Pelosi's House Vandalized

In July, Oakland Mayor, Libby Schaaf’s home was vandalized with similar graffiti.

It’s probably just a coincidence, but I noticed that it is also written in all caps, except for the “E’s.”

Apparently they're not happy with her even though she's good with 2k. The pigs head is pretty disgusting and revolting though. Otherwise, I call it a "peaceful protest"

Cowardly self proclaimed conservatives, aka punks, were the likely vandals. The Speaker lives in a nice area, but not a gated one.
That's ridiculous. The graffiti includes, "UBI!," (although it is difficult to see without modifying the contrast).

That is short for "Universal Basic Income."

Real Conservatives don't support UBI or cancelling rent. Not to mention they don't graffiti nor vandalize private dwellings.
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I saw a comment elsewhere that stated the different-colored puddle near the pig's mouth is melted chocolate ice cream.

That is some pretty witty speculation.
Apparently they're not happy with her even though she's good with 2k. The pigs head is pretty disgusting and revolting though. Otherwise, I call it a "peaceful protest"

I love it when the commies eat their own. But why was the city called to clean it up, it's not city property. That's what home owners insurance is for.

I'm not sure the vandals are political, nor are you. Anarchists have no elucidated ideology that I'm aware of that has any long term goals. In the matter in question, Speaker Pelosi was the target, and that is why the doers are not from the left.

In our USMB discussions, you don't see many from the right upset that the stimulus was not 2K. In fact many on the right believe the federal government should not be going deeper into debt by passing out any money. It's the left that is always trying to get the government to hand them more goodies. So whoever is pissed off at the 600 bucks instead of the 2 grand are likely on the left.

Do you believe going deeper into debt is foolish at this time in our nation's history? Explain why, and who will benefit from the consquences of what you claim if not aid is provided by the Federal Government?

Who do you think will benefit, and who will lose some or everything they have for lack of money to pay rent or mortgage, paying credit owed on cars and other large purchases and reaching the limit on credit cards?: Many are still in need for food and spend hours in lines to get food from food banks.
Do you believe going deeper into debt is foolish at this time in our nation's history? Explain why, and who will benefit from the consquences of what you claim if not aid is provided by the Federal Government?

Who do you think will benefit, and who will lose some or everything they have for lack of money to pay rent or mortgage, paying credit owed on cars and other large purchases and reaching the limit on credit cards?: Many are still in need for food and spend hours in lines to get food from food banks.

Oh yes, people will benefit. The union postal workers will benefit, the Kennedy Center will benefit, the airlines will benefit, mass transit agencies will benefit, Pakistan will benefit from their gender studies, WTF that is, Nepal will benefit with their 130 million dollars, so will Ukraine with their 450 million dollars, Sudan will really benefit with their 700 million dollars, 185 million to people who send out surveys to your home, and you? You get a crummy 600 bucks.

Now I don't know about where you live, but over here 600 bucks doesn't do much to pay rents or mortgages. It may help you make two or three car payments at most.
Apparently they're not happy with her even though she's good with 2k. The pigs head is pretty disgusting and revolting though. Otherwise, I call it a "peaceful protest"

'Progressive' still can't grasp they will be the first who will attacked by their darlings
Wow so the people who found this type of behavior acceptable when it was being done to people who supported Trump or worked in his administration now don't care for it. I didn't support this when the left was doing and I don't support the right doing it now but anyone who thought the left would not get back some of what they have been dishing out for the last three is a fool. I will end this post with this old but true syaing that both sides should pay attention to even thought they wont you reap what you sow.

This was not the right.
Maybe not but no matter which side does it it's stupid childish and accomplishes nothing and sooner or later it's going to get people killed.

People have already been killed. And a whole bunch more have had their neighborhoods and businesses destroyed.

That's what happens when you look the other way and allow criminals to commit crimes.
Supposedly there are reports that Antifa people will be dressed in Deplorable clothes with the Jan. 6 protest march in D.C. Starting trouble and/or to make it look like the Pro Trump people are the cause for the Prog media to report.

