Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

Safety pin boys whining about the Electoral College are chiding Pence about upholding the Constitution....irony meters the world over are pinned at 100
Another liberal whining about something that hasn't happened yet? I don't know who the stupidest people in America are but right now my money is on actors and those who consider actor's opinions more valid than others!

Hasn't happened yet? Just look at Pence's record in his own state.

Trump isn't the second coming of Hitler, Lewdog...despite what Hillary and the rest of her crew told you! He's not a war monger. He isn't going to do most of the TERRIBLE things Hillary and the main stream media tried to scare you with. He's not really even far right! He's a business man who's first priority will be to improve the economy and create jobs.

That has nothing to do with Pence's record in his own state where he didn't want gay marriage and he passed the law that businesses can deny gay people services based on their sexuality.

...and then he goes to a show where two of the main actors are gay. What did he expect to happen?
Most people didn't want gay marriage because they understand what genders are all about. Demonizing Pence for it just makes you an intolerant asshole. Trying to pin your shortcomings onto others is weak stuff.

I'm intolerant for wanting everyone to have the same rights? Holy shit that might be the dumbest comment I've ever seen.
Brothers can't marry each other but that isn't considered a lack of equal rights. You are very intolerant and not particularly bright. You think with your dick.
So according to Wry Catcher...all those who voted for Trump are Brownshirts? You people need to get a grip! Donald Trump is what used to be called a "Rockefeller Republican"...someone who is fiscally conservative and more middle of the road on social issues. He's not a fascist and your continued insistence that he nothing more than you not wanting to accept the reality of what just took place in this election.
Another liberal whining about something that hasn't happened yet? I don't know who the stupidest people in America are but right now my money is on actors and those who consider actor's opinions more valid than others!

Hasn't happened yet? Just look at Pence's record in his own state.
You mean the fact that Indiana elected him Governor and kicked the Democrat's (and Gregg's) ass when Pence's Lieutenant Governor will take over???

Ant then voted for Pence as VP???

If that's a defeat, I'll take an "ass-kicking" any day!!!
Liberals never disappoint when it comes to being lying, low class garbage. Let me fix the line for you:

[ILLEGAL] immigrants we get the job done [and take jobs away from Americans]
Classless garbage. Yep. Sums up liberals perfectly.
Hasn't happened yet? Just look at Pence's record in his own state.

Trump isn't the second coming of Hitler, Lewdog...despite what Hillary and the rest of her crew told you! He's not a war monger. He isn't going to do most of the TERRIBLE things Hillary and the main stream media tried to scare you with. He's not really even far right! He's a business man who's first priority will be to improve the economy and create jobs.

That has nothing to do with Pence's record in his own state where he didn't want gay marriage and he passed the law that businesses can deny gay people services based on their sexuality.

...and then he goes to a show where two of the main actors are gay. What did he expect to happen?
Most people didn't want gay marriage because they understand what genders are all about. Demonizing Pence for it just makes you an intolerant asshole. Trying to pin your shortcomings onto others is weak stuff.

I'm intolerant for wanting everyone to have the same rights? Holy shit that might be the dumbest comment I've ever seen.
Brothers can't marry each other but that isn't considered a lack of equal rights. You are very intolerant and not particularly bright. You think with your dick.

WTF does marrying your brother have to do with Gay marriage? Is that you Phil Robertson? You've gone the incest route, are you going to say homosexuals are like beastiality people too?
It's only just begun, fascism has come to America, and by wrapping its evil in the American Flag, and waving the Cross of Christianity, Pence and Trump will double down on hate and fear. The biddable who voted for this duo have done disservice to all those who gave their life for The Union. Our divided house cannot stand and will not stand unless the cry for justice is heard loud and clear, on Social Media and in peaceful protests around the world.

