Pennsylvania is sitting on major untapped lithium 'white gold mine' that could generate new billion-dollar industry, government study finds


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Pennsylvania is sitting on major untapped lithium 'white gold mine' that could generate new billion-dollar industry, government study finds

27 May 2024 ~~ By Matt Phelan

Pennsylvania could be at the center of America's new 'white gold rush' with the discovery of a major untapped source of lithium in the state.
Government scientists have shown that they can filter the precious metal from the state's shale gas wastewater: pulling tons of lithium per day, with little left behind.
They concluded that Pennsylvania alone could produce nearly half of the total US demand for lithium — starting in the first year — supplying this key compound that's needed to power everything from smartphones to electric vehicles to solar panels.
A project on this scale could make Pennsylvania a rust-belt Saudi Arabia, ending US dependence on lithium from China, which now controls 90 percent of the market.
And unlike many new lithium-mining proposals, which have threatened scarce water resources from Arkansas to Colorado, this process would make a virtue of the high-pressure water already used by the hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of natural gas.
While geologists had long known that lithium was present in the mineral content around these shale gas deposits, an accurate estimation only became feasible as years of these mandated reports came in.
'There hadn't been enough measurements to quantify the resource,' Mackey explained. 'We just didn't know how much was in there.'
But an accidental benefit had occurred, because lithium-based mineral compounds like lithium chloride and lithium carbonate are water soluble.
The simple act of injecting fracking wells with high-pressured water has acted to pull much of that lithium metal out of the rock and into the fracking wastewater.
Water in underground aquifers, as Mackey put it, have been 'dissolving rocks for hundreds of millions of years.'
'Essentially, the water has been mining the subsurface,' he said.
Approximately 40 of the 72 proposed lithium mines in the US are set for Nevada, America's driest state, and 80 percent of them would sit on water supplies deemed at risk of low water levels, according to an analysis by the Howard Center for investigative journalism.

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Wow! A by-product of 'Fracking'. Who would a thunk it? Just imagine some of that precipitated liuthium can be used to treat all those mentally disturbed.
Remember part of the Marcellus strata extends into New York State. The Govenor has rejected Fracking in the State.
Not to worry though, Biden will send Blinken to negotiate a deal sell the rights of U.S. Lithium mining to China. along with his regular 10% kickback.
This is good news. My current pain behind my eye which woke me up prevents me from being too excited but such findinge are very positive.
"Not to worry though, Biden will send Blinken to negotiate a deal sell the rights of U.S. Lithium mining to China. along with his regular 10% kickback."

Frivolous, unserious and silly.
Some poor posters are so wrapped up in their micro-world of resentment, fear, boo-birdism, and partisanship that they are unable to see the good that emerges from the diverse and active world we live in. They seek....and find....only negativity which they promptly channel into their political polemics.

It's sad. Because for the curious, alert, and educated there is an amazing and ever-interesting world out's good to be alive.
And most especially, tho not exclusively, alive in America today.

Sad to see those 'nattering nabobs of negativism' persist in their unhappiness.

in my humble opinion
They need to look further into this. Hopefully, the current shot callers won't sell off the rights to this technology to their friends or to the corporation that bribes them the most. This needs to be run by straight scientists, not politicians looking to rob the technology for their own enrichment. MAGA

It’s a greenie conundrum:

Massive amounts of lithium detected in ‘fracking wastewater’

10 Jun 2024 ~~ By Oliva Murray

Uh oh, it’s fixing to be a battle between reality and leftist ideology—but who will win?
Writing for Fox News, Charles Creitz recently reported on a very inconvenient truth, from a new study: fracking wastewater is full of lithium, making it a “promising domestic source” if tapped, and the process to extract it “reduces the cost” of traditional water decontamination efforts. Here are the details, from Creitz:
"Major lithium discovery in fracking wastewater leaves the left facing EV ‘irony’
A University of Pittsburgh study suggested processing byproducts from natural gas production in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale basin could potentially meet nearly half of U.S. lithium needs.​
In the study, published in Nature’s ‘Scientific Reports,’ estimates of annual lithium yields from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale totaled 1,278 tons. The Marcellus Shale range covers large swaths of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and West Virginia.​
One of the researchers, Justin Mackey, told KDKA that in addition to supplying substantial amounts of lithium, processing the wastewater in that way ‘reduce the cost of remediating and handling’ it….​

Not only is lithium a crucial component for everything the left likes to inaccurately file under “net zero” technologies (electric vehicles, solar panel energy storage systems, wind turbines), but it’s necessary for basically all electronics—the computer I’m using to write this blog, and the phone from which you may be reading it. In the U.S., we’re largely reliant on foreign lithium, as Australia, Chile, and China produce 90% of the lithium on the global market—which leaves us in a precarious position if there are any supply chain disruptions or price fluctuations—so sourcing it from dirty fracking water, in a process that reduces the cost companies already pay to clean the contaminated water, is quite a good deal for the American consumer, economy, and environment.​
we’ve got natural gas, we’ve got tons (literally) of lithium, we’ve got tons (figuratively) of jobs, and a seriously low environmental impact—this is like a win-win-win-win.
And you know what that means? The political class and the bureaucracy will shut it down, and shut it down fast.

