Pence says history will judge trump accountable concerning J6

True that.
There was a whole bunch of chaos.....violent chaos.

Thank you MAGA.

And Don Trump and Rudy and Eastman and Fredo Trump and all those on the Eclipse stage who sent the chaos-makers on their way to the Capitol.



You are an idiot rube.
Pence couldn’t do anything.

Mike could have done more.
And the meme by poster Lakhota in post #55 says it as succinctly as any. Mike did not call the FBI. Alert the DOJ. Did not call or assemble other Cabinet officers and inform them of the plot.
And too, poster Clayton Jones's post (quoted below) also succinctly defines what Mike could have done to assist in the investigations of Trump after that horrible day for America and our democracy.

To wit:
Remarkably, those comments came from a person who declined to testify before the House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection, and who recently filed a motion to block a federal grand jury subpoena seeking his testimony in the investigation into that attack.’

Pence will be forever complicit'
I quite agree. (See Clayton Jones above.)
Mike can proudly take credit for not performing the wrongful act of stopping the EC count....which would have set in motion the Trump/Clark/ Eastman/Guiliani/Alito/Gohmert scheme to prevent the duly elected Biden from taking office.

OK, good for you Mike. And more importantly, for America.
But the shine on Mike's apple stops there.

Mike's failure to be pro-active in assisting the subsequent investigations will forever make him look like a hypocrite and coward.....and complicit.

At this point, from my perspective, Mike's best value to America is to continue running as a Republican ----and splitting that vote. Let him take the hypocritical Christianist Right with him.

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"You are an idiot rube."

Oh, I can be. At times. After all, I'm just an over-worked old farmer; however, I would point out for the earnest poster Billiejeens that in the two pictures I copied & pasted up in my post (#35).....all those wearers of red MAGA hats seemingly are playing a very prominent role in the savage attack on the Capitol police....... and on the Capitol of the United States of America.


Pence is right. Trump incited the attack on the Capitol. And Carlson's depiction of the attack being peaceful is the biggest lie on FAUX news....and that is saying a lot.
LOL. So, we have a presidential candidate attacking another presidential candidate to get ahead. Imagine that.
Mike could have done more.
And the meme by poster Lakhota in post #55 says it as succinctly as any. Mike did not call the FBI. Alert the DOJ. Did not call or assemble other Cabinet officers and inform them of the plot.
And too, poster Clayton Jones's post (quoted below) also succinctly defines what Mike could have done to assist in the investigations of Trump after that horrible day for America and our democracy.

To wit:

I quite agree. (See Clayton Jones above.)
Mike can proudly take credit for not performing the wrongful act of stopping the EC count....which would have set in motion the Trump/Clark/ Eastman/Guiliani/Alito/Gohmert scheme to prevent the duly elected Biden from taking office.

OK, good for you Mike. And more importantly, for America.
But the shine on Mike's apple stops there.

Mike's failure to be pro-active in assisting the subsequent investigations will forever make him look like a hypocrite and coward.....and complicit.

At this point, from my perspective, Mike's best value to America is to continue running as a Republican ----and splitting that vote. Let him take the hypocritical Christianist Right with him.

President Trump had nothing to do with the violence on 6 Jan. TheJ6 Committee and US AG Garland attempted to prove he did and both faied. Get over it.

Again, with adequate warning and months tp prepre, Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, the Sergeants-at-Arms of both House and Senate, the DC Mayor, DOJ, FBI, ATF, DHSA, and local / DC Caitol police fiailed to prevent J6 and protect the Capitol.
History will also judge Benedict Donalds enablers, active and passive ones, accountable for their actions or lack of action.
President Trump had nothing to do with the violence on 6 Jan. TheJ6 Committee and US AG Garland attempted to prove he did and both faied. Get over it.
“There’s no question — none — that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president,” McConnell said. “The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.”

"President Trump had nothing to do with the violence on 6 Jan. TheJ6 Committee and US AG Garland attempted to prove he did and both faied. Get over it."

