they conceded their own dates were incorrect.
Emptywheel » Senator Bob Graham: The CIA Made Up Two Briefing Sessions

I'm listening to this crap and find it VERY hard to reconcile the defense of Pelosi with 5 years of "Bush lied ...". Seems y'all on the left were MORE than willing to believe the CIA's version of events during that time, but now the CIA is lying.:cuckoo:

Y'all COULDN'T be more obvious.

Well Gunny, THAT is just DIFFERENT. Jillian will be along to explain why the CIA is absolutely the most HONEST organization in the World when accusing a Republican and the dirtiest LYING whore organization when talking about Democrats.
Sorry - I don't buy Pelosi's story. The CIA does not mis-inform Congress.
heh...they most certainly do.

Everyone is jumping all over Nancy, but Bob Graham also claims he wasn't told about waterboarding and in fact the dates the CIA claims he was briefed he wasn't.
Bob Graham just appeared on WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show. In addition to repeating earlier reports that he was never briefed on waterboarding, Graham revealed that the first time he asked the CIA when he was briefed on torture, it claimed it had briefed him on two dates when no briefing took place.
I didn't get Graham's exact quotes (and the quotes below are rough approximations), but when asked to respond to Philip Zelikow's assertion that members of Congress from both parties had been briefed on this program, Graham said that when he asked the CIA when he had been briefed on the program, the CIA gave him the dates of four briefings, two in April 2002 and two in September 2002, when they claimed they had briefed him about the program. But after Graham consulted his own records, he pointed out that on two of those dates, he had not attended any briefing. After Graham pointed this out to the CIA, they conceded their own dates were incorrect.
Emptywheel » Senator Bob Graham: The CIA Made Up Two Briefing Sessions

I'm listening to this crap and find it VERY hard to reconcile the defense of Pelosi with 5 years of "Bush lied ...". Seems y'all on the left were MORE than willing to believe the CIA's version of events during that time, but now the CIA is lying.:cuckoo:

Y'all COULDN'T be more obvious.

And your claim that it is impossible to believe that the CIA would lie about anything is rather naive.

Bush/Cheney are liars and your incessant whining that Democrats are unfairly critical of them is really getting old. It's partisan hackery at it's finest.
CIA lied to her and to Congress? She just committed suicide. The only thing left now is for Washington to tell us when her 'funeral' will be..
Sorry - I don't buy Pelosi's story. The CIA does not mis-inform Congress.
heh...they most certainly do.

Everyone is jumping all over Nancy, but Bob Graham also claims he wasn't told about waterboarding and in fact the dates the CIA claims he was briefed he wasn't.
Bob Graham just appeared on WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show. In addition to repeating earlier reports that he was never briefed on waterboarding, Graham revealed that the first time he asked the CIA when he was briefed on torture, it claimed it had briefed him on two dates when no briefing took place.
I didn't get Graham's exact quotes (and the quotes below are rough approximations), but when asked to respond to Philip Zelikow's assertion that members of Congress from both parties had been briefed on this program, Graham said that when he asked the CIA when he had been briefed on the program, the CIA gave him the dates of four briefings, two in April 2002 and two in September 2002, when they claimed they had briefed him about the program. But after Graham consulted his own records, he pointed out that on two of those dates, he had not attended any briefing. After Graham pointed this out to the CIA, they conceded their own dates were incorrect.
Emptywheel » Senator Bob Graham: The CIA Made Up Two Briefing Sessions

I'm listening to this crap and find it VERY hard to reconcile the defense of Pelosi with 5 years of "Bush lied ...". Seems y'all on the left were MORE than willing to believe the CIA's version of events during that time, but now the CIA is lying.:cuckoo:

Y'all COULDN'T be more obvious.
Oh, look, here comes Gunny with an ad hominem attack. :eek:
heh...they most certainly do.

Everyone is jumping all over Nancy, but Bob Graham also claims he wasn't told about waterboarding and in fact the dates the CIA claims he was briefed he wasn't.
Emptywheel » Senator Bob Graham: The CIA Made Up Two Briefing Sessions

I'm listening to this crap and find it VERY hard to reconcile the defense of Pelosi with 5 years of "Bush lied ...". Seems y'all on the left were MORE than willing to believe the CIA's version of events during that time, but now the CIA is lying.:cuckoo:

Y'all COULDN'T be more obvious.

Well Gunny, THAT is just DIFFERENT. Jillian will be along to explain why the CIA is absolutely the most HONEST organization in the World when accusing a Republican and the dirtiest LYING whore organization when talking about Democrats.
Oh, look, here's the right wing chorus boy backing up the ad hominem attack. :lol:

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