Pelousy Obviously Mentally Ill


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
She needs the "intervention" she said Trump should have...I advise a 5150 3 day psych hold to determine her danger to herself and other House members. A few days back she claimed Trump needed her permission for a military strike on Iran, either unaware or ignoring the War Powers Resolution that clearly states he can do what he pleases with our Armed Forces for 60 days without Congressional approval. And now this....she's claiming illegals adjudicated and a warrant issued aren't legal grounds to deport invaders. Watch her face and hands....she has no idea where she even is: :uhoh3:

She obviously doesn't have a fucking clue.

Just think. She's the Speaker of the House.

Stupid is as stupid does.
Not to worry, they've got another loony-toon in the wings to take her spot


  • AOC Explains Renewable Energy​
She obviously doesn't have a fucking clue.

Just think. She's the Speaker of the House.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Exactly....if an assassin caught Trump and Pence together, Nancy would be president! :eek-52:
Not to worry, they've got another loony-toon in the wings to take her spot


  • AOC Explains Renewable Energy​
Probably will have a useless career for decades in the House also. Speaker in 2060.
That doesn't even bear thinking about. Good Lord. Could you imagine that stupid hag as POTUS??

I sure can't.

The Pentagon would intervene....she'd be put under house arrest and martial law would be declared until the Turtle was sworn in.
She needs the "intervention" she said Trump should have...I advise a 5150 3 day psych hold to determine her danger to herself and other House members. A few days back she claimed Trump needed her permission for a military strike on Iran, either unaware or ignoring the War Powers Resolution that clearly states he can do what he pleases with our Armed Forces for 60 days without Congressional approval. And now this....she's claiming illegals adjudicated and a warrant issued aren't legal grounds to deport invaders. Watch her face and hands....she has no idea where she even is: :uhoh3:

Good enough WillPower
for all the people like you concerned that Pelosi and also Hillary are unstable
and have mental or other physical problems, let's unite all people to please pray
for uplifting, healing and full enlightenment for these people under so much public pressure
to prove their points and leadership.

Same with people concerned for Trump and also Kim Jong Un and Putin
as being unstable and possibly hazardous to themselves or public interests.

Both the advocates who believe in the positive influence and effects of
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, and the Christians who believe that Civil Obedience is rewarded and favored,
agree on basically the same principles, where the same degree we forgive and pray for others to be blessed
that same is what we reap for ourselves,

We get the justice we give.

What we forgive is forgiven unto us.

What we don't forgive but judge and condemn,
the same is given back to us!

If you notice, as much as Trump and his camp blamed and demanded
Hillary Clinton to be charged and put in jail,
all that "negative karma" came back where his opponents

The same with racist cries back and forth between
Obama's supporters and opponents
and now Trump's.

NOTICE as well: the people who FORGIVE both sides
are not as affected as the people who take one side
and now suffer the opposite consequences when
the "shoe is on the other foot." You can SEE people
reaping the seeds of the karma they sowed before!

This is why we benefit by praying for forgiveness
to ask to uplift even the ones we most oppose.
That way, we break this vicious cycle of negative
karma and backbiting, and usher in greater wisdom
and understanding to make corrections and to
reform our systems of media, govt and economy.

We can do better by RESTORING good faith relations
and working SMARTER and collaborating on corrections
and solutions that work better for EVERYONE. But we
would have to let go of the bitter ill will and infighting
and ask for better approaches and guidance for all of us.
for all the people like you concerned that Pelosi and also Hillary are unstable
and have mental or other physical problems, let's unite all people to please pray
for uplifting, healing and full enlightenment for these people under so much public pressure
to prove their points and leadership.

Same with people concerned for Trump and also Kim Jong Un and Putin
as being unstable and possibly hazardous to themselves or public interests.

Both the advocates who believe in the positive influence and effects of
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, and the Christians who believe that Civil Obedience is rewarded and favored,
agree on basically the same principles, where the same degree we forgive and pray for others to be blessed
that same is what we reap for ourselves,

We get the justice we give.

What we forgive is forgiven unto us.

What we don't forgive but judge and condemn,
the same is given back to us!

If you notice, as much as Trump and his camp blamed and demanded
Hillary Clinton to be charged and put in jail,
all that "negative karma" came back where his opponents

The same with racist cries back and forth between
Obama's supporters and opponents
and now Trump's.

NOTICE as well: the people who FORGIVE both sides
are not as affected as the people who take one side
and now suffer the opposite consequences when
the "shoe is on the other foot." You can SEE people
reaping the seeds of the karma they sowed before!

