Pentagon begins monitoring Social Media of Soldiers

If you are a MAGA patriot get off of social media today...erase everything you can....and stay off of it...only use sites without your real Identity and do not disclose any personal information...

There is no such thing. IP addresses show where you are. Your phone is constantly transmitting your location. You can not hide yourself and be online. Not in any way.
Then that's even more reason to pull the plug....
The scary thought is why are they doing this....are they planning a complete militarized take over against the majority will?...why are the fences still around our capitol?...what do the leftist monsters have in mind?....
Black Supremacists

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They may not use the name 'Black Supremacist', but they are as racist as any 'White Supremacist' you can name.
This is the type of person that's a MOD folks. And people have a hard time understanding how insidious systemic racism is in this country.
I think the point is Willy that none of your mandingo fantasies are in the military. And if there's any concentrated enlistment of black folks who want to discriminate against whites, the military will probably deal wiht them, but IF YOU TAKE YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, you might wonder why they'd volunteer for the US miltary in the first place. LOL
Black Supremacists

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They may not use the name 'Black Supremacist', but they are as racist as any 'White Supremacist' you can name.
This is the type of person that's a MOD folks. And people have a hard time understanding how insidious systemic racism is in this country.
I think the point is Willy that none of your mandingo fantasies are in the military. And if there's any concentrated enlistment of black folks who want to discriminate against whites, the military will probably deal wiht them, but IF YOU TAKE YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS, you might wonder why they'd volunteer for the US miltary in the first place. LOL

I think the point is Willy that none of your mandingo fantasies are in the military.
Mandingo fantasies?


you might wonder why they'd volunteer for the US miltary in the first place.

I haven’t said why I approve. And I do approve. Because the military works for one reason. Every soldier is a brother to every other soldier. When I was in the 82nd Airborne. I knew that the man on my left was covering my left. I knew the man on my right would kill anything on my right.

I knew if I got hit. They would come for me. Because we did not leave Paratroopers out in the cold. We got them out of the fire. Not because of skin color or gender. But because we were all paratroopers. Every paratrooper was a Brother or Sister.

We did not have Black Soldiers. Or White Soldiers. Or any other thing. We had green. All soldiers were green. One and all.

Today. I don’t care what color the person is. White, Black, Brown, or any other shade. I don’t care. I see men and women. Not colors. For me the color of the skin is no more important than the color of the clothes.

So why do I approve? Because when you start to believe that a color is less or more important. You make decisions based upon that. The Injured Black guy isn’t worth risking your white life. Send the Black guy in to check for Booby Traps. We can afford to lose him.

You aren’t a Soldier. You are an overseer. And if other Whites disagree you put them into the same category as the Blacks. Race Traitors.

You are an American by Birth. But you are an abomination to everything this nation has stood for. You are an insult to every soldier who ever served. It is an honor to serve this Nation. To wear the uniform of the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force. An honor you do not deserve if you are racist. An honor that should be stripped from you if your first loyalty is not to the Constitution. And if you are a racist. You are not loyal to the Constitution.
In a blow to the White Wing of the nation the Pentagon has begun a program of monitoring Military Members online Social Media posts.

Now those who are about to scream about First Amendment. And after they look it up the Fourth Amendment. Posse Commitatus, and other things they know little about. Let me explain.

For decades now it has been an accepted get around of Constitutional Protections to use private companies to do things the Government is prohibited from doing. An example would be the aircraft flying over Baltimore with Cameras hanging off of them. This Ariel surveillance is perfectly legal since the company doing it is private and not a branch of the Government.

Extremist Troops in the Military will be identified and then dealt with. Although the article doesn’t say how the Servicemen will be dealt with, we can assume early discharges from their service at the very least.

Dimm's are afraid of our military.

They better be!
In a blow to the White Wing of the nation the Pentagon has begun a program of monitoring Military Members online Social Media posts.

Now those who are about to scream about First Amendment. And after they look it up the Fourth Amendment. Posse Commitatus, and other things they know little about. Let me explain.

For decades now it has been an accepted get around of Constitutional Protections to use private companies to do things the Government is prohibited from doing. An example would be the aircraft flying over Baltimore with Cameras hanging off of them. This Ariel surveillance is perfectly legal since the company doing it is private and not a branch of the Government.

Extremist Troops in the Military will be identified and then dealt with. Although the article doesn’t say how the Servicemen will be dealt with, we can assume early discharges from their service at the very least.

Young people who want a decent professional life in the coming decades should immediately quit social media.

They should not even post that their favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla!
Interesting question.

I spent 20+ years in the military, and never saw anyone with SS tattoos.

I did see quite a number of them when I worked as a prison guard.

Along with more than a few gang tats.

Would you be ok with discharging someone with any type gang tats?

I would.
Give 'em the option to have it removed, no matter how big it is, if they say "no" then boot 'em.
My friend was in active duty for years in the middle east. He said there were definitely white supremists, but they were cagey. The only time they flashed it openly is when they knew they were close to the majority at any location. He said you could spot them by their SS tatoos, when they werent being careful.

Yes, i think anyone with an SS tattoo should be thrown out of the US military immediately.
WillHaftawaite, do you agree that individuals w/SS tattoos should be booted out the military?