"Supposedly"? "Prog media"? Seems this paragraph ^^^ is a very weak effort of a wannabe agent provocateur.
ONLY leftists riot. They always show up to Trump events though stir up trouble

Prove it!
No wonder their homes are being vandalized! People are upset! :mad-61:

-Best we can do is 600. Take it or leave it.-

They are not happy with Cocaine Mitch either.

View attachment 436500

January 2, 2021
I'm actually shocked that these people/political figures don't have video surveillance at these homes. Are they that damned cheap or are they just that damned arrogant or maybe is it that they are just that damned stupid ??? Then again are these homes that they have in a string of homes that they own, so for the most part they are not occupied ??
Elitist pig leftists have not learned from history. The bolsheviks didn't fund their revolution by collecting pennies from the proles. They robbed banks of course, extorted money from businesses and exploited black markets but they also got money from the aristocracy that wanted the Czar out of the way.

They ended up wishing the Czar was alive by the time it was all over.

The same with the Nazi Party and the Italian Fascists. Wealthy industrialists believed they were buying favor that would keep them prosperous, but in many cases their property and factories were seized. The labor unions were collectivized and the state was not into negotiating terms that made workers rich. In fact the workers found themselves in circumstances that were less favorable. When you worked for those states, you either showed up and worked hard or you disappeared.

Pieces of shit like Piglosi may very well be dragged out of their homes in the middle of the night, abandoned by the cops they defunded and the private security people they sneer at. They will be at the mercy of the mobs they created and I for one will enjoy watching them be cannibalized by the ghetto rats they helped breed.


How many times do left wingers have to fill mass graves before people start to understand that left wingers are dangerous and violent?
I'm actually shocked that these people/political figures don't have video surveillance at these homes. Are they that damned cheap or are they just that damned arrogant or maybe is it that they are just that damned stupid ??? Then again are these homes that they have in a string of homes that they own, so for the most part they are not occupied ??

I'm sure she has cameras all over the place. However in this era, everybody has masks on and nobody would consider a person wearing a mask as suspicious.
They are not happy with Cocaine Mitch either.

View attachment 436500

January 2, 2021
I'm actually shocked that these people/political figures don't have video surveillance at these homes. Are they that damned cheap or are they just that damned arrogant or maybe is it that they are just that damned stupid ??? Then again are these homes that they have in a string of homes that they own, so for the most part they are not occupied ??

As House leadership, doesn't she get government security details?
Nancy Pelosi's Home Graffitied Over '$2K' Stimulus Checks, Pig's Head Left (
"I don't think that this is a useful way to go about it and it's a terrible start to this new year, when we are hoping for less anger and hatred than we've had to deal with for the last year," one of Pelosi's neighbors, Audrey Carlson, told San Francisco's KPIX on Friday.

When you fuck with people's lives in the name of power, soon those people start to react to those actions. Shame they didnt burn the house down, with her in it.

Conservative false flag operation and not a very good one.
I'm actually shocked that these people/political figures don't have video surveillance at these homes. Are they that damned cheap or are they just that damned arrogant or maybe is it that they are just that damned stupid ??? Then again are these homes that they have in a string of homes that they own, so for the most part they are not occupied ??

I'm sure she has cameras all over the place. However in this era, everybody has masks on and nobody would consider a person wearing a mask as suspicious.
Conservatives don’t wear masks.
I'm actually shocked that these people/political figures don't have video surveillance at these homes. Are they that damned cheap or are they just that damned arrogant or maybe is it that they are just that damned stupid ??? Then again are these homes that they have in a string of homes that they own, so for the most part they are not occupied ??

I'm sure she has cameras all over the place. However in this era, everybody has masks on and nobody would consider a person wearing a mask as suspicious.
Conservatives don’t wear masks.
Why the fuck should i wear a mask, that doesnt stop the miniscule particle(that means very small) from passing through the webbing? Why should i stay locking in my basement when all of Floor E. Da. is open for business, and our state is full of happy people? Only stupid prog slaves obey their masters who go out without a mask and get her hair done, or governors who go without a mask and eat 300 dollar dinners with his friends who are all chumming it up with him. You are such a stupid twit...Must suck to be you. I would of blown my brains out a long time ago, if i was your kinda stupid...

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