Sounds like win here, better efficiennt, cleaner extraction and available for all those reasonable uses.
The process is simpler than mining. It's called precipatation much cleaner and efficient.
Meanwhile the Natural gas is for electricity and fairly carbon free.
Just think of saving the habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity. Less contaminated soil, groundwater, and surface water with chemicals from the mining and extraction process.

Pennsylvania is sitting on major untapped lithium 'white gold mine' that could generate new billion-dollar industry, government study finds

27 May 2024 ~~ By Matt Phelan

Pennsylvania could be at the center of America's new 'white gold rush' with the discovery of a major untapped source of lithium in the state.
Government scientists have shown that they can filter the precious metal from the state's shale gas wastewater: pulling tons of lithium per day, with little left behind.
They concluded that Pennsylvania alone could produce nearly half of the total US demand for lithium — starting in the first year — supplying this key compound that's needed to power everything from smartphones to electric vehicles to solar panels.
A project on this scale could make Pennsylvania a rust-belt Saudi Arabia, ending US dependence on lithium from China, which now controls 90 percent of the market.
And unlike many new lithium-mining proposals, which have threatened scarce water resources from Arkansas to Colorado, this process would make a virtue of the high-pressure water already used by the hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of natural gas.
While geologists had long known that lithium was present in the mineral content around these shale gas deposits, an accurate estimation only became feasible as years of these mandated reports came in.
'There hadn't been enough measurements to quantify the resource,' Mackey explained. 'We just didn't know how much was in there.'
But an accidental benefit had occurred, because lithium-based mineral compounds like lithium chloride and lithium carbonate are water soluble.
The simple act of injecting fracking wells with high-pressured water has acted to pull much of that lithium metal out of the rock and into the fracking wastewater.
Water in underground aquifers, as Mackey put it, have been 'dissolving rocks for hundreds of millions of years.'
'Essentially, the water has been mining the subsurface,' he said.
Approximately 40 of the 72 proposed lithium mines in the US are set for Nevada, America's driest state, and 80 percent of them would sit on water supplies deemed at risk of low water levels, according to an analysis by the Howard Center for investigative journalism.

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How a $540B California lithium mine became owned by an Australian firm

Wow! A by-product of 'Fracking'. Who would a thunk it? Just imagine some of that precipitated liuthium can be used to treat all those mentally disturbed.
Remember part of the Marcellus strata extends into New York State. The Govenor has rejected Fracking in the State.
Not to worry though, Biden will send Blinken to negotiate a deal sell the rights of U.S. Lithium mining to China. along with his regular 10% kickback.
Don't worry, Biden and his Climate Change people will stifle mining it and continue importing the stuff from China.

It’s a greenie conundrum:

Massive amounts of lithium detected in ‘fracking wastewater’

10 Jun 2024 ~~ By Oliva Murray

Uh oh, it’s fixing to be a battle between reality and leftist ideology—but who will win?
Writing for Fox News, Charles Creitz recently reported on a very inconvenient truth, from a new study: fracking wastewater is full of lithium, making it a “promising domestic source” if tapped, and the process to extract it “reduces the cost” of traditional water decontamination efforts. Here are the details, from Creitz:
"Major lithium discovery in fracking wastewater leaves the left facing EV ‘irony’
A University of Pittsburgh study suggested processing byproducts from natural gas production in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale basin could potentially meet nearly half of U.S. lithium needs.​
In the study, published in Nature’s ‘Scientific Reports,’ estimates of annual lithium yields from Pennsylvania’s Marcellus Shale totaled 1,278 tons. The Marcellus Shale range covers large swaths of Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio and West Virginia.​
One of the researchers, Justin Mackey, told KDKA that in addition to supplying substantial amounts of lithium, processing the wastewater in that way ‘reduce the cost of remediating and handling’ it….​

Not only is lithium a crucial component for everything the left likes to inaccurately file under “net zero” technologies (electric vehicles, solar panel energy storage systems, wind turbines), but it’s necessary for basically all electronics—the computer I’m using to write this blog, and the phone from which you may be reading it. In the U.S., we’re largely reliant on foreign lithium, as Australia, Chile, and China produce 90% of the lithium on the global market—which leaves us in a precarious position if there are any supply chain disruptions or price fluctuations—so sourcing it from dirty fracking water, in a process that reduces the cost companies already pay to clean the contaminated water, is quite a good deal for the American consumer, economy, and environment.​
we’ve got natural gas, we’ve got tons (literally) of lithium, we’ve got tons (figuratively) of jobs, and a seriously low environmental impact—this is like a win-win-win-win.
And you know what that means? The political class and the bureaucracy will shut it down, and shut it down fast.

Sounds like win here, better efficiennt, cleaner extraction and available for all those reasonable uses.
The process is simpler than mining. It's called precipatation much cleaner and efficient.
Meanwhile the Natural gas is for electricity and fairly carbon free.
Just think of saving the habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity. Less contaminated soil, groundwater, and surface water with chemicals from the mining and extraction process.
The problem that greenies have to deal with is not raw material

Its processing the lithium that is dirty and environmentally unfrienfly

We can mine all the lithium we need but will the crazy lefties allow it to be processed outside of communist china?

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