Soldiers don't have the rights of regular Citizens and fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
It's already prohibited to have extremist tattoos ... If there is any question as to the acceptability of a tattoo or brand ...
The soldier is also warned to have it cleared through their Unit Commander first.

Should a soldier be found non-compliant with the Article, their commander is required to send them to counseling.
After counseling, the soldier can opt to have the tattoo surgically removed, and the procedure scheduled by their commander.
Should the soldier opt to not have the tattoo removed, the case is passed on to the Base's O6 Commander for prosecution.

It is likewise in violation of the Article for the soldier to attempt to cover the Tattoo with clothing or a bandage ...
In order to avoid being discovered or acknowledged as being non-compliant with the Article (AR 670-1 Para 3-3 ~Tattoo, Branding, and Body Mutilation).

I should add that the soldier will also probably suffer additional charges under the UCMJ such as:

Article 15 - Non-judicial punishment by unit/base commanders to include restrictions to base and loss of pay.
Article 32 - A hearing to determine the desire to prosecute further judicial matters.
Article 134 - Conduct Unbecoming A Soldier
Article 91 - Insubordinate Conduct
Article 77 - Destruction of Government Property (for getting the tattoo and it having to be removed)

Pretty much whatever the fuck they can think of if you piss them off ... :thup:

Seeing this amount of control over members of the armed forces, why would anyone EVER be concerned about government having a standing army/military?

What could possibly go wrong?

Especially a standing army more powerful than any the world has ever known.

You know, once Mao got control of most of the military, it was all over for Chiang Kai-Shek. Maybe Texas can become America's Taiwan. Wouldn't that be swell?

I suppose there are worse ways for Texas to gain independence. I'll take it.
In a blow to the White Wing of the nation the Pentagon has begun a program of monitoring Military Members online Social Media posts.

Now those who are about to scream about First Amendment. And after they look it up the Fourth Amendment. Posse Commitatus, and other things they know little about. Let me explain.

For decades now it has been an accepted get around of Constitutional Protections to use private companies to do things the Government is prohibited from doing. An example would be the aircraft flying over Baltimore with Cameras hanging off of them. This Ariel surveillance is perfectly legal since the company doing it is private and not a branch of the Government.

Extremist Troops in the Military will be identified and then dealt with. Although the article doesn’t say how the Servicemen will be dealt with, we can assume early discharges from their service at the very least.

Dimm's are afraid of our military.

They better be!
Dems are afraid of We the People. That's why they are trying to gain control over the military.

They should be afraid of us.
Give 'em the option to have it removed, no matter how big it is, if they say "no" then boot 'em.

If the soldier opts to have the tattoo surgically removed, they also have to complete counselling.
They don't have a choice if they want to stay in the military, or avoid judicial consequences.

Uniform Code of Military Justice: Article 670-1 para: 3-3 ~ Tattoos, Brands and Body Mutilation
Read it you ignorant twat.

Don't assume that soldiers in our Armed Forces have the same rights they are willing to die for, when protecting them for you.
You might want to show them some respect.

Bishop Garrison, hired to conduct our military purge, is a radical leftist and Project 1619 activist.

If the soldier opts to have the tattoo surgically removed, they also have to complete counselling.
They don't have a choice if they want to stay in the military, or avoid judicial consequences.

Uniform Code of Military Justice: Article 670-1 para: 3-3 ~ Tattoos, Brands and Body Mutilation
Read it you ignorant twat.

Don't assume that soldiers in our Armed Forces have the same rights they are willing to die for, when protecting them for you.
You might want to show them some fucking respect.

It's as if you're fishing for a reason to disagree with MarcATL. We don't disagree on this dumb dumb.
It's as if you're fishing for a reason to disagree with MarcATL. We don't disagree on this dumb dumb.

That's my point, for a soldier it doesn't matter if we disagree, there isn't an alternative option, and there hasn't been for quite some time.
The fact you may think there was something to disagree about, is nothing more than a testament to your misconceptions.

Seeing this amount of control over members of the armed forces, why would anyone EVER be concerned about government having a standing army/military?

What could possibly go wrong?

Especially a standing army more powerful than any the world has ever known.

You know, once Mao got control of most of the military, it was all over for Chiang Kai-Shek. Maybe Texas can become America's Taiwan. Wouldn't that be swell?

I suppose there are worse ways for Texas to gain independence. I'll take it.

Well, contrary to popular belief, there are 'hawks' and 'doves' even in the military.
We have known for some time that leveraging opinion can be as powerful a weapon as a firearm.

What the current administration wants to do is ferret out the soldiers that are willing to stand up to command, when it is the wrong thing they are asked to do.
They want sheep in our ranks, and they will diminish our battle ready effectiveness to achieve that.

There is point at which idealism does not suit the operational or mission parameters ... :thup:

They are currently losing a load of career leaders with a shitload of tactical experience, and who are simply sick and tired of the garbage coming from the political side.
We are not going to replace that, the soldiers who leave will be fine, and all they are accomplishing is pissing people off.

It's not rocket science ... Piss a soldier off, give them a reason to fight and see what happens.

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