Pennsylvania congress goes to US Supreme Ct

Since the state legislature is GOP, and the Constitution says that the state legislatures have exclusive power to determine election processes. they have the authority to tell the corrupt judge to go fuck himself. Why are they fucking around with this and letting a crook push them around?

Since the state legislature is GOP, and the Constitution says that the state legislatures have exclusive power to determine election processes. they have the authority to tell the corrupt judge to go fuck himself. Why are they fucking around with this and letting a crook push them around?
They can only win by going through the US SC
They can only win by going through the US SC

Not true, they have exclusive power over elections. The PASC has no constitutional standing. The legislature has the legal right to flip them the bird an continue on.
Yes but they could drag it on
The US SC will close it now that the “
Gator has Gator rolled to hell “
Both Wisconsin and Michigan must follow suit or the election is lost
They must act now

The issue is the Roberts court will not hear the case so that he can fuck America again. But the state legislatures have the exclusive constitutional authority to act and don't need Roberts to bless it. It would be fun if they passed a law making election tampering by the judiciary a felony, which it ought to be.

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