This is why we benefit by praying for forgiveness
to ask to uplift even the ones we most oppose.
That way, we break this vicious cycle of negative
karma and backbiting, and usher in greater wisdom
and understanding to make corrections and to
reform our systems of media, govt and economy.

We can do better by RESTORING good faith relations
and working SMARTER and collaborating on corrections
and solutions that work better for EVERYONE. But we
would have to let go of the bitter ill will and infighting
and ask for better approaches and guidance for all of us.

Pray in one hand and pee in the other.

Tell me which one gets wetter.

Sorry. Nothing personal.

I just had to :dunno:
Good enough WillPower
for all the people like you concerned that Pelosi and also Hillary are unstable
and have mental or other physical problems, let's unite all people to please pray
for uplifting, healing and full enlightenment for these people under so much public pressure
to prove their points and leadership.

Same with people concerned for Trump and also Kim Jong Un and Putin
as being unstable and possibly hazardous to themselves or public interests.

Both the advocates who believe in the positive influence and effects of
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, and the Christians who believe that Civil Obedience is rewarded and favored,
agree on basically the same principles, where the same degree we forgive and pray for others to be blessed
that same is what we reap for ourselves,

We get the justice we give.

What we forgive is forgiven unto us.

What we don't forgive but judge and condemn,
the same is given back to us!

If you notice, as much as Trump and his camp blamed and demanded
Hillary Clinton to be charged and put in jail,
all that "negative karma" came back where his opponents

The same with racist cries back and forth between
Obama's supporters and opponents
and now Trump's.

NOTICE as well: the people who FORGIVE both sides
are not as affected as the people who take one side
and now suffer the opposite consequences when
the "shoe is on the other foot." You can SEE people
reaping the seeds of the karma they sowed before!

This is why we benefit by praying for forgiveness
to ask to uplift even the ones we most oppose.
That way, we break this vicious cycle of negative
karma and backbiting, and usher in greater wisdom
and understanding to make corrections and to
reform our systems of media, govt and economy.

We can do better by RESTORING good faith relations
and working SMARTER and collaborating on corrections
and solutions that work better for EVERYONE. But we
would have to let go of the bitter ill will and infighting
and ask for better approaches and guidance for all of us.

Both Hillary and Pelousy are criminals who care little about our country....all they crave is power and the money it brings. There is no compromising with communists...if you'd seen what I've seen you'd know that. Therefore, I'm not interested in healing them, only defeating them by any means necessary as quickly and completely as possible.
Good enough WillPower
for all the people like you concerned that Pelosi and also Hillary are unstable
and have mental or other physical problems, let's unite all people to please pray
for uplifting, healing and full enlightenment for these people under so much public pressure
to prove their points and leadership.

Same with people concerned for Trump and also Kim Jong Un and Putin
as being unstable and possibly hazardous to themselves or public interests.

Both the advocates who believe in the positive influence and effects of
RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, and the Christians who believe that Civil Obedience is rewarded and favored,
agree on basically the same principles, where the same degree we forgive and pray for others to be blessed
that same is what we reap for ourselves,

We get the justice we give.

What we forgive is forgiven unto us.

What we don't forgive but judge and condemn,
the same is given back to us!

If you notice, as much as Trump and his camp blamed and demanded
Hillary Clinton to be charged and put in jail,
all that "negative karma" came back where his opponents

The same with racist cries back and forth between
Obama's supporters and opponents
and now Trump's.

NOTICE as well: the people who FORGIVE both sides
are not as affected as the people who take one side
and now suffer the opposite consequences when
the "shoe is on the other foot." You can SEE people
reaping the seeds of the karma they sowed before!

This is why we benefit by praying for forgiveness
to ask to uplift even the ones we most oppose.
That way, we break this vicious cycle of negative
karma and backbiting, and usher in greater wisdom
and understanding to make corrections and to
reform our systems of media, govt and economy.

We can do better by RESTORING good faith relations
and working SMARTER and collaborating on corrections
and solutions that work better for EVERYONE. But we
would have to let go of the bitter ill will and infighting
and ask for better approaches and guidance for all of us.

Both Hillary and Pelousy are criminals who care little about our country....all they crave is power and the money it brings. There is no compromising with communists...if you'd seen what I've seen you'd know that. Therefore, I'm not interested in healing them, only defeating them by any means necessary as quickly and completely as possible.

