Pence Turns on Trump — Will Campaign with Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia Before Primary

"A poster who uses the MAGA handle calls a republican governor a "dirtbag"? Dirty tricks democrats are everywhere."

Well, my avatar will let the MAGA's sort out their intramural hissyfits amongst themselves.

Rather, I was struck by the 'fair and balanced' approach to 'all the news that's fit to print' by the linked source of the OP. To wit:

"Pence Turns on Trump — Will Campaign with Dirtbag Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia Before Primary"​
(underlining by my avatar)

That's why I like Gateway Pundit.
F*ck that 'fair and balanced' merde'.
They're gonna print the news that their readers crave and demand.
Even if it ain't really news, or true, but makes the TDS'rs feel good.
And pays Gateway's bills.
Shoulda hanged him when you had the chance. LOL
Damn, need to find out if this violates a law seeing you are telling someone they should have hanged the former Vp or encouraging radicals to do something so terroristic!

I mean what sick person even think of stuff like that and find it funny?

Oh, you do and yet you wonder why those like you are hated?
Yeah sparky get right on that
I am not the one encouraging someone to hang the former VP with comments like yours…

Why do you hate Pence so much that you would encourage someone to hang him?

A joke has a hidden feeling of how you truly wish for it!

I mean could you imagine someone on the right writing something like that and it be about Harris?

You would call the FBI and call them a terrorist!
Nah, you're just the one supporting those insurrectionists who tried;
Show in any thread where I did?

I bet you will never see where I did and in fact you lying ass coward you will find I am against any violence against any politician but it is clear you fully support it as long as it is the opposition, so why don’t you do it and proclaim you did it in the name of Trump?

Wait, you are a damn coward!

Now hurry and find where I supported the insurrection of January 6th 2021 or any threat against Pence!

I mean imagine if that was Harris and someone on the right had written what you wrote?

You would scream racism and contacted the FBI!
You bring up ethics and look at all the ethical things done to Him by the government who got caught up to their ears.

Or did you forget that part?
Trump has been a liar, cheat and bully his whole life. Did you think he would change because he was elected president? Didn't you know what he was when you voted for him?

Lots of Republicans are patriots and they are opposing Trump. Thank God.
Bullshit, Trump is nothing but a man, not a god and he's not the republican party.

Like all politicians he's nothing but a man occupying the office for a limited period of time.

No man is any greater than any other, that's the whole basis for conceiving this country.

Like everyone else Trump is a passing figure in American history, nothing more, nothing less.

None of us owe him fealty any more than we owe it to Biden, Obama, or Bush.
Moral equivalency?
Trump has been a liar, cheat and bully his whole life. Did you think he would change because he was elected president?
So whatever Trump accomplished as President is negated by his personality? That is really stupid.
So whatever Trump accomplished as President is negated by his personality? That is really stupid.
Trump brags a lot but accomplished very little. His trade wars hurt the US consumer and farmers. He got his revenge on Obama and alienated our allies, trashed our intelligence and generals. He didn't do anything about health care or immigration, but he held a lot of rallies, talked a lot, played a lot of golf and generated a lot of indictments among his best people.
Trump has been a liar, cheat and bully his whole life. Did you think he would change because he was elected president? Didn't you know what he was when you voted for him?

Lots of Republicans are patriots and they are opposing Trump. Thank God.
That is justification for DOJ and FBI doing illegal actions?

Do a little research and you'll find most successful business people fit the same mold too.
That is justification for DOJ and FBI doing illegal actions?

Do a little research and you'll find most successful business people fit the same mold too.
I know Trump slandered the DOJ, FBI, WHO, CIA, his generals, CDC... What do you expect from Trump?

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