Pence celebrates as "most important" the overturning of Roe, saying that Trump appointing 3 of 5 justices makes "all the hardship we endured worth it"

I'm Pro-life and in that context I still do not understand the glee over RvW being overturned.

Now if you are a strict Constitutionalist you at least have an argument but even then there is a valid counter argument.

There isn't a single person in this country that wants an abortion that will be stopped from having one because RvW was overturned. Some states can even expand access because RvW was overturned. The late term ban is also gone.

One could have legitimately rolled back the time frame for abortions based upon RvW viability rule. Giving a couple weeks for always improving technology and erring on the side of life we could have easily got a 20 week ban.

From there you work to address the many reasons many (Many, not all) turn to abortions to start with. That IMO would have been a real improvement over what we have now, some restricted states with other states permitted to expand access and the ability of anyone that wants an abortion to access those expanded opportunities to address their pregnancy.

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