Looks Like Pelosi Wanted the January 6 Riot to Occur, Refused All Requests to Use NG Troops to Guard Capitol

Pelosi wanted the riot to happen, she got what she wanted and now she's using the Democrat controlled media to blame Trump and Republicans. Pelosi got exactly what she was hoping for.
Exactly. The Capitol Chief of Police does and he reports to the Board.

You read the link. Pelosi is not mentioned and neither is McConnell (Senate Majority Leader at that time)
You really are a moron... who appointed the House SAA? NANCY... ITs called CHAIN OF COMMAND. You people are so damn stupid.
You really are a moron... who appointed the House SAA? NANCY... ITs called CHAIN OF COMMAND. You people are so damn stupid.
The House SAA is appointed the same way as the Senate SAA. By the COMMITTEES responsible
I simply cannot believe the number of leftists that are protecting Pelosi at all costs.
Why do you attack Pelosi and not McConnell? They bear equal responsibility for day to day operations...which is none.

But hey...find some actual documented communication with Pelosi (and not McConnell) and you might have a case
The House SAA is appointed the same way as the Senate SAA. By the COMMITTEES responsible
They are appointed you dumb ass. The committee can only suggest.

You really are having a really hard time with this...

The DEMOCRATS "allow" this stuff to happen.

But sometimes they go too far, and they do more than just "allow".

Sometimes they actually foment and support.

We have them nailed on the BLM riots. There are financial records. Just wait.
BLM wasn`t trying to install their own president who clearly lost an election. We`ve had dozens of riots in this country but only one of them was an attempt to overthrow our Democracy. What is it that you don`t get?
You want to tell me whom does the House Sergeant at Arms report to? NANCY PELOSI... Your bull shit has been debunked. The words your looking for are CHAIN OF COMMAND. Epic Failure

False, the House Sergeant at Arms reports to House committees...

The Sergeant–at–Arms is one of the oldest officer positions in the House. When the House first ordered that a committee be formed to draft standing rules for the House, it simultaneously ordered that ‘‘they also report the duty and services of a sergeant–at–arms, or other proper officer for enforcing the orders of the House.’’ Provisions establishing the Office of the Sergeant–at–Arms were thereafter incorporated into the standing rules on April 14, 1789.

And while the House Speaker can request reports...

(e) In addition to any other reports required by the Speaker or the Committee on House Administration, the Sergeant-at-Arms shall report to the Committee on House Administration not later than 45 days following the close of each semiannual period ending on June 30 or on December 31 on the financial and operational status of each function under the jurisdiction of the Sergeant-at-Arms. Each report shall include financial statements and a description or explanation of current operations, the implementation of new policies and procedures, and future plans for each function.[/i]​

... reports are explanations of financial costs, of which, none were incurred by not calling up the National Guard. Furthermore, there's no indication Pelosi or McConnell were involved in the decision to not call up the National Guard.
Well, well, isn't this interesting: It turns out that at least four days before January 6, TRUMP authorized the use of 20,000 National Guard (NG) troops to protect the Capitol but that Nancy Pelosi refused every request to use the troops even when the capitol police leadership requested the troops.

John Solomon broke this blockbuster story this morning on Just the News. Tonight on Hannity he will discuss another newly obtained document that shows that Sen. Schumer's staff received FBI intel that some of the protestors would storm the Capitol but failed to act on it.

She had no problem having NG troops guard the Capitol for weeks after the riot, even though there was no credible threat of trouble, but her supposed excuse for refusing requests to use NG troops was that it would be "bad optics." "Bad optics"? Ensuring the safety of the Capitol would be "bad optics"? Why wasn't it "bad optics" to keep NG troops around the Capitol for weeks after the riot when there was clearly no need for them?
J6 Reichstag Fire
Hard to believe those same dumb asses still think the Jackass in Chief in the WH now is somehow "better" than Trump was.
They are far beyond dumbass status.


(Even harder to believe we decline to do anything about it.)
Pelosi wanted the riot to happen, she got what she wanted and now she's using the Democrat controlled media to blame Trump and Republicans. Pelosi got exactly what she was hoping for.
Nancy is a scorned shrew.

The worst kind.
Turn on your tv and be a witness to Trump being buried by Republican election officials.
Pelosi has nothing to do with any of this. Sorry children. 😥
Why do you attack Pelosi and not McConnell? They bear equal responsibility for day to day operations...which is none.

But hey...find some actual documented communication with Pelosi (and not McConnell) and you might have a case
That's cute, you actually think the parties aren't in cahoots.

You really don't think that McTurtle didn't also want some false flag to try to hang around Trump's neck?

The DEMOCRATS "allow" this stuff to happen.

But sometimes they go too far, and they do more than just "allow".

Sometimes they actually foment and support.

We have them nailed on the BLM riots. There are financial records. Just wait.
Still waiting. :abgg2q.jpg:

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