Pennsylvania school bans CNN from classrooms

Define Rightwing Hate, It’s too easy to define Leftwing Hate
Then you have defined rightwing hate. Just replace “left” with “right” and insert different demographic groups and ideologies. Or you can do what rightists typically do, make up a lot of shit to demonize the other side.
Send pics.

I run on a chocolate platform: eat more chocolate.


That said, whatever news they choose to show in classrooms should be based on how accurate and comprehensive it is. Sources with lots of failed fact checks and strong biases should be used to teach kids how to navigate modern media and be critical consumers of news.
Why not show both sides?

a little CNN is ok as long as its offset by Fox News or Newsmax
Please tell us why the last 5 years we heard nothing but Trump and “ Russian Collusion “ from CNN and MSNBC
Then you have defined rightwing hate. Just replace “left” with “right” and insert different demographic groups and ideologies. Or you can do what rightists typically do, make up a lot of shit to demonize the other side.
Your response is actually quite funny 😄 in a kind of pathetic sort of way. All we heard from the LEFT the last 5 years was RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and Trump with NO proof! The Durham report comes out( please tell us why those Networks aren’t covering it? The Media made trash out of Trumps kids. Why aren’t they doing the same with Joe’s drug Addicted Son? Why did they DEMAND Trump take a cognitive test, make fun of his walking? Etc ? If he actually fell???? OMG 😳!!!!! They say nothing about Cognitive impaired Joe !
Please tell us why the Media is tearing Joe Rohan apart, why Sharon Osborne was FIRED yet Whoopi’s Goldberg wasn’t Etc, etc,
Please tell us why the last 5 years we heard nothing but Trump and “ Russian Collusion “ from CNN and MSNBC

Your response is actually quite funny 😄 in a kind of pathetic sort of way. All we heard from the LEFT the last 5 years was RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and Trump with NO proof! The Durham report comes out( please tell us why those Networks aren’t covering it? The Media made trash out of Trumps kids. Why aren’t they doing the same with Joe’s drug Addicted Son? Why did they DEMAND Trump take a cognitive test, make fun of his walking? Etc ? If he actually fell???? OMG 😳!!!!! They say nothing about Cognitive impaired Joe !
Please tell us why the Media is tearing Joe Rohan apart, why Sharon Osborne was FIRED yet Whoopi’s Goldberg wasn’t Etc, etc,

Oh, just stop it. Pawssnews has been doing the same to the left for the last 12 years and it ceased to be as news agency and became a self admitted entertainment network. Fox should have been charging the RNC and Rump for their broadcasts all this time. The same can somewhat be said about MSNbc for the left. But CNN, CBS, ABC and others have been pretty well dead on. And when they did wrong, they promptly did a correction without a lawsuit, unlike Pawxsnews.
Oh, just stop it. Pawssnews has been doing the same to the left for the last 12 years and it ceased to be as news agency and became a self admitted entertainment network. Fox should have been charging the RNC and Rump for their broadcasts all this time. The same can somewhat be said about MSNbc for the left. But CNN, CBS, ABC and others have been pretty well dead on. And when they did wrong, they promptly did a correction without a lawsuit, unlike Pawxsnews.
Still can’t answer the question. They reported Trump’s “ involvement “ with Russia 🇷🇺 as FACT which was a LIE. Please tell us why we heard about Trump’s “ cognitive decline “ yet not ONE word about Sleepy Joe? Where are the Reports RE; His drug addicted Son ‘s illegal Business dealings yet they made trash out of Trump’s kids? Etc. Etc. Not ONE word about Joe Rohan or Sharon Osborne? ( Just a few examples!!!)
Why do they have any news on TV in the classroom?
Regarding showing main stream media entertainment news, excellent question. I can understand a high school government class airing C-SPAN live to show kids the bill process.
Still can’t answer the question. They reported Trump’s “ involvement “ with Russia 🇷🇺 as FACT which was a LIE. Please tell us why we heard about Trump’s “ cognitive decline “ yet not ONE word about Sleepy Joe? Where are the Reports RE; His drug addicted Son ‘s illegal Business dealings yet they made trash out of Trump’s kids? Etc. Etc. Not ONE word about Joe Rohan or Sharon Osborne? ( Just a few examples!!!)

Let's see. Moscow Rump Towers with an entire floor going to Putin. The deal finally fell through in late 2016. Then it was pretty well proven that the Kremlin Troll Farm was backing Rump hard with things like memes and that includes trolls in here and just about everywhere else.

We heard enough about "sleep joe" and most of it was bs. Totally unproven. Just because you say it doesn't make it the truth. I saw a real statesman in operation in his VP dealings. Displaying out of context and edited tapes is easy to present.

Hunter did do dealings with various countries. That is his job. And not a single real conservative will fault a businessman for using every "LEGAL" avenue in his grab bag. And enough people looked into it and nothing illegal was found.

And now, it's coming out that at least 2 of rumps demon spawns were involved in some illegal actions. But what can one expect. Look who taught them.
Just more posturing from people who are ineffectual and dumb and so have no better ways of getting back at the world they blame for their own shortcomings.
Let's see. Moscow Rump Towers with an entire floor going to Putin. The deal finally fell through in late 2016. Then it was pretty well proven that the Kremlin Troll Farm was backing Rump hard with things like memes and that includes trolls in here and just about everywhere else.

We heard enough about "sleep joe" and most of it was bs. Totally unproven. Just because you say it doesn't make it the truth. I saw a real statesman in operation in his VP dealings. Displaying out of context and edited tapes is easy to present.

Hunter did do dealings with various countries. That is his job. And not a single real conservative will fault a businessman for using every "LEGAL" avenue in his grab bag. And enough people looked into it and nothing illegal was found.

And now, it's coming out that at least 2 of rumps demon spawns were involved in some illegal actions. But what can one expect. Look who taught them.
A real statesman admitting on camera, literally bribing/threatening officials of another government?

Hunter?? Make sure the Big Guy gets his 10%. Who says nothing illegal was found? Laptop files have been confirmed as legit and they have highly compromising information, worthy of further investigation, regarding Hunter, The Big Guy, James Biden.....and whoever else is found. FBI is on it......isn't that the same FBI compromised by politics during Obama and Trump admin's? I bet, under fellow democrat and lifelong deep state president, Joe Biden, this is at the top of their list.

Trump's 'demon spawns'.....LOL

"It's coming out" "Were involved in illegal action"

Can you link to the testimony from the trial?

Dude, you want demon spawn, try this:


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