Pelosi's House Vandalized

1. There is no excuse for vandalism or violence against anyone -- even a loathsome creature like Ms. Nancy.

2. Yes, in some ways, 2021 WILL be worse than 2020. With control of the White House, the House, the Senate (Georgia will probably elect those Dem Senators), and a cowed Supreme Court, the Dems will be going wild in forcing "reforms" down people's throat.
Yep, this nation might be fixing to reep what it has idiotically sewn. The Demoncrats have proven upon what kind of anarchist they are, and it's hard to believe that they were able to convince so many others to be crazy with them. So Nancy is finding out exactly what happens when you don't deliver on the ridiculous bullcrap promises that the left has been advocating over the past few decades or more now. Well welcome to the real world Nancy.

This idea of this give, give, give in order to form a dependent base, uhhh is going to come back constantly to haunt the nation big time now.

Personally I didn't need any money given to me by the government, because I'm not a dependent of the government. The government actually depends on people like me, and that has become a serious problem also, especially with the dims running things.
The dims and then there are the dopes and indeed the grifter in chief who is running our country into
an autocracy and away from Democracy. Trump is behaving just like the low-life he is.
You ignoring the bigger picture in order to attack Trump is disgusting, and you are placing your blame in the wrong place, but you know that you partisan hack.

If Trump had done a miniscule fraction of the damage the left has caused this country, we wouldn't even detect it on the radar, but what the Democrat's have done looks like the goodyear blimp coming across the radar screen.
Wait 'till the damage that Trump caused has exposed itself. And it will.
No, Biden and Kamala will be messing up so bad, that Trump's possible mistakes made (less than a teeny tiny percent), won't even be a factor in the coming years, but for all the positives Trump created, well they will be remembered greatly as they have already made the Demoncrats look like the destructive loons most know them to be. There won't be no help for that, only an adding to it because they just can't help themselves.
I have a huge feeling Trump will be throwing a lot of powerful hand grenades this week.
Gonna get interesting.
If he is forced out, plan on him having a huge one day rally and party on Jan 20. Plus major rallies in every crap hole city...Wanna bet me Trump would do that?
Won't be no forcing him out. If he leaves voluntarily, then it won't be the end of his base that's for sure. The dims thought they coined the term "resistance", but they haven't seen anything yet. The dims think that they can just wave their magic wand, and conservatives will just capitulate to their bullcrap, but they won't. They'll have to use government force, and that's when it will get interesting.

Oh and trust me, they'll use every ounce of force that they have control over or at their disposal to do just that. They really proved it during the Obama administration. How many states did Obama threaten by way of government force, otherwise by withholding money and assets from them, uhhh if those state's wouldn't comply with his and the evil Demoncrats bullcrap ???

These cratzi's have learned a lot about doing things like that, while the Republican's learned nothing it seems.
A fraud election is a force out imho.

He will be able to say whatever he wants to say if he is forced out. Lots of questions that have not been answered for 5 yrs. WILL be answered.
Hopefully.... The dims threatening to shut his mouth with investigations and indictments after leaving office, must be their attempt to scare him into shutting up.

What do you think of that one ??? It's all tied together what the dims have been up to, and they've been up to no good along with their silent never Trumpers republicrats for quite sometime now.
BLM and Antifa are the kind of monsters they created who absolutely will turn on them.

Ultra liberal Portland, OR mayor is fed up with Antifa and BLM, vows to crack down on these thugs.

1. "My good faith efforts at de-escalation have been met with ongoing violence and even scorn from radical Antifa and anarchists,"
2. Mayor Wheeler said during a Friday news conference "In response, it will be necessary to use additional tools and push the limits of the tools we already have to bring the criminal destruction and violence to an end."
3. Wheeler said it was hard for him and others "to accept the reality that there are just some people on this planet who are bent on criminal destruction; that there are some people who truly just want to watch the world burn."
Looks like the Democrats had their stormtroopers turn on them!!!!