It is not only the liberals angered by the divisive politics of the President and Vice President Elect, it is all those here and around the world who reject bigotry, racism, misogyny and malfeasance in elected and appointed officials.
Our divided house cannot stand and wll not stand. As long as liberalism has a voice, this country should crumble until liberalism is crushed beneath the weight of the rubble.
It's only just begun, fascism has come to America, and by wrapping its evil in the American Flag, and waving the Cross of Christianity, Pence and Trump will double down on hate and fear. The biddable who voted for this duo have done disservice to all those who gave their life for The Union. Our divided house cannot stand and will not stand unless the cry for justice is heard loud and clear, on Social Media and in peaceful protests around the world.

It is not only the liberals angered by the divisive politics of the President and Vice President Elect, it is all those here and around the world who reject bigotry, racism, misogyny and malfeasance in elected and appointed officials.

You're kidding right? That was pathetic, Catcher! Seriously...

Time will tell, it is an opinion worth, imo, considering. Since your post was an ad hominem (but nicely done), nothing which I wrote has been rebutted by facts. Pence's voting record, and Trump's stump speech (off he cuff speaking, not reading from the teleprompter what his handlers wrote) are facts, and facts are the basis for my opinion which you mocked.
Pence paid for his ticket, not to be insulted. However if this is what they want to do, then the National Endowment for the Arts should be defunded and dissolved. It is too political to be allowed to survive.
It's only just begun, fascism has come to America, and by wrapping its evil in the American Flag, and waving the Cross of Christianity, Pence and Trump will double down on hate and fear. The biddable who voted for this duo have done disservice to all those who gave their life for The Union. Our divided house cannot stand and will not stand unless the cry for justice is heard loud and clear, on Social Media and in peaceful protests around the world.

It is not only the liberals angered by the divisive politics of the President and Vice President Elect, it is all those here and around the world who reject bigotry, racism, misogyny and malfeasance in elected and appointed officials.
@==> @==>
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Mountain of safety pins for Capt. Hyperbole who still doesn't know the meaning of the word Fascism.

You supported Obama a Fascist who used the IRS and NSA against Americans he viewed as his enemies just for holding an opposing opinion. Moreover he suborned felon voter fraud, he encouraged criminal activity to thwart the will of the People, he's the Fascist
The Trump vote was a repudiation of Progressive far left policies that have hurt Americans. Blue collar voters in the Rust Belt that have voted Democratic since the days of FDR voted for Trump because after eight years of Barack Obama they didn't want another four or eight years of the same thing under Clinton. That's it. It isn't about Facism and anyone who tells you that it lying to you.
Pence paid for his ticket, not to be insulted. However if this is what they want to do, then the National Endowment for the Arts should be defunded and dissolved. It is too political to be allowed to survive.

Yep, and Hamilton shouldn't have to pay a penny of taxes on the Billion dollars it is going to make. Nor should any of the other successful Broadway plays. Fair trade.
In New York.

What a surprise.............


"In New York, what a surprise"; if you were not an ignorant fool you would know Broadway Plays are attended by a diverse demographic, people from all regions of our country as well as foreign visitors, those so feared by the haters and fear mongers.

And the cast of "Hamilton" is even more racially diverse than the audience. have been sold out through the middle of 2017 so who got bumped so Mr. Funerals-for-Fetuses could get in?

Looks like Trump's people are already looking like the east coast elitists they supposedly despise.
The Trump vote was a repudiation of Progressive far left policies that have hurt Americans. Blue collar voters in the Rust Belt that have voted Democratic since the days of FDR voted for Trump because after eight years of Barack Obama they didn't want another four or eight years of the same thing under Clinton. That's it. It isn't about Facism and anyone who tells you that it lying to you.

Your posts have nothing to do with this thread?
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance

Then why diddnt these dudes run for president? Meh, Honestly, Had I wasted the hard earned cash to see this play It would have been to escape politics not receive a political lecture from some high school dropout basement dweller. America spoke. Yall lost. deal with that.

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