Dear WillHaftawaite
That's exactly what the opposing side says about TRUMP.
That is why both sides deadlock.

Healing and correcting the causes of abuses on both sides
is NOT about compromising but PREVENTS COMPROMISE.

We can get to solutions that don't cause either side to compromise.
And people can stay as sick and crazy as they want to be,
the SOLUTIONS are what we need to focus on, regardless what is going on with people.
That's exactly what the opposing side says about TRUMP.
That is why both sides deadlock.

Healing and correcting the causes of abuses on both sides
is NOT about compromising but PREVENTS COMPROMISE.

We can get to solutions that don't cause either side to compromise.
And people can stay as sick and crazy as they want to be,
the SOLUTIONS are what we need to focus on, regardless what is going on with people.

Of course they say it about Trump...the left always accuses us of exactly what they're doing. Ask Mollie Tibbets what she thinks of Pelousy refusing to keep out the invaders. Wait, she was raped and murdered by one. Does Pelousy need comity and understanding? No, Pelousy needs a rope around her neck for what she did to Mollie and the thousands of other Mollies who are beaten, robbed, raped, and murdered by a primitive people who sneaked across our border to steal our jobs and loot our social welfare safety net. You must believe I have a kind heart and I once might have...Vietnam cured that...I got out of there alive for a reason and ever since I've told anybody who'd listen what communism really looks and acts like.
That's exactly what the opposing side says about TRUMP.
That is why both sides deadlock.

Healing and correcting the causes of abuses on both sides
is NOT about compromising but PREVENTS COMPROMISE.

We can get to solutions that don't cause either side to compromise.
And people can stay as sick and crazy as they want to be,
the SOLUTIONS are what we need to focus on, regardless what is going on with people.

Of course they say it about Trump...the left always accuses us of exactly what they're doing. Ask Mollie Tibbets what she thinks of Pelousy refusing to keep out the invaders. Wait, she was raped and murdered by one. Does Pelousy need comity and understanding? No, Pelousy needs a rope around her neck for what she did to Mollie and the thousands of other Mollies who are beaten, robbed, raped, and murdered by a primitive people who sneaked across our border to steal our jobs and loot our social welfare safety net. You must believe I have a kind heart and I once might have...Vietnam cured that...I got out of there alive for a reason and ever since I've told anybody who'd listen what communism really looks and acts like.

Dear WillPower
Why don't we start with SOLUTIONS first.
Ask ALL people with ideas how to develop better Border security and development
to help the workers and communities affected by immigration and trafficking issues
to come together in teams.

Then the people with the BEST ideas will put pressure on the Democrats
and leaders in Congress to support STEPS in that DIRECTION.

If we don't make the SOLUTIONS PUBLIC then there's no pressure on anyone to GO IN THAT DIRECTION.
I already started collecting and compiling solutions from different sources:

If Pelosi and Cortez are pitching ideas that other people don't want to support,
let their supporters who want those ideas PAY FOR THEM.
Just like Trump's Wall Supporters raise money to build better WALL security.

BETO is even trying to pitch some ideas.
Bernie Sanders and his supporters want WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES.
Let's start with that, but go ahead and LET SUPPORTERS FUND THEIR SOLUTIONS THEMSELVES.

That way WillPower the people who "put their money where their mouths are"
take charge, and the ones mouthing off and not getting anything done end up being followers
while REAL LEADERS take over and start organizing and implementing SOLUTIONS THAT WORK
Why don't we start with SOLUTIONS first.
Ask ALL people with ideas how to develop better Border security and development
to help the workers and communities affected by immigration and trafficking issues
to come together in teams.

Then the people with the BEST ideas will put pressure on the Democrats
and leaders in Congress to support STEPS in that DIRECTION.

If we don't make the SOLUTIONS PUBLIC then there's no pressure on anyone to GO IN THAT DIRECTION.
I already started collecting and compiling solutions from different sources:

If Pelosi and Cortez are pitching ideas that other people don't want to support,
let their supporters who want those ideas PAY FOR THEM.
Just like Trump's Wall Supporters raise money to build better WALL security.

BETO is even trying to pitch some ideas.
Bernie Sanders and his supporters want WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES.
Let's start with that, but go ahead and LET SUPPORTERS FUND THEIR SOLUTIONS THEMSELVES.