Speaker Pelosi's house vandalized with graffiti, pig head: reports | Fox News

The graffiti included two marks typically associated with anarchism

The backlash to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's handling of the coronavirus stimulus bill could be hitting close to home -- literally.

On Friday, photos surfaced on social media and TMZ showing graffiti on a San Francisco garage door purportedly at the home of the Democratic congressional leader. The apparently spray-painted message read "$2K" with a line through it.

"Cancel Rent?" "We want everything!" Another line appeared to read "UBI!" referring to the concept of universal basic income.

A spokesman for the San Francisco Police Department told Fox News that officers responded to the reported vandalism around 2 a.m. Friday. "Unidentified suspect(s) had painted graffiti on the garage door and left a pig's head on the sidewalk," they said.

It's unclear whether the police have any suspects, but the graffiti included two letter A's with circles around them, the mark typically associated with anarchism.

And before the nutty Libs go to screaming FAUX NEWS, this is actually being reported by the mainstream media, and even HuffPo!!!!

Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco Home Vandalized With Graffiti And A Pig's Head Over Stimulus | HuffPost

Now I can't wait for the Democrats to tell Burn, Loot, Murder that they won't be getting their reparations!!!!!! :laughing0301:

What a coincidence.

If people are capable of vandalizing homes of the highest ranking/most corrupt politicians, it makes me think... what has taken them so long to finally do this?

Most politicians’ homes should be ambers and charcoal by now.
BLM and Antifa are the kind of monsters they created who absolutely will turn on them.

Ultra liberal Portland, OR mayor is fed up with Antifa and BLM, vows to crack down on these thugs.

1. "My good faith efforts at de-escalation have been met with ongoing violence and even scorn from radical Antifa and anarchists,"
2. Mayor Wheeler said during a Friday news conference "In response, it will be necessary to use additional tools and push the limits of the tools we already have to bring the criminal destruction and violence to an end."
3. Wheeler said it was hard for him and others "to accept the reality that there are just some people on this planet who are bent on criminal destruction; that there are some people who truly just want to watch the world burn."
Blue state leaders just dont understand human nature
Wow so the people who found this type of behavior acceptable when it was being done to people who supported Trump or worked in his administration now don't care for it. I didn't support this when the left was doing and I don't support the right doing it now but anyone who thought the left would not get back some of what they have been dishing out for the last three is a fool. I will end this post with this old but true syaing that both sides should pay attention to even thought they wont you reap what you sow.

This was not the right.
Maybe not but no matter which side does it it's stupid childish and accomplishes nothing and sooner or later it's going to get people killed.

People have already been killed. And a whole bunch more have had their neighborhoods and businesses destroyed.

That's what happens when you look the other way and allow criminals to commit crimes.
Supposedly there are reports that Antifa people will be dressed in Deplorable clothes with the Jan. 6 protest march in D.C. Starting trouble and/or to make it look like the Pro Trump people are the cause for the Prog media to report.
Wow so the people who found this type of behavior acceptable when it was being done to people who supported Trump or worked in his administration now don't care for it. I didn't support this when the left was doing and I don't support the right doing it now but anyone who thought the left would not get back some of what they have been dishing out for the last three is a fool. I will end this post with this old but true syaing that both sides should pay attention to even thought they wont you reap what you sow.

This was not the right.
Maybe not but no matter which side does it it's stupid childish and accomplishes nothing and sooner or later it's going to get people killed.

People have already been killed. And a whole bunch more have had their neighborhoods and businesses destroyed.

That's what happens when you look the other way and allow criminals to commit crimes.
Supposedly there are reports that Antifa people will be dressed in Deplorable clothes with the Jan. 6 protest march in D.C. Starting trouble and/or to make it look like the Pro Trump people are the cause for the Prog media to report.

"Supposedly"? "Prog media"? Seems this paragraph ^^^ is a very weak effort of a wannabe agent provocateur.
Wow so the people who found this type of behavior acceptable when it was being done to people who supported Trump or worked in his administration now don't care for it. I didn't support this when the left was doing and I don't support the right doing it now but anyone who thought the left would not get back some of what they have been dishing out for the last three is a fool. I will end this post with this old but true syaing that both sides should pay attention to even thought they wont you reap what you sow.