We can agree to disagree, poster 'easyt56'. You believe Don Trump is not responsible in any way for what happened on January 6th. In your view he is innocent. Not involved. 'Had nothing to do with it".

I (and my avatar) don't believe that to be the case.

Don Trump assembled the MAGAMob ("Come to DC. It will be wild").
He and his co-conspirators ---Rudy, Eastman, Brooks, Fredo, Fredo's gal pal .....stood before the now assembled MAGAMob and intentionally incited them. Intentionally angered them.
And then Don Trump himself ---illegally--- directed that angered incited MAGAMob to go directly at our assembled representatives.

Don Trump knew better. His enablers and co-conspirators on that stage knew better. They should have known better: they had had 5+ years of experience with many rallies.
They knew....they should have known.....what Trump's words could do, and would do. They had seen it before with violence and threatened violence by MAGAMobsters at other rallies.

Most importantly, Don Trump had a duty, a solemn duty to NOT be dangerously reckless in his communications to his assembled MAGAMobs. THAT is one of the many responsibilities of leadership -- DO NOT lead your followers into illegal acts that lead to damage, injury, and death of them or to others.

He ignored....or rather, in my opinion, intentionally rejected that solemn responsibility by directing the angered incited mob directly at my ---and your-----elected representatives; and to the soon to be reality of 140+ injured police who stood between the MAGAMob and our elected Representatives. The Representatives who Trump had reckless and irresponsibly put in extreme danger.

Don Trump is responsible......more than any single individual.....for what happened to America and to our democracy that day.

It is my sincere belief that history, and maybe our jurisprudence, will judge Don Trump for that recklessness.
And require appropriate consequences for that reckless behavior.


We can agree to disagree, poster 'easyt56'. You believe Don Trump is not responsible in any way for what happened on January 6th. In your view he is innocent. Not involved. 'Had nothing to do with it".

It is not my opinion.

US AG Garland proved Trump had nothing to do with the J6 violence.

The J6 Committee proved Trump did not have anything to do with the J6 violence.

You do not have any direct evidence that both of them could not find proving Trump ever 'gave orders' to the protestors or encouraged them.

The transcripts of what Trump ACTUALLY said proves the opposite.

J6 video showed the 'shaman' using a bullhorn to read Trump messages calling for the protestors to stop and go home.

So impress us all with actual legitimate evidence proving Trump played a direct part in J6 violence, evidence Garland and tbe J6 Committee could not produce.

Spare us,though, of your feelings and partisan opinion.
Well, I regret to say that my feelings, and my opinion too, are......well, they are hinging upon this guy: Jack Smith

So patience Grasshopper. Let the cake bake. Time will tell. Trust me.

The House/Senate Sergeant-At-Arms'
The DC Mayor's
The FBI's
The ATF's
The DHS'
The DC Police's
The Capitol Police's


was to prevent J6 & to protect the Capitol

They had sufficient Intel
They had MONTHS


WHY is it so hard for TDS-suffering, Trump-obsessed, cognitively impaired Democrat criminal/traitor apologists to accept this fact?!

'B....b....but Trump supporters....'


It was the long list of those above who failed to do their job.

The FBI did not try to prevent J6 ar all. They came up with a plan to 'catch them in the act' .... as in LET THEM attack the Capitol, LET THEM break into the Capitol, not 'PREVENT / STOP THEM from doing so'!

If not intentional, they PLANNED to fail from the start...AND THEY DID!

So, SERIOUSLY,why can't snowflaked admit they FAILED to do their job?

(If they had succeeded (NOT failed) in doing their job thete would not have been a J6, would not have had a Capitol breach, would not have had a need for a J6 Committee, etc...)
Sorry bout that,

1. I hope Pence gets on the debate stage with Trump!
2. Watching Trump push up a football up his ass will be worth watching, a *Kodak Moment*.
3. "Hip hip hooray, giant football is going to stay!"~ The People of the World.
4. I see him fading fast.


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