That way WillPower the people who "put their money where their mouths are"
take charge, and the ones mouthing off and not getting anything done end up being followers
while REAL LEADERS take over and start organizing and implementing SOLUTIONS THAT WORK

Not interested...can't stand listening to their hideous lies and watch them trick people with their deadly promises. All they want is control and they will pay a heavy price when they grow weary (they already have) of trying to take over by hook and crook. They'll come for our firearms eventually, a second civil war will begin...we will win it quickly and then commence Nuremberg type trials for these traitorous rodents. I wasn't joking about Pelosi on the yard arm...she and the rest tried to overthrow our government and she and the rest should hang for a public square so our children can see what treason brings.
Why don't we start with SOLUTIONS first.
Ask ALL people with ideas how to develop better Border security and development
to help the workers and communities affected by immigration and trafficking issues
to come together in teams.

Then the people with the BEST ideas will put pressure on the Democrats
and leaders in Congress to support STEPS in that DIRECTION.

If we don't make the SOLUTIONS PUBLIC then there's no pressure on anyone to GO IN THAT DIRECTION.
I already started collecting and compiling solutions from different sources:

If Pelosi and Cortez are pitching ideas that other people don't want to support,
let their supporters who want those ideas PAY FOR THEM.
Just like Trump's Wall Supporters raise money to build better WALL security.

BETO is even trying to pitch some ideas.
Bernie Sanders and his supporters want WORKER OWNED COOPERATIVES.
Let's start with that, but go ahead and LET SUPPORTERS FUND THEIR SOLUTIONS THEMSELVES.

That way WillPower the people who "put their money where their mouths are"
take charge, and the ones mouthing off and not getting anything done end up being followers
while REAL LEADERS take over and start organizing and implementing SOLUTIONS THAT WORK

Not interested...can't stand listening to their hideous lies and watch them trick people with their deadly promises. All they want is control and they will pay a heavy price when they grow weary (they already have) of trying to take over by hook and crook. They'll come for our firearms eventually, a second civil war will begin...we will win it quickly and then commence Nuremberg type trials for these traitorous rodents. I wasn't joking about Pelosi on the yard arm...she and the rest tried to overthrow our government and she and the rest should hang for a public square so our children can see what treason brings.

Dear WillPower
Then let's pick leaders who can better present the solutions that the Left wants,
but without the lies and craziness that is obstructing and distracting.

You don't run an election by voting NO
you select leaders by voting YES.

Who do you PREFER to lead the left that can represent what
they are pushing but implement it Constitutionally. Such as
setting up social programs correctly through Cooperatives
nonprofits and church charities instead of forcing charity
on taxpayers without representation.

I've been looking for leaders on the left who can represent this accurately and constitutionally.

Where are they? Is Ami Horowitz better for this or who?
Let's get behind better leaders on the left and quit empowering
the ones who are ineffective, why give them the attention when
we should be publicizing the liberal leaders who CAN work with Trump
and the right on constructive and constitutional SOLUTIONS.
She obviously doesn't have a fucking clue.

Just think. She's the Speaker of the House.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Just think, this foaming stammering bitch is third in power for the seat of "president." God help us all. Sworn to uphold the Constitution, she stands there stuttering about how violation of the most important immigration law isn't grounds for deportation. Can somebody change HER "status?"
She needs the "intervention" she said Trump should have...I advise a 5150 3 day psych hold to determine her danger to herself and other House members. A few days back she claimed Trump needed her permission for a military strike on Iran, either unaware or ignoring the War Powers Resolution that clearly states he can do what he pleases with our Armed Forces for 60 days without Congressional approval. And now this....she's claiming illegals adjudicated and a warrant issued aren't legal grounds to deport invaders. Watch her face and hands....she has no idea where she even is: :uhoh3:

Nancy Pelosi is sharp as a tack. The demented old dotard playing president is the one who is mentally impaired.
She needs the "intervention" she said Trump should have...I advise a 5150 3 day psych hold to determine her danger to herself and other House members. A few days back she claimed Trump needed her permission for a military strike on Iran, either unaware or ignoring the War Powers Resolution that clearly states he can do what he pleases with our Armed Forces for 60 days without Congressional approval. And now this....she's claiming illegals adjudicated and a warrant issued aren't legal grounds to deport invaders. Watch her face and hands....she has no idea where she even is: :uhoh3:

Nancy Pelosi is sharp as a tack. The demented old dotard playing president is the one who is mentally impaired.

LMAO For being "mentally impaired" Trump is doing a damned fine job.

But then you know that already. If he were a progressive or a Dem you'd be singing his praises. Since he's a Rep he's "mentally impaired."

You sure are a whiny little bitch.

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