This was not the right.
Maybe not but no matter which side does it it's stupid childish and accomplishes nothing and sooner or later it's going to get people killed.

People have already been killed. And a whole bunch more have had their neighborhoods and businesses destroyed.

That's what happens when you look the other way and allow criminals to commit crimes.
Supposedly there are reports that Antifa people will be dressed in Deplorable clothes with the Jan. 6 protest march in D.C. Starting trouble and/or to make it look like the Pro Trump people are the cause for the Prog media to report.

"Supposedly"? "Prog media"? Seems this paragraph ^^^ is a very weak effort of a wannabe agent provocateur.
ONLY leftists riot. They always show up to Trump events though stir up trouble
Apparently they're not happy with her even though she's good with 2k. The pigs head is pretty disgusting and revolting though. Otherwise, I call it a "peaceful protest"

It's time to sit back, point and laugh and watch them eat their was inevitable.
I'm not sure the vandals are political, nor are you. Anarchists have no elucidated ideology that I'm aware of that has any long term goals. In the matter in question, Speaker Pelosi was the target, and that is why the doers are not from the left.

In our USMB discussions, you don't see many from the right upset that the stimulus was not 2K. In fact many on the right believe the federal government should not be going deeper into debt by passing out any money. It's the left that is always trying to get the government to hand them more goodies. So whoever is pissed off at the 600 bucks instead of the 2 grand are likely on the left.
Wow so the people who found this type of behavior acceptable when it was being done to people who supported Trump or worked in his administration now don't care for it. I didn't support this when the left was doing and I don't support the right doing it now but anyone who thought the left would not get back some of what they have been dishing out for the last three is a fool. I will end this post with this old but true syaing that both sides should pay attention to even thought they wont you reap what you sow.

This was not the right.
Maybe not but no matter which side does it it's stupid childish and accomplishes nothing and sooner or later it's going to get people killed.

People have already been killed. And a whole bunch more have had their neighborhoods and businesses destroyed.

That's what happens when you look the other way and allow criminals to commit crimes.
Supposedly there are reports that Antifa people will be dressed in Deplorable clothes with the Jan. 6 protest march in D.C. Starting trouble and/or to make it look like the Pro Trump people are the cause for the Prog media to report.

It will be fairly easy to tell he difference.
Hopefully infiltrators will be neutralized
Don't worry about the media - they simply make it up to keep the Bubblecultist satiated.
Apparently they're not happy with her even though she's good with 2k. The pigs head is pretty disgusting and revolting though. Otherwise, I call it a "peaceful protest"

Cowardly self proclaimed conservatives, aka punks, were the likely vandals. The Speaker lives in a nice area, but not a gated one.
HAHA! NOW youre suddenly against vandalism! Fucking hypocrites. Also, were conservatives behind this one too, retard?

Wow so the people who found this type of behavior acceptable when it was being done to people who supported Trump or worked in his administration now don't care for it.

It's fine to riot and destroy public property that taxpayers had to pay for, not to mention anybody that has insurance as the rates will increase to cover those losses, but don't you dare vandalize any Democrats house. It kind of reminds me of Mayor Lighthead in Chicago. She had the Chicago police block off her street to stop protesters from going to her house.
:abgg2q.jpg: .....

Apparently they're not happy with her even though she's good with 2k. The pigs head is pretty disgusting and revolting though. Otherwise, I call it a "peaceful protest"

Sounds like BLM is angry because Nan refused to include the monthly stipend of $2,000/month they've been demanding.....

Apparently they're not happy with her even though she's good with 2k. The pigs head is pretty disgusting and revolting though. Otherwise, I call it a "peaceful protest"

Sounds like the Left Wing is sending her a message knowing full well the Right will be blamed.

Pretty sure this was from the left. They worked all summer to get what they wanted and Nancy and her party continues to ignore them.

How does she get service from the City at freakin' 3 AM in the morning? Check here what they did.


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