Pence erupts: "there's no more effective way to send deafening message to China to check their military ambitions" then to arm Ukraine to fight Russia

If America gets the Ukraine then it will be empowered to stop China's 'belt and road' initiative, and thereby stop China's progress in large part at least.

It's looking like America is not going to force China's hand on taking Taiwan by military means. China never has intended that of course and has always been patiently waiting for Taiwan to choose China.
^^ Wow, that is utterly disconnected from reality.
More brilliant analysis from that asshole. Yeah Mike, weapons shortages and a massive military distraction with this proxy war against Russia really puts us in a strong position against China. They are laughing at us.
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Used to hear China buying up American debt. So we borrow and pay Ukraine? ChIna is fighting Russia?
Ukraine is bleeding russia white

Its better to avoid direct military confrontation with russia if possible and so far direct intervention has not been necessary
Why is this important to China? The problem with Pence is that he talks in cliches and nobody ever asks him what the hell he meant.
Why is this important to China? The problem with Pence is that he talks in cliches and nobody ever asks him what the hell he meant.
China wants to intimidate the world with its military snd economic power

If they see their close friend russia succeeding through military aggression they will be more inclined to try it themselves
Pence is correct

If china thinks they can invade Taiwan without a war with America, Japan and other allied countries chins will invade

But if they fear the US they wont
The CCP has ABSOLUTELY no fear of the BIDEN admin .. why would they fear something they own .
I guarantee you Xi is watching what's happening in Ukraine very carefully. We give the Ukrainians, much more quickly than Biden's doing now, we give them what they need to win this fight, I think it'll lay a strong foundation for restraining the military aggression and ambitions of China in the Asia Pacific, like nothing else.

Fuck Pence
I think the best way to deter the chicoms is sink their ship the next it harasses one of ours.
If America gets the Ukraine then it will be empowered to stop China's 'belt and road' initiative, and thereby stop China's progress in large part at least.

It's looking like America is not going to force China's hand on taking Taiwan by military means. China never has intended that of course and has always been patiently waiting for Taiwan to choose China.
The problem with China waiting for Taiwan to come home to momma, is that after Hong Kong, the Chinese have made a perfectly clear that they won't abide with any agreements they make with Taiwan any longer than it's convenient for China.
Donald Thinks Troops Are Losers And Suckers Trump
Donald kept them out of Iran. For all his million faults Trump gave a double fisted middle finger to the Military Industrial Complex

Bush, Obama and Biden treated the troops as cannon fodder. Wasted so much in Iraq and Afghanistan. But that was all planned

Tree of Liberty ‘24 because nobody ever voted their way out of Fascism
You dont seem to understand....omce more s l o w l y ....China wants to conquer vast amounts of Russian territory becuse they see it as the
Donald kept them out of Iran. For all his million faults Trump gave a double fisted middle finger to the Military Industrial Complex

Bush, Obama and Biden treated the troops as cannon fodder. Wasted so much in Iraq and Afghanistan. But that was all planned

Tree of Liberty ‘24 because nobody ever voted their way out of Fascism
Biden didn't attack Iran either. will you give him credit for that? oh right, you're a soulless partisan hack
I guarantee you Xi is watching what's happening in Ukraine very carefully. We give the Ukrainians, much more quickly than Biden's doing now, we give them what they need to win this fight, I think it'll lay a strong foundation for restraining the military aggression and ambitions of China in the Asia Pacific, like nothing else.

Pence is a bought and paid for traitor.

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