Pelosi's Manufactured Crisis in Mexico Results in 21 Dead in Cartel Gun Battle

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

Nothing wrong with Mexico or the People trying to Illegally Cross our Border with Millions of Pounds of Drugs each year. President Donald J. Trump is just making this stuff up.....cuz he's opposed to Obama Bin Lying's...."Muh Legacy"

No doubt the Above Photo is evidence of Eric Holder's handiwork in his Fast and Furious Gun Running Scheme to arm Mexican Drug Cartels.

Yet, still no movement by Pelosi on The USMCA, or Immigration Reform.

Mexico gunbattle near Texas border between suspected cartel members, police leaves at least 21 dead

Four police officers were among nearly two dozen people killed after security forces engaged in an hour-long gunbattle with suspected cartel members Saturday in a Mexican town near the U.S. border, days after President Trump said he was moving to designate Mexican drug cartels as terror organizations.

The shootout happened around noon in the small town of Villa Union, a town in Coahuila state located about an hour’s drive southwest of Eagle Pass, Texas.

Coahuila state Gov. Miguel Angel Riquelme told local media that four of the dead were police officers killed in the initial confrontation and that several municipal workers were missing. On Sunday, the Coahuila state government said that security forces killed seven additional members of the gang, bringing the death toll to at least 21.

The armed group of suspected cartel members stormed the town of 3,000 residents in a convoy of trucks, attacking local government offices and prompting state and federal forces to intervene. Ten alleged members of the Cartel of the Northeast were initially killed in the response.
What kind of evil must live in her heart to stand by and do nothing as innocent people die because of our congresses approved unenforced borders?....
It’s much more important to undo the 2016 election than to deal with the Mexican drug cartels.

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